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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Lucius nodded as the headmaster spoke but when Raven hurt Tsubaki fire formed in his eyes and just as he was about do dash forward Tsubaki stopped choking. Lucius calmed down but he in a blur of motion appeared beside Raven a hand on his shoulder. His hand was hot, burning almost. Even through the mans clothes he would be able to feel the heat and he said quietly "If you hurt her again. Nothing in this world will save you." He said with a smirk before once again disappearing in a blur of movement and appearing in his original place.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
"Trust me Lucius, you don't want to fight him" mary said to him and looked at raven.
Lucius nodded as the headmaster spoke but when Raven hurt Tsubaki fire formed in his eyes and just as he was about do dash forward Tsubaki stopped choking. Lucius calmed down but he in a blur of motion appeared beside Raven a hand on his shoulder. His hand was hot, burning almost. Even through the mans clothes he would be able to feel the heat and he said quietly "If you hurt her again. Nothing in this world will save you." He said with a smirk before once again disappearing in a blur of movement and appearing in his original place.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius chuckled "What? Dont believe in your former student?" He smiles as he teases Mary "I dont think anyone can survive the wrath of the elements." He winked to her jokingly as he looked to Raven then to the crowd of students "Yearly mission? Should be fun to be a examiner rather than participant."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius chuckled "What? Dont believe in your former student?" He smiles as he teases Mary "I dont think anyone can survive the wrath of the elements." He winked to her jokingly as he looked to Raven then to the crowd of students "Yearly mission? Should be fun to be a examiner rather than participant."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Sh ignored the first part of his statement. "Yes it will be funner." She responded
Ilina had returned a bit late from the Technomancy Class, having helped many students with their technomancy schoolwork after quickly learning it. the youthful fey Shamaness had missed a period or few due to how busy she was and she started walking through the hallway. getting lost on finding her way to her next class, so she headed to the principal's office to convince the dean to escort her to her next class.

T TheOutcast Tonstad39 Tonstad39 (i think i got the right leaders. might be wrong)
Ilina had returned a bit late from the Technomancy Class, having helped many students with their technomancy schoolwork after quickly learning it. the youthful fey Shamaness had missed a period or few due to how busy she was and she started walking through the hallway. getting lost on finding her way to her next class, so she headed to the principal's office to convince the dean to escort her to her next class.

T TheOutcast Tonstad39 Tonstad39 (i think i got the right leaders. might be wrong)
(Oh shit I forgot to at you, every one is meeting outsidr
Ilina eventually headed to the Edge of the Woods. summoned by the PDA when she got lost in the hallways after finishing her Technomancy class a bit late, only to realize she was supposed to go outside and join a group. time for her yearly mission. Luckily she was able to heal people, even if she was a bit clumsy and a bit physically weak. she stepped outdoors and was struggling to keep her balance, but she eventually made her way alongside the rest of the students. a bit late. but she was busy with Technomancy.
"Oh I guess we were missing one more, we'll do you need to explain anything to them all before we just let them go Lady Mary?" Raven hit Tsubaki lightly on the head "don't even think about it young lady, Oh Mary I hope it was okay but I let something out in the woods that should liven this up a little bit, it's more dangerous than anything out there but as long as the students work together they should be fine"
The Outcast The Outcast
Umbrie Umbrie

Tsubaki rubbed her head and growled at her father "Lucius what....I'm sorry I guess I got you into trouble again"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"Oh I guess we were missing one more, we'll do you need to explain anything to them all before we just let them go Lady Mary?" Raven hit Tsubaki lightly on the head "don't even think about it young lady, Oh Mary I hope it was okay but I let something out in the woods that should liven this up a little bit, it's more dangerous than anything out there but as long as the students work together they should be fine"
The Outcast The Outcast
Umbrie Umbrie

Tsubaki rubbed her head and growled at her father "Lucius what....I'm sorry I guess I got you into trouble again"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
I would prefer it to not be on school grounds so bring you creature somewhere else to fight students" she said to him. "Child" she said and looked at tsubaki. "You didnt get him in trouble, you both made a choice together"
"It's not so much a creature as it is my second child, she's relatively harmless but she does like to play mind games" Laughing nervously as he glared at Tsubaki "I'll take care of her punishment later, Mary would you mind explaining to us what exactly their mission is?"
The Outcast The Outcast
Ilina nodded and smiled as she listened. "i'm a Shamaness. i can use the Elements as both a weapon and a tools to heal." "i can help with an Adventure or few?"
"It's not so much a creature as it is my second child, she's relatively harmless but she does like to play mind games" Laughing nervously as he glared at Tsubaki "I'll take care of her punishment later, Mary would you mind explaining to us what exactly their mission is?"
The Outcast The Outcast
Ilina nodded and smiled as she listened. "i'm a Shamaness. i can use the Elements as both a weapon and a tools to heal." "i can help with an Adventure or few?"
She nodded at him. "Its bad MEU (magic elimination unit) is close to finding our school, so im sending them to deal with it" she said
Dakshesh, who had been listening in on thd conversation recalled what the MEU was and how rediculous it seemed that there was such a thing. Dakshesh stated aloud "Horrible that they're still here, Back in india, suppressing anyone's Magic is either a crime or its a means to punish criminals" (I haz homework, bai)
"Why not send myself or Lucius? These children are first years and even if all of them took on me and him we would wipe them out and paint the trees red without leaving a trace of the bodies" Raven put his hand on Tsubaki's head keeping her near him. "I can't allow her to go, her abilities are unstable just like her mind"
The Outcast The Outcast ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Ilina nodded some more and smiled as she thought something. "even if i were bound and gagged, i could still cast through concentration, and if they specifically target mana, they fail to realize that my magic is powered by the energy of the nature surrounding me. i'm a Shaman, not a Wizard. the lifeblood of nature is very different from Mana on a Chemical level.." she gave a smile. "if somebody could teach me how to fly, i would be an effective Artilerry unit in addition to being a mobile healer."
"Why not send myself or Lucius? These children are first years and even if all of them took on me and him we would wipe them out and paint the trees red without leaving a trace of the bodies" Raven put his hand on Tsubaki's head keeping her near him. "I can't allow her to go, her abilities are unstable just like her mind"
The Outcast The Outcast ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"I dont think you understand" she said to him out loud and began to explain. But telepathically she told him. "They are illusions im creating, no damage will be done to them"
"Fine, but if she gets out of hand I'll keep up my part of the agreement" playing off as if he didn't agree with her call. "what do you want me to do about my other daughter?" He asked as he switched to using telepathy she has orders not kill any of them but I did let her decide how to test them herself, she may play a damsel in distress for all I know

The Outcast The Outcast
"Fine, but if she gets out of hand I'll keep up my part of the agreement" playing off as if he didn't agree with her call. "what do you want me to do about my other daughter?" He asked as he switched to using telepathy she has orders not kill any of them but I did let her decide how to test them herself, she may play a damsel in distress for all I know

The Outcast The Outcast
"If it gets out if hand then you will help" she said. If you dont wanr her to kill or disable them then she will not get a high grade
Tsubaki will, she just has to be pushed, I'm sure Mika will see to that...Mary, My daughter Mika is stronger than me now it makes proud. Raven links Mika in on the conversation between him and Mary go ahead and give Mika your orders Mary

Dad? Where is little sis I wanna play with her

Mika had started to grow impatient with all the waiting.
The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki will, she just has to be pushed, I'm sure Mika will see to that...Mary, My daughter Mika is stronger than me now it makes proud. Raven links Mika in on the conversation between him and Mary go ahead and give Mika your orders Mary

Dad? Where is little sis I wanna play with her

Mika had started to grow impatient with all the waiting.
The Outcast The Outcast
Mary sighed. Just tell her to go to her sister
Lucius looked to the girl
In the crowd. The supposed shaman and he smiled "You wield the elements?" He asked "Which elements?" He further questioned as he appeared beside the girl woth a smirk. It would seem as if he formed from the grass as he rose out from it
Umbrie Umbrie
"Alright students, I hope you know who your partners are for this, I'm sure that Lady Mary is ready to start the mission so prepare yourselves and move out!" Raven yelled as he summoned his throne and sat down waiting for Mary to give the final order.
@ everyone
Lucius looked to the girl
In the crowd. The supposed shaman and he smiled "You wield the elements?" He asked "Which elements?" He further questioned as he appeared beside the girl woth a smirk. It would seem as if he formed from the grass as he rose out from it
Umbrie Umbrie

Ilina gave a smile as she spoke. "The Flames of the Phoenix, the Waters of the Dragon, the Earth of the Tortoise and the Storms of Tiger, ,Bound by the lessons and wisdom of the infinite serpent" she explained in a perky and upbeat proud tone.

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