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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Mike smiled. "Im mike, he is ace" he said gesturing to him. "Alright lets do what the headmaster said" He said and took ace's and Llina's hand

((First letter is a Capitol I. not an L. thought i would remind you. i essentially took an old Greek Variant Spelling of Elena. where you replace the E's with I's. pronounced Eye-Lee-Nuh. but i understand that not everybody is familiar with the name.))

"Okies. lets Pass this Test as Safely as possible. these 2 elementals will be assisting us as Extensions of myself." Ilina explained happily. "i codenamed the Storm Elemental Rinnie and i Codenamed the Earth Elemental Terrucia."

T TheOutcast
((First letter is a Capitol I. not an L. thought i would remind you. i essentially took an old Greek Variant Spelling of Elena. where you replace the E's with I's. pronounced Eye-Lee-
Nuh. but i understand that not everybody is familiar with the name.))

"Okies. lets Pass this Test as Safely as possible. these 2 elementals will be assisting us as Extensions of myself." Ilina explained happily. "i codenamed the Storm Elemental Rinnie and i Codenamed the Earth Elemental Terrucia."

T TheOutcast

(Alright, ill try to remember.)

Mike nodded and looked at them. "Will be doing the dirty work?" He asked
"You mean killing the soilders?" He asked, mike nodded
(Alright, ill try to remember.)

Mike nodded and looked at them. "Will be doing the dirty work?" He asked
"You mean killing the soilders?" He asked, mike nodded

Ilina turned to Mike and Ace. "i will be assisting both with healing and with long ranged offensive support. the Storm Elemental is there to keep up the pressure on the opposition at close range and the Earth Elemental is there to draw enemy focus towards itself in a defensive role to mitigate damage taken. all i ask is the two of you keep the soldiers away from me while i hit them hard with heavy magical artillery. if you get too injured and you are still within sight. i can attempt to heal your wounds. though performing resurrection is a different story."
Ilina turned to Mike and Ace. "i will be assisting both with healing and with long ranged offensive support. the Storm Elemental is there to keep up the pressure on the opposition at close range and the Earth Elemental is there to draw enemy focus towards itself in a defensive role to mitigate damage taken. all i ask is the two of you keep the soldiers away from me while i hit them hard with heavy magical artillery. if you get too injured and you are still within sight. i can attempt to heal your wounds. though performing resurrection is a different story."
"Yea..about that" Mike said. "I dknt really have any powers that help me fight" he said
"Yea..about that" Mike said. "I dknt really have any powers that help me fight" he said

"what do your powers do?" Ilina curiously asked. trying to figure out the nature of Mike's powers. "are you at least stronger than an 8th grader?" she curiously asked.
"what do your powers do?" Ilina curiously asked. trying to figure out the nature of Mike's powers. "are you at least stronger than an 8th grader?" she curiously asked.
"Well the only think I have is no form of magic affects me. So I dont even think you could heal me." He said, he had a second power that was his super intelligence, but he like to that to him self "as for the second part" he shrugged
"Well the only think I have is no form of magic affects me. So I dont even think you could heal me." He said, he had a second power that was his super intelligence, but he like to that to him self "as for the second part" he shrugged

Ilina gave a smile as she explained. "my magic doesn't work like the traditional stuff you see wizards perform. i use the power of nature to accelerate elemental events. or to accelerate or augment natural healing. the elements already need to be somehow in the area, so i might be able to heal you if we tried. i don't conjure as much as i shape. the elements themselves are purely physical or natural as is the healing. i can combine elements as well, but they still work like their natural counterparts."
Ilina gave a smile as she explained. "my magic doesn't work like the traditional stuff you see wizards perform. i use the power of nature to accelerate elemental events. or to accelerate or augment natural healing. the elements already need to be somehow in the area, so i might be able to heal you if we tried. i don't conjure as much as i shape. the elements themselves are purely physical or natural as is the healing. i can combine elements as well, but they still work like their natural counterparts."

"Well, yea I think only you friends are gonna be fighting" he said

"Hey I can fight" ace said.
"Well, yea I think only you friends are gonna be fighting" he said

"Hey I can fight" ace said.

Ilina gave a smile on her face. "because you are immune to harmful magic, you would be the best individual to employ against a witchunter unit. witchhunter units still depend on magic users, magical items and magical weapons in their mage hunts. and if your body is stronger than mine, i need a close personal defender as a last line of defense. i can always armor you in earth and because it isn't directly affecting you, but rather the earth surrounding you. you would have decent protection. because i'm not directly casting a spell on you, but encasing you in shaped physical earth as a suit of armor. and i can heal the earth armor so you are protected. wouldn't be too different from wearing real armor. because the armor you are wearing is not you."
Ilina gave a smile on her face. "because you are immune to harmful magic, you would be the best individual to employ against a witchunter unit. witchhunter units still depend on magic users, magical items and magical weapons in their mage hunts. and if your body is stronger than mine, i need a close personal defender as a last line of defense. i can always armor you in earth and because it isn't directly affecting you, but rather the earth surrounding you. you would have decent protection. because i'm not directly casting a spell on you, but encasing you in shaped physical earth as a suit of armor. and i can heal the earth armor so you are protected. wouldn't be too different from wearing real armor. because the armor you are wearing is not you."
"That..actually a amazing idea" he noted, kind upset he didnt think of it first. Be it didnt matter soon
"That..actually a amazing idea" he noted, kind upset he didnt think of it first. Be it didnt matter soon

with neither audible incantation nor visible gestures. Ilina drew earth from the local area. shaping it into Armor around Mike and Ace, she wasn't directly affecting them, but the earth around them, because the armor wasn't them and was thus not impacted by Antimagic. because the earth was physical earth, worn like heavy armor. the density of this earthen armor enhanced strength and defense. it wasn't the strongest earthen armor, but it was slightly better than a 6 inch thick steel plate. but because the earth was custom molded to their forms, it would allow them to move with half the hindrance of wearing real plate armor sized for themselves. "you should feel stronger with this armor. but please avoid fireballs."
Lucius was somewhat insulted that the shaman girl had ignored him. He sighed and looked to the teams "Good luck, to all of you!" He said happily and he smiled as Mary began her chants "I'll be watching you all. So make me proud!" He gave a happy smile to Tsubaki and Akira. Then looking to Thana and he nodded confidently. He was going to be watching them all. Moving between the groups. Sationing elementals to watch at each group as he did so, just in case something were to happen. All the Elemetals would look exactly like him and they stood next to him. As soon as the groups were teleported the elementals would embed themselves into their element and locat thek by their energies. Watching without being seen. Lucius was going to watch the Shaman first, only due to him wanting to know what she was capable of. And he smiled one last time before he and all the elementals would disappear into multiple elements. The real Lucius had left as a left as Lightning. A combination of multiple elements. And then they waited
Tsutarji Tsutarji Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39 The Outcast The Outcast Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Umbrie Umbrie
Dakshesh disappeared while bunching his tail up to avoid ending up in walls as Ningasa took Thana along for the ride @Thana
Aki sighed "So whats going on here?" she asked kind of confused ,she really didn't seem to understand all this. "so are we gonna have class or what?"

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