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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate put an arm across the top of the couch to hook around Alex. He absentmindedly rubbed his shoulder. He thought about this. Truths were technically safer but also scarier. Dares involved who knew what. Though this was coming from Alex, so it couldn’t possibly be as bad as from Carlos. “Alright, beautiful. Give me a dare.”

“Starting it off strong, Medicine Man!” Carlos shoved himself onto the loveseat and cuddled a little with Kaleb. Only a little though, because he was already highly invested in this game that hadn’t truly started yet. He also needed a good vantage point for watching whatever happened.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex felt Nate's arm around him, rubbing his shoulder. Hmm. Alex had to think about just what he wanted Nate to do. Alex had a rather funny dare, something that he was sure Nate would be comfortable with. Something tame because he could only imagine what Carlos would think of for them to do. "Okay love. I dare you to stand in the middle of the room, spin 10 times and then try and walk straight. You can choose where you walk to though." Alex told him with a laugh. Kaleb cuddled slightly into Carlos' side, even though he knew that Carlos was very much invested in this so he made sure to do it lightly, just like he was.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate laughed and nodded. “You want me to spin ten times and walk in a straight line. Me? Who gets lost in a hallway with one way in and out?” He sighed playfully and began to stand. “Yeah, okay, sure.” He moved to the middle of the room and examined his options. They were all terrible.

As he stood there, hands on hips, Carlos popped up. “I can spin you!”
“Why would I need to be-“
“For speed and optimum losing of balance!”
“Nope!” Carlos was already there, hands on Nate’s shoulders with a big goofy grin. “And also to make sure you don’t lose count.”

Nate sighed and nodded. “Okay, let’s do this.” He began to spin, and immediately he nearly tripped as Carlos spun him faster and faster. Nate could not keep up with the numbers at all, and by the time Carlos yelled out the last and let him go, Nate was so dizzy he nearly dropped. He spread his legs with hands out like a bizarre dance move to catch himself. He waited a whole two seconds before walking wherever forward was. That just so happened to be the table near the seating. He made it about four wobbly steps and then crashed into the table, slipping to the floor with a thud and burst of laughter. “I’m very good at walking.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex nodded with a laugh. This should be funny. “I believe in you.” He said as Nate walked to the middle of the room. Alex’s eyes widened when Carlos offered to spin him. Then even Alex tried not to get dizzy watching Carlos spin Nate. He couldn’t help but laugh at the move Nate did to balance himself once he’d stopped spinning. He watched with entertained eyes as Nate took roughly four wobbly steps and crashed into the table before slipping to the floor with a thud and laughter. “You are an excellent walker. But are you okay?” Alex asked even as he laughed himself. “Okay. I think we should give Nate a minute to reorient himself. Carlos do you wanna go next?”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Was he okay? Sure. He couldn’t see for anything and the world was still spinning, but he was fine otherwise. “I’m good. I’m just gonna… sit here. For a while. Maybe a long while? It’s all good. Go Carlos. Do something interesting.”

Carlos, standing there not being at all helpful, clapped. “Do something? Does that mean I’m not asking someone for a truth or dare? Am I doing the truth or dare? What if I want to ask someone else for one? What if I want to ask Kaleb?” He turned to face him. “My love, truth or dare?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex couldn’t help but laugh a little. He felt bad for Nate but it had been funny. He looked over at Carlos who had decided to ask Kaleb. It was probably a good idea to ask anyone but Nate right now. Kaleb looked at Carlos and laughed. “Okay dear. Dare.” Kaleb knew it was Russian roulette on just what his partner would come up with but wasn’t that the whole point of the game?
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos stepped over dead Nate, ruffling his hair as he went, and plopped down on the loveseat. He leaned back, taking in Kaleb for a moment. Considering. But also, he wanted this to look like he was really thinking about what to dare him to do. “My sweet, my life, my soul,” he began with a devilish smile, “if you would be so kind, show us a nice, sturdy handstand.” He turned his attention to Nate on the floor. “He’s already moved the table out of your way.”

Nate, from the floors called out, “I’ll catch you if you fall. I’m already here to break it and everything.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked at Carlos, arching an eyebrow as he waited for what his love was going to dare him to do. A handstand? He looked at his side before back at Carlos. "I will do my best." He said, standing from the couch. Kaleb could do a handstand, he'd done them a handful of times in his life for reasons he did not want to admit to. Kaleb chuckled when he heard Nate's comment from the floor. "I hope I do not need to worry about you trying to catch me" He said. Kaleb stood in the middle of the floor, leaned down and palm flat on the floor. He pushed his legs up and landed with his other palm flat on the floor. He held the handstand for about a minute before his arms shook and he not so gracefully crashed to the floor. Kaleb aimed himself so he landed on his uninjured side though the impact shot through to the other side and straight to his injury. He huffed out a gasp, trying not to sound like he'd jarred his injury from the dare.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate clapped from the floor as Carlos cheered. Nate couldn’t say that he was shocked that Kaleb could do something like that since he was ex-FEDRA. Those FEDRA dudes, though horrible, were awfully skilled. Nate was a little bit jealous to be honest. That was not a skill that he had.

Carlos, now standing, cheered like they were watching some sort of sport. “That’s my husband!” He yelled like there was anyone else to hear them. Sometimes, he liked to wat he Kaleb do things, because he was amazing. Those arms and legs were capable of so many beautiful things. Things like handstands for days. That was one of those training things Carlos tried to sneak and watch with the guards sometimes. He most definitely found it more than a little hot. His adoration for his love was beyond apparent. This was a dare, because he wanted to watch Kaleb do it again. He also forgot about the injury. As Kaleb began to waver, Carlos was already moving that way, but he was too late to catch him as he fell. Nate let out an “Oof!” as Carlos knelt by Kaleb’s side, still smiling, he placed a hand on his cheek and asked, “hey love, are you okay? You did amazing. That’s a long time to hold with it being so long.” And then he remembered the injury. His face fell just a little, but he caught it in time to only tilt his head to the side a tiny bit. He placed a hand on Kaleb’s side like that would answer questions he did not ask.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb heard Carlos yell before he'd gone down and couldn't help the smile. But like everything, he'd fallen, although Carlos was right beside him quickly, he had to admit his side did hurt a little. "I'm okay." He said at first, before he felt a hand on his side and saw that face fall just a little. "I'm fine Carlos. Little sore but I'm good." He said, slowly sitting up and smiling. "Now. My turn." He said, making his way to his feet. He really was okay, just wasn't expecting to jar his side. "Carlos. Truth or Dare?" He asked, making his way a little slowly, to the love seat and sat down.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos watched him move, and all he could think about was how strong Kaleb was. He was always so strong. Shot in the side with an arrow and could shake it off like nothing happened. He joined him on the loveseat, taking Kaleb’s hands in his. “Truth, my love. No more injuries quite yet.” He peered over at Nate who was still sitting on the floor but did look admittedly better. “We can be safe for now.” He shot a look over to Alex. “For now.” Then he turned back to Kaleb.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb looked over at Carlos when he joined him on the loveseat, taking Kaleb's hands in his. He smiled at Carlos before shaking his head with a laugh when Carlos said that they were safe, for now. "Okay love. For your truth.." Kaleb hummed as he thought. "What's one of the most embarrassing things you've ever done?" Kaleb asked. He was definitely curious on just what the answer would be.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos grinned at the question, taking a moment to really think about it. “First off, I would like you to know that I do not embarrass easily.” It was true. He was far too confident in himself to ever be embarrassed. “Though, I once was more easily swayed.” The confidence was years in the making, of course. “When we were in the QZ, I was… trouble.”
“Im shocked,” from Nate.
“And I had three friends who were also trouble. In fact, we were the trouble.”
“Is it because you flirted with everyone?” Nate, intrigued by the idea.
“Um, actually, yes. Sometimes. But anyway, when I was much younger, we’re talking a good ten years ago or so, Jade, one of those friends, was whining about this guy who was always messing with her and made her feel uncomfortable with all his advances. And of course, he was less than okay with any sort of relationships that weren’t… stereotypical. So I told her that I could make him taste a little bit of his own medicine, and walk straight up to this guy, laying it on thick. Big flirty touches, loud admiration, provocative suggestions, the works. The guy was definitely uncomfortable. He’s definitely denying any of the advances, getting almost aggressive and authoritative, which was admittedly kind of hot, when I see Jade from the corner of my eye trying to get my attention. She’s got these big eyes, throwing her arms around like something bad is happening. Me I’m the bad. I’m confused by this and then I see her mouth ‘Not him.’ And I’m thinking what? What do you mean not him? I could have sworn she pointed to this guy. And when I look back at this angry man who was looking like he was about to do something I would regret, I realize what I’d done. I’d gone up to the guard instead of the guy who was about ten feet away working on something. I faltered and stuttered for a good thirty seconds before running out of there as fast as I could.” He paused briefly to laugh at the memory. “And that was how I officially met Officer No Fun.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb knew that Carlos had talked about his other friends and he knew that Carlos was a big flirt. He did not however know the finer details of his first meeting with Officer Jones or No Fun as Carlos called him. Kaleb couldn't help the laugh that came out as he listened to the story. Of course he'd never taken Jones' comment about the troublemaker seriously back then. So hearing that his official meeting of the officer was literally him flirting heavily with the man made Kaleb laugh. Jones was definitely worthy of the nickname No Fun, he was a very stern older officer that followed the rules like it was the only way he could live. "So that was why I was warned about you from him." Kaleb mentioned, looking at Carlos while shaking his head. "Alright. Nate you got a reprieve from your spinning, it's your turn now." He said.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos snaked his arm around Kaleb’s shoulders and pulled him close. He pressed his other hand to the cheek on his opposite side and gently pulled him closer so that he could kiss the closer cheek. “I think I was all of fourteen or fifteen at the time? Some impression to make on the cranky guard meant to protect you, huh? He was must first foray into officers.” He rested his head on Kaleb’s shoulder. “It appears that I did not learn my lesson.”

Nate was so utterly amused that he almost forgot that they were playing a game where he would eventually get to do something. “I knew we were going to learn fun things about each other. Alex?” He shifted his attention, hands still firmly on the floor. He would probably get up sooner or later. “Truth or dare?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb laughed as Carlos pulled him close with his arm over Kaleb's shoulder. He smiled at the gently pull and the kiss on his cheek. He listened with a small happy sigh. "I wish I'd been there instead or at least seen it. But I'll admit, I can picture his face at that moment." He said with a smile. "I'm glad you didn't learn your lesson" Kaleb added with a grin.

Alex had watched the scene before him and he'd kept a smile on his face while laughing at Carlos' embarrassing moment. His attention was drawn to Nate when he asked him. Alex looked at his love on the floor and thought for a moment. "Alright love. Truth" He said. He wasn't sure what he'd be asked but he'd answer as honestly as he could.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate did not even have to think about this question as it came up. He already knew what he wanted to ask. Was this a little rude? Yeah, but it was also a lot of fun. What better way to play a game of truth or dare than to ask the questions that might be a bit mean to your brother and a bit silly to your partner? “So. Who’s the better kisser? Me or Carlos?” The smile he wore was almost mischievous. Carlos, from afar, just about gasped at the question. That was a good one and now he was genuinely curious as to the answer.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex tilted his head for a moment, thinking over the question. He thought both were excellent at kissing, and it would be unfair to answer the question as a tie. Who did he want to pick on with his answer. “That’s a tough one. You are both wonderful kissers.. but I’m going to have to pick.. Carlos.” Alex said, trying his hardest to keep a straight face even though his tone was playful and not serious at all.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

As Nate laughed, Carlos roared. “I am the champion!” He bellowed, arms raised like only that of a winner. “Nice try, newbie. You have many things to learn before you can beat someone with such prowess.” He leaned his head against Kaleb’s. “But, dear, sweet baby Medicine Man, if you ever need some pointers or maybe even a tutorial, you know where to come find me.”

This was exactly why Nate asked that question. Could he have handled that during their first game of truth or dare? Nope. Was it the funniest thing this time? Absolutely. He was so utterly amused. Both answers would have been appropriate here. Carlos was probably objectively the better kisser. Nate was probably subjectively the more intimate kisser. He was amused by Alex though. Him and his playful attitude. He certainly found the spirit of truth or dare. “Wow,” he said with a shake of his head. “And here I was thinking we had something special.” He looked to Carlos. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer? How do you feel about seven minutes in the closet?”

Carlos just about died as he laughed.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex laughed, shaking his head at the two. It really had been tough but the reactions were priceless to him. The reaction from Carlos was just as funny as the one from Nate. “It’s hard to beat his kisses, that’s all I’m saying love.” He said with a grin. And then he heard Nate bring up seven minutes in the closet. “Does that mean we’re switching to seven minutes in heaven? And you two are the first pair?” Alex asked, a wide smile on his face as he laughed. Kaleb chuckled himself, not only at the two men. One celebrating and the other playfully wondering about his love. It was adorable. And then the seven minutes in the closet was brought up. Oh boy.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Nate, still on the floor, eyed Carlos, who was doubled over in laughter, before looking at Alex. “I don’t know. Carlos, you may be the best kisser, apparently, but I didn’t hate this idea of me and Blue Eyes over there.” He raised both brows towards Kaleb. “The Firefly and the FEDRA officer? That’s too good.”

Carlos was not going to make it. He had not had this much fun with a group of people in very many years. Even his original crew had not been this kind of fun for years before he left. That was another reason he left. They were not much of a crew. They were mostly just people in the same room. But these guys. This was fun. Alex coming up with fun things to do and ridiculous answers. Kaleb being the most talented person in the whole world. Nate, finally having awoken a fun and playfully rude side, was the brother he could only ever dream of having. This was great. This was so much better than anything in the rest of his life. He had his forever love who was going to marry him, a dress that made him look stunning if he did say so himself, and the cutest family anyone could ever want.

“Are you really trying to steal my man who is currently dressed up in his attire for his wedding to me?” He asked only barely keeping that laugh down.

Nate shrugged as he finally stood up and walked over to the couch where he sat down right next to Alex.
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Alex started laughing himself at the rather amusing sight before him. Carlos seemed to be dying from laughter which was amusing to him. Then Nate's comment about him and Kaleb and then Carlos' asking if Nate was trying to steal his man. The entire situation was funny to him, and he couldn't help himself. Alex didn't know if they were done with truth or dare or not though, but it seemed like a good transition to the next game so he went with it. "So, who votes for Kaleb and Nate in the closet for seven minutes?" Alex asked with a laugh.

Kaleb laughed himself, this entire situation was hilarious to him. He arched an eyebrow at Nate's words and then at Alex's comment. He looked over at Carlos and shook his head. "Can you handle sharing me?" He asked with a chuckle.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos, taking another moment to laugh like he had been told the world’s funniest joke, got it together long enough to sit back up and breathe. He put both hands on Kaleb’s cheeks, the laughter looking like it was threatening to come out again. “My love, it feels like it would be a bit unfair if I could not share you when you share me so frequently. That would be an unjust double standard.” A little chuckle escaped as he captured Kaleb’s lips for an intense but brief kiss. “You go teach that boy something he doesn’t know. I vote for opposites attract in the closet for seven minutes.

Nate was not entirely sure how to feel about this situation other than a bit of shock. “Wait is this happening right now?” He looked at each of the other men trying to see if they were still in joking mode or serious mode. Did he just instigate new game? Well, okay. Cool. And it wasn’t like he was uncomfortable with this. It was a bit strange. He wasn’t used to this kind of thing. His brothers did not do this with him. They were not that kind of family. “You know what?” He looked at Alex, making sure this was okay. Like really okay. “Why not? I’ve gotten to kiss everyone else.” He peered over at Kaleb. “Why not you too? What do you say, Kaleb?“ he shrugged, unsure but also game to play. His people were safe.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Montana

Kaleb chuckled as he felt Carlos' hands on his cheeks and Kaleb smiled at him. He only shared Carlos because he knew that the man, in the end, had eyes only for him. The first time it had happened, Kaleb had gotten rather jealous but that was early on when he was still learning. Now he knew the difference. He smiled into the short yet intense kiss. Then he nodded. "I think I can do that." He said, standing up and looking at Nate. "Let's go hide in a closet for seven minutes." Kaleb agreed, leading the way from the living room to a closet that was just off the main entrance, opening the closet door for Nate.

Alex laughed, he was finding this funny. "You got this love. Kaleb deserves your kiss too" Alex told him, that smile on his face. He knew that Nate was his and so this didn't make him jealous like it could have before they'd professed their love to each other.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Montana

Carlos whooped like this was another exciting part of the game, which it was. He loved things like this. This was the best part of life. Doing fun things with people. He jumped off the loveseat to usher Nate along who was not stalling but was not being particularly fast about it. “Let’s go let’s go cute people. You have things to discover about each other and only seven minutes to do it!” He stood outside the closet as Nate shuffled in, a bit of a confused but excited expression on his face. “Now, since you’re too innocent know the rules here, you stay in this dark closet with my favorite person in the entire world for seven minutes. Do what you want. Learn something perhaps.” He tickled below Kaleb’s chin. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” He laughed. “I have a watch. I’ll come get you when it’s time. Or Alex. Maybe. See you on the flip side.” With a little finger wiggle he closed the door and moved to sit with Alex on the couch with another big laugh.

“So this is awkward.” Nate, in a dark closet, was out of his element. “Not to say you’re awkward. It’s me. I’m a bit… um? I don’t know what I’m doing, actually. This isn’t really something… the stair toll was my first kiss, and Alex is only like a day more experienced than I am, so I don’t actually know if we’re doing that well at all.” He smiled sheepishly, not that Kaleb could see that. “And I’m rambling because I’m nervous. Great.” He puffed out a breath and was glad that the darkness covered the flush against his cheeks.
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