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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Sean watched students come into his class, setting the book on his desk. He stood up and crossed his arms as he waited for the rest of them.
Sean watched students come into his class, setting the book on his desk. He stood up and crossed his arms as he waited for the rest of them.
Mike nodded at him. "Hey so you know what hapoened to the monster we contained?" He asked
"Oh....is big brother jealous?" Tsubaki asked as she fell off landing on her feet. Grinning in a psychotic way before pressing against him. "It's all in good fun" she whispered before licking his neck then biting down.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"Well anything really, hobbies, likes, dislikes, fantasies of places you wish to visit or things you have seen" Raven sitting back in his chair as he pored her a glass of wine. "Maybe even things you wish to do"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Oh....is big brother jealous?" Tsubaki asked as she fell off landing on her feet. Grinning in a psychotic way before pressing against him. "It's all in good fun" she whispered before licking his neck then biting down.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"Well anything really, hobbies, likes, dislikes, fantasies of places you wish to visit or things you have seen" Raven sitting back in his chair as he pored her a glass of wine. "Maybe even things you wish to do"
The Outcast The Outcast
She didnt acknowledge the wine and stared right at him. "Well I like watching things grow, and I only mean plants" she said to him. "I dont like being hit on " she said that only so he could take the hunt she didnt want any, cause it seemed to her thats what he wantes. "I dont have any hobbies, I do that same thing every day since i was selected." Mary felt she walk on a thin line with that one, but not with him. "I seen everything this universe has to offer." She wasnt kidding about that part, nor exaggerating. "And I have nothing at the moment I wish to do"
"Seems like a dull life, but a quiet and easy one at that" sighing he set the glass down. "From what I can gather with you position as head mistress there you also in a way care deeply for your students and keep their safety and well being in mind" drinking her wine for her so as not to waste it. "Your hobby in a way is watching your plants and the children grow, you also aren't looking for a relationship, neither am I, but it is nice to speak with someone who can relate to yourself"
The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius blushed and winced as she bit his neck. He quickly grinned and wrapped his arms around her "Why wouldnt I be? Such a beautiful girl flirting with others? Its something to fight over." He winked devilishly as a quick zap went up Tsubaki's spine
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Seems like a dull life, but a quiet and easy one at that" sighing he set the glass down. "From what I can gather with you position as head mistress there you also in a way care deeply for your students and keep their safety and well being in mind" drinking her wine for her so as not to waste it. "Your hobby in a way is watching your plants and the children grow, you also aren't looking for a relationship, neither am I, but it is nice to speak with someone who can relate to yourself"
The Outcast The Outcast
"You cant relate to me" She said and looked down. "no one from the dimension can" She said to her.
Tsubaki winced as she gripped his shirt pulling her fangs out. Pouting a bit she started to lick his neck "sorry, I didn't mean to be so cruel and hurt anyone" her hair turned white again as she tried to clean the wound she put on him. "If you want I could be more gentle next time I bite you?"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

Raven shook his head laughing "I suppose so, I wish you the best of luck Lady Mary" raising his glass up giving a toast to her. "Now let me ask this, because your school has peaked my interest are there any openings for someone who knows quite a bit of history about our planet?"
The Outcast The Outcast
Mary smiled "are you asking because you want to watch Tusbaki, or because you actually want to teach?" She asked him
Tsubaki winced as she gripped his shirt pulling her fangs out. Pouting a bit she started to lick his neck "sorry, I didn't mean to be so cruel and hurt anyone" her hair turned white again as she tried to clean the wound she put on him. "If you want I could be more gentle next time I bite you?"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

Raven shook his head laughing "I suppose so, I wish you the best of luck Lady Mary" raising his glass up giving a toast to her. "Now let me ask this, because your school has peaked my interest are there any openings for someone who knows quite a bit of history about our planet?"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Would there really be any harm in doing both?" Raven asked as he laughed, quickly stopping he looked at her eyes "never raise more demons than you can lay down, if she has to be put down I'll do it myself"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Would there really be any harm in doing both?" Raven asked as he laughed, quickly stopping he looked at her eyes "never raise more demons than you can lay down, if she has to be put down I'll do it myself"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Ill hold you to that" Mary said to him
"Thank you for allowing me to do this and handle her should the occasion arise" Raven stood up bowing, walking around to Where Mary was sitting and held his hand out to help her up. "Just because a being is being what humans call a gentleman doesn't mean they are hitting on you" laughing as he said this to her.
The Outcast The Outcast
"Thank you for allowing me to do this and handle her should the occasion arise" Raven stood up bowing, walking around to Where Mary was sitting and held his hand out to help her up. "Just because a being is being what humans call a gentleman doesn't mean they are hitting on you" laughing as he said this to her.
The Outcast The Outcast
She didn't smile back and took his his hand. They both appeared infround of sol again
Lucius chuckled "No its fine. Just dont go flirting eith everyone ok?" He says as he smirks devilishly "I dont wanna half to harm anyone. Maybe heat em up a bit." He said as a small flam flickered in his eyes
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"No burning people it isn't nice big brother" Tsubaki stretched putting her second shirt back on. "I won't as long I get to sleep I. Your bed, it's really warm and soft there" walking back to him she held onto his arm and yawned growing tired.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

@so when shall I start? Today perhaps?" Raven asks as he he looks around the school.
The Outcast The Outcast
"I didn't when I arrived, I didn't even kill any of the students or those who live in the surrounding area, but would that mean you are offering me your blood?" Raven asked as he looked over his shoulder at her.
The Outcast The Outcast
"I didn't when I arrived, I didn't even kill any of the students or those who live in the surrounding area, but would that mean you are offering me your blood?" Raven asked as he looked over his shoulder at her.
The Outcast The Outcast
At this see gave an creepy smile and pulled out a pocket knife, she cut her self on the arm and instead of blood, a black goo seeped out and dripped to the floor, it appeared to drain the color from the tile it was one since the green tile truned white. "I don't think you want my blood" she said. "You can get some from the cafeteria
Lucius smiled and nodded "Yes you can stay with me." He chuckled and began walking as tsubaki held his arm and he smiled happily "If I find you doing anything like that again there's going to be some real problems." He said calmly but seriously
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Micera stood at the front of the school. "Well, this'll be fun." She said sighing. Micera entered the school and wandered around looking for where the students were so she could greet them.
Micera stood at the front of the school. "Well, this'll be fun." She said sighing. Micera entered the school and wandered around looking for where the students were so she could greet them.
Ace walked past her mumbling to him self. No words could be made out though

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