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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Revival

Laura Aldred
Location: cloud height
mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Nellancholy Nellancholy

Laura was used to many strange things, still Ray was something even she found odd. She might not find it so odd if her life wasn't one spent among the poorest of the poor where the greatest of comforts was cheap alcohol and a day old sandwich. The idea of how different things actually did make make laura miss the homeless she had surrounded herself with. As much as she had hurt and lashed out she had found herself unwilling to actually part with them before that group had come in. Still even in her world of heroes and villains no one had quite had this form of power. Laura didn't really get how it worked at least she didn't get what Ray got out of engaging with it beyond his animal not feeling discomfort.

" So then we found out what was apparent, another world set in the skies in a den of greed and pleasure" Laura said dismissing how useful this quest thing could be. " This hologram or magic whatever it is why do you use it, if you wanted power there must have been other ways?" that was something she really wanted to know had he picked this or had it picked him " It is unlike any other magic or technology from my ... universe " that was a good way to put it they all seemed to be from places unconnected so different universes.


Interactions: Aerin DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 , Celes Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

Silva tagged along with a bounce in his steps. "So we can trade here?" he asked as he hummed to himself. “Sounds good sir! We’ll call if we need help,” assured the attendant, waving farewell as he wandered off and left. The plant hybrid was certainly glad that there were some people who were happy to help them; without them, he would've wandered off searching for Cassian, Cier and the other keys that were summoned with him. A hefty sigh left his mouth, contently enjoying the atmosphere the best he could. Though this area reminded him of the concerts and stories Su told, something was off about this place. He doesn’t know what it is but something didn’t feel right since the chequered man left them. Silva cocks his head, about to wander off behind the guy with the checkered hat before he is dragged into a group discussion with Aerin and Celes.

Criminal hub? The lively area filled with brightness didn’t strike him as someplace criminals would gather. Flora would warn him of such places but the areas she describes where criminal activity is high are dark alleyways and ghost towns. “Huh? What do you mean; if there are criminals here then should we leave?” he inquired, sitting on a stool. Silva doesn’t quite understand why they should get involved with criminals, much preferring to let the cases wither out themselves. “We don’t even know the layout of this place yet, a map would be great,” he agrees with Celes, fiddling with the chair end as he leaned in to hear them better, “But if this place is real danger, what should we do? We can’t just wander here.”
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Spend, earn, or gamble...yes, Lyuda remembered how to do all of those things, though she wasn't sure how any of that would help her. Did she even have anything to trade? Effortlessly, she swung the heavy case on her back around, opening it. Inside was little of value: merely some complex but disassembled hand-held device, some mechanical tools, a case of tobacco, and some densely-folded clothes. But peeking out from under them was...

Carefully displacing the clothes, she noticed...a small pouch of red gleaming gems, and a glowing pale blue cube of a size that would barely fit in one's hand. It felt...comforting, as she brushed her fingers over it. Satisfied with her evaluation of her own material circumstances, she closed the case and pushed it behind her, dropping the pouch of gems into her pocket for easy access and holding the cube in one hand. The chilling sensation was familiar, almost...loving. It felt like it would freeze her fingers to it if she held it too long, but she didn't want to let go.

As for the mission...to explore? To find out more about this place? That just meant walking around, right?

She seemed to have done a lot of walking before this...like that was her habit most of the time. So, she was just continuing along her usual path.

So the gaunt woman trotted at a steady pace through the streets of Cloudheight with cube in hand, almost skipping in deep contrast to her intimidating countenance.

She peered into a jewelry store. The metals seemed warm, inviting compared to the coldness of the gems. She felt like she'd handled materials like those a lot before.

She hopped past a cake shop. She got the feeling she didn't like those very much.

"O-one please." She bought a skewer bearing some unknown meat from a vendor, the agate she proffered apparently an acceptable payment for now.

All the while, she did her best to keep some distance between herself and Laura.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Karcen Karcen
Celes thought for a moment with her supernatural senses she thinks sticking together is the smarter choice. “ On second thought I’ll stay with you.. this place gives me bad vibes.” She mumbles. Frowning, she drops her voice only Silva and Aerin can hear. “ Someone is watching us best stay together.” She sighs, keeping on guard.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy
"Alright! Let's see how good my skills are at gambling! " he rushed off to the area titled the casino to try his hand at a game.

When he arrived there there was a multitude of games waiting for them. Poker, blackjack, and anything else you can think of. People were even playing marbles!

Introducing minigames! Small quality of life pieces of fun to spice up the roleplay! You can lose everything in a game of chess, or win a couple billion dollars at a game of blackjack! Play against others in the ooc as long as both players consent and it makes sense irp, you won't necessarily have to post it. Or you could go on a slaughter on the computer on a game of blackjack who knows? The more you win, the more prizes you get! Starting with money and ending with magical weapons!!!!
"Cloud....height.....cloud height.....Cloudheight? OH! Its because we're at the height of clouds" said Ray while realizing something that seemed pretty obvious. The skewer merchant seemed kind of worried about Ray and handed him a free sample. Splitting it with Dango since the pair were practically joined at the hip. A faint glimmer of metal appeared under Dango's paw. Picking it up, it appeared to be a coin of some kind. Ray was amazed at his good luck, although the skewer merchant was quick to point out that it was only enough for a skewer. However Ray was just amazed at holding money from another world entirely. Noticing Lyuda had pawned off a gem she had in order to make some quick cash. Ray was reminded of the fact he was currently broke. He used [Appraisal] on the coin to see what he was working with. Both Lyuda and Jane would also be able to view this appraisal if they so desired.

Cloudheight Coin
: 1C
Info: Also known as Clouds. This token is a universal currency utilized by the Gamblers Paradise known as Cloudheight. Not only can it be used to make purchases. It is also used in the many casinos that dot the floating city. The current exchange rate for most legal tender is one gold to one cloud. Wow, a whole gold coin! Aren't you moving up in the world?

Ray wasn't sure how he wanted to spend his new money. Dango was looking at him as if waiting on Ray to make a decision. "Come on everyone, lets hit up one of these casinos. Soaking up info from the locals in a please where people get super emotional sounds like a great way to gather intel" remarked the blue haired youth while pocketing his coin. Gesturing at the nun and the eyepatch girl in the party. Ray went off in search of gambling in order to find out more about their current situation.

Nellancholy Nellancholy Karcen Karcen


Much to Silva’s surprise, Aerin rushed to the Casino after the warning of criminals in the area. A small “Heh?” escaped his lips, confused as to why they would wander still to a criminal infested area. But the white haired king did say he wanted to gamble earlier, so Silva had no reason to interject. "Alright...but please be careful," The plant hybrid warned as he jumped out of his seat, following Aerin to the Casino. He had no money on him, not that he would consider the currency he had would be any value to the Casino anyways.
1717883556378.pngIskandar Ereshkigal
Shield-Captain of the Adeptus Custodes
"From the golden light they come."

A thundercrack sounds through the location, followed by a beam of brilliant golden light. When the flash fades, a golden giant, his armor adorned with carvings intricate enough to be a work of art, unfurls his purple cloak and rises to his full height. The Shield-Captain's face, obscured by an auramite mask, hid whatever expression he may have had as he took in his surrondings. His gauntleted hands move upon the haft of his Sentinel Blade.
Ah, by Terra.
“Fear not.” There may have had been amusement, wry and grim, in the Shield-Captain’s voice. Iskandar might have offered a small smile under his mask. “I mean no harm." The effect was strange. As covered by the mask as it was, the effect was somewhat disconcerting, especially given the fact a 9ft tall stranger in golden armor and looking mightily like some huge automaton designed for warcare just appeared.
Casting his gaze around, Iskandar notes his surrondings in silence, his armor sensors reporting in the information with rapid diligence. No Orks, no Eldar(wait, hold that...), no hostiles, no Daemons...and no sign of his charge either. All was as it should be.
Celes follows Aerin and Silva decides to try her hand at gambling maybe that would be a good way to get intel and maybe some good prizes mauve money too. She scans her eyes finding herself drawn to the poker table the woman takes her place at the table.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy
Laura Aldred
Location: cloud height
mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Nellancholy Nellancholy

" okay everyone just ignore my questions " Laura found herself thinking as the boy Ray didn't answer her about his strange magic.

Laura did wonder if she could just wander off the other woman despite trying to hide it made it clear through her actions that she was not welcome here. Gambling might loosen lips, but there were others ways to gain knowledge. those ways weren't as nice as chatting up a few drunks and not as obvious. Well drunk gamblers those to lost in chasing a false promise to take in the world around them. they might get plenty, but how much was going to be " do you know who i am?". They were not in a place where the normal people were this was where only those who could afford to make it would come. Still it seemed Ray really wanted to do it and the other girl, well she would likely just follow him.

" Going to pick up a new addiction to hide from the world Ray" Laura asked knowing just the right buttons to try to push. " I am sure you know just how greedy people act, they take and take even from family" that last word she put emphasis on.

Laura was sure they would not be the only ones to decide to go to casinos and gamble. Such things would lead to them all having the same information " I am sure the others will seek to pawn away what little earthly goods they have, to fill their pockets and we will all end up knowing the same information because we all ask the same class of people " that was just how things went they would need to seek those that weren't here to blow their money to find new information. " Though i guess there are the down trodden everywhere even if the owners dress them up "
"Oh! Coming, Ray..." Lyuda muttered through a mouthful of mysterious meat. She was thankful to find that the name of her new (if hopefully temporary) companion lodged properly in her head, like all the other information she had been absorbing since her arrival here. It did feel as if her head had been hollowed out of everything that was inside before, all the better to make room for new information.

The tall woman pressed her arms close to her side, keeping close to the other two members of her group as the three of them ventured into one of the many halls of revelry that dotted the city. The chiming of the machines, the moving of chips, cards, and dice, the smell of liquor, cigarettes, and cheap perfume. The sensations stirred up something in her, and she tightened her grip on the freezing cube in her palm. She'd been to places like this before, but never to spend her hard-earned money. They controlled various establishments, including ones like these, all throughout the seven nations. She would sometimes be sent to those places by them, all to spy on and collect information from people who might be assets or liabilities to them, all the better to keep those people under control. But who were they?

Static buzzed in her head.

"Ray...why are we here? Do you...really believe this is the right way for us to complete your mission?"

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Karcen Karcen
"750 clouds! First try! Hahahaha!" he ignored the many people at the table who's lives he had indirectly subjected to living on the streets and stood up, laughing obnoxiously. Very obnoxiously. The dealer got up and shook his hand with a cheap smile. "you can redeem them at the rewards station, or use it to buy things!" he saluted and left while seeing went off to check some stuff out.

He walked around until he ended up at a gift shop. He knew celes probably wouldn't like him wandering around on his own, but it was worth it. He snooped around the shop and found a map, a collectors bucket hat, and a new magic pouch! . It was 50 clouds in total (damn! Inflation was real!) And he walked back to the area where he had seen celes and Silva.

He looked outside as the sky was pinkish and the sun was setting. Homeless people where starting to stand up and leave and from the windows he could see shops starting to close. He'd Talk to celes and Silva and see what they had earned (If anything), try to buy some last minute stuff, and then meet up with the others. Or at least try too
Ray took in the scent of gambling, booze and people who hadn't showered. "We have no idea how long we'll be in this world. It'd be best if we build our resources" said the blue haired gamer youth. Although he knew that the pair following him were doubting his intentions. All kinds of people and things moved through weird looking casinos like this. Sitting at one of the slot machines. Ray looked at the coin he had found before slotting it inside. Pulling the lever and watching the colorful slots begin to spin. A couple of symbols he didn't recognize seemed to line up. The clinking of coins filled his ears as five whole clouds were deposited into a little metal tray. Scooping them up and looking over his new wealth. Ray walked back over to Jane and Lyuda to show what he had won.

Inquiring with a casino bunnygirl about an in-house store. She pointed Ray over to a little shop with a bored looking bunny girl who seemed like she'd fall asleep at any moment. Honestly this place was little more than a gift shop but Ray's powers allowed him to take full advantage of knick knacks. One of the items on the shelf was a book with a picture of Cloudheight on it. "What that?" asked Ray while pointing at the book. The bunnygirl sighed before pulling it off the shelf to show him.

Guide to Cloudheights Best Spots
: Common
Value: 2C
Type: Book

"TAKE MY MONEY" cried an excited Ray while slamming two clouds on the counter, surprising the bunnygirl. Grabbing the book once his money was taken. Ray playfully poked the cover with his pointer finger. A flash of light would appear before the eyes of Ray, Lyuda and Jane. The book disappeared, leaving the bunnygirl confused. Not a second later, the [Mini-Map] filled out with many different locations. Turned out this place was called the Carrots Stick. It was the 15th best casino on the entirety of Cloudheight. Dango rubbed against Lyuda, the ginger cat likely worried about how timid the eyepatch girl seemed. Whereas he seemed to share her apprehension of Jane, keeping his distance from the nun.

Quest: Hello World!
Info: Find out something about this new world you've found yourself in
Rewards: 10 GP [GP Incompatiable with Party Members.... Rewarding them with ten units of local currency]
Failure Penalties: Dango gets a stomach ache
.You've found yourself in the Gamblers Paradise known as Cloudheight. Unfortunately for you, you're broke as always.

.You found a detailed guidebook on Cloudheights best spots. Now you can navigate your way around pretty easily.

Nellancholy Nellancholy Karcen Karcen
1717980281937.pngIskandar Ereshkigal
Shield-Captain of the Adeptus Custodes
"Protectorate of Terra. We stand an endless vigil that cannot, and must not, end."

The clanking of armor was loud enough to disrupt a few visitors. Iskandar made no attempt to hide his presence as the golden giant ducked and strode into the casino. Although he made no overt move to draw attention to himself, and his weapons were(reasonably) hidden, it was a tad hard to hide a 9ft tall giant in full golden armor, clanking around like the wrath of god. Not to matter. He was used to heads turning and the occasional mortal mistaking him for a particularly large, golden golem.

My armors sensors have mapped…calculating…13% of surrounding area. It does not appear to align with Terra. Curious.

The Custodes showed an almost cold disinterest in the machines, seeming to stop at a poker table at random(accidentally scaring a passerby in the process). He raised up a single gauntleted finger, rummaging through his armor’s chestplate for a moment before drawing out what looked like a stack of golden coins. Wordlessly, he knelt instead of sitting(his weight was sure to break the chair), glowering quietly at the dealer.

His armor’s augmetics were tailored to processing power fit to break any tech-priest’s cogitator. And the memory of a Custodes was acute enough to recall details from not just decades past, but even centuries, as is the right for one of the Emperor’s guardians. Iskandar seemed to take great amusement in not just counting the cards, but seemingly memorizing every last instant when the other players either gave him a look of suspicion, concern, or mixture of all three as the Custodes not-entirely-legit-but-also-not-entirely-cheating played his way through the games. He didn’t even stay for the poker chips, simply played long enough to bankrupt three players, significantly annoy the house, then stood up again and walked off, ignoring the mass confusion his presence had caused. He didn’t seem to be on any particular goal, simply wandering around aimlessly, stopping by the shop to give Ray and the others an idle glance. His helmet’s sensors whirred, recording information even as his eyes flickered beneath his helm, quietly staring at the group.

“...greetings. Do you have any idea where this location may be, and what it may be called?” His voice was surprisingly mild for one so large, presumably as a reflex of the Aquilan Shields caste.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
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Mentioned: Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy

"YOU CHEATED!" Screamed the man with horrible teeth. Slamming his leftover useless cards against the table as he watches his last remaining cash swept across the table towards the tableside of ragged hooded figure. The lost man was screaming and stomping the cold tile floor. He was not alone in his loss as two other men have also grit their teeth and clench their fist towards the sky. The hooded figure clasped her hands together, expressing delight on how she just won worth 570 worth of clouds in just short amount of time being here.

The prize is scooped by the hooded figure gloves, into a beat up pouch. This was in the rather more obscure areas of Cloudheight. It seems the hooded figure prefers the dim atmosphere, no matter how shady.

"YOU THINK THIS IS JUST SOME SILLY LITTLE CHILDREN'S GAME! HUH!? DO YA!?" The raging man continues to shout. "You little punk!" He ordered one of the lost men to pull down the hood of the winner. One of the men hesitated but revealed the winner's face. "Wha--" Growling to hide his shock. She had no face, only a pair of white dots which seems to represent her eyes. She lacked details in, everything. It was like looking at a shadow of a young girl.

"FREAK!" The man's hand began to emit a ball of flame. The shadow girl's eyes widened and took a duck under the table for cover. A whoosh of fireball sizzles above where her head could have been. The two men spot the girl crawling out from under the table. The third man had more burly arms and dove to grip his hand into the girl's Achilles heel. Even with her frictionless features, his grab was strong. Her purple umbrella was in reach beside. As painful it is to do, she jabbed the long umbrella's tip into the man's left eye, let out a blood-curdling scream as he holds onto his, rocking back and forth on the ground.

Just as she as she was a few steps into running, The man yells a warcry, following up with a fastball fireball throw. Too fast to evade on time, instead, she used her bag of cash as a substitute. The clouds spilt like water unto the ground Only a handful coins were left in her hands. This was enough to stop the second man as knelt towards the spilt coins, like a camel to water. The raging man was blinded only to hunt the shadow girl. She was faster without being weighed down in gold. She was avoiding the populated areas as to not draw attention to herself. The man follows but she was slipping through behind background, behind pillars, behind shaded corners.

Coming to a tricky hallway were the man is blocking the only exit. Snarling and eyes rapidly searching about like rabid beast. He slowly checks the rooms and corners. Time was running out before her hiding spot is found. In a swift motion she tossed her last remaining coins towards the opposite direction, its loud clinks diverted the man as he rushes jump her out of surprise.

"???-- !! -- GRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" It worked, he only found a few coins on the corner, his eyes glares to the exit where found the girl's dress flowing away in the exit.

It was inevitable to reach the populated areas of the casinos. Still, she was in pursuit. The panic was forcing her to pick up her pace but pretended she would just stride in haste instead of sprinting. She found a small group of rather out-of-place individuals. They were the nearest and she hid behind the blonde woman, with little to no subtlety that she was clearly hiding from someone. On cue, the flaming hands of an angry sore loser. "WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE PEST!? I WILL K--" Struck at the back of his head is a golem in charge of security.
“ Ehhh..” Celes didn’t need to know the girl is hiding from the angry guy she could feel his fire mana easily knowing she’ll have to defend herself if necessary. “ Don’t worry you’re safe with me,” she whispers using herself as a shield. “ Would you care to explain what’s going on?”
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre


Despite his best efforts to follow Aerin, Silva had gotten himself lost in the giant casino. If it was up for him to decide, he would rather go out into a forest and play a game with the plants and trees. The young seedlings were always talkative, chatting up a storm whenever he visited. Whether that'll be a story told by the tree ancients, how their roots have been or how much sunlight they had absorbed, it was always a fun time.

A large screen got his attention. An idol performance displayed on it, like some of the ones his friend Su does. But it was somewhat different somehow, different in a way Silva can't describe from the top of his head. Perhaps it was the concept of a performer on stage that got to him but Silva still went towards the screen. Pointing to the screen, he asked one of the employees, "Excuse me but do you have any performances from Su?" Needless to say, the employee was confused. "Forgive me sir, but we don't have a Su here," they answered while showing him their collection of CDs, "I don't think I heard a music artist by the name of Su, could you be referring to another artist?"

Does the spirit realm know about the existence of keys? Because surely they would've known that Su, one of the legendary keys, is a musician in the "Mortal" realm. Silva didn’t fully grasp why the employee didn’t know about his dear friend, a single tilt of confusion responding to the employee’s suggestion. However, he never got the chance to respond to the question, a male shouting in anger was heard near one of the tabletop games sections. Silva bowed politely to the employee before wandering near Aerin in the bar. "Do you know what's going on?" he asked.


Despite his best efforts to follow Aerin, Silva had gotten himself lost in the giant casino. If it was up for him to decide, he would rather go out into a forest and play a game with the plants and trees. The young seedlings were always talkative, chatting up a storm whenever he visited. Whether that'll be a story told by the tree ancients, how their roots have been or how much sunlight they had absorbed, it was always a fun time.

A large screen got his attention. An idol performance displayed on it, like some of the ones his friend Su does. But it was somewhat different somehow, different in a way Silva can't describe from the top of his head. Perhaps it was the concept of a performer on stage that got to him but Silva still went towards the screen. Pointing to the screen, he asked one of the employees, "Excuse me but do you have any performances from Su?" Needless to say, the employee was confused. "Forgive me sir, but we don't have a Su here," they answered while showing him their collection of CDs, "I don't think I heard a music artist by the name of Su, could you be referring to another artist?"

Does the spirit realm know about the existence of keys? Because surely they would've known that Su, one of the legendary keys, is a musician in the "Mortal" realm. Silva didn’t fully grasp why the employee didn’t know about his dear friend, a single tilt of confusion responding to the employee’s suggestion. However, he never got the chance to respond to the question, a male shouting in anger was heard near one of the tabletop games sections. Silva bowed politely to the employee before wandering near Aerin in the bar. "Do you know what's going on?" he asked.
"No, i Was just about to say we should start leaving. Where's celes?" He saw a giant golem pick someone up and trudge slowly across the casino with the person on their shoulder. Are in was tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, he really hoped celes was safe. All they could do now though, was wait. By now it was night time and most merchants had left. All who remained were some sneaky men who gave off a very strong mana presence. A wind would brush over their faces and ruffle aerins hair. The wind had some sort of otherworldly presence to it, and someone with a very very sharp sense could sense the mana emitting off of it
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Guide to Cloudheights Best Spots
: Common
Value: 2C
Type: Book

"TAKE MY MONEY" cried an excited Ray while slamming two clouds on the counter, surprising the bunnygirl. Grabbing the book once his money was taken. Ray playfully poked the cover with his pointer finger. A flash of light would appear before the eyes of Ray, Lyuda and Jane. The book disappeared, leaving the bunnygirl confused. Not a second later, the [Mini-Map] filled out with many different locations. Turned out this place was called the Carrots Stick. It was the 15th best casino on the entirety of Cloudheight. Dango rubbed against Lyuda, the ginger cat likely worried about how timid the eyepatch girl seemed. Whereas he seemed to share her apprehension of Jane, keeping his distance from the nun.

Quest: Hello World!
Info: Find out something about this new world you've found yourself in
Rewards: 10 GP [GP Incompatiable with Party Members.... Rewarding them with ten units of local currency]
Failure Penalties: Dango gets a stomach ache
.You've found yourself in the Gamblers Paradise known as Cloudheight. Unfortunately for you, you're broke as always.

.You found a detailed guidebook on Cloudheights best spots. Now you can navigate your way around pretty easily.

Nellancholy Nellancholy Karcen Karcen
A wind would brush over their group as well, although it seemed to linger a little bit on Laura. It was also night in their area as a couple men seemed to stumble around ray and their group. Their faces seemed red and they were drunk. They looked at each other and chuckled before letting their eyes linger on the girls "Hey lladies, what're you doing with chumps like them? Wouldn't you wanna hang out with us? " Sparks seemed to jump from the fingers of one as he tried showing off to them. Anyone with sharp eyesight could see a bit of a glint from inside the coat of one of them
Nikola Dante Faraday
Interactions: Karcen Karcen , Nellancholy Nellancholy , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Nikola woke up as the first of the strange little group, not wanting to be associated with them at the moment especially in an unknown to him place he simply placed one of his small metal bearings in the pockets of a few of them, so he could sense them later on if needed, and then he walked off to explore. This place was weird being so high up in the clouds flying, but considering he grew up with a group of people who harbored strange powers caused by radiation. With his head in the clouds, he unknowingly walked off the edge of Cloudheights, but with his magnetism constantly active Nikola just clung to the side of the thing. It took him a few minutes to realize that, and his only comment was.
"Did I really walk off a building again... Thankfully this one has some metal in it otherwise it would be a long way down it seems. Well, enough of this stroll time to go see what the others I awoke with are doing."

So he walked up the walls back again to the place he left the group, on the way releasing magnetic pulses with the purpose of sensing the group, or at least a few of its members.
Thankfully he could still sense them not that far away, on the way there he might have snatched a few coins from unwary people after all simply becoming a magnet for a second or two to attract some coinage was easy for him. Magnetism or rather electromagnetism was his thing, his weird mutation.

Entering the casino was easy after all he looked the part, fancy clothing wallet full of something with some coins on top, as well as tossing a coin at the entrance to one of the employees tends to do the trick. Once inside he came towards the nearest part of the group from the entrance. From the looks of it, it was some normal-looking boy, a nun, and an eyepatch girl...

"I hope it's cosplay 'cause I can't handle chūnibyō here. Where ever here is."
Before Nikola reached the small group a few drunkards came around them to bother them, not wanting to deal with them Nikola took out a few metal balls from his pouches each one sticking between his fingers. And with a quick swing and use of his power he flung the balls into the backs of the knees of said drunkards with strong force behind them, only to have the balls return even quicker to him as he amped the magnetism on himself to do so.
As the balls were returning to him he walked behind the drunkards and in front of the group, he took off his hat placed it on his chest, and said.

"Greetings friends! You may not recognize me but I arrived with all of you here, I just decided to go on a little walk before you woke up. The name Nikola btw. Also, quick question are those men bothering you three cause I could handle them if needed?" Having said so Nikola did prepare himself in case the drunkards did something, as he formed a thick layer of strong magnetism around himself, one of the repelling kind at that.
"Eh...?" Lyuda really wasn't used to the kind of attention that those drunkards were directing at her group. Really, this was why she disliked being around people who drank. Despite their apparent advances, it soon became clear that the plans of those ruffians were quite different than what they claimed. Unfortunately, the inside of the establishment they found themselves in was a poor environment to pick a fight in, and it wasn't like they would listen to a request to take it outside.

One of them seemed to be able to emit some manner of sparks from their fingers, a display that seemed strangely familiar to Lyuda. Almost as if reacting to that show of power, the amber pendant she was wearing glowed, imbuing her body and soul with resolute strength. In her past life she'd be quite beyond such petty opposition, but here it was time to act.

"Please, excuse me." She stepped in front of Ray and Laura, giving Dango a little nudge to get him clear.

And then-

A burst of electrical energy signaled the sudden intervention of an unexpected ally, several metal balls literally bringing their prospective assailants to their knees.

A strangely familiar instinct took over Lyuda, and she stepped in, following up with an attack of her own.

"S-sorry, but you two should take some time to cool off outside." Effortlessly, she grabbed Sparky and his friend by their collars, spinning once and flinging Sparky towards an open window, then the other drunk.

Sparky flew clean out, but the other crashed into the windowsill, where he might still be able to pose a threat if he was really intent on doing so.

Oblivious to this fact, Lyuda turned and gave Nikola a nod.

"T-thank you. Are you...a friend? Did you come here the same way we did?"

Megilagor Megilagor Karcen Karcen Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
The drunkards stood up and ran, leaving only one, the one seemingly named Sparky. He seemed to raise his hand to attack back but then, something came over him. His eyes glew green and he screamed. Loud. He stumbled around the corner and vomited blood. A green bioluminescent wolf howled and ripped his arm off before howling. Soon there was a pack of them feasting on the still alive man. Their back was turned to the group, but it didn't seem like it would stay that way soon. As they looked around, multiple other spirits of different sizes and shapes could be spotted. Doors were locked by now and lights were off.
Ray was amazed at the sight of such a large and imposing looking armor person. Unless this world had giga paladins or something, he certainly wasn't from around these parts. Now the group was getting wackier by the second. Although Ray made sure to do the polite thing and address his question. "Yes we're currently in a gambling resort in the sky called Cloudheight. Not sure where in the Multiverse it is given you don't look like you're from around here. I'm Ray, the cat is Dango, the nun lady is Jane and our eyepatch friend is Lyuda. We were on an intel mission and now we aren't" said the young blue haired man. Naturally one might wonder WHY he just blurted out such things to a random stranger who looked like he could crush their heads with just one hand. Ray understood not everyone was trustworthy. However he still wanted to believe in giving people a chance.

The appearance of two drunk guys brought a sudden surge of memories. Unfortunately Ray was unable to remember exactly WHERE he had seen such a familiar scene. A woman who had cared for Dango getting harassed by drunk guys. Luckily a new face appeared to disable one of the drunks before he could get handsy with Lyuda. A person with electromagnetic powers. Ray thought the guy was lucky, he didn't have any cool powers yet. "Thanks for the save, New Guy. You also get brought here from another world?" asked Ray while looking over their new friend. Yet it wasn't to be, as the group was soon confronted with what looked like neon green wolf beasts.

"Seems some people don't want us hanging around here, Playa"

Available Game Points - 10 > 0

Evasion Skill Acquired Lvl 1 -5GP
Guard Break Lvl 1 -5GP

Thank you for buying from Skills are Us

Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Nellancholy Nellancholy Megilagor Megilagor
Laura Aldred
Location: cloud height
mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Nellancholy Nellancholy Megilagor Megilagor Sunsmiter Sunsmiter

A lot happened in very little time and Laura was wondering if perhaps something was affecting her perception of time, as something seemed to be affecting people's perception of her. This world was an odd one for sure and Laura was in truth thinking of leaving the two she had been with, they seemed to more or less be content with ignoring her questions and jabs, or trying to hide away from her as much as they could. The question was when would be a good time. The golden giant presented some chance to just wander off as he stood out like the sorest of thumbs. A giant clad in the most overly ornate and overly decorated armor that some how also didn't feel like it was over compensating or decorative. Laura felt in the back of her mind that she didn't want to fight the gold clad body guard and anything that needed this to guard it was something she really didn't want to deal with.

Laura was only assured she was not invisible by the the men who decided that hitting on a girl with an eyes patch and a nun was a good idea when a golden giant was like a foot from them. Intelligence was not very high in this world or else everyone would be watching the giant and trying to make their away away from him. Laura could feel he would make a good distraction should anything happen just move to get him in view and such a being on the battle field would grab everyone's attention. Those drunks who Laura was surprised could even stand with how drunk they must be were easily sent packing by a newcomer and the eye patch girl. Well at least she wasn't scared by everything just by Laura herself.

Then the lights shut off as sparky started to convulse as something supernatural over took him. Wolves, glowing green ones, appeared and Laura half wanted to laugh at the coloration. Now would be a good chance to test the giant. " Going to do your role body guard, a mortal showed you up?" Laura asked the massive man not bothering the hide that she obviously knew more than the others as she tried to pick the right words to mess with him . Body guards in her experience didn't like people doubting them or commenting about others doing a better job than them.


“Celes? I have no idea actually.” Silva answered as he sat on one of the stools nearby, “Why don’t we wait for her.” The Casino began to empty, the customers, staff and merchants left the general area. It was too quiet in the area...far too quiet. The wind that blew in sounded a bit too loud in Silva's ears as he let his legs swing around while he sits. Some otherworldy feeling it gave him the idea that someone or something was reaching out to them by giving them mana through the winds. A few moments of silence passed as a tinge of awkwardness lies in Silva's chest between the two. "Say...why don't we look for Celes?" he suggested, "It'll be easy if the Casino is empty."
"Maybe?" He spun on his foot and trudged towards the casino. He ruffled his hair and adjusted his crown on it. He really missed having someone to rule over.

He arrived at the casino, and not many people were there. He eventually found celebs and someone behind her, seemingly hiding. "And who is this? "

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