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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

Results are only viewable after voting.
(Smut? Isnt uhh sexual stuff?)

It simply went around on all sides of him and continued behind him
a small girl of what appeared to be about Roughly 12 years old walked her way into the academy as a new transfer, the highly intelligent faerie child was a bit lost. she stood at a height of 155 centimeters and weighed 60 kilograms. she wore a black button-up uniform jacket over a pale grey button up blouse with a cerulean ascot, a cerulean miniskirt that was the shortest length she could justify under the dress code, a pair of opaque black thighlength socks with a formal pair of flat bottomed boots buckled up to her knees, her hair was long, black and silken, wavy but flat ironed, her skin was pale and flawless, almost like finely carved marble, and her deep blue eyes had massive pupils. protruding through the back of the girl's uniform jacket were an ethereal pair of butterfly like wings, black in color but not quite corporeal, phasing through her clothes harmlessly. her ears had a light taper.

the girl headed her way towards what she assumed was the headmaster's office, complete with a recent invitation, she wanted to be assigned to her new class, but based on her movements, she appeared to not be the most graceful of younger students. there was no grace in this faeries movements, she kept stumbling and she had to keep getting her skirt uncaught off doorknobs and well, she bumped a few doors. she was lucky there wasn't salt or cold iron, but she would eventually fall face first into the headmaster's door with a loud thud, bruising her forehead with a red mark and again, catching her skirt on the doorknob. today was not this clumsy little faeries lucky day at all. she was lucky her skirt remained intact, despite getting caught so many times in one walk. despite being a versatile shaman, she was clumsy and had no sense of direction in addition to being physically small. her physiology was clearly not her strong point. with small hips and an even smaller bust to compliment her short height and youthful figure, it was obvious she was a student.

T TheOutcast
a small girl of what appeared to be about Roughly 12 years old walked her way into the academy as a new transfer, the highly intelligent faerie child was a bit lost. she stood at a height of 155 centimeters and weighed 60 kilograms. she wore a black button-up uniform jacket over a pale grey button up blouse with a cerulean ascot, a cerulean miniskirt that was the shortest length she could justify under the dress code, a pair of opaque black thighlength socks with a formal pair of flat bottomed boots buckled up to her knees, her hair was long, black and silken, wavy but flat ironed, her skin was pale and flawless, almost like finely carved marble, and her deep blue eyes had massive pupils. protruding through the back of the girl's uniform jacket were an ethereal pair of butterfly like wings, black in color but not quite corporeal, phasing through her clothes harmlessly. her ears had a light taper.

the girl headed her way towards what she assumed was the headmaster's office, complete with a recent invitation, she wanted to be assigned to her new class, but based on her movements, she appeared to not be the most graceful of younger students. there was no grace in this faeries movements, she kept stumbling and she had to keep getting her skirt uncaught off doorknobs and well, she bumped a few doors. she was lucky there wasn't salt or cold iron, but she would eventually fall face first into the headmaster's door with a loud thud, bruising her forehead with a red mark and again, catching her skirt on the doorknob. today was not this clumsy little faeries lucky day at all. she was lucky her skirt remained intact, despite getting caught so many times in one walk. despite being a versatile shaman, she was clumsy and had no sense of direction in addition to being physically small. her physiology was clearly not her strong point. with small hips and an even smaller bust to compliment her short height and youthful figure, it was obvious she was a student.

T TheOutcast
Mary looked at what she guessed was a new student. Honestly the student didn't look intimidating much. But in marys experience that normally ment they were even more dangerous. Mary was about 6 feet tall with white hair that fell past her shoulders. She also wore a long black dress that dragged on the floor behind her when she walked. Smiling at the newcomer she said. "Hello, you must be the new student I was told about" she said to her. "May I have your name?"
Mary looked at what she guessed was a new student. Honestly the student didn't look intimidating much. But in marys experience that normally ment they were even more dangerous. Mary was about 6 feet tall with white hair that fell past her shoulders. She also wore a long black dress that dragged on the floor behind her when she walked. Smiling at the newcomer she said. "Hello, you must be the new student I was told about" she said to her. "May I have your name?"

the small girl greeted the headmaster with a smile followed both by a playful and innocent childish giggle and a clumsy curtsey that was just an inch or few too high. "my full name is Ilina Selene Hawkins-Young, but my Peers used to call me Lilly because it was difficult for them to Write Ilina on paper. I... L... I... N... A..." she spelled out her name like an Explanatory 9 year old rather than the 12 year old she appeared to be. her claim of being 28 and a half wouldn't apply here, because that is extremely young for a faerie, she set her skirt back into position. with her wings and tapered ears in addition to her large pupils, it was obvious she was a faerie. and the claim about her not so scary form being a hint of the great untapped power she possessed was rather accurate.
the small girl greeted the headmaster with a smile followed both by a playful and innocent childish giggle and a clumsy curtsey that was just an inch or few too high. "my full name is Ilina Selene Hawkins-Young, but my Peers used to call me Lilly because it was difficult for them to Write Ilina on paper. I... L... I... N... A..." she spelled out her name like an Explanatory 9 year old rather than the 12 year old she appeared to be. her claim of being 28 and a half wouldn't apply here, because that is extremely young for a faerie, she set her skirt back into position. with her wings and tapered ears in addition to her large pupils, it was obvious she was a faerie. and the claim about her not so scary form being a hint of the great untapped power she possessed was rather accurate.
Mary nodded. "My name is mary, I am your hedmaster" she said
(Way to steal my quote
Mary nodded. "My name is mary, I am your hedmaster" she said
(Way to steal my quote

"Since you are my headmaster? can you please escort me to class?" the small girl curiously asked in a spoiled tone, she seemed highly immature for the age she appeared to be. though she could pass for 12, her maturity pegged her closer to 9, but this was typical of a faerie aged between 20 and 60 years.
"Since you are my headmaster? can you please escort me to class?" the small girl curiously asked in a spoiled tone, she seemed highly immature for the age she appeared to be. though she could pass for 12, her maturity pegged her closer to 9, but this was typical of a faerie aged between 20 and 60 years.
If mary noticed this tone she hid it well. "Of course follow me" she said and began to walk
Ilina nodded and followed. "Thankies" she responded in a more grateful tone. it seemed her tones were to the extremes.
After about three minutes of walking mary led her outside where the class was. "There you are" she said
After about three minutes of walking mary led her outside where the class was. "There you are" she said

"Thankies" Ilina responded. curtseying again a bit too high as she knocked on the class door. "do i have permission to enter?" she asked through the classroom door, hoping to enter the classroom and start class.
"Thankies" Ilina responded. curtseying again a bit too high as she knocked on the class door. "do i have permission to enter?" she asked through the classroom door, hoping to enter the classroom and start class.
(Oh literally meant outside not just outside the office
After rendering Tsubaki unconscious hw brought hee to the nurses office and had her treated. Once he had brought her there he explained what had happened to the nurse so that she may relay the entirety of the situation to the headmaster at a later time.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Upon leaving the building he checked his watch. He still had about 15 minutes left in his class and in a flash of movement he was away from the front exit of the school. After about a minute he was back at the hill. He looked to the students and smile "Sorry for the wait. Something had caught my attentions." He said apologetically before stading at the base of the hill "I trust you all did the four times up and down?" He asked although he knew the answer
The Outcast The Outcast Tsutarji Tsutarji Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39
After rendering Tsubaki unconscious hw brought hee to the nurses office and had her treated. Once he had brought her there he explained what had happened to the nurse so that she may relay the entirety of the situation to the headmaster at a later time.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Upon leaving the building he checked his watch. He still had about 15 minutes left in his class and in a flash of movement he was away from the front exit of the school. After about a minute he was back at the hill. He looked to the students and smile "Sorry for the wait. Something had caught my attentions." He said apologetically before stading at the base of the hill "I trust you all did the four times up and down?" He asked although he knew the answer
The Outcast The Outcast Tsutarji Tsutarji Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf Tonstad39 Tonstad39
"Yes we did sir" he said standing back up. "Infact after we did that we began to lean more about eachothe
Lucius sniled and nodded "Good. Im glad you all took the time to get to know eachother. After all, I will be assigning yoh all partners in the coming days." He then looked to his watch. Thirteen minutes. He thought for a moment then smiled "Alright. Now to get to the actual fun. Hand to hand combat." He said with a grin "Pair up."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf The Outcast The Outcast Tsutarji Tsutarji Tonstad39 Tonstad39
(Oh literally meant outside not just outside the office


Ilina would approach the currently outside class like a good little girl, stumbling and slipping as she barely maintained her balance walking and falling face first into the teacher. well, she was the new student in need of introduction. she greeted in an innocent but also childish and grating tone, "i'm the new student who just transferred here." her curtsey was a bit too high. but she only seemed to hope the teacher would stop her from falling face first into the ground. either, the introduction would occur after she was helped up, or after she was stopped from falling into the teacher.
Dakshesh got up and decided to slither to a student he didn't know as Ningasa asked Thana "Would you like to be my partner?"

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