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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched as Carlos turned around and ran, he was determined to get him, but he could see that he was trying to use the other two, so he stuck close to Nate as well. He was hoping that when Carlos went to use Nate as a shield, he could manage to tag him. Kaleb on the other hand was doing well until he felt a hand touch him. He hadn't thought that Nate would try and time his zigzagging and Kaleb had gotten tagged.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As Nate lunged for Kaleb, Carlos attempted to use him and also Kaleb as a shield. He was not, however, expecting Alex to use this against him, and yet there he was absolutely getting him. “No!” He cried just as Nate cried, “Yes!” Carlos threw both hands up in defeat. “This is entirely unfair,” he whined as he trotted slowly away and then turned around to look at those who betrayed him. Nate stood next to the other two and shrugged. Life wasn’t fair. He leaned against Kaleb and grinned.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed as he watched Carlos throw his hands up in defeat. He looked at him as he slowly trotted off and Alex followed him, coming up beside Carlos and threw his arm around him. "It might not be fair, but it was fun and look. A nice cool forest to shelter in for the night." Alex pointed a little to the left to find a small swath of forest and a look at the sky showed it was indeed getting dark. They'd traveled a good amount just goofing off. Kaleb looked beside him to Nate and smiled, before looking at the other two. "I think Alex has the right idea. Let's shelter in there for the night."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

They looked in Alex’s pointed direction to find that yes, there was in fact a forest. That would be better than attempting to sleep in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no shelter. At least when they were in the forest, the trees gave them shade and cover. It was not the comfiest they had ever been considering they were coming from the best place Nate had ever slept, but it was better than much of what they could have. Besides, he liked forests now. He could not for the life of him find his way in them, but they almost felt like home. They felt like Alex. Carlos slide his arm around Alex as well as he allowed himself to be led towards the trees. “Oh, does this mean that we get to finally see Monkey Man in his natural habitat?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Carlos' arm slide around him and he smiled. He knew that it was just him and he led the four of them to the forest. Alex turned his head to look at Carlos and nodded. "Tomorrow morning before we head out, I'll show you exactly why Nate calls me Monkey Man. It's a little too late to do it tonight." Alex promised as they entered the shaded forest. He kept going until he found the perfect spot to make camp for the night. It was far enough in and there were bushes around that provided some protection. "I think it's time to make camp for the night, what do you guys think?" Alex asked before he paused. He heard something and looked around before he pinpointed the sound. "I'll be right back with dinner." He said, disappearing into the woods. Kaleb was thoroughly confused but he shrugged. "Alright, let's set up camp."

Alex followed the sound until he froze seeing a large buck. Perfect. Alex drew his bow and nocked an arrow, drawing it and firing it. The arrow landed exactly where he wanted it to. The buck dropped to the ground and Alex walked up to it, tossing it over his shoulder and headed back towards the camp. Once he got there, he gently set the buck down and grinned. "Dinner is served"
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate knew what was about to happen even if Carlos and Kaleb did not. He loved this part of Alex. Though he may not have loved every part of their situation currently, there was so much to be thankful for, and Alex and his beautiful skills were one of them. “Don’t worry, we can handle setting up a camp.” He would have loved to go watch Alex get the dinner, but he was more useful here. He could help set up the fire and start to unroll bedrolls and blankets to create a nice palate that was going to be far comfier than the ground. So when Alex came back with dinner, Nate was far more prepared than Carlos who stared with wide eyes. “I’m sorry but what is this? Am I dreaming? Hallucinating? What exactly is happening right now?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex couldn’t help the laughter that spilled out when he heard Carlos. “This is called hunting city boy. You two never tried to hunt for your food? Nate they have no idea what they’re missing.” Alex said as he began to cut up the deer with his knife. Each piece of meat he stuck on a flat stone that he fit over the fire. It worked like a pan on a stove and soon the smell of cooking deer filled the clearing. Once a good amount of deer was cooked, he grabbed the forks that they’d gotten from the house and handed one to each person. “Alright, dig in.” Alex said.

Kaleb had never even thought about hunting for food. He just went with what he could find in apartments. He did laugh when he heard the city boy comment. It was funny, even if it was mostly true. He was skeptical about eating the meat but he took the fork, grabbed a piece of meat with it and tried it. “This is good. Babe. Try it. It’s delicious.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took his food happily, definitely thankful for this kind of meal instead of beans and such. Even the nice canned food was sometimes not as good as this. He was amused by the idea that people like Kaleb and Carlos had never had this before. This was the perks of having someone as amazing as Alex around. He had never met someone so resourceful as Alex. “Good thing we’re here to teach them the good ways.”

Carlos loved some meat, he just rarely got any. To be honest, hunting was never something he considered. That was something people used to do but not something he knew how to do. He watched Kaleb eat with curiosity. Was this really something they could do? He took the food and ate it. “Oh. Oh wow. You’re able to do this? That’s incredible!”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex would prefer deer over beans any day, then again, he'd probably prefer anything over beans. And when they had their farmhouse, he'd make sure to have a way to store the meat from both deer and livestock that they raise. He smiled at the other two as he enjoyed his own meat, hearing both Carlos and Kaleb enjoying it. "It's a very good thing." Alex agreed before he looked over at Carlos. "I may be sheltered from many things, but I'm very good at being self-sustaining in the woods, which includes hunting for my own food." Alex replied. Kaleb chuckled hearing Carlos' words as he ate his own food.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos shook his head in amazement. “Nate, how did you find someone like this anyone? Smart, handsome, got great aim, and can cook us great meals?”

Nate shrugged and nudged Alex with his shoulder. “I got lost.” He looked over to Alex and fell into a smile that overtook his face. He really was the luckiest person in the entire world. Look for the light, right? Yeah, he found the light.

“I’m gonna get lost,” Carlos announced as he finished his food. “Who do you think I’ll find if I start wandering the trees?” He chuckled as he stretched his arms.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled hearing Nate and smiled at the nudge from his shoulder. "Yeah. And somehow roped me into going back the way I'd just come." He said with grin. "And somehow? I'd do it all over again." He said with a smile as he finished his own food. Alex felt a yawn slip out as he stretched his arms out himself.

Kaleb glanced over at Carlos and rolled his eyes. "You would find a bear or some other animal if you decided to wander the trees." Kaleb told him with a chuckle as he finished his own food. "Or you'd find someone just like you.." He added, remembering when they first started traveling and the people they'd come across. "So no, you are not getting lost. I've had enough injuries for all of us for a lifetime."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate also finished as well as Alex yawned. He snaked an arm around Alex’s shoulder with a triumphant grin. “Somehow is by being absolutely pitiful and helpless. You couldn’t resist this.” He turned his attention to the other two. “Someone like him? Oh please no. I don’t think I could handle a second one. Carlos, you stay right there and be happy with your Kaleb, okay?” He shook his head then put out his arms to Alex. “You look sleepy. Does that mean it’s forest cuddle time again? I did miss that.”

Carlos sighed heavily. “None of you have any sense of fun.” He leaned back on his elbows at the memory. “Just like me. Mm the fun we could have had with more time. Think about it gorgeous.” He hook a finger under Kaleb’s chin. “If we had them now, all of us all tangled together.” His elbows gave out and he fell to the floor with his hands behind his head. “That’s a dream I’ve had many times.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded hearing that and chuckled a little. "It was pretty sad looking, seeing him standing there turning in circles. I definitely couldn't resist him." Alex mentioned as he felt the arm around his shoulder. He heard Kaleb's comment but instead of telling Carlos to stay there, he was curious. Alex, where he was once tired, was now very much awake again. "I'm not anymore, tell me more about the person who was like you. Please?" Alex asked, shifting as he watched Carlos fall to the floor, hands behind his head.

Kaleb went quiet for a moment before he laughed. "I wish we'd had them getting through that city. Asher would've been a huge help in getting past those hunters." Kaleb said, as he felt the finger hooked under his chin. "I can only imagine that my love. And I've dreamed of them too." Kaleb mentioned before he heard Alex's question. He glanced over at Carlos, wondering if his partner would talk about Jordan.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate sighed realizing there was no fighting this but also was genuinely curious about this second Carlos. Carlos popped up, eager to talk about a long lost love even if it wasn’t exactly the average long lost love. “Oh yes. He was handsome. With these big, beautiful arms. Mm and this waft of red hair that was like fire in the night.” He let his mind wander back to memories of something amazing they had for so little time. “He taught me things I did not know, and that is saying something, because you know,” he paused with a knowing smile, “I’m me.” He turned to Kaleb and rested his chin on his shoulder. “He cemented our relationship if you’d believe that. Made this one awfully jealous.” He chuckled and twisted his body around before scooting himself closer to Alex. “But,” he began conspiratorially with the biggest grin and the barely suppressed smile, “Don’t let him fool you.” He gestured towards Kaleb. “This beauty with the reddest hair I have ever seen, came with an attached hunter, and guess who ran off to have a little bromance with him?”
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex listened, paying rapt attention to Carlos. His eyes were wide as he listened, imagining someone who could teach Carlos things. It was strange to think about and Alex would've loved to have met this man. "He taught you things? Wow.." Alex said softly, then his attention turned to Kaleb who'd had the beginning of a blush on his face as Carlos rested his chin on his shoulder. "Ok, we'd only been traveling together for a few days after meeting in the zone so the whole relationship thing was new to me. Especially not knowing how this one flirts with everything that moves, much like Jordan. So I was naturally jealous yes. But I learned the difference between flirting and love." Kaleb said softly. Sure it had taken him a little but he figured it out. And then the blush got worse when he saw the grin as he watched Carlos scoot closer to Alex. "Yes, a hunter that hated FEDRA more than Nate did and yes, we got along very well once we'd gotten over the fact that I had been FEDRA." Kaleb admitted while Alex raised his eyebrows in shock hearing that.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos shook his head as he listened to Kaleb and exchanged glances with Alex and Nate while mouthing ‘nope,’ with a mischievous grin until Kaleb was done. Finally, as he finished, Carlos started back up. “First of all, it’s not my fault we didn’t know each other very long before that. I was willing to have a slow burn romance. And by that I mean, I would have loved a beautiful secret romance right there in the jaws of the Boring Zone. But he ran from me.” He threw up his hands. “Would you believe that? That’s not the point wait what was I saying?” Nate joined in with, “Someone hated FEDRA more than me?” “Oh!” Carlos sputtered excitedly. “Jordan and Asher! And he and Asher didn’t just get along. We got kicked out! Asher wanted to be with him, not us.” He deflated,elbows on his knees, head in his hands. “We gave them nothing but love and affection and they wanted none of it.” He smiled back at Kaleb. “Mm, my sweet, can you imagine all six of us? I would simply be surrounded by handsome men! Who could wish for anything more?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb shook his head as he saw the mouthing of the word nope. "It is exactly your fault, you convinced your trouble making friends to start a riot to paint the mural. If my father knew that you'd done that for me, you'd have been punished severely. I had to leave the zone before you got hurt trying to get with me." Kaleb huffed, then he heard Nate mention the fact that Asher hated FEDRA and then Carlos chimed in with what happened after that big scene with Asher about ready to kill Kaleb. Or it had definitely felt like he had been. "If you thought your reaction to me being FEDRA was over the top Nate, you should've met Asher. His group of hunters literally killed FEDRA officers and took over their city from FEDRA's control." Kaleb said, and he shook his head. "I thought Asher was going to kill me, and then Jordan stopped him and we sent those two on their own and we actually looked for supplies." Kaleb said. Alex listened and realized that Asher's group sounded so similar to the WLF. "I can only imagine how that would go love, having all six of us together? Jordan would've loved Alex just as much as you do."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate couldn’t help but actually be amused by this. The two of them telling this story were actually kind of hilarious. He leaned against Alex, his hand resting on Alex’s leg as he listened.

Carlos laughed. “My beautiful love, do you think I would have let them figure out it was me?" He looked back to the other two and shrugged. “Oh they would have and it would have been terrible but just imagine how beautiful it would have been with a secret romance. And as for Asher, yes, I think he might have been about three second from decking him, but he didn’t! And I swear by the end, he was crushing on you a little. You were his kind of person after all.” He turned back to the other two. “Inner demons, terrible past, all that. They were two peas in a pod. But the point here is that Jordan and his magical affection was not exactly another me but we did have a lot of similarities.” He peered at Kaleb then leaned in close to Alex. “And he’s right. That man would have absolutely found you scrumptious.” He ran a hand down Alex’s arm, up his chest, and popped his finger off at his chin.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb rolled his eyes at the comment and smiled at the fact that even Carlos admitted that they would have figured out it was him. "Maybe they wouldn't have figured it out if you weren't considered the number one trouble maker in the QZ." Kaleb commented, crossing his arms with a grin. "Asher was dealing with his own past still, and I'd managed to shake his world before Jordan helped him remember that the world was not black and white. The same lesson we managed to get through to you Nate. And I think you're right love, I'm sure he had a crush on me. You weren't the only one who scooped me up when I was injured back then."

Alex looked at Carlos and Kaleb, feeling Nate lean against him and the hand on his leg. He leaned against Nate back happily, feeling the hand on his leg. He felt Carlos' hand run down his arm, up his chest and then the finger popped off his chin which just made Alex chuckle a little. He still blushed a little, but he was getting more and more used to Carlos and his actions and affections.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Why am I not shocked that Carlos was the biggest trouble maker of them all when he was younger?” Nate asked as he watched Carlos and his affectionate ways. That certainly spelled trouble to him.

Carlos rolled his eyes. “I think I got a bad rep because everyone thought I was the leader of our little band of heathens.” He scooted back so that he was beside Kaleb again. “It was Jade. She was the real ring leader. But I was the face. I was always the one talking and out in the open. And I mean yes, I did come up with the riot plan. Asher would have agreed that it was a good plan. probably because he hated FEDRA so much.” He leaned towards Alex and Nate again. “Can you imagine someone who hated FEDRA like you but worse and also violent? And then you’re crushing on the cutest officer ever?” He groaned and smiled as he fell onto his back. “It was absolutely delicious to watch.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb rolled his eyes as he looked at Carlos when he scooted back beside him. "You did not get a bad rep because you were the face. You were and still are a trouble maker, and they listened to you first." Kaleb told him, having heard all about Carlos' antics when they were in the QZ. "You forget who was warned about you dear." Kaleb added, smiling as he laid down beside Carlos when the other fell on his back. "I'm surprised you noticed us, considering how wrapped up you and Jordan were in each other."

Alex was getting tired again, but he was also intrigued as he listened to Carlos and Kaleb. This was new to him and he was fascinated in hearing about Carlos' earlier life and Kaleb's experience with someone so similar to Nate except it seemed like this Asher was way more violent than he'd ever considered Nate could possibly be.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos rolled his head and raised his hands. “Officer No Fun right? He ratted me out didn’t he? It’s because I flirted with him that one time. And that was for Jade! She’s the real problem here. You know it’s true, gorgeous. I remember how you used to be jealous.” He leaned forward and ran his hand across Kaleb’s cheek. “Jealous of Jade. Jealous of Jordan. But love, I always notice you. Otherwise I might not have noticed him at all.”

Nate chuckled at the two of them and turned to Alex. He spoke softly so as not to disturb the other two but not necessarily a whisper. “So you know what I got out of this? A Carlos double would be terrifying.” He shook his head at the thought, relaxing into the lean until he gave in and laid his head in Alex’s lap while they witnessed the entertaining that was Carlos and Kaleb.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb chuckled hearing Carlos and nodded. "That he did my dear, that he did. And I'm almost completely certain that was why he did it." Kaleb said, smiling, though he huffed at the comment. "I was jealous twice.. TWICE. And I've yet to live it down since." Kaleb said, rolling his eyes and looking at Carlos when he felt the hand across his cheek. Kaleb laid down on his back, hand behind his head as he felt a small yawn slip out.

Alex glanced at Nate when he heard that comment and nodded. "I thought one was overbearing but two? Please no." Alex chuckled a little, softly. He watched as Nate's head was laid in his lap and Alex played with his hair gently as he watched the other two with a small smile on his face.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos chuckled as he leaned over Kaleb when he laid down. “You don’t get to live it down, because it was silly.” He turned to Alex and Nate. “Though I guess it’s understandable. I made that one jealous too.” He raised his brows with a grin. It was so amusing but also enlightening learning about different people and their views.

Nate threw up a hand and waved it as dismissively as Carlos did so often. “Not all of us are naturally inclined to flirting with everyone and still having our one true love.” He snuggled close to Alex. “Now, i think it’s bed time. I’m exhausted. You,” he pointed to Carlos, “look like you could devour someone, and I would prefer it not be me and mine.” He looked up and smiled softly. “I have a very specific way I prefer sleeping in the forest.”
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked up at Carlos when he leaned over him and rolled his eyes with a small laugh. "It wasn't silly to me at the time obviously. You knew I was going through some stuff." Kaleb huffed as he pulled Carlos down beside him. "Yes, you made him jealous too, but it's time to rest. Nate's right, besides, we have no idea what we'll run into tomorrow."

Alex chuckled, as he looked over at Nate, hearing him. "Some of us aren't used to being flirted with either.." He added quietly, a smile on his face betraying the way his words sounded. "I'm tired too, and Kaleb's right. We have no idea what will happen tomorrow. We should get some sleep." Alex agreed, waiting for Nate to lay down first in their traditional forest sleeping position.

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