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Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

"Like I'm going to trust a squirrel like this. Look, I don't want to know why my parents left me, I could honestly care less" She looks at the girl "What did you have this squirrel grant you?"
"And... is she cured?" She puts a hand on her hip, she didn't trust the thing, but she wanted to know if it was legit.
"She is. One hundred percent better."

Kaede takes out her phone and shows the girl a picture. In it, she is standing next to an older woman. Both of them are smiling and giving peace signs to the camera.

@Goddess Nebula
"I make a wish. then go and hunt those things down? That seems kinda stupid. Isn't that risking your life?" She was interested, but not fully buying this whole thing.
"That was one of the most clique things I've heard." Aika chuckles at that statement before glancing down at Kyuube. "Is there any way to get the squirrel to leave me alone?"

"Not Unless you make a contract with me."
Sakura walks over, she had been listening "Leave her if she doesn't want to make a wish" she says stepping on Kyubey's tail "That's not all there is to it, right?"
"My name is Mari," She replied. "What's yours?" She sort of disregarded the other girl's cold nature
" your unbearably happy for meeting a strange girl like me. My name Yui Nagasaki-san but I guess you could skip the formalities and call me yui-san" says Yui.
"Nice to meet ya!" Mari said. "And I'm sorry, I've just been looking for some new friends. Kinda gets lonely around this part of town."
Sakura sighs "Not if you have the right friends" she says mentioning to the guys playing basketball "But I haven't seen you around here before?" she says looking at the girl.
"Well, I just transferred here, I haven't had time to make the right friends." Mari pondered over the thought. In her "nightmare" she had tons of friends but obviously it wasn't true now. She was indeed lonely now.
In the city Katja stood on top of a building, as the world shifted and wavered changing from the real world into a labyrinth. Katja had waited for the witch to come this way as she had noticed it coming no doubt seeking some new lair. It was said to see how far others could fall, or it would be if Katja could really feel sadness. That was why she knew the truth why the incubator had in time told her because she didn't feel much of anything she could see the logic and understand what this happened. That was why she went with it she couldn't be outraged this was her job killing witches and she would do her job.

Everything slowly became a distorted works that seemed endless a twisted landscape of twisted non Euclidean towers and roadways that seemed to go nowhere. These were meant to somehow reflect the witch before she was such so the question was what all meant to represent. That didn't matter she would just have to find the witch and destroy her.

" Oberon attend me" Katja said and the air behind her rippled and a figure steeped out from nothing.

The figure was about as tall as an adult male and was clad in armor that seemed to fit right over his body with various thin plats in vital areas but the rest was the interwoven white metallic mesh that was trimmed with gold and emblazoned in black along the golden edges of the plates with arcane symbols. The figure held two tonfa style swords that it spun freely to attack or defend. its face was covered by a helmet seemingly made from the same white and gold metals with more runes scratched across it. Oberon not seeing the threat in the immediate area inst kneeled before katja who showed no response to this action

" Freya attend me" She said as once more the air shimmered and this time a woman holding a bow as tall as she was steeped forth.

The woman was armored head to toe it shiny grey metal, though around her hips was the long skirt of a dress indicating that she wore such below her armored form. The woman also had her face covered though this time with a winged helm. The woman also knelt before Katja just as the man had.

" We hunt" She said turning from the two as the rose and heading into the labyrinth.
Aika sits in an alleyway, a pokey in her mouth."Anything. A wish that could come true... There is nothing I want though. I don't want to know about the bitches who abandoned me. I don't want to know why they did what they did..." She bites down annoyed on the Pokey before standing up.

"Don't worry, you will have a wish eventually. And when you do. I will be there" Kyubey flicks it's tail before vanishing, appearing next to Mari, standing there peacefully.
"Oh hi again!" Mari leaned down to pet him, having already apparently made her wish earlier. "Did you want to follow me to school today?"
"Of course you didn't she does a good job keeping her secret" Kyubey states. He jumps to his feet and walks around the two of them.
In the labyrinth Katja and her servants moved deeper into it though the twisted building that loomed over the even more twisted roads. She even doubled back over but still go closer here the normal rules of reality didn't apply it was all the witches will that caused this.

When they got to a large intersection cars appeared, they were apparently the familiar minions of this witch which Katja still could not see. The cars came alive and started to drive at them. Katja opened a portal and used it to move out of the way of the cars.

" We need more support Oberon your out" She said and the white and gold man vanished " Beowulf assist me" She said as the air rippled and a car came at her.

The car was stopped by a hand clad in black metal with golden arcane script in every joint. The figure was massive towering at 10 feet tall and almost half that wide even covered in thick metal the muscles underneath were apparent as the figure grabbed the car with another hand lifting it and tossing it away.

" Berserker stance " Katja said and two very large swords appeared in its hands and it let out a rage filled scream and only seemed to get stronger as it did.

Beowulf rushed into the familiars cutting one down with a sword before slashing another as it rammed him only to find itself lifted into the air and slammed into another familiar. Beowulf then slashed and mashed familiar after familiar as they became less car like and more monster like.

" Full power full spread" Katja said to Freya who planted her bow into the ground pulled back and released but she didn't release one arrow but rained down glowing projectiles. clearing out the rest of the familiars.
"You made a wish also. Damn we really are idiots that fall for this red eye demon. Why did you come here kyubey? Is there another witch near by?" Says Yui in almost uncaring but interested way.
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