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Fandom Sign the Contract, Become a Magical Being

Katja and her servants moved deeper in soon reaching the heart of the labyrinth, the witch. This witch looked like some amalgamation of car and girl, with trust lights and cars forming almost a shell from which hands eyes and mouths emerged. The witch towered over them shifting and screaming in a thousand car horns and one misshapen fist slammed down at them. Katja again used a rift to move with her servants jumping out of the way.

When she merged a car was flying at her only for Beowulf to block it with her body. " Freya defensive fire" She said and the female servant started to shoot down anything that flew at them with powerful single arrows. " Beowulf strength stance" She said and the male servant slammed his two swords together and they combined into a giant one.

Another car flew at them and Katja opened a rift and then another pointed at the witch sending the car into it. Beowulf ran at the witch and started to hack away at it shelled form. The witch retaliated by trying to slam a fist down on him , but katja opened a rift then closed it on her cutting the appendage off.

The two servants kept up at their jobs with katja cutting off a limb or redirecting an attack here or there, but the shall was annoying. " Freya full power single shot bore a hole" She commanded and the female servant lower her aim down then charged a shot until it was like a small sun was in the room. She then fired it the bolt flew thought the air and collided with the witch. A huge explosion happened and a massive hole was opened into the witches core. Katja didn't need to say anything as a Beowulf climbed up into the hole and started slashing until finally the witch screamed one last time and shattered leaving the grief seed.

The world soon returned to normal and Katja was in a back alley, the grief seed on the ground which she quickly scooped up and held to her soul gem to clean it, and she needed it. This was a job well done for her another witch destroyed and a meal for kuybey or even a new servant if she used it for that instead.
Sakura looks at the girl who said she just transferred "Normally everyone knows what's going on and who's coming to live in the neighborhood" she says and smiles slightly "Well I better head back to my friends, they're probably losing by now", with that she runs of back to the basketball field.
Kyubey flicks it's tail "two girl are being very stubborn in making a wish with me." He admits, jumping over to Yui
"Because I don't have a wish!" Sakura calls before entering the basketball court again and taking the ball from one of her friends, she really was happy with the life she had now, despite the fact her and her aunt could barely come around each week.
Aika sits alone in an alleyway, taking another bite of her pokey, before sighing. It would be nice to know why, but having to now live with the realization might be too much. What if I wish to go back in time... But I have nothing to redo... "ugh! Why does this all have to be so complicated!" She screams out, slamming her fist into a puddle. She was so lost in her thoughts she hadn't realized it started raining. "Shit... Maybe there is a cafe close by" she mutters, standing up and running out of the Alley.
Sakura heads home after saying bye to the guys and she sighs, the weather had been good a moment ago, or they just didn't realize it "I'm home..." she says once she goes in the small house she lives in "Welcome back, I brought someone over" her aunt says and Sakura says "Okay, I'm taking a shower before heading to the bed, the last guy didn't like me, why would he?". She heads to her room and sits on her bed looking at a picture or her and her parents "Wonder if that other girl is alright..." she mumbles, not knowing where Aika is now or what she's up to.
Yuuka was walking through the city, soul stone in hand. School had ended and she was taking her usual walk, searching for any possible witches or familiars. She knew that she would get more grief seeds if she let the familiar become a witch, but she didn't want to risk her family dying by being killed by one.

Suddenly it started to rain. Yuuka sighed and started to run towards nearest cafe. However she bumped into someone before arriving to her destination. She picked up her soul stone quickly, not wanting to loose it, and looked at the girl she had run into.

-I'm sorry, she said.

@Goddess Nebula
Aika stumbled backward before giggling "It's fine" she admits before opening the Cafe door. "After you" she says, waiting for the girl to enter.
[QUOTE="Goddess Nebula]Aika stumbled backward before giggling "It's fine" she admits before opening the Cafe door. "After you" she says, waiting for the girl to enter.

*yea it's been awhile since i seen the anime* joey: well it's getting dark and i need some food...
Seeing as kuybey was leaving her alone Katja opened a tiny rift and tossed the seed into her realm , that would be the end of it and she would gain a new servant all the energy the incubators wanted would be lost, at least as far as she understood for what they harvested but getting a straight answer from them was hard.

With the seed gone Katja changed back into her normal form and walked out of the alley and into the normal world. No one questioned where she came and no one cared that she had just saved them not even Katja herself. It had started to rain and it was starting to get dark Katja needed to get home and get ready for class the next day.
joey: well what's next- through my vision i was seeing ice and snow everywhere joey: something's weird
"You know as much as I do kyubey that they need to make that decision themselves. I will not force them to make a decision. You mari-girl my parents and brother are throwing a party for me. Would you like to come" says yui in what seems to be a cold voice hiding her true feelings. Yui starts to walk off slowly.

@Komaeda @Goddess Nebula
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animefan374 said:
joey: hey what the?!- some type of ice monster jump's on top on me
(Unless you're in a witch's labyrinth that won't happen)

Sakura lays on her bed after a quick shower and she stares at the ceiling thinking about what had happened that day, she didn't have a wish and she didn't trust they Kyuubei, she figures they'd be more to it then just gaining powers.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon](Unless you're in a witch's labyrinth that won't happen)
Sakura lays on her bed after a quick shower and she stares at the ceiling thinking about what had happened that day, she didn't have a wish and she didn't trust they Kyuubei, she figures they'd be more to it then just gaining powers.

(well i guess he walked in an ally but like i said it's been awhile since i seen the anime)
Aika leaves the Cafe, still noticing it raining "of course... Where should I camp out tonight" she whispers... She begins running through the rain, looking for a place to call home for the night. Her mind was still on Kyubey's offer.
Katja walked down the street, she was torn in going to the hospital or going home, while she wanted to visit her father she did know he wouldn't be awake and others might be watched. She believed a magical beings wish was their greatest weakness something that could be used against her or any magical being and send them into despair. No matter where she went she would be alone considering Kuybey did not come to visit her after the witch which he normally would have well that was one less grief seed for him or rather it Kuybey's gender confused her given what little she had gotten out of it. Well it was better for her to be alone things got bad when she was around others, not that she could really care about such things she just did what she found logical so she turned and started to head home.
Sakura hears her aunt talking with man and she gets up, grabbing a jacket "I'm going out" she says an leaves without another word, she wondered if she could find the girl she met at the park, she starts to wander around and bumps into Aika after a while "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" she says.
Aika stumbles backward "It's alright... I should have been paying attention" she laughs, rubbing her head awkwardly. "Wait... Aren't you the girl who was at the park with me when that Squirrel thing came up to me" she asks, recognizing who she ran into.

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