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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate tried not too laugh too much as he was eating since that was exactly the kind of thing that led to choking and dying instead of enjoying a meal. “So I still have a ways to go before it’s official? Would a bath and clean clothes help me out too?” He asked as he finished the food in his bowl and sat back. This was far too comfortable for their own good. He was going to get spoiled here. Or maybe he already was.

Nothing said that he was not alone like physically being attached to someone else. Though Carlos never truly felt alone, or had not in a long time now, he always feared it a little. In the back of his mind, that fear that haunted Kaleb for so long that everything would be taken away from him again also crept through Carlos. Without meaning to, Kaleb’s fear planted a seed, and through their journey together, it grew until it had a very permanent spot back there. Carlos was never truly worried about it. He knew that they were going to be together for the rest of their lives. He also knew that things happened. Tragic things like terrorists bombing innocents and killing mothers. A small part of him was afraid that they would lose each other. It was only a small part, because the rest of him know that it could never happen. He would never let anyone take him away from Kaleb. Anyone take Kaleb away from him. That was how he pushed away that fear. He held close to his love and reminded himself that they would never be alone. Never again. “I love you, my darling almost husband.” Sometimes he was in a sappy mood. And by sometimes, that was much of his time.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had finished his own food as he looked over at Nate and thought for a moment. "I don't know. A bath and clean clothes might help or it might not. I've never seen you clean either after all" Alex reminded him, standing from the table. "But it wouldn't hurt to see what you look like clean." He added, walking over and kissing the top of Nate's head. "It is however, my turn first." He added, stepping away from Nate. Alex turned, grabbed a clean shirt and pants from the collection they'd found and entered the bathroom with the big tub. He shut the door, looked around and ooh perfect. The prior owners never took their towels or is that.. Soap? How a bar of soap survived here he'd never ask. Alex pumped the water into the tub, and removed his dirty clothes and while the water was cold, he slid in anyway and washed up. It took roughly 15 minutes to wash and another five just to enjoy the water. He emptied it, grabbed a towel and dried off. His hair was fluffier now, not as dirty and his skin was a light tan instead of dark tan with dirt. He pulled on the shirt and pants he'd found before walking back to the dining room and Nate, feeling much better. "Well? Do I look any different?"

Kaleb remained close to Carlos. He still had his doubts that he'd keep what he'd found, that one day Carlos would be gone. But that fear just keep getting assuaged every time Carlos hugged him, held him, kissed him or anything he did really. Those words warmed him up, melting him and he smiled wide. "I love you too my handsome soon to be husband." He replied happily.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

While Alex was away, off to bathe and become a whole new person, Nate wandered the house again. Though they already searched the day before, they primarily looked through the upstairs bedrooms and such since they got so distracted by the food down here. He slowly walked through the living room and a couple of other little rooms before finding himself upstairs again, listening for the sounds of the other two and whether or not they were alive in there, and moving through that smaller office once more. As he maneuvered through, really taking his time in searching, he found the gem he almost missed the first time. It was because he was so distracted by Alex the last time they were up there. He wanted him more than he wanted these. He tried them on and smiled almost giddy. This was going to be so much better. He took them off to put with his pile of clothes he would wear after his own bath and headed back down the stairs to meet Alex when he finished. His reaction to fully cleaned Alex was to raise both brows and nod. “Okay, yeah, being clean is a good look on you.” He grinned and looked him up and down. “Definitely an entirely different person. Far cuter than that old.. um.. what was his name? Was it Alex? Right, yeah that guy.”

Carlos could not help but smile with all of the happiness in the world. They had known their love for years, but it didn’t matter. Every additional exclamation made him beyond excited. “You know, I am pretty handsome,” he agreed with a sly smile. “And you are awfully handsome too. We are a handsome pair. Can you imagine how we could be? Mr. and Mr. Price, the most alluring people in the whole world. How could anyone compare?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smirked seeing Nate's reaction to his clean self. He'd forgotten how good it felt to be clean, and putting in a system for water like this was top on his list of things to do once they reached their farmhouse. Alex laughed, hearing Nate's words. "Oh I am? Should I go by Alexander now since I'm clearly much cuter than Alex was?" He asked with a teasing tone in his words. "Now it's your turn to clean up, I want to see what the possible love of my life looks like all clean."

Kaleb shook his head with a chuckle, seeing that sly smile. "Oh yes, we are a handsome pair aren't we? I can't imagine how anyone could compare to us dear." Kaleb agreed. He loved hearing Carlos refer to himself as Mr. Price, it made his heart do flips and flutter. He couldn't wait to marry this man before him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate nodded like that was exactly what he was thinking. “I am thinking that Alexander may be the love of my life instead of that dirt-ridden Alex. Because clearly looks are the real thing that matter in a relationship, right?” he asked as he grabbed his pile of new clothing, to include his secret find. As he walked away, he looked back over his shoulder and called, “Goodbye Alexander, love of my life who is clean and beautiful. May you recognize me when I return.” He giggled to himself and disappeared into the bathroom where he spent far too long figuring out how everything worked and simply marveling at it all. When he returned to the dining room to find Alex, he was a much cleaner version of himself. He too had significantly fluffier hair when it was all cleaned. His skin was a slightly lighter shade of still pale despite living in the outside so often. He revealed a couple of scars he had not noticed before, likely from his clumsy self, but that was no big deal. He also now had a whole new pair of glasses. His old ones were, well, old, and he was finding that they were getting awfully scuffed and worn. In fact, they were starting to get a little harder to see out of. Now he sported a whole new pair with wider lenses and a wire frame. They were not as fun as his older ones with a thicker frame, but they would do. They were also not black. They had a nice, fun color to them. Who didn’t like brown and blue tortoise shell type patterns? “How do I look?” He asked, leaning against a door frame for dramatic effect.

“The most handsome of all the pairs I would say, my love.” He pulled Kaleb’s face up to his and kissed him once more. There was nothing to prove here. He just really liked kissing him. “Don’t tell Handsome, but just because that’s his name does not mean that he can ever compare to you.” Yep, it was going to be one of those sappy days where he could not get anything else done. That was alright. He certainly didn’t mind. “Speaking of which, should we show our faces once again? Grace them with our beauty?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex rolled his eyes as he heard Nate and chuckled a little bit. "Is that so? Well, I guess I should go roll in the dirt then, bring back Alex." He said with a teasing grin. He watched as Nate headed off, smiling as he left. Alex busied himself with checking out the lower floor of the house. Nothing super spectacular was around, and so he sat at the table, running a hand through his much fluffier hair. It had been almost two months since he'd last taken a bath and he did miss being clean. Alex's head lifted at hearing Nate's voice after a while and it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. "Well. I have to admit. I almost didn't recognize you, where is my Nate? I see a handsome clean stranger with rather adorably cute glasses instead." He said, getting to his feet. Alex looked Nate up and down with a small smile on his face as he did so. "I think I just found the love of my life." He said softly.

Kaleb nodded at that, smiling wide. That smile got brighter as he was kissed again and he definitely didn't mind. He loved being kissed by Carlos anytime. "Don't worry, I won't tell him I promise." He said, looking at Carlos and then sighed a little. "We probably should, let them know we aren't dead." Kaleb told him with a laugh, as his stomach growled. "And I'll admit, I'm a little hungry myself." He added.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate crossed his arms as he leaned further into the doorway. “Oh hi, beautiful and clean stranger who I believe was Alexander and not Alex. I am certainly not Nate for I am Nathaniel. You would know this as I am far more handsome than that dirty hooligan.” He pushed his fancy new glasses to draw attention to them. “And I have adorable glasses. That ruffian Nate never had those.” He raised a hand and wiggled a finger to summon the other handsome stranger to him. “Well then, it’s good that we have found each other in this happenstance of cleanliness. I would hate for two such loves to pass each other by.”

Carlos laughed at the thought of them being dead. “How would we have died?” He wondered aloud. Was it that kind of night? That would be both horrifying and impressive. At least they died together. His attention moved to Kaleb’s stomach. “Ah, we starved. The tragedy when we have so much food downstairs!” He leaned down to speak to the culprit of such blasphemy. “We’re moving now, I promise. No need to get cranky.” He kissed the stomach before slipping off the bed, hand outstretched in offering. “We must amend this before it takes it out on you.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched as Nate leaned further into the doorway. He tried to keep his face neutral as he tried not to laugh. "Oh I see. Why yes, it is I, Alexander and I can see now that you are definitely not Nate but Nathaniel. Much more handsome than him." Alex said, his eyes drawn again to the new glasses. "Oh yes, his glasses weren't nearly as adorable as those." He added, seeing that finger wiggle and moved closer to Nate, letting a small smile cross his face. "It is very good, I couldn't imagine letting such a handsome man slip by me." Alex commented as he came up to stand in front of Nate, still working to keep his serious face.

Kaleb chuckled a little at that. "Yes, of course. We would've starved." Kaleb agreed with a nod. "It really would be a tragedy to die that way." He added, smiling although he did blush at the kiss to his stomach. Kaleb slid off the bed as well, taking Carlos' hand in his. "Yes, let's feed my poor stomach before it decides to eat me." Kaleb said, leading the way to the door.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate let himself smile but he hid it by making it one of those smiles that only cool people did who obviously are better than everyone else and not at all because he loved every moment of his life. He could play the role of Nathaniel, far more confident and attractive individual than Nate. He could emulate Carlos. “Let me look at you, love of my life.” He reached out that finger he wiggled and hooked it below Alex’s chin. He used it to swivel Alex’s head around Facing him one way and then another. He leaned in close and breathed in the new smell of him. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?” He asked.

“We can’t have you eating my Kaleb, little stomach friend,” Carlos responded as he followed to the door. He leapt quickly forward to wrap his entire body around him just before they could open that door. “That’s my job.” He playfully nipped at his neck before letting him go and opening the door. He spun away from him with a chuckle and stepped into the upstairs hall to see that yes, the other two appeared to be up already.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex watched the smile on Nate’s face and found himself staring a little bit. His face flushed red as he heard him. And then the finger under his chin, turning his head one way and then the other which only made the redness on his cheeks get worse. Alex was melting at the touch on his chin, and then he melted more as Nate leaned in close and Alex shook his head slightly. “N- No one has ever called me beautiful.”

Kaleb made it to the door as he heard Carlos behind him, talking about his stomach eating him. He felt his partner wrap his body around Kaleb before he could open the door. Those words made him chuckle a little but then he blushed lightly at the playful nip at his neck. And then in true Carlos fashion, he let him go, opened the door and spun away from Kaleb with a chuckle. He followed Carlos out of the room, seeing the other door open. Kaleb headed down the stairs not knowing that their companions had taken baths. Once he did though, he’d definitely be taking one.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As much as he would have loved to keep up the façade of cool Nathaniel, mildly awkward Nate poked through at his answer. “Really? No one has ever seen how beautiful you are?” That seemed unlikely to Nate. Of course, Nate was never the first person to see a person’s physical beauty. As he thought about it now, he could see out objectively, Carlos was a handsome fellow and how Kaleb’s features could be striking. With Alex, he did not see a physical beauty first but the beauty inside. He loved Alex the person. Who could ever be better than that? Even if not everyone was sitting around being in love with him like Nate, it seemed so strange that not everyone could see that. “I bet they have and just didn’t say it. Maybe they were afraid.”

Carlos followed Kaleb down the stairs, yelling out, “Is everyone decent?” Because he was a menace, and they did the same thing to Carlos and Kaleb when they came down the stairs before. Well, they may not have said those exact words, but it was something similar. “If not, I would love to join you!” Okay, so that was not exactly how it went the first time, but hey, this was still Carlos.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex saw that little bit of normal Nate peek through the curtain at Alex's answer. His face stayed red as he heard him and shook his head. "No. Not until I met you. We weren't allow to comment on a person's appearance unless we were engaged or married." Alex explained, as he looked at Nate. He chuckled at the next words. "I'm sure they were afraid to say anything. Breaking rules wasn't the best option in our group." He said before he heard Carlos yell out. "Look who's up." Alex added with a small laugh, before he decided to respond. "We're decent, and if we weren't you definitely aren't joining us!"

Kaleb had long since ceased being embarrassed or shocked by Carlos with his words and actions. He shook his head as he entered the dining room looking at the two. "And who have we got here? Just what have you two clean, handsome strangers done with Nate and Alex?" Kaleb asked as he came up to them. Now that was an idea, taking a bath and getting some fresh clothes. Well, after breakfast anyway.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate turned his attention towards the words that rang down towards them. He wasn’t ready to give up just them yet, but maybe they could do this again sometime. This was a good little taste of how that farmhouse was going to be. He laughed at the in between smiling towards Kaleb. “We got rid of those grimy people.” He looked them up and down. “Hmm if only there were two additional strangers with us.” He shook his head. “Tragic.”

Carlos flung his arm around Kaleb as he took in their clean fellows. “Mmm, babe, you didn’t tell me that handsome for even more handsome clean.” He sighed. “And Medicine Man- nice glasses. I like. You’re just about cute now too,” he teased. “Well, I’m starving and this one’s stomach is going to eat him alive if we don’t feed him, but,” he leaned his face against Kaleb’s, “I have a wonderful idea of what to do after.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex’s face flushed as he heard Carlos. Would he ever stop blushing from compliments from any of them? Probably not. Did he really care? Not really. He chuckled listening to Nate and Kaleb. “Yes, it is quite a tragic not having clean strangers with us.” Alex said, looking at the other two with a small grin.

Kaleb smiled, chuckling a little as Nate looked them up and down. His eyes glanced to the side and looked at Carlos who flung his arm around him. “How would I know he was even more handsome clean?” He said with a laugh. “Food now, and then we can explore this wonderful idea of yours after that.” Kaleb told him, leading Carlos towards the kitchen for their own breakfast.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos sighed heavily and followed along after Kaleb, miming like he was being dragged. “Yes, of course dear. We will satiate your hunger first and then we’ll satiate mine.” He turned back to Nate and Alex with a wink as he skipped to catch up with Kaleb and move into the dining room where the other two left the bowls and utensils for their use. So much good leftovers it was hard to choose. Why choose? He plopped himself down into a chair and started shoveling a bit of everything into a bowl.

Nate shook his head but smiled at Carlos and Kaleb as they left. He waited a moment before turning Alex’s head back to him having reinstated the cool man leaning on the door facade that he was trying so hard to maintain earlier. “So, Handsome,” he drawled, “what do you wanna do while we’re waiting?” A tinge of his barely concealed laughter at his own goofiness poked at the ends of his words.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb chuckled as he rolled his eyes. “I’m sure your hunger can wait five minutes while I eat.” He teased as they headed into the dining room. Kaleb sat down in the chair beside Carlos and filled his bowl with a little bit of everything. He didn’t eat as much but he was definitely going to have some of it all. This was nice, peaceful. An insight to what their farmhouse dream would look like.

Alex watched the two leave with a chuckle and then his head was turned back to look at Nate back against the doorframe, trying to look cool. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “We could do a lot of things, but I’m thinking the couch and cuddling.” Alex said, winking at Nate and taking one of his hands and walking backwards towards the living room.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

In a characteristically Nate kind of way, and not a Cool Nathaniel kind, Nate smiled with a cheerful, “Okay!” and happily followed Alex to the couch. Goodbye to cool because all he wanted was some cuddling while he waited. He plopped himself on the couch aside Alex with arms out to wrap around him. “Are you ready for this to be ours when we find the right place?”

Carlos ate much because he was hungry. He was so often hungry, but this was likely because he was a big guy. He was a big guy with a big appetite, and he needed a lot to keep him going. When he finished, he stretched and stood up. “Now where is this fancy handsome stranger creation device?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex saw the cool facade fade away with that cheerful comment. Alex was more than happy to lead the way to the couch, and even happier to sit beside Nate. He sat on the couch, legs stretched out behind him as he leaned into Nate's side. This would allow Nate to wrap his arms around him. Alex let out a contented sigh before looking up at Nate. "Absolutely."

Kaleb finished his food, letting out a contented sigh before glancing over at Carlos who'd stretched and stood up. Kaleb followed him, standing and stretching, before he smiled. "First, we grab clean clothes. Then we can find the 'device'." He told Carlos, leading the way from the dining room and to the pile of clothes. He grabbed a clean shirt and pants that would fit him and turned to glance at Carlos. "You wanna go first?" He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate’s arms slithered around Alex, one around his waist and the other resting on his chest. He nestled his face into Alex’s hair, a whole new experience now that it was clean, and smiled. He felt like he was always smiling now. That was how it should be, right? Always smiling meant that everything was perfect. “So do you know how to make this water thing work? Because I doubt our farmhouse will just magically have that.”

Carlos followed after him to choose his clean clothes as well. He sighed dramatically and waved a hand. “You don’t want to join me, love?” He leaned over and kissed his cheek. “It would be so much more fun with two.” He laughed as he started to bound away, prepared to take a bath whether it be with just himself or more.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had actually closed his eyes for a moment and relaxed when he looked up hearing Nate talking to him. He felt Nate's face nestled into his hair and smiled happily. "I do know how to make water work. It's rather simple, well I think so anyway. First we need to get a water source, and then we need one of these pumps that they have here. Then we stick the pump in the water and it uses gravity to draw the water up." Alex explained. It was a summary of what he'd need to do, but he knew what he had to do in order to get water running without electricity.

Kaleb heard that dramatic sigh and snorted a laugh. "We share everything else, I don't know what I was thinking" He said, smiling at the kiss. Kaleb shook his head, smiling wide as he followed after Carlos. Why he thought that they'd bathe separately was beyond him. "Wait for me" He called, making his way to the bath himself.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate wished he could listen to Alex explain all of these things for the rest of time. This one may not have been as in depth as some of his explanations, but it was still amazing. When Alex got to talk about all the things he learned with his old group, he wondered just how much he knew. “Did you know that we are going to have the most functional house just with all of your brilliant mind?” He laughed a little.

Carlos slowed so that as he reached the bathroom, he could turned and meet Kaleb at the door. He tossed his clothes in and bowed with a gesture. “Of course I will wait.” He leaned in and kissed Kaleb’s cheek before closing the door for a very nice bath.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex blushed a little at the comment. “I guess that’s what happens when you grow up doing everything without electricity or old world stuff. Living off the land is the smartest thing to do in the world we live in.” Alex said shifting his head to look up at Nate. He really didn’t think he was that brilliant but he believed Nate when he said he was.

Kaleb smiled at the bow and slipped inside, blushing at the kiss. Eventually he left the bathroom, clean and in fresh clothes. He looked at his side, the wound looking less ugly and didn’t hurt. It was closed up, though the bruising from the muscles still showed and he’d have an arrow tip shaped scar for life. He waited for Carlos to head out to their other people. Kaleb ran a hand through his hair, it was fluffy and looking like the bright blonde it had been rather than the dark blonde from not washing it.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex may not believe that he was amazing, but Nate most definitely did. He had never met anyone as amazing as him. There were probably a whole bunch of people who knew the same things as him back with his original group, but Nate just knew Alex was special. How could he not be? “You know, we had things like generators but no one ever figured out all those cool things you know. So I guess that means your people did two things right even if they sucked at the rest. One, they learned how to live well. And two,” he rested his head against Alex’s. “They brought me you.”

Carlos was not a particularly dirty kind of guy. He loved to be right up close and personal in combat, desired a good explosion, and was just in general a pretty hands on kind of dude. He also liked to keep himself not necessarily pristinely clean but enough to feel good about himself. He went through a whole lot more rags than others. This was why finding the abundance here was nice but also not necessarily the most amazing thing ever. He tried to keep his clothes looking decent as much as possible. His hair was well his hair, but thankfully it was already dark, so direct and grime did not do much to change that. He was able to pull it back even when it was greasy, and the curls and waves did the work for him to make it look pretty good. However, when it was washed, his hair could be considered luscious. It grew several times in volume and curled in equally intricate but entirely different ways. He grabbed Kaleb’s hand and pulled him back to the living room, after having already smothered him in compliments, calling out, “Beautiful strangers! You’re not going to believe how adorably charming and outstandingly alluring my Kaleb is when he’s bathed! Look at his hair!
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex listened to Nate as he spoke about generators. He’d heard of them from warriors who’d seen them during scouting missions. “Generators are great until you run out of fuel to power them.” He said as his face turned red when he heard the rest of Nate’s comment. He smiled as he felt his head resting on Alex’s. “That they did. If they hadn’t been so terrible, I might’ve never left.” He said, before looking up at the other two as they came out. “Well, look at these gorgeous strangers, much more handsome now. Nate you might have some competition for my love.”

Kaleb heard all the compliments from Carlos about how he looked clean and he had a red face already. He also couldn’t help but notice how handsome Carlos looked clean. He was handsome anyway, but his hair was even better. He loved his partner no matter what he looked like though. Alex didn’t help Kaleb’s blush though with his words.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took a look at their cleaner companions and nodded. “Yes, I’m certain they are more handsome.” He readjusted his wrap around Alex. “It’s probably a good thing that’s not something I actually ever pay attention or I might think about being jealous. Or worried.” He smiled towards the other two. “You do look awfully comfortable now that you’re all nice and pristine. And yes, he does have very nice hair.”

“Very nice?!” Carlos ran a hand across Kaleb’s head, shaking up the fluffier and blonder locks. “It’s magical!” He sighed and shook his head. “Don’t listen to him, darling. He’s a killjoy. You are absolutely stunning.” He eyed Alex and Nate. “So, are we off to find our farmhouse today?”

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