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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Tsubaki looked over at Mary peeking out from her wings. "Would blood be out of the question?" She asked nervously as she sat up placing her hands in her lap.

"Ah, no need to say any more, what we would call your kind would be ghosts, and I don't mean the dead kind" Raven looked back at Tsubaki "I would make a suggestion myself darling but I'm sure that isn't allowed here and would be frowned upon." Turning back to Mary "Mistress Mary, if I could also be so bold again, may I ask you to join me for something to eat? At an actual establishment not a citizen"
The Outcast The Outcast
"Actually" mary said. "We do have blood it is given to us by a person who can regenerate forever." She said to tusbaki. "Just ask the luchlaides" she said then looked and Raven. "Alright where are we going?" She asked
Mike had a perfect picture in his head of what the teacher whent him to do so he copied the teacher flawlessly expect at human pace. Safe to say he black most attacks but some made it through.
Ilina watched the demonstration after she made it to Mike, who might as well be her assigned partner. her attacks and defenses were quick from her fey reflexes, but she was clearly clumsy and her defenses weren't the most potent out there. her magic worked better than her physiology.
"I'm new to the area so if you don't mind picking I will gladly pay for the food" bowing he offered Mary his hand. "It is a pleasure to eat lunch with someone so enchanting" smiling as he winked at Tsubaki. "I hope me calling you a ghost wasn't offensive"

Tsubaki stood up and bowed out of respect "thank you Ms. Mary, I will and then I will get back to Lucius's class immediately" Tsubaki ran off to the lunch room. Stopping and breathing heavily as she peered at those who served the food. "Umm....excuse me I hate to bother you but I could really use some....blood" trailing off at the end
The Outcast The Outcast
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Mike had a perfect picture in his head of what the teacher whent him to do so he copied the teacher flawlessly expect at human pace. Safe to say he black most attacks but some made it through.

Ilina had the timing down, but not the power or strength. she stumbled during her blocks, it seemed she was clumsy and not very strong in the physical sense due to her small frame.
Lucius smiled to Thana after demonstrating the motions "Practice with your partner now" he then paced through the yard watching how people were performing the movement. It was a simple arm lock. Extending the attackers arm and putting pressure on the elbow and taking them to the ground by it. He noticed the difficulty the girl who fell was having and he walked over and stopped the pair from continuinig and he looked to the girl with a wide smile "Here, demonstrate it on me."
Umbrie Umbrie The Outcast The Outcast Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"I'm new to the area so if you don't mind picking I will gladly pay for the food" bowing he offered Mary his hand. "It is a pleasure to eat lunch with someone so enchanting" smiling as he winked at Tsubaki. "I hope me calling you a ghost wasn't offensive"

Tsubaki stood up and bowed out of respect "thank you Ms. Mary, I will and then I will get back to Lucius's class immediately" Tsubaki ran off to the lunch room. Stopping and breathing heavily as she peered at those who served the food. "Umm....excuse me I hate to bother you but I could really use some....blood" trailing off at the end
The Outcast The Outcast
"It wasn't" She said to him. "I been called worse before." Both of them then dissapeared and reappeared infrount of a restaurant. "After you" she said.
Lucius smiled to Thana after demonstrating the motions "Practice with your partner now" he then paced through the yard watching how people were performing the movement. It was a simple arm lock. Extending the attackers arm and putting pressure on the elbow and taking them to the ground by it. He noticed the difficulty the girl who fell was having and he walked over and stopped the pair from continuinig and he looked to the girl with a wide smile "Here, demonstrate it on me."
Umbrie Umbrie The Outcast The Outcast Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39
Ilina had the timing down, but not the power or strength. she stumbled during her blocks, it seemed she was clumsy and not very strong in the physical sense due to her small frame.
Mike went back to standing normally and waited for them to finish
After finishing her lunch Tsubaki ran back to Lucius's class quickly. Breathing heavily as she ran into the locker room and put on running shorts and a tank top. Running back out to where the others were she slid to a vault. "Sorry I left so abruptly big brother, im feeling a lot better now!" She called to Lucius.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

Raven looked up reading the sign of the resteraunt before opening the door for Mary. "Please I insist, ladies first" he told her. Grinning as he sniffed the air, looking inside for a moment he could see the blood flow in every being there, hearing their beating hearts. "I'm glad that you didn't take offense to it. You must of been around some time before we were created, but it is interesting to see how the humans and other beings have evolved over time, even the demons operate in a buisiness type manner these days"
The Outcast The Outcast
After finishing her lunch Tsubaki ran back to Lucius's class quickly. Breathing heavily as she ran into the locker room and put on running shorts and a tank top. Running back out to where the others were she slid to a vault. "Sorry I left so abruptly big brother, im feeling a lot better now!" She called to Lucius.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

Raven looked up reading the sign of the resteraunt before opening the door for Mary. "Please I insist, ladies first" he told her. Grinning as he sniffed the air, looking inside for a moment he could see the blood flow in every being there, hearing their beating hearts. "I'm glad that you didn't take offense to it. You must of been around some time before we were created, but it is interesting to see how the humans and other beings have evolved over time, even the demons operate in a buisiness type manner these days"
The Outcast The Outcast
Mary nodded. "Yes they are" she said and walked in and bookwd them a table. "Now come"
Ningasa never thought of combat as fun and only grinned to send intimidation into Thana. She continued hitting and punching thana to refine her combat abilities.
Thana lightly smiled. "Even if I used more of my strength I probably could have done more damage." She said and held her hand out for her roommate to take it so she could help her up.

Tonstad39 Tonstad39
Ilina would attempt a Simple Arm Lock again, with her clumsiness, it seemed a simple arm lock was beyond her. she had the timing, but not the strength to sustain it. but she was pushing her childlike physiology to even perform a brief arm lock. it wasn't that she didn't know the steps, it was that she was too weak to sustain the complete product of the steps involved more than briefly. it was obvious she shouldn't do melee combat.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
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Ilina would attempt a Simple Arm Lock again, with her clumsiness, it seemed a simple arm lock was beyond her. she had the timing, but not the strength to sustain it. but she was pushing her childlike physiology to even perform a brief arm lock. it wasn't that she didn't know the steps, it was that she was too weak to sustain the complete product of the steps involved more than briefly. it was obvious she shouldn't do melee combat.
"You are either confident or controlling Mary" Raven glanced at the others at the establishment. "You can tell I'm not a very nice person can't you?" He asked as he pulled the chair out for her to sit down. "A bottle of wine or cooled A-?"
The Outcast The Outcast

"I'm in trouble aren't I?" Tsubaki asked as she walked over to Lucius holding onto his arm. Pulling his arm to her chest she blushed looking up at him. "Just don't make me run and I'll do anything else, I was just so hungry" tears forming in her eyes.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic

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