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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Jule giggles "Ok hold on" Jule speeds and they end up in Her house. "ok.... so you hungry?" she asked him heading towards the kitchen

WoodenZebra said:
"He is on my head."

[QUOTE="Red Reaper]"Seeya guys later." Rino said to Jule and Nathan.

Gwen stands up "You are really good on the guitar" she complimented Him
[QUOTE="Red Reaper]Rino blushes and rubs the back of his head. "I'm not that good."

Gwen smiles "Anything else I can do?"

WoodenZebra said:
"yes it's fine.'' Nathan answers.
Jule makes the spaghetti and serves it to Nathan "Sorry. I dont have any sauce at the moment..." she said "Once your done eating your room is next to mine so you can get comfy" she giggled "I will let you get used to the place but tomorrow you will start to work.... like clean the living room and stuff like that... not that that needs to be done... I will be up in my room if you need me" she left to go upstairs
Seth clucks to Eclipse and turns the horse around before setting off at a gallop back to his-their-home. "I may be out of practice with slaves so you'll have to bear with me while I get used to having human property in the house again," Seth apologized. "It's just been me and my horses for the past thirty years ever since my slave Tim died protecting me. Rather unfortunate as he was one of my favorites." He sighed and shook his head to push the memory away. Continuing at a gallop through his lands it was only a couple of hours before they reached the barn and the manor in which Seth lived. He slowed Eclipse to a walk as they approached the barn and dismounted before helping Jin down. Taking his horse's reins, he led Eclipse over to the paddock fence and tied him there, grabbed the picnic basket, and walked back to Jin. Some of his other horses were grazing in the paddock and they all perked their ears as they scented their owner coming home. "It's only a few feet towards the manor unless you want me to carry you," he said. @The Unamed Character


Andalib continued along the forest path with Cedric behind her, keeping her eyes out for whatever had been growling at them from the trees but didn't see anything suspicious. She hoped they could get to her new home before anything bad happened to her, Cedric could probably care for himself if he'd been alone so long, but seriously doubted they'd get home without something bad happening or her getting injured. @Flack @GoldenWolf
"You can call me Seth when we're here but around other demons and when we're in town call me Sir or Master," Seth said as he led the way towards the house. "If that's too confusing to remember then just call me Sir. I'll give you today and tomorrow to get settled in but after tomorrow you start working around here. I'd start with the guest wing first though when you begin cleaning. It's fallen a bit into disarray in the past decade but there's large windows in each of the guest rooms that you can open to let the rooms air out." As they reached the manor he opened the door and pushed it open, gesturing her to enter the foyer before him. "Go look around. I have to take care of Eclipse. I'll give you a tour of the manor when I get back but stay in the house." With those words he left, shutting the door behind him and going back to the paddock to take care of Eclipse. @The Unamed Character.
Untying the reins, Seth leads Eclipse into the barn so he can remove his horse's tack. Eclipse shook his head once the reins and bridle were off and stands still once Seth comes back and checks the stallion's hooves, picking out the small stones and brushing his horse down before turning him out into the pasture with the rest of his horses. Closing and locking the gate, he walked back to his manor and went inside before locking the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen where he unpacked the unused food, putting it into the fridge and then going through his cupboards, pantry, fridge and his three deep freezers to see what all he needed to stock up before grabbing some paper and a pen and standing there writing down what all he needed. Maybe it would make Jin feel more at home if he purchased some things she happened to enjoy. Gathering up the paper and pen he made his way from the kitchen into the manor where he searched for Jin. "Jin we need to go into the city to get food. Do you want anything special?" he questioned once'd he found her in the living room. @The Unamed Character
"No se.... sir...." she said almost saying seth "I have to get used to this.. but i can do it" @eclipsehowls

Jule comes down from her room after leaving a note for Nathan "He needs the rest....." she said to herself as she headed outside to the market
"Alright," Seth says and puts the pen down on the coffee table before folding up the list and walking out of the house, looking back to make sure Jin is following him as he walks outside the house and waits for Jin to come out so he can lock the house while looking at his car, a 2015 Crystal Red Chevrolet Volt that had jet black interior. @The Unamed Character
"Thanks," Seth said as he locked the door and walked towards his car sitting in the circular driveway. He opened the door for Jin on the passenger side and then walked around the driver's side before getting in and putting his seat belt on. Putting the key in the ignition, he shut the door and turned the car on. "How about we go eat out today and then grocery shop afterwards? I'd say getting a new slave calls for a celebration of sorts." Hearing the passenger door close, he drives around the circle and then towards the road. @The Unamed Character
Seth chuckles as he drives the two mile stretch to the road, his lands passing by him though the driveway itself has trees lining either side with the branches intertwining with each other so that it seems like they're going through a natural tunnel. "If you want a pet and promise me you can take care of it along with your other duties, we can stop by the pet store and you can pick something out," Seth offered as they drove. Reaching the iron gate that marked his driveway, he got out of the car and opened the gates, causing them to swing open before driving through and pressed a remote to close the gates behind him. "The driveway is two miles long until you get to the house," Seth explained as he turned left and headed towards the city. "We're five miles outside the city so it's a bit of a drive." @The Unamed Character
Cedric stood in front of Andalib. "To my cabin in the woods, and we would like to get there with out any trouble." He replied coldly. He glared at the yellow eyes. He was ready to protect her. This is not what he wanted but somethings are just unavoidable.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf

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