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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked over at Carlos and smiled. "There isn't anything you wouldn't do my dear." He told Carlos when his partner tickled below his chin and then the door was shut. Kaleb could sense that Nate was nervous, and he turned to face the younger man. He found it rather adorable how he rambled, and understood just what it was about him that drew Alex in. "Relax. It's okay." He said, placing a hand on Nate's cheek gently. He leaned forward and captured Nate's lips in his. He wasn't as passionate as Carlos could get in his kisses, and it wasn't as intimate as Alex's, but it was still rather intense.

Alex looked up at Carlos when he approached and sat on the couch beside him with a big laugh. "Are our two favorite people successfully locked in the closet?" He asked with a laugh. Alex was gaining confidence every day, waking up more of himself that he'd either hidden away or never knew about. The increased confidence was one of them.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

When it came to other people, Nate usually was able to stay pretty cool, calm, and collected. When he was training to be a medic, he got real up close and personal with a lot of people in a very intimate by also life altering way. He had to be that close or the other person could lose a limb or even die. It was true that some people read into his disregard for things that might seem personal as a misinterpretation of his intentions. But Nate never felt anything like that for anyone. As fun and exciting as Carlos was, he didn’t feel particularly into that single kiss forced upon him. He didn’t dislike it necessarily but he also didn’t need it to happen again. Alex on the other hand felt like he was really with another person. Like that person was another part of him. That was way different. What Carlos did felt more like these games. A thing they did. Not a way of being.

Kaleb was somewhere in between. He and Kaleb weren’t exactly buddies. They started off with Kaleb threatening Alex just to be cordial enough to get to Nate all but threatening Kaleb to be cordial enough to fall somewhere in cordial again. Now that Nate was a lot less black and white about things, he was starting to see Kaleb as the person that he was. Clever with a strong skill in leadership. That did not mean that he was the boss. He was not a high ranking military man who insisted everyone follow him. Instead, he was a genuine leader. No wonder Carlos followed him. Because here he was, leading Nate through was also a silly game, and also at the same time, a whole new kind of experience. The dark did change things. The gentle touches and the kiss from someone who actually knew what they were doing. This was a great way to learn about someone new. So Nate, who was not the kind of person who went around kissing everyone, kissed him back. It was, after all, his idea.

Carlos tossed his arm around Alex with a chuckle. “Yep. Locked it, threw away the key, and now I’m gonna sit back and just imagine how this is going for them.” He leaned into Alex a little as he looked over at the closet. “Handsome, I think this was the best idea we all collectively have ever had. We cement their bond and then we are welded together forever. Oh!” He jumped up and ran into the dining room to grab his notebook and bring it back. He was in the middle of a drawing.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled into the kiss when he felt Nate kiss him back. Their relationship had a rather rocky start, rough in the middle but it seemed like they were a lot more like a family now. Of course Kaleb had started with threatening Alex, and then the revelation of who Kaleb used to be which caused a rocky and rather rough moment to their friendship. Now, as they made it through the city and Nate had saved Kaleb from probably death by arrow, they were closer. It was not the same as with Carlos for Kaleb or even Alex for Nate, but they were closer. Kaleb moved his hand from Nate's cheek, bringing both arms up and over his shoulders, one hand on the back of Nate's head. He put just a little more pressure into the kiss, though he'd back off if Nate wanted him to. Though he had to admit that he was starting to see just why Alex loved this man so much.

Alex nodded with a laugh, as Carlos threw his arm around him. "Good to hear." He said with a grin on his face. He felt Carlos lean into Alex and he hummed an agreement. "I do have to agree on that. Those two needed the seven minutes after that city." He laughed, and then he watched as Carlos jumped up to grab his notebook before coming back in. Alex looked over at him, curious and interested in watching him draw.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Okay, more pressure. That was okay. He could handle that. He was… well, he was learning he was okay with that. He was pretty sure that Kaleb was the kind of guy to back off if he wasn’t, and that was a very comforting feeling. The way Kaleb gently led him through this was actually something he was learning he very much appreciated. It would seem that he was destined to always be lost and require someone to guide him forward. Someone to help him along the way. It gave him the confidence to learn about himself. Maybe he could try something new. His hands, which had been awkwardly sitting between them, reached up to Kaleb’s chest for a moment before slowly sliding around to his back. Lightly holding on.

Carlos flipped through the journal, a glimpse of the many pages of drawings, most black and white but some with the occasional color, before he finally landed on the drawing he was working on. It was not on the last page. On the other side was a drawing of two people facing each other, hands clasped together, wearing fancier suits. His depiction of what a wedding may be from when he first starting thinking about this. But now, he was at the bottom of the page before, working on the drawing of all four of them. They were standing together in a line. Carlos had his arm draped around Alex’s shoulder, hooked just slightly, and his other hand clasped Kaleb’s. Nate was the least drawn of the four, because he was the one Carlos understood the least, though he felt like he was getting to know him better now. He originally was standing on Alex’s side and a little further away. He held Alex’s hand, but something was not right. With his bigger eraser, Carlos began to take Nate out completely. New plan. He began to erase everyone’s legs. Nate was going to go in front. Sitting or crouched on the floor in front of them? Maybe. He would see what felt right in the moment.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb was happy to guide Nate through this, through the seven minutes here. Kaleb felt hands reach his chest before sliding around his back. Good, Kaleb had been afraid that this would be too much for the Firefly. Basically making out with an ex-FEDRA officer in a closet out in some abandoned town in Montana. Unfortunately, Kaleb did need oxygen, and he pulled away a moment later, but was still close enough to kiss again. "How are you doing there Medicine Man?"

Alex leaned into Carlos just enough so he could watch with rapt attention. The drawings were so well done, and the splash of color on certain ones was beautiful. He could see the opposite page of the one Carlos was working on. Two people facing each other, hands together in nice looking suits. But his gaze fell on the page Carlos was on now. All four of them together in a line. Carlos had drawn him with one arm over Alex's shoulder and the other hand holding Kaleb's. Nate was on Alex's other side but wasn't as well drawn. And then Carlos erased Nate, and Alex could get to see the artist at work putting Nate back onto the page.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate took the moment away to breathe, because wow was that something he was learning he could not do while making out in a closet. Was this his longest time doing this? He and Alex had never really had the chance to do something like this. Was it weird that Kaleb was first? Guy who should have been his enemy. Yeah, well, enemies were stupid, and Nate was chasing peace, wasn’t he? Wasn’t that the whole point of this journey? This was how peace started. Seven minutes in a closet. That actually sounded like the funniest thing. If they shoved more Fireflies and FEDRA officers together in a closet to make out, maybe they would stop trying to blow each other up and shoot them all the time.

“I- I’m uh. Yeah, I’m good?” It wasn’t meant to be a question, but that was how he was. “That’s um, that’s a lot.” He laughed at himself. “I- I… I still have no idea what’s happening, but I think it’s good? Is it good? I don’t want to be like a burden to you because Carlos specifically is a lot? I mean, I know technically it was my idea, but to be totally transparent, I didn’t know we were actually going to do this- I am not saying that I don’t want to- I really hope you don’t think that, because I’m actually really glad that we are, because, you know- um, it’s really nice to have a more- uh? personal experience? Shoot, I don’t think I’m saying this right.” Talk about forgetting to breathe. Here was the darkness to his rescue again. He was blushing so hard.

Carlos quickly sketched out the outline of the new Nate. He started with him sitting in front of Alex, but that didn’t seem quite right. That seemed too one sided. He shifted the angle. Nate sitting in front of Carlos, head leaning against Alex’s leg that was closer to Carlos so that Nate could reach up a hand to take Kaleb’s other one that he crossed over his chest to grab it. Better. Not right. He moved Nate to right in front of Carlos, looking up and laughing like he was laughing at something Carlos said. He still held Kaleb’s hand but also now held Alex’s as well. Which changed the way that the rest of them worked. He moved Carlos’ arms so instead of holding Kaleb’s hand, he threw his other arm across his shoulders. Moved everyone a little bit so that they were leaning closer together.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb could hear him trying to explain himself, and he found it a little endearing. "Nate. Breathe. Relax. You aren't a burden. I'll admit I was curious about you, more so after our little thing in the city." Kaleb told him. "Now we only have a few more minutes." He added, closing the distance once more and kissed Nate again. They were there, and Kaleb figured why not. Carlos was okay with it, and clearly so was Alex.

Alex watched as Carlos drew. It was fascinating seeing him work and Alex could watch him draw for hours. Maybe he'd find all the art supplies he could just so he could watch the man. It was like he was in his own little world, erasing things here, redrawing them there and making a picture that Alex wanted to keep forever. Hang up on the wall of their little family.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate appreciated Kaleb for everything he said, as little as that may be. He was a man of few but highly curated words it felt. Not a burden was good, even if he did feel that way much of the time. He wasn’t as fun and exciting as Carlos. He wasn’t as highly skilled as Alex. He wasn’t as confident as Kaleb. He was just Nate, and had always been just that. And now he was Just Nate for sure kissing Kaleb back. He didn’t really expect that when they started this. Honestly, he was afraid he was about to make this a really awkward seven minutes. Instead, it was really nice. No wonder Carlos liked him so much. He must be the perfect amount of tempering. No wonder he didn’t make it with FEDRA. But maybe Nate wouldn’t have made it with the Fireflies either? He didn’t know, he didn’t want to think about it, and instead he was very much focusing on the fact that Kaleb really did know what he was doing. Be adventurous, Nate? He let himself deepen the kiss this time. A little. Constricted his arms to tighten his grip. A little. Moved his lips a teeny tiny bit quicker. Adventurous.

Carlos pulled back a little, leaning his head against Alex’s. “Better right? Him in the middle? That way we’re all attached? What if I do this? Maybe um… oh!” He moved to Kaleb’s little person and erased more before redrawing his arm to be around Carlos’ waist. “What about you, Handsome? Where does your other arm go now?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb hadn't entirely sure how this would go, but it was going better than he thought it would've. Kaleb shifted his hand off Nate's head, and just hooked his hands around the man's neck loosely. Kaleb felt Nate deepen the kiss which surprised him, but he went along with it. He felt the man's arms tighten a little, and his lips moved a little bit quicker. Of course Kaleb went along with it, trying to convince Nate to take the lead in this now.

Alex smiled as Carlos leaned his head against Alex. He looked over the picture and nodded, but then Carlos changed Kaleb's person and then redrew his arm. "It looks really good." Alex agreed, before he studied the picture. What would his other arm do? "Maybe have it cross in front of my chest, touching Nate's shoulder? I'm not much of an artist sorry." Alex offered what he could, but he didn't have the flare for art like Carlos did.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was not that brave. He wanted to be brave. He wanted to try new things. He wanted to explore. So he tried imitating. Moving his lips the way Kaleb did. The way he may have remembered Carlos doing in the stairwell. Bringing his hands up so that one was on Kaleb’s shoulder and the other snaked to the back of his neck. Don’t stop now, Brave Nate. Keep going. Apply pressure? Like a wound but instead with a kiss. Oh that was different. What happens if he were to bring his other hand up too? Both hands on neck, spreading fingers in hair up the back of his head. Deeper kiss. Go with the motions. Was he doing this right? The sudden worry made him start to release. Slow like might stop.

Carlos nodded, reworking the sketch again to accommodate Alex’s new thought. “Don’t apologize. You would know what you would do. Own that.” He drew quickly, losing track of time as always. How much longer did they have? Eh, those two would be fine until he could finish this. At least the big sketch part. “When we get it right, I want to paint it,” he said. “On something big so we can display it somewhere in our home? I would love a big canvas. I miss painting.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb could feel the changes in Nate as they kissed. The moving lips, hands shifting to help apply pressure, and then both of his hands were on the back of his neck. Fingers were spreading up in his hair and back of his head. The kiss deepened but then Nate started to release. Kaleb started taking over again, guiding him back and trying to help him get comfortable again. Come on, you're doing so well. Alex will never stop kissing you if you do it like this.

Alex nodded, a smile on his face as he heard that. "Okay." He said quietly, before nodding more. "I'm going to find you a giant canvas and all the paints I can find. I want this big picture on our walls for everyone to see our beautiful family." Alex told him. Alex watched him draw and sketch and it was something that he'd never want to stop watching.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

He did not have the confidence for this. He did not have the confidence for most things he was learning. He could not do any sort of real combat. He did not confront people well. He was bad at speaking his mind succinctly. His certainty was shaky at best. But as Kaleb gently led him again, it felt like a sort of assurance almost. Yes, he was going good. Yes, this was okay. Let me show you how. Okay, he could do this. He wanted to learn for both scientific reasons but also because he wanted to be able to show Alex a kind of love he previously was unable. Alex clearly enjoyed Carlos’ kisses, and Nate could not do that. But maybe he could do a little for him. So he tried again. He probably didn’t have long. You can do this, Nate. You are brave. You can do hard things. Scary things. He tightened his grip a little bit more than before but still not too much. But he had to breathe. He pulled away. No, he didn’t have time to shy from this. Mildly panicking from his lack of confidence and the fact that he was certain he was messing this up, he tried to start it again, but missed, kissing the edge of Kaleb’s mouth. Shoot. Wait. He hesitated for a second. Two. Just do it, Brave Nate. He kissed Kaleb’s cheek. Paused. Closer to his jaw line. Another pause. Just below the jaw line where it met his neck. He stalled. That was crazy. Maybe not?

Carlos smiled like a little kid given the highest praise and the promise of something new. He tapped the pencil on the paper a couple of times before making a couple of edits. “I would love that. I want to create some beautiful for you. I wish you got to see everything from before we left the QZ.” He put a hand on Alex’s. “One day, I’m going to make something spectacular for us. Something big and dramatic. It will be the kind of beautiful that moves you to tears. A representation of everything that we are.” He sighed heavily at the thought of something to look forward to like that. “Okay, what do you think about our two? I have officially lost track of when we started.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb was secretly glad when Nate pulled away, he needed to catch his own breath as well. He wasn't expecting to be kissed on the edge of his mouth, then two second later, a kiss on his cheek. Kaleb smiled when another kiss was close to his jaw line, and then below his jaw at the place where it met his neck. "I can see why Alex loves you." Kaleb whispered. Their time was running up, and so he let Nate continue. It was interesting seeing him trying little things, pausing for a few seconds and doing something else.

Alex smiled back at Carlos and he nodded at that. "I wish I'd seen it too." He said quietly, before a hand was on his. He couldn't wait to see Carlos make something like that, something big and dramatic. It would be a beautiful sight. "C- Can you teach me to draw?" He asked tentatively. Then he thought about the question. "We should probably go get them huh? I think its been enough time." Alex said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos grinned even wider. No one had ever asked him that before. No one ever wanted to share in it. They appreciated it, or they didn’t. There was not much in between. “Of course!” He and his big soft heart threw his arms around Alex, pencil and all, and squeezed him as hard as he could without fear of breaking him, which was less with those beautiful, big arms. “I would love to teach you!” He pulled away and kissed Alex’s cheek. “There’s nothing like it, Handsome. Nothing.” He left the embrace and his journal to move towards the closet. “It’s a date,” he chuckled with a wink.

Nate laughed as he hesitated again. He decided maybe he was done being adventurous and brave for now. “Because of the part where I don’t have any idea what I’m doing and chicken out after like thirty whole seconds? Because that’s what just happened.” He pushed a hand over his cheek and leaned into it as he gave up. “I appreciate you trying though. You are very sweet for an ex-FEDRA officer.”

The door pulled open and Nate jumped so hard that he smacked his head into the wall.

“Don’t tell me you two only talked this whole time.” Carlos shook his head.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed at the tight hug from Carlos. He didn't think he could be as good as Carlos, but he wanted to learn. It seemed like a lot of fun to try. He smiled at the kiss on his cheek and then Carlos was gone, journal left behind. "i can't wait." He responded.

Kaleb chuckled, listening to Nate. "Because you're very kind, you just need a little more confidence that's all." He said with a chuckle. "Now you see why I couldn't stay there don't you? Now if you want an officer to hate, feel free to hate my father." Kaleb added. Then the door opened, and poor Nate smacked his head into the wall. "Nate? You ok?" He asked, before turning to look at Carlos. "Who do you take me for? We just stopped before you showed up." Kaleb told Carlos with a grin of his own.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos eyed them suspiciously. “I don’t know if I believe that.” He reached a hand out and turned Nate’s head to face him. Nate’s eyes went wide. “Did you partake in deliciously naughty things in your seven minutes of ecstasy?” All Carlos got in return was the beat red of Nate’s cheeks that spread to his ears and a bit down his neck. Carlos laughed and patted his cheek. “So you did!” He took Kaleb’s chin in his hand and gently pulled him close before giving him a kiss. “Was he as delectable as those pouty little lips look? That one kiss I had was simply too short for me to know.”

“Aaand that’s my cue to leave!” Nate crawled himself out of the closet and scurried back to the couch where he sank beside Alex, attempting to ignore and hoping that Alex would not notice just how red he was. He was not ready for that kind of conversation. He may not ever be. He was only just not able to do little things like simple kisses.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb chuckled watching the two, seeing how red Nate's cheeks had gotten. Then a smile crossed his face when Carlos grabbed his chin and pulled him close gently, and then he kissed him. "He was much better than I thought. We should shove you two in the closet so you can find love." Kaleb told him. He laughed when Nate crawled out of the closet and scurried off. "Your kisses are much better though dear" Kaleb told Carlos.

Alex looked up as Nate sank down beside him. He put his arm around Nate's shoulder and looked at him. "You look like a cherry love. Intense seven minutes was it?" Alex asked him with a smile. He wouldn't push it but he had to tease Nate a little. He was just too cute when he was red not to.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos smiled as he wrapped his arms around Kaleb to pick him up and twirl him out of the closet. “Oh, you think so? Do you want time with Handsome? He’s not so bad. So cute and new though. He has so much potential.” Was he done with that? Nope. He spun Kaleb around again. He was in the mood for spinning. “And of course they are. My kisses are the best. Oh! What if we all test and see who we think is the best kisser? I mean, the answer is obviously me.”

Nate hid his face in the couch. “Is that a thing that’s happening? Are we doing that?” He held his breath as he took it all in. It wasn’t a bad thing. It was a little awkward, but mostly because he was awkward. But that was nice. It was actually very nice. Kaleb was far gentler than he thought someone like that could be. He was afraid of Carlos though. Carlos was intimidating. But not Alex.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb laughed as he felt arms around him as Carlos picked him up and twirled him out of the closet. "I'll admit. I've thought about taking some time with him." He grinned, as he was spun around again. "Now that's a grand idea. Everyone gets a few minutes to kiss someone. I'm sure the obvious winner would be you." He agreed.

Alex saw Nate hide his face in the couch. He was so adorable when he did that. "Oh come on my dear, you've kissed all of us at least once already. Would it be so bad to do it again purely to make Carlos happy?" He asked gently, smile on his face as he tried to coax Nate's head out of the couch where it was hidden still.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate peeked out from the couch to shyly look at Alex. “You’re not wrong I suppose. And you and Kaleb are very sweet, but I still don’t know what I’m doing.” He re buried his face as the red continued to blare like a siren.

From behind him, Carlos wrapped his arms around Kaleb’s neck to hold close to his chest as he slowly walked them toward the living area with the other two. “This is a great idea. We could institute a rating system. Score us maybe?”

Nate raised his hand. “Where I am the low man and you are the high?”

Carlos laughed. “Yes our scale is rating from Nate to Carlos, how good of a kisser are you?” He laughed again before amending, “I am sure you’re not bad, Medicine Man. Maybe you need someone a little more experienced such as myself?” He raised his brows suggestively. “OR perhaps you need more motivation? Like that handsome fellow you’ve got right there? But you can’t have mine again.” He kissed Kaleb’s cheek. “Time’s up.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex chuckled, seeing that shy look as Nate peeked out from the couch. It should be illegal for him to be that adorable to Alex. "That's what we're here for love. You'll learn better by doing." He said, frowning slightly when Nate reburied his face in the couch. His head looked up as Carlos came over, arms around Kaleb's neck. "A rating system? Now that's an idea." He said with a smile.

Kaleb chuckled as Carlos wrapped his arms around his neck and walked them toward the living room. "Well, in order for this to be fair, there's still one person I haven't really kissed yet. Can you share me one more time love?" He asked Carlos when he felt the kiss on his cheek. "We need to rate this appropriately of course." He added.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate was learning that he somehow managed to find a very affectionate sort of family as they playfully discussed kissing each other. That would never have happened with his old family. He was not against it. He actually liked it quite a lot. It felt like they were more of a cohesive unit. A whole unit even if there were smaller ones in it. Like sects. Different types of relationships. He liked it a lot. But he was also least comfortable. It was so new. Whereas Carlos seemed to possibly have always been this way, Kaleb clearly had at least several years to come to terms with him as well as accept it as his own way of living. Alex also at least knew he should be freer to love than allowed. What was Nate’s excuse other than he just never had people he ever even considered this with? His mama and brothers were not these kinds of people, though he wondered if they might have been if they knew people like this.

“I guess that would be fair,” Carlos conceded as he let his grip of Kaleb go. “Though, I think it would be entirely unfair of you to get seven minutes with him if I haven’t yet. I would love to see what that man could do with nothing else on his mind.” He moved to the couch and leaned across Nate to reach for Alex’s hand. “What do you say, Handsome? Can I have a turn when he’s done with you? Obviously for appropriate ratings?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb smiled as he looked at Carlos. "Of course you can have seven minutes with him too." He said with a laugh. He certainly had gotten used to Carlos and how he was, in fact it had loosen him up as well. He was much more comfortable then he used to be when it came to how open his partner was. Kaleb gently took Alex's other hand and Alex nodded to Carlos. "It would only be fair. I'll be back Nate." Alex told him before he was led away. Kaleb brought them to the closet, and they both went in, door shut. Alex was still shy, but he was also curious about Kaleb.

"Well, the two defectors in a closet. What a beautiful story." Alex chuckled as he faced Kaleb.

"It's not the easiest thing to do, but I'm glad we met each other." Kaleb replied. He leaned forward, arms over Alex's shoulders and kissed him. Alex was used to the timidness of Nate and the passion of Carlos, but Kaleb. Kaleb was sweet and gentle, guiding him in the kiss. Alex let Kaleb take charge, his hands were around Kaleb's back. They'd come out in seven minutes to give Carlos his time with Alex.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos wiggled his fingers. “Have a good time, my beauties!” He swiveled around to face Nate, who was still on the couch looking like he was a tomato instead of a person. “Alright, sweet little Medicine Man, scoot over so I can continue what I was working on.” With only that much warning, he flopped onto the couch and picked up his pencil again. He contemplated and- oh. Oh actually yes. He looked to Nate who looked at him skeptically. “I need your help.”

Nate blinked. Um what? Why? Was he hurt? Was everything okay? Was it about Kaleb? It could have been about the arrow wound. That was healing quickly, and the poultice helped, but there was no way that magically cured it all, and surely there were problems he wasn’t saying-

“I need you to stand over there and then maybe sit down on your knees?”

Okay not at all what he was expecting. “Um, why?” Because that was a weird request. He studied this strange man before noticing what he was doing. He leaned a little closer to take a look as Carlos gestured with his pencil. Was that- that was all of them? And he was working on- Nate didn’t know what to say for a moment. He just blinked before looking back at Carlos after studying that. Was this how Carlos saw them? “Uh, okay.” He got up and tried to replicate what he was seeing in the drawing. “Like this?”

Carlos nodded, thankful. “Yes! Pretend like your two new favorite people who aren’t me are there holding your hands too. Unless you’d do something else? But I was just thinking that you have a different kind of bond with them than me. But you’re laughing with me, because we’re joke buddies. You vibe with me, you know?”

Nate nodded. He got that. So he did as he was told, moving sometimes and giving little suggestions every now and then. Carlos used him as a study. They laughed about their men together. They laughed about being together, and how everyone else was getting this intimate moment. What about them? Nate didn’t think that was super necessary. He admitted that Carlos was the most intimidating. He exploded as he drew.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex didn't really count the minutes between them. He preferred Nate's kisses to Carlos' or Kaleb's but he wouldn't say that the kiss between them was bad. In fact, it was nice. Kaleb was definitely good, and it was obvious that he'd learned a lot about kissing from Carlos. The two of them eventually had to breathe, and Alex chuckled softly.

"Well this has been quite the experience." He said, as Kaleb laughed.

"You are definitely a good kisser." Kaleb said, the smile hard to see in the darkness. The two of them caught their breath before Kaleb opened the closet door. "Okay my love! Handsome is all yours." He called, winking back at Alex who blushed. Kaleb headed into the living room, kissed Carlos' cheek before settling down on the love seat.

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