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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"So I guess in that aspect you are unique no?" Raven sipping on a glass of blood as he pondered, he had always been curious about her race. "Can I ask you something, how would your odds fair against the ruler of hell? If she were to come after Tsubaki for her unique soul?" Setting the glass down he slid a folder to Mary "more importantly can you protect your own students Tsubaki's other half?"
The Outcast The Outcast

Tsubaki blushed as her hair turned her black. Her claws digging into the steel of the door. "Ace darling, come to watch?" She asked as she moved Lucius's hands lower. Her personality had changed, as did the rose on her neck, it had turned from white to black.
The Outcast The Outcast ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"So I guess in that aspect you are unique no?" Raven sipping on a glass of blood as he pondered, he had always been curious about her race. "Can I ask you something, how would your odds fair against the ruler of hell? If she were to come after Tsubaki for her unique soul?" Setting the glass down he slid a folder to Mary "more importantly can you protect your own students Tsubaki's other half?"
The Outcast The Outcast

Tsubaki blushed as her hair turned her black. Her claws digging into the steel of the door. "Ace darling, come to watch?" She asked as she moved Lucius's hands lower. Her personality had changed, as did the rose on her neck, it had turned from white to black.
The Outcast The Outcast ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Mary smiled. "The hell ruler is a good friend of mine" she said to him. "By that I mean they agreed to not attack the school and I agreed to end them." She said to him

Ace looked in horror at her. "What is worng with you.." he said
"Two boys fighting over me what ever shall I do?" Tsubaki asked as she laughed maniacally. "Mhm....tasty" she said whispered licking her lips as she sat down on a stump. "Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm glad you have a pact with my daughter, out of all my past wives her mother and my eldest daughters mother were the most interesting, I respected them deeply and loved them truly, my eldest daughters mom was the goddess of the moon and Mikas mother was a pet to the former lord of hell until she killed him" laughing nervously as he clenched the glass "but Tsubaki.....is more like me than the other two, I placed a curse on her to try and keep her under control yet....I fear it may not be enough"
The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius laughed "Your girlfriend? You ddint even speak to her." He laughed and he smirked "I dont know why you would ignore such a cute girl." He said as his devilish smirk turned into a wide grin and he said "She is perfect in bed. Even down to cuddling." He winked as he stood next to her as she sat on the stump "Isnt that right? You enjoyed sleeping at my house in my bed right?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius laughed "Your girlfriend? You ddint even speak to her." He laughed and he smirked "I dont know why you would ignore such a cute girl." He said as his devilish smirk turned into a wide grin and he said "She is perfect in bed. Even down to cuddling." He winked as he stood next to her as she sat on the stump "Isnt that right? You enjoyed sleeping at my house in my bed right?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Ace flinched. "Bastered, I haven't been with her cause of school and maybe cause she been with you!" He looked at her then. "no boys are fighting over you" He quitle said and walked away.

"Two boys fighting over me what ever shall I do?" Tsubaki asked as she laughed maniacally. "Mhm....tasty" she said whispered licking her lips as she sat down on a stump. "Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm glad you have a pact with my daughter, out of all my past wives her mother and my eldest daughters mother were the most interesting, I respected them deeply and loved them truly, my eldest daughters mom was the goddess of the moon and Mikas mother was a pet to the former lord of hell until she killed him" laughing nervously as he clenched the glass "but Tsubaki.....is more like me than the other two, I placed a curse on her to try and keep her under control yet....I fear it may not be enough"
The Outcast The Outcast
Mary glared at him. "If she becomes a threat to others, either you take her or i take her" Mary warned him. Then she went back to normal and said. "You have daughters that are gods you say, explain what you are then?" she asked him
Lucius smirked "Shows how much you care for her. Giving up that fast." He laughed and smirked. He wanted Ace to prove he loved her. To prove how much he cared. Otherwise he wouldnt respect him.
The Outcast The Outcast Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"It would be a different story if you forced her, but she finds this amusing." He said not even turning around "You have to be one sick fuck to think something like this is amusing." Ace didn't say more after that cause he felt he was being baited for something
Ilina entered the classroom, guessing by sheer accident. she came to the class ASAP, and was generally unfamiliar with technomancy, even though she could sort of fake it with the lightning aspect of Shamanistic Elemental Magic. so she went to the room where the teacher had their feet on their desk instead. waving and curtseying as the new student. her curtsey was a bit too high as normal for her.
Mike walked in right behind her. "Hey looks who is the teacher" he said to him remembering the monster they contained together.
Ilina entered the classroom, guessing by sheer accident. she came to the class ASAP, and was generally unfamiliar with technomancy, even though she could sort of fake it with the lightning aspect of Shamanistic Elemental Magic. so she went to the room where the teacher had their feet on their desk instead. waving and curtseying as the new student. her curtsey was a bit too high as normal for her.
Ilina entered the classroom, guessing by sheer accident. she came to the class ASAP, and was generally unfamiliar with technomancy, even though she could sort of fake it with the lightning aspect of Shamanistic Elemental Magic. so she went to the room where the teacher had their feet on their desk instead. waving and curtseying as the new student. her curtsey was a bit too high as normal for her.

Mike walked in right behind her. "Hey looks who is the teacher" he said to him remembering the monster they contained together.

Other students began pouring into Ms. Beloš' class and once the bell rung indicating the start of a block, the green Draconic stood up from behind her desk and walked out to the front of the room saying "Good morning students"
Other students began pouring into Ms. Beloš' class and once the bell rung indicating the start of a block, the green Draconic stood up from behind her desk and walked out to the front of the room saying "Good morning students"

"Good Morning Teacher" -Ilina responded in an innocent tone with a curtsey that was slightly too high. revealing slight glimpse of the cutesy print beneath. well, it was appropriate for a girl to curtsey before entering a new establishment- "you can call me Ilina, spelled I.... L.... I.... N... A.... though Lilly works too. i'm a new student." -it seemed she sounded condescending when she spelled her name out verbally. but turned cheerful and less offensive when she said Lilly also works-
Umbrie Umbrie

Ms. Beloš was suprised at the fairy child's confidence in the presence of herself, A dragon woman, but said "And I look forward to having you for the rest of the summer!" she then turned to address the whole class saying "This is the beginning technomancy class, where all of you will learn how to perform magic and other soulbinding endevors with technology, any questions about the field of magical studues?"

The Outcast The Outcast
Umbrie Umbrie

Ms. Beloš was suprised at the fairy child's confidence in the presence of herself, A dragon woman, but said "And I look forward to having you for the rest of the summer!" she then turned to address the whole class saying "This is the beginning technomancy class, where all of you will learn how to perform magic and other soulbinding endevors with technology, any questions about the field of magical studues?"

The Outcast The Outcast

Ilina was upset that she had to stay for the rest of the summer. she wanted to enjoy her summer vacation. but she was extremely familiar with elemental magic. maybe not a master of elemental magic, but she felt she was good enough to have the impression she could ace the electrical currents portion of the this class. she was a bit arrogant, but despite appearing to be 12, her maturity pegged her at 9.
"No" The teacher said noting a lack of reponse "Well first things first, right next to your keyboard there is a small usb device with a hole, put your pointer finger into the hole and plug it into the computer at your station. This will enable you to put your soul or spirit into the computer.
Other students began pouring into Ms. Beloš' class and once the bell rung indicating the start of a block, the green Draconic stood up from behind her desk and walked out to the front of the room saying "Good morning students"
(Yea sorry i quotes the worng person. Im at Seabster Seabster class
Tsubaki watched the two, giggling as she jumped up sitting on a tree limb. Spinning around for a few seconds she hung upside down watching them.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm a vampire of course, the first one, if you want to be technical clad was the second but" poring more blood into a glass before sipping on it. "But to be honest Scarlett is the only god and Mika is more or less a child demon with god like powers" waving his hand around dismissively. "Mika's mother was a demon thru and they, a real fire starter but Scarlett's mother...." blushing as he swirled the blood around in the glass, thinking Of Luna "she was something different, calling her an angel wouldn't do her justice, elegance, kindness, and her wrath....you did not want her mad at you but unfortunately all my wives were killed, in different years of course I'm a one girl kinda guy" smiling as he winked at Mary. Sipping on the blood again before setting the glass down. "Yet a demon doesn't come close to what I am in name....." pausing for a moment "Mary why don't you tell me about yourself, I've been rude just talking about myself"
The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki watched the two, giggling as she jumped up sitting on a tree limb. Spinning around for a few seconds she hung upside down watching them.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm a vampire of course, the first one, if you want to be technical clad was the second but" poring more blood into a glass before sipping on it. "But to be honest Scarlett is the only god and Mika is more or less a child demon with god like powers" waving his hand around dismissively. "Mika's mother was a demon thru and they, a real fire starter but Scarlett's mother...." blushing as he swirled the blood around in the glass, thinking Of Luna "she was something different, calling her an angel wouldn't do her justice, elegance, kindness, and her wrath....you did not want her mad at you but unfortunately all my wives were killed, in different years of course I'm a one girl kinda guy" smiling as he winked at Mary. Sipping on the blood again before setting the glass down. "Yet a demon doesn't come close to what I am in name....." pausing for a moment "Mary why don't you tell me about yourself, I've been rude just talking about myself"
The Outcast The Outcast
"What do you wish to know?" She ask
Once Ace had walked off Lucius looked up to her "You really need to stop flirting with other guys." He said in a serious tone. "I dont want to have to fight my students." he said as he sighed softly to himself
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Once Ace had walked off Lucius looked up to her "You really need to stop flirting with other guys." He said in a serious tone. "I dont want to have to fight my students." he said as he sighed softly to himself
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ace called out. "She dated me first. About an hour before the first day started!"

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