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Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

Sakura nods "Yep, that's me, the name's Sakura" she says and smiles slightly "Why are you outside in this weather anyway? Not that I want to know everything or something like that, I'm just curious" she says and sighs.
"Um... I was running to the store to get my parents something" she lied quickly. She hated telling people she was homeless, so she was use to lying. "I'm Aika by the way" She laughs, holding both hands above her head, even though she was mostly drenched.
"The stores are closed" Sakura says and she sighs "You can come with me, though my house isn't much of anything, besides, I wanted to talk to you about today, my aunt will think I'm crazy" she says and smiles slightly "It's fine really, besides, being homeless isn't the worst that can happen".
Aika looks down. "You saw right through me... alright, why not" She shrugs, giving Sakura a half smile. She lowers her hands, still completely soaked.
"I might be able to convince my aunt to let you stay for as long as you want, she's not someone who just lets people stay outside when it's dangerous" Sakura says taking Aika's wrist and pulling her along to the small house she lives in "Well this small thing is my house..." she mumbles.
Aika stands at the house with a small glitter in her eye. "Its really nice!" she says, looking at the house. I wish- Aika stopped that thought, shaking it out of her head, scared that damn squirrel could listen to her thoughts.
Sakura smiles "Come on let's go" she says and pulls Aika to the door and opening it "A friend is staying over today" she says to her aunt who walked over "Sure, just don't stay up too late" "We won't, are there any clothes she can use?" Sakura asks and her aunt nods before getting a basket full of clothes "She can pick from this, well I'm heading to bed" the older woman says before leaving the two girls.
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Aika begins to sort through the clothing. Most of it was a bit large for her small and thin figure. She picks up a large T-shirt. This can do, once my hoodie dries, I can wear it over this and just say its a dress. She thinks to herself before looking to Sakura. "Do you have any wishes?"
"No, I'm actually pretty happy with the life I have now" Sakura says and she adds "Though sometimes I want to go to school, but I can't, I have a job", that was the only thing she missed, but she wasn't going to risk it "I don't trust that damn animal, something tells me he's not completely honest with us".
Aika takes off her wet hoodie and shoes. "I have to agree with you there. Being an orphan isn't all that bad. Though I always wondered what it would be like to have a 'normal' life ya know?" She makes air quotes around the world normal, before shaking her headm releasing some water from her white hair.
"Why don't you go and take a shower?" Sakura asks "That's probably better so you don't catch a cold" she adds, she didn't want Aika to catch a cold, since she considered the girl to be her friend.
"Nah, I'll be fine, but I will get changed in your restroom" Aika stands up with the shirt and walks toward the restroom, closing the door behind her.

Kyubey sits on the windowsill looking toward Sakura. "You have questions. I can tell. I will answer those questions for you" He says, staring at her.
"You haven't told us everything, what will happen if we make a wish?" Sakura asks looking at Kyubey "And I still don't trust you in case you didn't notice", she crosses her arms waiting for an answer.
"You make a wish, and I will give you great powers tht you will use to fight against witches. Nothing more. Nothing less" Kyubey says calmly.
"Not buying it, it sounds too simple, besides, I don't have a wish I want to make at the moment" Sakura says and she sits on the chair "So why do you ask people to fight against these witches?"
Katja continued walking towards her home which meant she needed to walk past the school again. It was annoying to live so far from where she normally hunted but sometime you had to travel and luckily she didn't feel to much annoyance so her emotionless state was useful when doing unpleasant tasks. Whens he passed by the school she saw two girls standing out in the rain apparently they were ok with getting wet and being out so late, that was not a good thing. Katja herself could deal with things that might happen at night her body was just a shell after all, but they weren't.

" Why are you two out here so late you will get sick you should go home immediately" She said completely without emotion.

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《Walks in the night as she walks back to her apartment when she see notices the ground and sky change around her》".....What is happening...."Saturi says shivering.
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《And a Strange Creature would call out to her》

Saturi.....Please turn around and look at me...

(Saturi would turn around to see a small and evil looking monster)

W-What are you doing and what do you want with m-me.Saturi says stuttering

Sign the contract and I will be willing to tell you....

(Saturi would walk towards the monster as it pulls out the contract and breaks the spell then she noticed that she could see thinks normally that is when she ran as fast she could back home)
XMega said:
《And a Strange Creature would call out to her》

Saturi.....Please turn around and look at me...

(Saturi would turn around to see a small and evil looking monster)

W-What are you doing and what do you want with m-me.Saturi says stuttering

Sign the contract and I will be willing to tell you....

(Saturi would walk towards the monster as it pulls out the contract and breaks the spell then she noticed that she could see thinks normally that is when she ran as fast she could back home)
if that was a witch labyrinth then Kyuubey can't get her out)
(Runs as fast as she can back home and makes it home)

What was that....Saturi says out of breath. Whatever it was it was it wasn't a person it felt like it was a witch familar well I got away...
raidou sitting in the park,enjoying the sunset before A strange white creature approaches Raidou and looks him in the eyes.he stare at it confused, trying to figure out what it is, A cat? A raccoon? Before he can determine what it is, it Speaks to Raidou. "I can grant you one wish, and in return I can turn you into a Magical Guy"."whoa......now now....that sound interesting" he take the creature and lift it up with both of his hands. For a Single Wish, you can become a magical being,that would be great for him. The Creature looks at you some more. Trying to determine if it is worth it."then i'll take your word,grand my wish ."

the creature smiles widely,then emitt a strange light from his body.he flew magically out from raidou hands,smilling at him."now,you need one last thing get your wish for.will you accept the contract....?". raidou replied "alright,alright...now grand my wish!" the creature emitt more strong light,making raidou cover his face since the light was so bright.he cant thing anything other then his disease,that strikes up to his mind.raidou fell that something from his body was being ripped of from him,finnaly,he fall down to the ground because of lose conscciousness.after that,everything was black.

((i'll wait other's response ^^/ ))

-Looks out of her apartment window and sees a guy on the ground she would run out there to him-

"Are You Okay?" Saturi says shivering.​
XMega said:

-Looks out of her apartment window and sees a guy on the ground she would run out there to him-

"Are You Okay?" Saturi says shivering.​
raidou conscciousness slowly regain.he heard someone voice but he cant clearly tell what or who's the one that talking."ngghh........"his head feel so heavy and painfull,he cant even think straight nor even awake.he put his hand on his head,trying to relieved some of the pain.
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