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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

There was something a lot different about sharing a bedroom with someone than sharing a hotel room or little shed or forest or whatever else. This felt almost like it was meant for them. You didn’t do this with just anyone, right? He and his brothers occasionally found nice houses to stay in, and they frequently shared rooms, but this was so different. Granted, he never felt so close to anyone like he did to Alex. He sweet, kind hearted Alex. He watched him get into the bed with a smile as he thought that this was exactly what he wanted. Farmhouse with a nice bedroom meant just for them. At the end of the day, they could close that door and not worry about anything else. “Yeah, I’m coming,” he answered with a grin as he slid into the bed and laid his head against Alex’s chest. He thought for a moment it could be his turn. He nestled before capturing one of Alex’s hands. “How perfect is this?”

He knew exactly what to say didn’t he? Kaleb always knew what to say and do to make Carlos exactly how he wanted. Was this a power he knew that he had? Was it one he used for evil? Because that smile and that wink, oh god that wink over those gorgeous blue eyes that never stop dazzling him, were the epitome of evil. Devilishly handsome and wickedly evil. And all Carlos’. He used their momentum as he let go and held Kaleb’s cheeks before planting a very fervent kiss to his lips. One of those dramatic ones with so much passion and love that it was kind of amazing that he could do anything else. The answer was he couldn’t. He could only focus on this. He pulled apart after a moment, breath sharp and heavy as he swiftly bent down and swept Kaleb off his feet and into his arms. “I’ll take that deal, my love.” He moved up the stairs and looked around. He had not yet been up here and wasn’t entirely certain where to go. Seeing the door closed on the one side, he assumed they were given the one on the other side. That worked for him. He moved into the room and kicked the door closed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled as he watched Nate coming over to the bed. This was everything Alex wanted, all he'd ever wanted. As Nate slid into bed, Alex wrapped an arm around him when he felt the head on his chest. His other hand was captured by Nate, and he loved the nestle into him. "This is amazingly perfect. I never thought we'd make it this far. It's crazy to think we've only known each other for a few weeks." Alex hummed, head against the pillow as he laid there. "Do you remember when we first met in North Dakota?"

Kaleb laughed, kissed him back and then smiled. "Good." He said. It was crazy how far they'd come since Kaleb first met Carlos. He tried forever to ignore the feelings he had for him. He still sometimes switched into 'officer mode' as Carlos liked to call his serious side. It was much rarer now than it had been back then. But a lot of that had to do with how persistent Carlos was, how kind and caring, how helpful. Kaleb felt Carlos pick him up and smiled as he was taken upstairs and into the room, door kicked shut.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

“Of course,” Nate replied. “It was ten years ago when we were young and impressionable, right?” He laughed into his joke as he ran a hand across Alex’s chest, absent mindedly rubbing. “Because it certainly feels like we’ve known each other for ten years. Though I’m not sure why we met in the middle of the street maybe I got lost at eleven. I’ve met me. That’s probable.” He thought for a moment. “Actually, I think I did get lost once at eleven. I choose to believe you helped me back to safety.”

Once the door was closed, Carlos walked over to the bed and all but threw Kaleb on it. “I have to give it to them. They found us a great place to stay. Beautiful matching clothes.” He stood right in front of him. “A nice room. For just us.” He laughed. “I know it’s mostly just been us, but I think you need to know how much I love us.” He leaned over and gently tilted Kaleb’s chin up so that he could kiss him. “And how much I love you.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed at that. "Of course. Ten years ago, when I was nine." He said, happy to play along. Alex could feel the hand running across his chest. Even he had to admit that it seemed like they knew each other for way longer than a few weeks. Alex chuckled hearing that. "I could see eleven year old you getting lost, I've met you too. And little nine year old me decided to help you back to safely." Alex hummed, as he could only imagine what that would've been like if they'd met that young.

Kaleb laughed as his back hit the sheets. He looked up at Carlos with a smile on his face. "I definitely have to agree on that. But I think that's enough about them." He said with a chuckle. "I mean, I think I know how much you love us." He smiled at hand tilting his chin up and smiled into the kiss. "But I think I need a reminder of how much you love me."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed remembering how much younger Alex was than him. They never felt that much different really. Okay, so nine. That was fine. “Yes, your nine year old self was out and about in North Dakota for fun and found my lost eleven year old self. You said, ‘I have to get you back to the real world before you find yourself in Florida,’ and I said, ‘Where’s that?’ and you answered with a sigh, took my hand,” he held their clasped hands tight, “and led me out of the darkness.” He put their hands across his eyes a moment before revealing them once more. “But yes, of course I remember when we met. Even if it was ten years ago.”

Carlos grinned and joined Kaleb on the bed. “I love you more than people love air,” he began as he kissed Kaleb’s neck. “More than mosquitos love blood.” He gently nipped at him. “More than the infected love to spread their infection.” He bit Kaleb’s bottom lip. “But you know what I really love you more than?” He drew his hands to Kaleb’s face before running them down his chest. “I love you more than my art. Because art is beautiful, but you are radiant. Art is expressive, but you are evocative.” He smiled, taking in Kaleb as he so often did. His favorite person in the whole world.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed as well. "Of course. My nine year old self left Washington, survived for a month, and led you back to the real world. Couldn't let you go to Florida." He said with a smile. Alex watched as Nate took their hands and put them across his face. "I'm glad we met all those years ago, I don't know what my life would've been like without you."

Kaleb had a smile on his face when Carlos joined him on the bed. That smile got wider as he listened to Carlos, and the kiss on his neck. He chuckled at the nip, and then bite on his bottom lip. Carlos knew exactly how to make Kaleb melt and fall in love every single time. He looked at Carlos and tilted his head. "What?" He asked, feeling the hands on his face, then down to his chest. Kaleb's eyes widened a little bit at that admission. "You love me? More than your art? Wow. I feel very, very honored."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed before bringing himself up enough to tilt his head and kiss Alex’s chin. It was all he could reach from there. “Exactly. And we became the best of friends, taking years to really hone in our relationship.” He ran a thumb over Alex’s cheek. The scar. “Just so that we wouldn’t have to know what our lives would have been like without each other.” He could pretend it was a million years as well. That was how it felt. “Good thing you found me wandering all ten years or two weeks or whatever ago.”

Carlos moved so that his body was hovering over Kaleb’s. “Of course I do. There is no art as good as you. You are the masterpiece I have spent years trying to recreate. In every drawing and painting. But it’s never quite right. Not like you.” He tugged at the fancy shirt Kaleb wore before rolling to the side and lounging. “Now, I believe you had a promise to keep.” He smiled like the very not good boy that he planned to be.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled at the kiss on his chin, hand rubbing Nate's back as he laid there. "Of course we did." He said, feeling that thumb running over his cheek. Alex let out a small yawn. "Exactly. I'm really glad I found you." Alex's voice was quiet as he felt his eyes closing. He wasn't going to be awake for much longer.

Kaleb smiled, seeing Carlos move so his body was hovering over him. He knew from the beginning that he was Carlos' muse, that he was the one for him. Kaleb smiled, feeling that tug on his shirt, and then Carlos rolled to the side. Kaleb shifted so he was laying on his side, seeing that smile. "Of course I have a promise to keep." Kaleb said, leaning over Carlos and kissed him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate too was falling asleep quickly. Before he lost the world forever, he pulled himself ago further so that he could reach Alex’s lips with his own to kiss him. “I love you. Even if we have only known each other for a little while.” He nestled his face back into Alex’s chest, normally the way Alex slept with him, and sighed with content. “My handsome monkey man.” His eyelids closed, heavy, and he knew that he would be such a good night’s sleep.

Carlos’ voice died away into a hum he knew he could not control. He snaked his upper arm over Kaleb’s shoulder and pressed a hand to huge back of his neck. Who didn’t like some pressure on their kisses? “Good, because I genuinely don’t know how Nate got this thing on me. The breeze on my back is crazy from the gapping.” He grabbed Kaleb’s hand and brought it to the strange ties. The gapping was huge to make it fit on his body. “I think I’m going to need some help,” he breathed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

He smiled into the kiss from Nate, it was beautiful to him. “I love you too. No matter how little we’ve known each other.” Alex replied, as he felt Nate nestle back into his chest. Alex kept rubbing his back with his hand as he too closed his eyes. He heard that comment and sighed happily. “My beautiful medic.” Alex whispered before he fell fast asleep.

Kaleb smiled into the kiss, feeling the pressure as they kissed. He chuckled hearing that and felt his hand being brought to the ties Kaleb shifted so he could use both hands to untie the strings, and after a moment, the back was untied. “There you go my love.” Kaleb leaned in and kissed Carlos’ neck gently, before he nipped at it.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate fell asleep with the knowledge that his life was perfect. There were some sad parts he could do without, and some things that he wished he could amend, but it was really okay. He could rest with the knowledge that those he lost were happy that he had been found. Those he’d known still walked behind him. They smiled with him. They nodded their approval. They could be happy that Nate was happy. So he rested.

The touch of Kaleb’s lips on Carlos’ neck was he had somehow reaching into Carlos’ body to play with their nerves. His teeth set those nerves on fire. It was the kind of fire that lit up his entire being as it spread through veins and into limbs. And this was when he was gentle. That was the kind of night Carlos was going to have. The kind where every little thing Kaleb did was like an explosion inside of him. Those were always good nights. The kind of nights that made him wonder why he ever bothered to even wave to anyone else. He played with the seams of Kaleb’s shirt, and whispered low and slow into his ear, “you wanna know how much I love you? Let me show you.” That kind of night.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex had a dreamless night. It was peaceful and restful. He had finally found people that he could call his. People that laughed and loved together, that enjoyed each other’s company. People that would play silly games and survive crazy cities full of hunters. Alex had never felt like he belonged anywhere like he feels now. When Alex woke up the next morning, he barely registered much, his brain still foggy from sleep. His eyes looked down to see Nate beside him and he smiled, before just laying there and letting himself wake up.

Kaleb knew exactly what he was doing, how to bring out certain responses with things he does. These were his favorite nights, the ones where they hold each other and their love shines. He felt that shiver race through his system at Carlos’ words. “Yes. Show me.” Kaleb replied. And the night went on. Kaleb didn’t even wake up the next morning when the sun peeked through the windows in their room, he was still fast asleep.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate slept through the night without waking once. Not a single time. That was honestly impressive. Even on good nights, he woke in the middle to readjust and fall asleep again. This time, he woke once exactly where he fell asleep. He did not have to open his eyes to know where he was. As his mind slowly woke, he nestled and rubbed his hand across Alex’s chest. How exactly did Alex get away with sleeping like this all the time? This was so nice. Alex was going to have to switch out with him more often.

They had come a long way from where they started. From stolen glances across the QZ to stolen kisses in a guardhouse when they were all alone, well one anyway, to stolen love that officer side of Kaleb couldn’t refute when Carlos was so insistent all the time. To a love not stolen but willingly given. That was what made the journey worth it. Every part of it. Which was why Carlos was also asleep without any signs of coming back to life when the sun came to wake them. That was what they got for being up so long.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex’s eyes opened up again when he felt the hand rubbing his chest. He tilted his head so he could look down and smiled. “Good morning love. How’d you sleep?” He asked, his voice rough with sleep. Alex wasn’t planning on moving this morning. Not for a while, he was way too comfortable where he was. It was nice and he had a feeling the other two would be sleeping in.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate involuntarily smiled as he heard Alex’s voice. That was his favorite sound. He was not sure when that happened, but it did. Every morning he woke up to that was a good morning. “So well,” he answered. His hand searched for one of Alex’s until finally it found on and pulled it to his face to capture possibly forever. “How about you? Feeling rested and ready for conquering worlds… later? Whenever I choose to let you get up?” He laughed at it but it was true. He really didn’t feel like moving.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex smiled as he heard Nate, he was glad that the other man had slept well. He felt Nate grab one of his hands and pull it his face. Alex had never felt such relaxed contentment in his young life. His eyes looked at Nate as he listened to him. “I slept very well.” Alex replied, the hand wrapped around Nate started rubbing his back again. “Oh yes, I’m ready conquer worlds, if my love ever decides to let me get up from our bed.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

My love. Nate would have melted if he weren’t already pretty melted. He was absolutely certain that his body had melded with Alex’s now and he would never be able to move again. Because he was Alex’s love. This was not new. He called him love frequently now. They reminded each other of their love for one another. That was how they fell asleep. But my love was more intimate. More real. “Hmm. I don’t know. I think maybe your love likes it here.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled lightly hearing Nate and the shiver down his spine at the reiteration of what he'd said was nothing new. It seemed like anytime Nate mentioned their love, it still made him happy. "Oh is that so? I guess we're just going to live here now then hmm? No need to keep moving. Just stay here in bed together forever." Alex mentioned, glancing at Nate, before leaning down and kissing the top of his head gently.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate nodded, which was less of a nod and more like a face rub against his chest. “Yep, forever and ever. Though, we will likely waste away if we don’t eat. So maybe we’ll have to move at some point.” He tilted his head to look up. “but does it have to be now? I like just being with you. We aren’t in a hurry right? No where to be. Just looking for a farmhouse somewhere away from crazy people who like killing for fun.” He blinked slowly as he yawned.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled a little at that. "True. We do require food to survive. So perhaps we will have to move eventually." Alex agreed, looking down at Nate. "But I'm not moving at the moment so no. We aren't a hurry. We have all the time in the world to make to our farmhouse. So we can just relax right now." Alex said with a smile. "Though with you on my chest, it makes rather hard to kiss you the way I want."
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Good. No hurry. Nothing else he needed to do. They could stay here as long as they wanted. He blinked a little at the words. “Is that so? I guess I’ll fix that for you.” He readjusted so that he could pull himself up and be level with Alex. He ran a hand through Alex’s hair. “Is this better?” He gently pressed against Alex’s cheek to push his head down and more easily kiss his forehead before releasing him.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled hearing that and smiled. "Oh good. I wasn't planning on moving." He said, watching as Nate adjusted himself so he was level with Alex. The smile on his face got bigger at the hand running through his hair. "Much" Alex agreed, feeling that press on his cheek, pushing his head down and the kiss on his forehead. Once he was released, Alex put one hand on Nate's cheek and the other on the back of his head. He brought Nate's head to his and kissed him.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Melted. That was Nate when Alex did this, and it was just a kiss. It wasn’t something special or fancy like Carlos loved to do. It wasn’t particularly forceful or aggressive. There was no experimentation. It was just a kiss, and that was enough to melt him completely. If Alex ever decided to venture out, the state of Nate was bound to be something of great curiosity. He, however, was not too melted not to kiss Alex back. He would never miss an opportunity for this. In all his many days in those 21 years of life, he never had anything like this, and he wanted to keep it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate kiss him back, and he was melting as well. He had never had this, not once. Alex never thought that he'd have this either, not when he left the island. Certainly not while he was traveling from Washington, and absolutely not when he'd first met Nate. But through everything they'd been through from infected to hunters, injuries for both of them, a bear and even the other two they had with them, this was the best thing Alex had found. This was perfect to him and he wasn't letting it go without a fight. Finally, Alex needed to breathe and pulled away, but not far. Just enough to catch his breath.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Without meaning to, he let out a little whine as Alex pulled away for breath. It was probably smart since he also couldn’t breathe. “Oh, don’t go.” His voice was little and sad. Was he playing it up a little? Yeah. He was. But also, he really didn’t want to be apart. His body ached for Alex. It was silly and felt kind of childish but this was just how it was. This was how he heard the teens were. He always thought they were being ridiculous. They were overreacting. No, they were right.

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