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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

"I-it's nothing.." He winced, "Just a headache.."

He started remembering the day he lost her..all the time he spent alone in his room, remembering each night as the darkness crept across him while he hid under his blanket.
Holow looked at him. "This does not look like just a head ache." She said, looking at him. She knew that look all to well. She woke up looking at it in the mirror.
Shaun's knee's started going weak, he'd forgotten all of these memories and they suddenly hit him like a tonne of bricks. Then he saw her, sitting at a piano playing that song, he remembered how proud she was to have learned it. A seering pain shot through his head, hitting right behind his left eye which cause him to yelp a little bit.
Clarity didn't see her dad and figured he must have already gone to bed. She went to her room and locked the door putting the guitar by her dresser.
Holow looked at him, one hand still resting gently on his cheek, the other pressed firmly on his arm. She looked at him. "Your not fine." She whispered. "I can tell because you are yelping for no reason."
Shaun clenched his eyes shut, trying to stop tears forming, and pushed his hand against his left eye.

"My head.." He whispered, breath choking in his throat, "I-it hurts.."
He nodded quickly, "Yes, please.."

He started bashing at the side of his head with his free hand as she walked out.

Get out get out get out get out get out..... He hissed over and over inside his head, he started unconsciously hissing those words out loud.

"Get out get out get out get out..."
Holow came back with a cup of water and aspirin in her hand. She walked over and gently grasped his head with her hands. "Hey, hey hey. Bashing head is not going to solve the problem. You could give yourself a cucussion. You still have injuries from early." She said, soothing him slightly.
The pictures in his head started disappearing, his headache still going quite strong though. He stopped bashing the side of his head, bringing his shaking hand down to his side. His other hand reached over to his stomach, he hadn't checked his injuries from before yet..
Holow sighed, stroking his hair lightly. "Still want the medicine before we check for other injuries?" She asked lightly, looking at him.
He nodded gently, taking the medicine and a long sip of water, before looking down at the ground once more.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, almost harshly, "I'm a psycho..I'm going to hurt you..like I always do!!.." He shouted that last part.
Holow kept holding his head, keeping him from doing anything. 'Because you are my friend." She said, holding onto him. "Because I know you would never hurt me." She said, her face growing darker as unknown words slipped almost silently out of her mouth. "Because I like you."
Shaun's face was growing darker, he felt like he wanted to just grab hold of something and squeeze the life out of it. He heard Holow talking, trying to calm him down, he felt the warmth of her holding him but a feeling kept building up inside of him.

Then she said three words, three words that pierced his anger and stabbed straight into his heart.

Those three words, "I like you.", kept going through his head over and over, until he looked up at her, his gaze meeting hers. Unknown to him, his cheeks were bright red, through both anger and shock. Two solitary tears pushed their way out of his eyes and travelled down his cheeks as he stared at her in disbelief, not sure if she meant it, if she was just playing him for a fool, or even if she was just crazy. He couldn't think of anything other than the scenario's in which she takes back her last statement.
Holow stared at him, her cheeks glowing bright red. But she didn't move her hold. She had needed to say it, and she couldn't take it back now. And to be honest, she didn't want to take it back. She kept her hands on his cheeks, looking into his eyes. She could feel her cheeks steadily growing redder as the silence passed, and she for a second thought she should take her hands back, as she slowly slid back a bit.
Shaun felt her hold lessen, slowly she slid away. He didn't want her to go, and did the first thing he thought to. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, he fell backwards a little but didn't let go, he just held her in a tight embrace.

His mind was racing a mile a minute, ever being the pessimist he imagined how all of this could go so very wrong.
Holow was about to slide all the way away, but his firm hold on her wrist made it clear he didn't. She was soon pulled into his tight embrace, his arms wrapped around her. She blushed darkly, her head pressed against his shoulder. She slowly wrapped her arms underneath his, her arms slowly reaching all the way around him, pulling her closer.
Shaun tried to think of something to say, something funny, or clever, sarcastic, ANYthing! But he couldn't..only one sentence made sense in his mind, one phrase.

"I like you too.." He whispered into her ear, hiding his face in her neck.
Holow slowly felt her face go red, looking at him. She pressed her face into his neck, closing her eyes. She could feel her body relax under his touch, his words soothing her nerves and her mind. She looked at him, her face red. She slowly mover her hand towards his, her fingers grazing his as she pressed her face into his neck.
Shaun slid his fingers into her, interlocking them softly, his other hand still wrapped around her waist, pulling her ever closer. He had no words for this moment.

He looked down to her, seeing her nuzzle herself against him, and moved a little closer, his gaze fixed on her.
Holow breathed slowly in and out, her breaths flushing over his smooth skin. She could feel his fingers interlock with her's, her cheeks still flushed pink. But she was gradually, ever so slightly growing used to it.
Shaun moved even closer, feeling the very tip of his nose touch her cheek, then his lips, as he kissed her cheek softly. His fingers tensed up ever so slightly, his heart racing and racing, his mind drawing almost a complete blank.
Clarity jumped in her bed sighing and relaxing. She eventually fell asleep too tired to change.
Holow's eyes widened, her muscles tensing as in one swift motion he made her entire world explode into chaos inside her brain. She could feel his breath along her cheek as she gently moved her head off his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. Her cheeks where still tomato red, her eyes gazing into his.
Shaun stared into her eyes, he laughed a little at her surprised expression, then brought his free hand up and brushed it against her cheek.

His heart started beating even faster, wanting to jump right out of his chest as he leaned forward a little, hesitating..and then leaning in fully, closing his eyes as he did so, scared of her reaction.

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