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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Lucius smiled as the girl made a brief armlock "You're doing well, You'll get it down in no time." He said as he smiled. It was then when Tsubaki gripped his hand and he smiled "You're not in too much trouble. But there is something I'd like to discuss." He said as he turned to face her "Everyoje Class is dismissed!" He then said quieter "Except for you tsubaki." He smirked devilishly before winking playfully "I have to talk with you."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39 Umbrie Umbrie The Outcast The Outcast
"You are either confident or controlling Mary" Raven glanced at the others at the establishment. "You can tell I'm not a very nice person can't you?" He asked as he pulled the chair out for her to sit down. "A bottle of wine or cooled A-?"
The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm in trouble aren't I?" Tsubaki asked as she walked over to Lucius holding onto his arm. Pulling his arm to her chest she blushed looking up at him. "Just don't make me run and I'll do anything else, I was just so hungry" tears forming in her eyes.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"I don't require human food and drink" She simply said. "I came here cause you asked me to. "As for your second question the answer is 'yes'. to both of them"
Mike grabbed his backpack and walked back to his dorm, he had a free block right now.

Ace left class with books in hand to go to the next class

Seabster Seabster
(your class is ready
Ilina didn't have time to put her shoulder bag away, so she still had it the whole time. but it came with being a new student. probably not a school approved bag or something.
Loos flew near the main building. She walked up to the third floor while occasionally being mistaken for a student, she was 12- years of age whitch was fairly young, given how she's part dragon. She got up to her classroom and unlocked it telepathically. Her classroom, which was comprised of PCs lined up and down on very straight looking lab tables, office chairs were each facing the computer monitors. She walked up and down the lines of computers turning on each one without ever pressing their respective power buttons. They all did their usual windows 10 bioses before she got behind her own desk and went through the day's lesson plan. It was her first class of the day—A beginning technomancy class whitch was due to start in a matter of minutes.

(Loos Beloš is her name btw)
Tsubaki laughed nervously as she waved to her classmates. Looking up at Lucius "so it turns out Tatsu wasn't my father, he altered my memories and I'm part vampire" letting go of his arm. "That doesn't bother you that I'm royalty of a country does it?"

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic @ anyone else present for the class

"I guess you wouldn't, but then again I don't drink or eat human food either, mainly humans or other beings, but that does raise a question Mary, what is it that you eat?" Raven asked with a sly grin

The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius shook his head and smiled "No, but something does bother me." He said in a aggravated tone "You, leaving my class to go and sneak into the boys bathroom, kiss another guy, mind you a guy you said you didnt like anymore, and then try to sneak off to town with him." He clenched his fist and it was clear he wasnt only angry. He was hurt. And it was clear through his voice
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Tsubaki slapped Lucius across the face, growling as as she pinned him against the shed door. "Is there something wrong with that? Because until thirty minutes ago I didn't even know who I was! And I still don't know who I can trust!! If I was kidnapped from my home and brought here then to what end was my fate?!?!?" She yelled as tears streamed down her face turning to snowflakes as they fell to the ground. Shaking as she weakly pounded on Lucius's chest.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius was shocked that she slapped him "Yeah, I do, because you swore yourself to me! You said you werent with him anymore! then I catch you sneaking around with him!" Lucius said angrily as he let her bin him back
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Then just do like all the others!" Tsubaki tore her shirt open, a small undershirt covering her assets, she had a cross shaped scar in the middle of her chest. "Just go ahead and kill me then, I can't do this anymore.....I know I hurt you and that you'll probably never forgive, if you want to rip my heart out then do it, it's better than being alive" Tsubaki tossed her shirt on the ground sliding her half sleeves off as well. The rose curse mark on her neck mixed with the hundreds of scars on her upper body. "I know I'm dodging your questions but I will answer them now, Lucius I wanted him to have one last happy memory of me and for you to have one but I guess now you'll just remember me as the cheating whore" laughing slightly as tears still streamed down her face she brought a razor to her neck "I guess this is goodbye"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius shook his head and was surprised when she seemed to be stripping. As soon as her hands were off his he put them to her wrists, as she put the razor to her neck it was torn out of her grasp and safely brought away from them without causing injury to her and he shook his head as he smiled "I dont hate you. I just dont want you to do what you did again." he wiped her tears from her eyes
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"That's surprising" Tsubaki said as she let her arms drop to her sides as she fell against him. "You know I have two older sisters, Mika and Scarlett" laughing as she looked up at Lucius "Scarlett is already married but I'm sure you would like Mika more than a lazy self destructive girl like myself" not having the energy she gazed up into his eyes "big brother..." she whispered kissing Lucius
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius blushes as she kissed him and his arms held her tightly and after a second of being shocked he kissed back and smiled "I'm happy with a self destructive girl, so long as its you." He smirked devilishly as he winked.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Loos looked up at her empty classroom, she began to look down at the computer's clock 'where are they' she wondered 'they usually start comming in by now'

His cheeks turned bright red and he pulled her closer as his lips interlocked with hers, his tongue dancing with hers as he lifted her up so her legs would wrap around his waist and he couldnt help but grin as he said "And I need my little sister." He teased, although they werent actually related he didnt mind the nickname she gave him.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
His cheeks turned bright red and he pulled her closer as his lips interlocked with hers, his tongue dancing with hers as he lifted her up so her legs would wrap around his waist and he couldnt help but grin as he said "And I need my little sister." He teased, although they werent actually related he didnt mind the nickname she gave him.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ace looked in shock at this.he was going to get tsubaki from class. " t-tsubaki.
Tsubaki laughed nervously as she waved to her classmates. Looking up at Lucius "so it turns out Tatsu wasn't my father, he altered my memories and I'm part vampire" letting go of his arm. "That doesn't bother you that I'm royalty of a country does it?"

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic @ anyone else present for the class

"I guess you wouldn't, but then again I don't drink or eat human food either, mainly humans or other beings, but that does raise a question Mary, what is it that you eat?" Raven asked with a sly grin

The Outcast The Outcast
"I dont eat like you or humans." She said to him. "My body absorpts the magic around us and uses it for energy"

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