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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Raven smiled as he leaned over getting in Dakshesh's face "it isn't nice to use telepathy when someone is speaking, I'm new to this school not the existence of this planet or your race" Raven snapped his fingers as the forest turned into pure darkness "now tell me Dakshesh, ever wanted to spend the rest of your existence reliving your worst nightmare until you die? Or your mind breaks?"
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
Raven snaps his fingers again releasing her. "Dakshesh, forgive me that was a bit rude, as it is our first meeting please tell me a little bit about yourself and what your abilities are?" He asked as he snapped his fingers, a throne coming from his shadow, it was made from the skulls of kings he had slain many years ago.
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"My name is Dakshesh and I have psychic as well as levitation powers" said dakshesh with hesatation in his voice for he was still very afraid if Raven.
"That's unique for someone to be able to do both" Raven summoned a rather large pillow for Dashesh to sit on. "Relaxe please, if I'm given respect then you will get that in return, and what race exactly are you? I know there are a few different kinds but I try not to invade someone's mind without permission " laughing nervously.
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"It's a pleasure to meet you my boy, relaxe I won't bite any of my students or fellow teachers" looking down from his thrown, his eyes piercing and the smell of blood drenching his scent. "My classes will be a bit strange, I'll be essentially walking you all through my memories and past experiences, using a form of telepathy" summoning a glass of blood he sips on it. "Do you have any questions for me? I'd be more than happy to answer any you may have"
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"Are you doing this dark telepathy thing to other students or are they standing around gawking at us" asked Dakshesh
"they are in a happier illusion, which will end as soon as the head mistress arrives" Raven set his glass down, a skeletal hand taking it gently from his hand. "Hm....I hope you survive this, you are a bright young naga and I would like to see you grow and develope, but without asking I did let something lose in the forest as a little test of my own for the others and yourself, it will ask you a riddle and if you can't solve it within three guesses it will devour your souls" grinning as he interlaced his fingers. "Your team will need your mind Dakshesh"
Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"Phew, sounds like they would need me" said Dakshesh worriedly "Now uhh, thus illusion is freaking me out so could you kindly"
Lucius took a deep breath in as she got off him and he smiled "You are such antease." He said with a chuckle." He looked to the bowl of milk she was drinking from and shook his head "The big dragon girl is just a little kitty now isnt she?" He smirked as he tessed her
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Raven made his way down to the forest to meet all of the students and to see what the mission Mary talked about was and if he could assist in any way.

The Outcast The Outcast
Thana looked around not sure who all she was gonna work with.

The Outcast The Outcast Tonstad39 Tonstad39 at any one else I may have missed
Dekshesh, who was also slithering around theforest spotted Thana and slithered towards her with the aim of creating a group.

Mary waited infrount of the woods, leaning on a tree.

Mike made it to the woods edge and saw everyone crowing over there, he decided he would stay right here

Ace on the other hand went right in to the crowd
"Of course, it would seem our Head mistress has arrived, everyone to follow me please" Raven snapped his fingers leading the stranglers and those he had stopped in the illusion to Mary. "Everyone is here except my daughter Lady Mary" Leaning against a tree waiting for her to start.

The Outcast The Outcast Tonstad39 Tonstad39 Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf @ anyone I didn't mention

Tsubaki sat up looking at him before standing up. "Even if I am a kitty I still have claws" she warned him, her face red with embarrassment.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"Of course, it would seem our Head mistress has arrived, everyone to follow me please" Raven snapped his fingers leading the stranglers and those he had stopped in the illusion to Mary. "Everyone is here except my daughter Lady Mary" Leaning against a tree waiting for her to start.

The Outcast The Outcast Tonstad39 Tonstad39 Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf @ anyone I didn't mention

Tsubaki sat up looking at him before standing up. "Even if I am a kitty I still have claws" she warned him, her face red with embarrassment.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Mary sighed and looked at him. "Can you get herand who ever she is with." She asked, assuming he knew where she was
"As you wish mistress" Raven bowed as he faded into the shadows of a studen. Grabbing Lucius and Tsubaki quickly he came back out of the same students shadow. Dropping Tsubaki on the ground and standing Lucius up.

"Nya! Not so rough!" She exclaimed, rubbing her behind as she stood up reverting back to her dragon half ling form.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic T TheOutcast
"As you wish mistress" Raven bowed as he faded into the shadows of a studen. Grabbing Lucius and Tsubaki quickly he came back out of the same students shadow. Dropping Tsubaki on the ground and standing Lucius up.

"Nya! Not so rough!" She exclaimed, rubbing her behind as she stood up reverting back to her dragon half ling form.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic T TheOutcast

"Good, thank you raven" She said to him and nodded her head. "Now you to, why are you sneaking away from school on the second day? Lucius, you may be a teacher but you still stay until I say you can go home. And Tsubaki you are a student and now have a test about to happen, because you missed the announcement you are gonna have to ask someone else what I said" She said

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius shook his head "I tooks Tsubaki home because she was tired and still injured from what happened earlier. She did after all punch through a wall. You're welcome for me repairing that by the way. I left only to take her home and make sure she was ok." He said in a calm tone. Lucius had taught his class and was looking after a students well being yet he was being repremanded for it. Sad really.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius shook his head "I tooks Tsubaki home because she was tired and still injured from what happened earlier. She did after all punch through a wall. You're welcome for me repairing that by the way. I left only to take her home and make sure she was ok." He said in a calm tone. Lucius had taught his class and was looking after a students well being yet he was being repremanded for it. Sad really.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
"We have a nurse how uses magic to heal people" She said to him. "And being tired is to bad they can wait until there classes are over or during lunch"
"Please stop arguing you two it was my fault so please don't punish big brother!" Tsubaki exclaimed as she turned to her father "go ahead I deserve it for skipping class"

Raven grinned as he snapped his fingers, the curse mark around her neck activating. Tsubaki held her neck choking as she tried to breath. After a few seconds he snapped his fingers again letting her breath. "Quit trying to be like Mika.....be more like your mother was or Scarlett" raven warned.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast
"Please stop arguing you two it was my fault so please don't punish big brother!" Tsubaki exclaimed as she turned to her father "go ahead I deserve it for skipping class"

Raven grinned as he snapped his fingers, the curse mark around her neck activating. Tsubaki held her neck choking as she tried to breath. After a few seconds he snapped his fingers again letting her breath. "Quit trying to be like Mika.....be more like your mother was or Scarlett" raven warned.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast
"Big bother?" Mary asked her with her eye brows raised. "Also Raven dont do that on school grounds, even if she is your daughter "

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