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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be proud of pessimism.” Though, it was true that he had perhaps called Alex as such.

Carlos shook his head. “No, not pessimistic! They are realists. They keep us from flying off to places that don’t really exist. I want to bring joy to this bleak canvas and you,” he gestured at Nate from afar, “want to save it. They,” he threw those arms around again, “make it possible. Can you imagine if it were just the two of us? We would never get anything done!”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed, hearing Carlos' comment, it was something he'd said himself. "I told you I was realist." He commented, though he supposed it was true. He was there for Nate, to bring him safely to where he wanted to be. "See.. even Carlos knows that being a pessimist or a realist is a good thing." Alex added.

Kaleb chuckled, hearing Carlos. "Yeah. So far every optimist I've met has a pessimist or realist with them. Like Jordan and Asher. Those two were a perfect example. Jordan, like Carlos was the optimist and those two never got anything done on their own or together. Asher and I did most of the scouting ourselves and dragged them from building to building." Kaleb laughed.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate sighed but also smiled, because in the end, he agreed. They did certainly need that balance. “Okay, fine, you can be realists. But what were you doing if Kaleb and Asher were getting everything done? Sitting around letting them do all the work?”

Carlos hummed in memory once more. “We got plenty done, sweet baby Nate. So, so much.” Nate squinted his eyes for a moment, and Carlos just grinned with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. "So much," he repeated with a breath.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

He heard the sigh, but caught the smile and chuckled. His own eyes slid over to Carlos when he heard him hum. "I don't think I want to know what getting plenty done means." Alex commented, a smile on his own face as he shook his head.

Kaleb laughed at Nate's reaction, he couldn't help it. "Nate.. seriously? You've met Carlos. We can all figure out what they were doing. And it was easier to shove them together. Someone had to get stuff done and that was us. We left them alone, searched the building and moved on. It went surprisingly quick that way." Kaleb said, turning and kissing Carlos' cheek. "Besides, it was fun seeing him with someone who matched his energy."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate thought about this, and though he could guess, it did not occur to him that this was the kind of thing that would happen in place of searching for supplies and means of survival. “Oh,” was all he could manage without sounding like a total idiot for not immediately assuming that Carlos would of course choose personal connection of whatever kind he needed in his life over actually surviving. Well, at least there was Kaleb to save him.

Carlos melted a little at the kiss. “His energy was intoxicating, my friends. You have no idea. If only everyone could feel such joys. Such passion. Mmm.” He closed his eyes and breathed in a memory so sweet he could never forget. “But also, yes, we did eventually do real things, you know. When the two halves got separated. We did not have you to look out for us, and Nate, let me tell you, if you are ever separated from the person who grounds you, be prepared to struggle immensely. But we did it! That’s because we are optimists!”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex was busy watching ahead of them, seeing the tallest building getting bigger. "Well, it's a good thing we don't plan on separating anytime soon." Alex said, knowing that he didn't plan on it.

Kaleb shook his head and smiled. "They did well on their own, we only had a couple run-ins with infected during our time with them." Kaleb paused, almost like he hadn't been thinking about his words, yeah. And the last run-in was how they lost the two of them. Kaleb bit his lip and turned his head away, keeping an eye on his footing but that was about it.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate scanned the coming buildings. They reminded him of a city full of infected like any other city. But it reminded him of a specific one he didn’t ever want to see again. His grip on Alex’s hand tightened. He did not speak. He was not even paying attention to the conversation anymore, so he didn’t notice that it ended.

Carlos’ breath caught as he too remembered the last encounter. He took a solemn moment and then smiled again. He let go of Alex’s hand and stopped himself and Kaleb. He placed his newly unoccupied hand on Kaleb’s cheek for just a moment before wrapping him in a hug. “They lived a wonderful life,” he whispered for just Kaleb to hear. “And we made it better for them in the end.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex, one of the more keener in observation of them, caught the conversation end the same time he felt Nate's grip on his hand tighten. Kaleb and Carlos forgotten for the time being, he took his now free hand and twisted so he faced Nate, stopping them both. His eyes looked at him for a moment, sensing something was wrong. "Nate? Love? Talk to me. What's going on?" His voice was soft, the words just for them.

Kaleb was fighting back the emotions that he'd hidden away two years ago. It was crazy how long ago it was and yet all the emotions were still there. He felt the hand on his cheek, and then the hug. Kaleb wrapped his arms around Carlos, head tucked into his chest. He heard the whispered words, and he choked out a quiet sniffle, holding back tears. "I know.. but.. I still miss them. I miss him." He whispered back. Asher had been.. what Alex was to Carlos. Someone so fascinating to him, someone he cared for in such a short time. They were so alike and yet so different and it drew Kaleb in, much like Carlos drew him in. He didn't love Asher like he did Carlos, that was impossible, but he cared deeply for him even though he tried to kill him when they first met.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

How long had it been? Too long. Not long enough. He couldn’t tell anymore. He lost all track of time. Part of him felt like that was a good thing that he was no longer dwelling on it. Part of him felt like that was a bad thing to just let it go. They would want him to let it go. They would want him to be happy. I am happy, he used to tell them as he wandered the streets alone. I am happy, he would say as he curled up in the jacket that used to be Max’s a long time ago. I am happy, he told them the first night he slept in the forest with Alex now guiding him. And he was. He was happy. He just hurt too. “I’m okay.” He turned away, because he could be happy. “I just… remembered. It’s like… with…” His eyes fell on Carlos and Kaleb, and his heart sank. “Oh. But what happened to them?” He stepped away from Alex and towards the other two. One hand out to place on Kaleb’s shoulder. He missed it being stuck in his own thoughts. He was better than that.

Carlos’ hands locked Kaleb into as protective an embrace as he could make. He knew exactly how Kaleb felt. In all his days knowing so many people, he met so few who made such an impression on him. He left the three people he knew best for the person he loved just to meet someone else he liked a lot to have him die. They both died, and part of Kaleb and Carlos died with them. That was how it was when they gave part of their hearts to people. “I know. I miss them too.” He looked over Kaleb’s shoulder to the others and nodded in thanks of the recognition. “Kaleb, love, you made his last days better. I love what you did for him. And I love what they did for us.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex knew something was off but he didn't push it. "Okay." Was as much as he was able to say before he turned as well. Seeing Kaleb tucked into Carlos' chest was not a sight he'd seen, and it made him frown. "I don't know." Alex said quietly, walking over to the pair, hand placed on Kaleb's other shoulder. He didn't know what exactly happened, but they were family and they would be there for each other.

Kaleb appreciated the embrace, and he wished he'd spent more time with them. He felt hands on his shoulders and he pulled his head up to look at the others, then to Carlos. Silent tears had started falling. "I don't feel like I did enough, he was helping me more than I helped him" Kaleb trailed off. He'd still had his leg injury when they ran into the horde, and he felt like he didn't do enough to help and keep them from getting bitten. He pulled himself from his memory and swallowed. No.. don't think about that. Think about the meeting, the confrontation, and the stair toll.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was not sure how to help. He felt the heavy pull on his heart of his own loss but the pull that came from someone else’s pain. His family’s. He gently tugged Alex’s hand before breaking apart to wrap his arms around Kaleb with a little around Carlos. A group hug was definitely the answer.

“I think maybe in being someone he could help, you helped him,” Carlos said with a smile as he kissed Kaleb’s forehead. “And we could love them so much.” He moved so that he could place both hands on Kaleb’s cheeks and gently his attention to his face. “Do you remember that first day when you were telling them about how I brought the whole city’s worth of infected on us, and they thought you brought a crazy person with you? They laughed because I blew the street up. They laughed and we laughed, because I’m crazy. And now we’re laughing, because I’m crazy.” “He’s for sure crazy,” Nate added for emphasis with his own laugh. “I want you to remember all those smiles and laughs. Because you did that. And everyone is better for having known you. Even if only for a little while.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt the tug on his hand, and then he wrapped his arms around the other side of Kaleb and Carlos. A beautiful group hug that was needed right now. Needed to help their family with this sadness that has appeared again.

Kaleb sniffled as he listened to Carlos. "Really?" He whispered, feeling the kiss on his forehead. Kaleb chuckled, remembering that moment with fondness. "I do remember, you were carrying me down the stairs because of my leg." He said with a laugh, the memory echoing in his brain, mixed with others, some sweet and some a little scary and uncomfortable. "I still don't know how I found one of the craziest men to be mine." Kaleb agreed, as Alex chuckled. "You two are two halves that need each other." He said as Kaleb smiled, feeling the hug. "I love you guys." Kaleb whispered, pulling his head up to look at his person, then glanced side to side at his family.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

With each touch of them all, Carlos soaked in the power of being so many. Of being combined. “Everyone here has lost someone or something. Some of us have lost a lot. I think all of us have lost entire families.” From the death of them all to never getting to see them again. Nate, knowing all too well that everyone has lost something., added, “They are the demons that haunt us.” Carlos summoned as much life to his voice. “And do you know what we do to demons?” He let that sit for a moment. “We invite them to the party, too.” Carlos pressed his lips to Kaleb’s for a gentle kiss. “For balance!” Nate laughed. “We love you, Kaleb. And it sounds like the other two did too. Which I think means that you’re just lovable for everyone.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had lost everything, but found something so much better. He found a family, love, and there is a dream ahead for them. A dream of a life together on a farmhouse. He listened, as did Kaleb. This was a perfectly beautiful moment, and Kaleb couldn't feel any happier. "Okay, okay. I get it. We all love me, now we should get moving before it gets any later." Kaleb suggested, not that he wanted the hug to end, but he also wanted to be in the city by nightfall.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos bellowed out a laugh at Kaleb’s dismissal. “Don’t dismiss our love like that. Just accept it and live in it.” Carlos could stay right there in this hug for probably the rest of his days. Nate on the other hand could not. As much as he loved everyone in this hug, he was not so much one who could stay there forever. He pulled away first. Carlos groaned but stayed attached to Kaleb. “You can’t make me let go.” Nate shrugged with his own barely contained laugh as he moved a whole foot away from the group hug.

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb heard his laugh and chuckled, even as Nate let go, then Alex a moment later pulled away. "Carlos, my love. We need to move, if you can't let go then carry me, but there is a nice comfy bed waiting for us in that city for the night. And then we move towards our farmhouse." Kaleb told him, a smile on his face as he heard Alex chuckle at Kaleb's words.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate snorted a laugh as he took another step back when Alex let go. Carlos raised his eyebrows with a smile they now all knew too well. “Why, Mr. Price, I think I may take you up on that offer.” He loosened his grip just enough to very dramatically push aside the straps of Kaleb’s pack and swipe it with one hand before it fell. He held tossed it while still staring at Kaleb with that smile. Without any additional hesitation, he swept up Kaleb like he did so often. He was an expert in this exact thing. “Okay, we can go now.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb knew what he was doing with the suggestion, and he knew exactly what would happen. "Oh well Mr. Price, I was hoping you would." Kaleb laughed, feeling Carlos sweep him off his feet and into his arms, like he did so often. Alex laughed as he watched the pair, shaking his head as he took Nate's hand, and started heading towards the city. "Onwards to our farmhouse." Alex said with a smile. It wouldn't take much longer to get there, they had gotten close before they'd stopped.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Onwards!” Carlos called before following the other two. Nate lightly yanked on Kaleb’s pack so that Carlos would let that go, carrying one and a Kaleb seemed like enough, and shoved the backpack on his other shoulder. He didn’t mind a little bit of the extra weight. They were awfully close, and they may even have been to the city already had they not stopped. Not that Nate regretted stopping. He was glad to have that moment. He missed having familial moments honestly. He missed having family. He was so used to having more people around. It really was nice to have a family back, even if this family was so different to his last one. “Okay, what’s the game plan?” He asked as they neared the outskirts. “If we are wanting to not be out and about in the dark, we should probably choose a building? One with beds sounded great, by the way. Alex, I know you love the forest, but beds are better than dirt.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at the city ahead of them, the buildings tall and menacing, and he could feel the anxiety he had towards cities spiking. Even though he'd been through this city before, he still didn't like cities. As they entered the main street, Alex looked around. His eyes locked in on a building that was roughly four stories and looked like old apartments. "We can check this building out for the night. I vote for checking the first and maybe second floors and then picking the best looking room for the night." Alex said, looking at the others. Kaleb, cradled in his love's arms, simply nodded, as that seemed like a good idea to him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was not sure if he held Alex’s hand tighter for himself or for Alex. He knew that Alex struggled with cities in general with how awful that group was to his people. He also knew that every time he looked at a couple of those buildings, they looked enough like the ones he vividly remembered. It was not the same place. The one from before was further east. He couldn’t remember where. He couldn’t get anyone there if he tried. He should not feel so wary of this one, but he did. “And we stay close together. Don’t get cocky.” So it was for himself. That was okay. They all knew his past, right?

Carlos started off trying to pay attention to literally anything around them, and he very quickly became alarmingly distracted by the most beautiful man in the entire world who just so happened to be in his arms. “Hey.” His voice was soft and sweet. He knew this was the wrong time for this since they were entering the city. “I love you.” But he couldn’t help it. “And I would carry you until the end of time, but if there are any baddies hanging around, I can’t show off my beautiful muscles and make you love me even more. So I am going to have to put you down. And I will be sad about it. And you will have to make it up to me.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate's grip on his hand tighten and he appreciated it, a lot. He hated cities, it reminded him of Seattle. Even if this city was smaller, it was still a city. "Close together. No more than five feet." Alex agreed, heading towards the building. He was thankful to have Nate, and his family with him in this city. No matter what happened, he knew he'd have them beside him. As they came to the building, he looked at the door and pulled it, and it opened to let them in.

Kaleb looked at Carlos and smiled at the soft sweet voice. "Hey.. I love you too." He replied, before he chuckled at the comment. "I can understand that dear, we can't have you keeping those beautiful arms hidden so you must show them off." He agreed, as he leaned up and kissed him before he nodded. "Okay my love, you can set me down so we can enter the building."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate moved through the door as well, scanning the immediate vicinity to make sure it was clear. Seeing no danger, he quickly kissed Alex’s cheek with a “Never again,” and he stepped to the side for the other two to come in. If they ever were to separate. He smiled at their love. Nothing could separate them, huh? He loved that about them. It really gave him hope for the world. They were how he knew that peace was possible in this world.

Carlos bent down to set Kaleb down far more gently than he required but as gently as he thought his love deserved. He caught him in his arms in another hug. “You ready to fall in love with my best feature again?” He pulled away and show off his arms before grasping his hand and walking inside the building as well.

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled at the kiss and the words he nodded as he moved inside, looking around before looking back at the other two. He loved how they were, one unit. Never apart. He took Nate’s hand and led him a little further in. “First floor seems to go that way. So we should start there.” He said, pointing to the left.

Kaleb felt his feet touch the ground gently, and then the arms wrapped around him. Kaleb chuckled softly at him as he showed off his arms. “Mmhmm I love those strong arms.” He said with a smile, feeling Carlos take his hand as they entered the building and Kaleb shut the door behind them. He looked over at Alex and nodded. “Seems like a good start.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The front reception desk was one of those curved desks that opened up on the side to get behind. At first glance, there only looked to be useless items like a computer, a holder of fliers that no longer mattered, and those weird cups that were everywhere but never seemed to have a purpose. Nate’s mama called them coffee cups, but he never knew how someone could possibly use them when they weren’t made of anything real. Behind it was a large printer and a shelf with a bunch of little boxes. It might have been for mail or it might have been for paperwork. It was a pretty standard desk. Either way, it didn’t look like it had anything of use. Following Alex’s suggestion, they moved to the left. It was a wider hallway that had enough space for some really gross looking couches and chairs to line walls along with a table occasionally. Down the fall, the first door was to the right and it was wide open for them. That was always a good sign.

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