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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Oh!” Carlos dropped beside Kaleb and immediately cuddled close. “Oh I guess this is where I am now? With my jealous cutie?” He pressed a kiss to his lips a before chuckling. “I think my aversion therapy worked on you, my love.” He pulled the blanket across them. Forests were colder than the inside of buildings.

Nate rolled off of Alex’s lap and onto their blanket. He reached out his arms as a summons for his person. All he wanted was to be with his Alex. He liked Kaleb and Carlos a lot. They were so fun, and it was true that they were certainly changing his perception of things. “I know that we will be one day closer to our forever home. Our forever farmhouse.”
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled, feeling Carlos cuddling close. "Of course my love, is there anywhere else you'd rather be? Because the aversion therapy definitely worked." Kaleb told, smiling at the kiss. He curled close to Carlos as well, feeling the blanket pulled across them and yawned. "Good night dear." Kaleb told him, kissing Carlos before resting his head on the other's chest, eyes shutting as he fell asleep.

Alex smiled as he watched Nate roll off his lap, and the moment he was ready, Alex immediately joined his person. Alex's head on Nate's chest, arm across his stomach and a yawn escaping him as he curled up beside him. "Yes, one day closer." Alex whispered, looking up at Nate and leaned up to kiss him before returning to his chest. "Good night my love."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As sleep touched tired eyes and coursed through waning breaths, Carlos found himself blissfully withering away from the waking world under the touch of the person who always meant the most to him. “Goodnight my beautiful blue eyes,” he mumbled through bleary words. He drifted off to sleep almost immediately after. Nate too found himself asleep before he could even register the words Alex spoke. So few times did he fall asleep so quickly and easily. But what was there not to keep him from a blissful rest? Nothing kept Carlos awake. Nothing kept his dreams from being wholly average as he slept. He slept the night contentedly and without interruption. But Nate did not have such fortune. He was plagued with something uncomfortable. Something unwelcome. Unpleasant dreams he could only remember being unsettling. He would have tossed and turned had he not been captured by Alex’s grounding presence. He did not want to think about the kind of night he might have had if he did not have Alex to hold him close. When morning came, Nate had already given up this dream of sleep. He lay there staring into the tops of trees unsettled by something he didn’t quite understand.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb had heard Carlos' comment, but he was fast asleep in the next moment. His dreams were peaceful, though something was at the edge of them. Something foreboding, something dark and deadly. He tried to focus on the positive aspects of his dreams. He was at the farmhouse with his little family, and in his dreams, Asher and Jordan were there too. The six of them altogether under one roof. Jordan and Carlos together again, Asher meeting Nate and Jordan obsessing over Alex like Kaleb knew he would. It was overall a nice dream. Alex slept peacefully, dreamlessly, but he woke up early, something waking him up. He noticed that Nate was awake and shifted to look at him. "Are you okay love?" Alex whispered, looking at him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The sound of the forest was not so much eerie as foreboding. It felt wrong. Everything about everything felt wrong. When he tried to figure out why, his best assumption was that it all fell into place in that abandoned cabin. They had anything they could ever need or want. Water to pump from a well somewhere that they could find. Rooms for each set. Food they would eventually run out of but land to attempt to make more. It only made sense that whoever lived there before had already figured that out once. But the placement was inconvenient and frankly dangerous if their enemies ever wished to venture further out. They had to leave, but it was so good while it lasted. He was sure that was what it was. Nothing more than that. When Alex spoke, Nate drew in a deep breath as he tried to push his worries away. He could not hide this from Alex. He couldn’t hide anything from him. “I’m okay,” he answered, because it was true. It was. “Couldn’t sleep is all. I think I miss the nice bed.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex could sense something wrong, and normally he didn't get that feeling anywhere but in the cities. He was started to wonder if they should've even left the cabin. It had everything there, except it was just a little too close to the hunters. Alex heard that deep breath from Nate and knew he spoke the truth, though he wasn't sure if it was missing the nice bed or the oppressively foreboding atmosphere in the woods. It felt like a warning of something coming in the next day. "Okay." Alex said, leaning up and kissing Nate softly before moving his head back to his chest. Alex was wide awake and until the other two woke up, he was quite content to lay right where he was.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

So Nate wasn’t crazy. This wasn’t something that was only haunting him. Alex could feel it too. That seemed clear from Alec’s small response to Nate’s poor excuse of an answer. He let one hand fall to the side and haphazardly search for his glasses before shoving them onto his face. Maybe if the world was not so blurry, it would not be as wrong. As the shapes swam into focus, or at least more of a focus than they had been before, the looming dread still lingered, though being able to make out all of these shapes did make it better. Slightly. In the coolness of the morning air, he wrapped his arms around Alex. Holding him close. He was not sure for which one of them that was for.

Carlos woke with the world’s biggest yawn as he also committed the world’s biggest stretch, tossing arms and legs every which way and effectively making it impossible for anyone near him to continue the peaceful sleeping they may have been having. Or fretful. Nah, peaceful. Carlos had a great night. Well, he had a straight night where he did not wake up at all. That was nice. There were too many things in this world that were negative. He would think in the positives. Like right now, he was on the forest floor, which was admittedly less than the most comfortable thing ever, but it was way better than trying to sleep in some abandoned building that was probably swarming with infected. He leaned over and kissed Kaleb’s cheek.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt arms wrapped around him, felt Nate hold him close and he had to admit it felt nice. As if the darkness of the forest and world could be kept at bay with such a simple gesture. He didn’t want to move and break the little safe place that had been created.

Kaleb was woken up by Carlos’ stretching and huffed. He’d moved out of the way while his partner stretched and then smiled at the kiss to his cheek. “Good morning love.” He said, pushing himself into a sitting position with a yawn.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

The slight sounds of chattering birds and rustling leaves broke the silence as the other two awoke. “Good morning my most beautiful love. My forever, my always. My blue in the gray.” He sat up as well and threw his arms around Kaleb like it had been years since he had seen him. Then he readjusted to face the other two, but kept his arms attached to his other half.

“Someone is in a sappy mood this morning,” Nate mused as he too held his love. He buried his face in Alex’s hair as he so often did. Grounding. “Please tell me everyone else had a better night than I did.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb couldn't help the quiet chuckle from coming out as he listened to Carlos, holding his arms when they were thrown around him. His eyes flicked to Nate, hearing him and rolled them. "My night was odd. Something was lurking on the edge of my dream. It was weird, why? How was your night?" Kaleb asked, leaning into Carlos' arms.

Alex felt the face buried in his hair and smiled. He also heard Nate and frowned, though with Kaleb's words made him frown more. Did they all have this sense of foreboding? He looked at Carlos, and wondered just how he'd slept last night.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Odd. Well that was better than bad. Nate sat up as well, pulling Alex along with him but keeping him held against his chest. It was amusing that he and Carlos were doing similar things. Perhaps this was just what people did when they had a person. He rested his head on Alex’s shoulder and sighed. “I didn’t sleep well. Like there was something on my mind that was too heavy or important for me to be able to turn the thoughts off. I don’t know. What about you, big guy?”

Carlos yawned again as wide as the world and shook his head. “I slept like a baby.” He nestled into Kaleb, suddenly looking so much smaller than he normally was. “No dreams or at least none that I can remember.” He reached out and placed a hand on Alex’s arm. “Did you sleep like these two as well?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt himself pulled up into a sitting position but kept his head and body pressed against Nate's chest. It was comfortable, calming and peaceful. He felt the head rest on his shoulder and then the hand placed on his arm. "I slept peacefully actually." Alex admitted, shifting his head to look at Carlos.

Kaleb heard Nate and sighed. "I know exactly what you mean." He said as he felt Carlos nestle into him, and he rested his head on Carlos. At least two of them had a peaceful sleep last night. Kaleb sighed softly, unsure of just what their disturbed sleep meant.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“I’m glad I didn’t keep you up,” Nate said not in a whisper but just to Alex. He was so worried that his own inability was going to keep him up since they were so close. He never had to worry about that before he had Alex. He slept on his own for so many years. And when he was tormented by the dreams of his lost brothers, he was on his own. “I don’t want my troubles to hurt you.”

Carlos stayed in his nestle for a moment before patting Kaleb on the back. “Gorgeous, that’s disturbing. Medicine man, also disturbing. No more negativity! Let’s have breakfast!” He pulled out of his cuddle and opened up the bags. He was comfortable with everyone’s bags. "Whats o we want my most beautiful family?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex shifted so he could look up at Nate with a small smile. "I think you woke me up in the end though, something just pulled at me to wake up this morning." He admitted, before kissing Nate gently as he heard his comment. "We're together now. Right? So that means your troubles are mine and mine are yours. So let me help you with them." Alex told him, before he heard Carlos as he got into their bags. "Hmm. Do we have any of those green beans still? Those were pretty good."

Kaleb shook his head with a chuckle, listening to Carlos. "Yes. Breakfast, we don't know what will happen so we must eat. Although, I think after breakfast a small demonstration from Handsome is still happening if I remember right." Kaleb said, watching Carlos pull from the cuddle and head for their bags. "Green beans sounds good."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate should have been paying attention to Carlos and his food question, but he was so entranced by Alex, that he almost forgot that they had two more people with them. When he was with his brothers, they all obviously cared about each other. They wanted to help each other out and be there for one another. They did that for years and years, but never once did he really feel like one of them would have rather stayed awake to be there with him with his troubles than happily sleep on their own. He bent down and kissed Alex softly. “I love you.” He was overcome with how much he loved this man. It was moving really.

Carlos pulled out the green bean and smacked both of their arms. He was also moved but by food. “Hey, none of that smooching when food is to be had.” He pulled at utensils to hand to everyone. For Nate and Alex, he dramatically pulled their hands away from each other and placed the utensil. “You can go back to your super cuteness after, okay?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled into the kiss and kissed him back. "I love you too." He said, his eyes watching Nate before he jolted from the smack to his arm. "Hey!" He said with a laugh, and then their hands were pulled away dramatically as a utensil was placed in them. "I guess it's breakfast time." Alex chuckled.

Kaleb rolled his eyes and laughed as he watched the scene before him. He took the utensil that Carlos handed him and then watched him get the other two theirs, and pull them apart in the process. They really were quite the group.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

At first Nate stared at Carlos wide-eyed, but then he relaxed and rolled those eyes as he was handed his spoon. “Thanks,” he said dryly. “You are so very welcome!” Carlos all but sang as he placed the green beans in the middle of them. “May this meal be the best breakfast we have ever had in a forest.” He bellowed a boisterous laugh before beginning to eat. After a whole bite, he suddenly flailed and scrambled to the packs where he pawed through one, realized it was one his, and popped over to the pack that was actually his. They were surprisingly similar. He tossed some things before pulling out the journal and pencil. He crab walked himself back to the center, took another large mouthful before tumbling back to the journal and marking in it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex kept himself close to Nate even as he took a few bites from the can of green beans. His eyes watched Carlos eat, then flail and run to their packs. It took two tries before he found the right pack, and both Kaleb and Alex chuckled as they watched him crab walk back to the center, eat and then return to the journal. A highly amusing breakfast as the eldest and youngest ate some more green beans.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate ate but was definitely distracted by Carlos’ goofy movements. “When inspiration strikes?” He asked as he too watched in amusement. It was not every day that they got to see such a vision.

“When inspiration strikes, you must follow it where it would lead you!” Carlos rolled back to center for another large bite, taking his journal with him this time. He slapped it down on the groin to continue the line work of the farmhouse.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex and Kaleb shared a look before they both laughed loudly. Alex had finished his own breakfast, wiping his utensil down and watched Carlos intently. Kaleb on the other hand took a few more bites before he too was done, wiping his own utensil down and reaching over to grab his pack, taking his and Alex's and tucking it inside. "And where is inspiration taking you at this point my love?" Kaleb asked with a smile on his face.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was certain that as he finished too, Carlos was too distracted to keep going, so he plucked Carlos’ utensil from his hand and wiped both of theirs before also crawling over to place it in his pack. Carlos rolled over so that he was laying on his stomach, journal tossed in front of him, and he slapped his hand on top of it. “Home,” he finally answered as he kicked up she feet and grinned at them all. “Complete with wrap around porch, various planty crop growing areas, horse stables, and the works.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex squirmed away from Nate, resting on his stomach near Carlos and looked at the drawing in his journal. He was fascinated at how well Carlos drew, it was intriguing to him. Meanwhile Kaleb smiled, seeing the excitement on Carlos' face and in his voice. "Home." He repeated, a word he never thought he'd ever say, not really. Even in the QZ, his home was never home. Not to him anyway. This was home to him. His family.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos used his pencil as a pointed as he pointed out each of the little places. “See here’s where somewhere out there, Handsome is going to grow us some wheat for Medicine Man’s bread problem.” Nate would have objected but it was sweet that he had noticed that. “And we’ll have plenty of room for all the different livestock like cows and chickens and other delicious friends but also horses like my sweet baby Ireland.”

He moved the pencil to the actual farmhouse which was looking a bit massive in comparison to everything else now. “I mean, I can’t quite figure out how big to make it because we have a lot of rooms we keep needing. So over here I tried to make a layout. It’s got all the essentials like the two bathrooms and the kitchen and fancy dining room where we’ll have fancy meals for every meal. A separate room for Handsome and Medicine Man, though you’ll have to share sometimes.” He leaned over and captured Alex’s face with one part his hand and other part his own as he planted a kiss on his cheek before letting him go. “And then one for me and my beautiful husband.” He rolled so that he could drape and arm across Kaleb and capture him similarly to Alex, though the kiss he gave him was full on the lips and lasted a good five times as long.

Finally he fell back to the middle and gestured to the open land in the first. “I don’t know where exactly we’ll have this wedding, but I think we will know when we get there.” He dropped the pencil and fell onto his back as he stared at the tops of the trees. “When we get there, we’ll just know that’s the place, and we can say ‘Welcome home,’ like they do in all those books you read, my love. And I’ll choose the most boring, plain wall to paint a mural that might grow or change or something so that we’re never bored.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex looked at the drawing, picturing the fields of wheat and the idea of livestock for them to raise in the fields of grass. His eyes roamed as he listened to Carlos explain his drawing, then he blushed at the kiss on his cheek. It never failed that when Carlos kissed him, his cheeks flared red. And he still didn't know why. He didn't do it as much with Nate anymore he noticed. Kaleb smiled into the long kiss as he felt the arm across him. He had heard the entire plan and nodded once Carlos fell back to the middle. "I think you're right dear, we'll know exactly where we should have it when we get there. I also can't wait to see the mural you paint"
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Murals were some of his favorite things to paint, and he got to do them so rarely. Carlos would love to be able to do it again. He wanted to do something magnificent for their home. He wanted a home. “You, my sweet, just want me to paint for you again.” He booped Kaleb’s nose before nodding once in conclusion. “I wanted to fill it out more, because I could see it in my mind, you know? Can’t let that fade away without putting it on paper.”

Nate agreed. He was not an artist so he did not get Carlos’ inspiration but he did understand that they could not let things go when they thought of them in the moment. “Well, I think that that you and Handsome are going to have to build it if we want it just like that. Which is perfect, I think.”

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