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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Dakshesh slithered toward Thana and said "I shall be in your group, I can levitate so I can ambush whatever comes at us from above"
Mike and ace looked at each other. "Nah" then said at the same time and went to go find their own groups.

Mary began to speak. "Everyone" She began making her voice louder with magic, "You all know what is happening but don't know the details. Well Its simple, MEU Is coming to close to discovering the school. So everyone will break up in groups and destroy a device I call the magic tracker. Im sure the name explains what it does There are three scattered around this planet. I will send your groups within a mile of each on, after that its up to you" She said

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
Umbrie Umbrie
Lucius smiled as she spoke. Surprising she knew the actual animals relating to the elements. Lucius being a physical embodiment and guardian of the elements himself no doubt knew all of then. More than just the four. As there were more elements in nature. THe basic four made up the rest though. Lucius smiled and looked to Mary as she spoke "Well I am not allowed to participate in this exam, but, I definitely need to speak with you at some point." Lucius said with a smile and he held out his hand. Flat palmed held vertically so his palm was towards her and a symbol would burn into the palm of his hand. Any shaman would know the symbol. It was the symbol that the aincient elemental wraiths would bare on their bodies. Signifying that he was a true guardian of the elements. He then winked and his body disappeared into the air and he appeared from the ground next to mary as if he was forming from the very earth beneath her.
Umbrie Umbrie
Ilina gave a nod. "A Primordial Guardian. maybe you can teach me that which i lack." she nervously seemed intimidated by the symbol, seeing a higher ranked keeper of order. a being higher than a Shaman was being percieved and her primordial affection senses were tingling. she needed to embrace this guardian, just as she embraced the infinite serpent, the phoenix, the tortoise, the dragon and the tiger. she would eventually seek a group willing to accept her. possibly with Mary.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic T TheOutcast
Lucius smiled as he looked over everyone, he was a proctor, not a participant so he couldnt join any groups. His smile grew wider as he seen the people forming groups and he said softly to himself "Good luck, you'll all need it."
Like that Dakshesh levitated himself ten feet into the air letting his last ten feet of forked tail dangle down "I'll make them think there are snakes here and the rest of you go for the kill" said Dakshesh
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Ilina searched around the remaining local student recruiting area for potential group mates. "anybody want to group with me? i will accept everybody hat i can."
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"Do we all know what we're doing" Dakshesh asked floating in the air as a certain soul eater said "I can't find a group, can I join" "Of course" Dakshesh telepathized as Ningasa was taken aback "h-h-h" she faltered "Now" said Dakshesh verbally, if I'm gong to get them from the top, what will you two be doing"

Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Ilina was upset as she sought another group to join. she searched around for unoccupied groups. knowing she couldn't do much without companions. she needed whatever support she could recieve. a fighter or few was what she sought. until she realized that as a Shaman, she could requisition the help of the Local Elementals if there were any. a small Earth Elemental to Soak Hits and a small Storm Elemental to provide pressure, she would attempt to conjure. both child sized and both able to be mistaken for students due to thier figure. it was a Last Ditch Effort. but if she couldn't find a Group. she would make one. technically a use of her powers. these elementals were shards of her mind brought to life, so they were still technically herself. no different from using other personalities to control puppets. each one was 160 Centimeters in height and linked to herself. do the mission at any cost? the Storm Elemental she called Rinnie, and the Earth Elemental she called Terrucia. thier forms resembling a Sylph and Dryad Respectively. they weren't the most powerful elementals, but they would do. it took one who used both healing and elemental magic to create an elemental. they were mostly blocks of attributes with minimal versatility.
Lucius watched from the trees above. He watched as the young shaman summoned two Elementals. They weren't Elemental wraiths like himself, a wraith was a guardian of the elements and couldn't be controlled by a shaman. He smiled as he looked to the two Elementals. "Cute." He said softly To himself. He watched the two take shape of students. He could feel their aura. One of earth, one of storm. This suprised him. She chose a rsther od combination to summon. Or rather call upon for aid. Lucius was wraith himself and so he didnt ever call upon elementals to help seeing how he was a living embodiment of the elements and could control them at will. But he still would have chosen Earth and fire. Earth was defensive, fire was offensive. He began to think. If the girl was a skilled shaman she could very well create one of the hardest elements to control. Lightning. Lightning was not a natural element. It is a combination of three, working in perfect unison. Water, earth, and air, they work together to create lightning. As those are the three links of lightning. Surprisingly fire is not involved in lightning. Lucius was introgued and he couldnt help but to think of ways he could test her limits.
Umbrie Umbrie
Ilina had already proven an affinity for the storm element. which was a combination of Water and Air in unison, and a shortcut to lightning. the Earth Elemental was chosen for Defense and the Storm Elemental for Offense. in fact, she chose something capable of a Quicker and more consistent offense. while fire was known to hit hard, fire didn't strike with the speed or sustained consistency of Storm. fire worked better for quick decisive battles. but the young faerie shamaness was preparing herself for the long haul. in her mind, storm was better for prolonged conflict, and she was confident in her own offensive prowess that she needed somebody to keep up pressure rather than somebody to attack. pressure was the name of her game, and storm elementals were one of the best offensive elementals for consistently keeping up and applying pressure. her motive would become obvious. she wasn't planning on a short battle. Storm and Earth could make lightning as well, so she likely had a decent mentor or at least a lot of raw talent. many Shamans preferred fire and earth due to their dependence on quick and decisive outcomes, but many Shamans battle in short Blitzes. Ilina's mentor taught her the utility of a Storm Elemental over a Fire Elemental by training her with prolonged conflicts to improve endurance and energy efficiency.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius smiled. He knew her reasoning behind the elementals. And knew the capabilities of each, but lightning was difficult to create. Only the most advanced of elemental wraiths could use it and he had only heard of a few shaman to ever be able to summon elementals of that capability. He liked this girl. She was smart. And she knew what she was doing. He almost spoke out and praised her but he remembered this was a test. He wasnt to interfere at all yet. And he smiled his hand marking began to burn back into his hand as he summoned minute amounts of power to himself. He created a link between himself and the two elementals next to her. This woukd allow the shaman girl to feel the raw power of Lucius for a brief moment. The two elementals would hopefully if he had successfully created his link, have their element signs on their hands. Whatever element they controlled their symbol would show. He smiled as his own symbol began to grow brighter. His was of all elements. The symbol that very few elemental wraiths had. Seeing how each elemental wraith is created with control of a different element. But the bery lucky few had mastery of all elements. Hopefully if this worked Lucius's powers would be felt only by the shaman girl through this link the storm elemental beside her would turn to her. And in Lucius's voice it would say "I am watching you, your strength is clear to me. But, do not become conceeded. Stay vigilant. I will be layin extra attention to you." The elemental then stopped speaking as it turned away and the symbols on the two disappeared aswell as lucius's
Umbrie Umbrie
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

Ilina nodded and smiled. she resumed control of her elementals. she was ready to start her test at any moment. she felt comforted by the Aura. knowing she had a powerful primordial watching her. she would as far as she knew, having foresaw her destiny, bear a fey child of each element using elemental wraiths to fertilize the eggs externally. she was aware of the dreams she had with elemental wraith daughters created by alchemy. a hobby most shamans dabbled in to fund their pursuit of development. but to create powerful elementals, her destiny being sensed, it would seem she would, or could grow into quite a powerful Shaman. she headed to the location the students would gather to start the mission.

"when will the mission start?" she curiously asked, hoping one of the other students would notice her question. it appeared she had two more female students with her. well, her elementals. it was remembered that she said something about the wisdom of the world serpent. maybe Shesha was her totem spirit, judging by the plastic snake spiral bracelets outside her sleeves. Shesha, the World Serpent, chooses very few Shamans, but the ones he did choose, generally grew to achieve feats of great power.

a glimpse of the chibi diamondback bracelets and chibi gartersnake hairclips would hint that either she really liked snakes, or the snakes were some kind of symbol. the World Serpent was a powerful, benevolent and understanding spirit, an elemental wraith of great power and also with great wisdom. maybe the little faerie girl was chosen by Shesha, and being Chosen by the World Serpent, meant the potential for greatness was ahead of her.

"Infinite Serpent whom Coils around the Womb of the Earthmother!"

"Naga whom sought a life of peace and discipline"

"Primordial Entity of Order"

"Elemental Wraith of Great Power."

"Watch over your chosen."

"i Beseech your permission"

"Four Celestial Guardians of the East"

"Phoenix whom governs the Flames of Passion and Life"

"Dragon whom Governs the Sea that renews the Life Granted by the Phoenix"

"White Tiger whose Storms Grant Swift and Decisive Judgement to the Vile"

"Tortoise whose Earthen Body Protects the Weak"

"I Beseech your permission"

"Former Chosen of Shesha."

"The Faerie whom achieved divinity"

"mother of the Shaman before you"

"i Beseech your Permission"

"Lady of the Swirling Void of Night"

"Embodiment of the Shroud"

"Queen who rules the memories recorded within the Stars"

"I Beseech your Permission"

"Watch over me and show me what i must do to achieve this goal"

"i beseech your wisdom"

"i beseech your support"

"Together, may we strike true like the Huntresses Arrow!"

it seemed Ilina gave a long and complex prayer, beseeching multiple different elemental wraiths, not for their help in combat, but for the wisdom and motivation to do what she must. she gave not an incantion, but a prayer. if she could use shamanistic magic without gestures or incantations, it seemed the prayer was mostly for peace of mind.

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