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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"Big brother can we go take a nap I'm really tired" Tsubaki said as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "I won't do it again as long as you keep me in line"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"I guess not, but I wouldn't mind seeing where you will have me teach, but also I would like a tour of the grounds" Raven leaned over sniffing the blood and pinched his nose "I suppose you would be right, from what it did to the tile it would probably destroy my stomach"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Big brother can we go take a nap I'm really tired" Tsubaki said as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "I won't do it again as long as you keep me in line"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"I guess not, but I wouldn't mind seeing where you will have me teach, but also I would like a tour of the grounds" Raven leaned over sniffing the blood and pinched his nose "I suppose you would be right, from what it did to the tile it would probably destroy my stomach"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Yea" mary agreed with him and began to walk. "If you wanna tour lets go"
"I'm sure that I could diffuse the situation without causing physical harm to them, I think they will enjoy my history class, they will be learning through my eyes but I may need a few extra trash cans"

The Outcast The Outcast
"I'm sure that I could diffuse the situation without causing physical harm to them, I think they will enjoy my history class, they will be learning through my eyes but I may need a few extra trash cans"

The Outcast The Outcast
Mary laughed. "If they cant handle your class, then they shouldn't be here" he said him
Raven's eyes glowed bright red as the door shit. "Oh try to relaxe a bit" he said laughing as the room faded into darkness, ravens physical body seeming to burst into shadow itself. As he faded a figure took its place. Eyes and mouths forming into the blackness, speaking and watching Mary. The figure getting its head ripped off and the bodies impaled onto large spikes in front of a castle. Going through the entire story of Vlad, as it progressed through his bloody life and actions blood splattering onto marry. It was almost like a movie, watching the tale unfold through another's eyes. The very feeling and excite could be felt with the horror and blood lust. Once it finished everything returned to normal, Mary had not even a drop of blood on her. "I could also use this to bring a students worst nightmares come to life or to break an enemies mind through an unhealthy amount of torture, all without actually harming them"
The Outcast The Outcast

Tsubaki pulled his arm closer growling "big brother hurry I wanna get some sleep!" She exclaimed. Blushing as she looked up at him and her stomach growled. In truth she did want to sleep but at the same time she wanted to get him alone
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Raven's eyes glowed bright red as the door shit. "Oh try to relaxe a bit" he said laughing as the room faded into darkness, ravens physical body seeming to burst into shadow itself. As he faded a figure took its place. Eyes and mouths forming into the blackness, speaking and watching Mary. The figure getting its head ripped off and the bodies impaled onto large spikes in front of a castle. Going through the entire story of Vlad, as it progressed through his bloody life and actions blood splattering onto marry. It was almost like a movie, watching the tale unfold through another's eyes. The very feeling and excite could be felt with the horror and blood lust. Once it finished everything returned to normal, Mary had not even a drop of blood on her. "I could also use this to bring a students worst nightmares come to life or to break an enemies mind through an unhealthy amount of torture, all without actually harming them"
The Outcast The Outcast

Tsubaki pulled his arm closer growling "big brother hurry I wanna get some sleep!" She exclaimed. Blushing as she looked up at him and her stomach growled. In truth she did want to sleep but at the same time she wanted to get him alone
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Mary, not even fazed ssid to him. " I like it, the students reaction will be.. Interesting
Lucius nodded and quickly picked her up, running quickly towards his home. As he carried her he was a blurr of movement. It was only a few minutes before he arrived at his house door. He stopped at the door set Tdubaki down and opened the door for her. "Fast enough for you?" He asked woth a smirk
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Tsubaki covered her mouth as she ran straight to his bathroom. Throwing up into the toilet for a few minutes before brushing her teeth. "I'm fast in the air but ground travel....makes me sick". Laughing nervously as she went over to his couch and patted next to her once she had sat down.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"Hopefully" Raven said as he sat back at a desk relaxing. The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki covered her mouth as she ran straight to his bathroom. Throwing up into the toilet for a few minutes before brushing her teeth. "I'm fast in the air but ground travel....makes me sick". Laughing nervously as she went over to his couch and patted next to her once she had sat down.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

"Hopefully" Raven said as he sat back at a desk relaxing. The Outcast The Outcast
"Do you want this room?"She asked after a minute
Once tsubaki sat down Lucius smiled and nodded. He was suprised that she had motion sickness on the ground but he defided not to ask. As he sat next to her he smiled "Sorry, didn't know. Anyways why were you in such a rush?" He asked curiously
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
After a few seconds her stomach had calmed down. "Because now we are alone big brother" walking over to him she held onto his arm and drew circles on his chest. "I need attention from you" her wings folded in and her cat tail and ears came out as she started purring.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius blushed a dark shade of red "A-attention...." he asked as he looked to the side nervously. "I-I..." he trailed off not knowing what to do. He had always been alone, he had never had a girlfriend, at least not recently, and he had definitely never has a girl come onto him so strong
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Tsubaki blushed as she got a saucer of milk, placing it on the floor she knelt down and leaned over lapping the milk up. Purring as she closed her eyes. She enjoyed messing with him and his reactions were adorable.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
(Ok can I ask why?)
Tsubaki blushed as she got a saucer of milk, placing it on the floor she knelt down and leaned over lapping the milk up. Purring as she closed her eyes. She enjoyed messing with him and his reactions were adorable.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius blushed a dark shade of red "A-attention...." he asked as he looked to the side nervously. "I-I..." he trailed off not knowing what to do. He had always been alone, he had never had a girlfriend, at least not recently, and he had definitely never has a girl come onto him so strong
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
(Its actually kinda creepy now)

Mary left the room before he could answer. She walked through the school again until she arrived at her office. After that the sat down and went on the loud speaker to tell everyone, "Attention all students, its time for your yearly mission. For all of you who are new, this task will be completed by a large group of 3-10 students per group. Once you task is completed and your not dead, come to my office and you will be graded as a group. That means once person should not do everything. Now, in ten minutes come down to the edge of the woods to be given a task.
Tonstad39 Tonstad39 Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Micera Micera @At anyone I missed
(Note I didnt include Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf and @That One lunatic because you are not on school grounds so cant hear the msg)

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