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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

"Don't worry your arm will be extended away from the embryo, and you'll be wearing a lead vest which will keep it safe as well. Not to mention it's a very low amount of radiation that you'll be exposed to so, the risks of anything happening are extremely low." He explained. Cedric looked skeptical but he wasn't sure about any of this. He had to trust the doctor, but if something started to seem off then he would put a stop to it.

Carina thought about it before hesitantly nodding. She wasn't too sure about radiation during pregnancy towards the baby but doctors were supposed to take something called a...a hippo something oath. Of course her mother had said that had been human doctors in the past and even then it hadn't stopped some human doctors from breaking their oath. @Flack
"Alright just follow me." The doctor said as he got up and went to the door. It was very far to the radiology department. Once there the doctor went to the desk and filled out a form quickly. "Now if you will follow me, I'll have Jean get the machine fired up." He said leading the three to the xray room with a table in the middle od the room and another room with a window that had a perfect view of the table. The doctor looked at Carina, "Lay down on the table, and stick your right arm out. I'll get the lead vest for you." He walked off into the room with the window, and returned with a large vest. Cedric had been keeping an eye on the doctor, and it seemed as though he was telling the truth, so he let the doctor continue.

Andalib unconsciously flexed her free hand as she followed along after her mother and the doctor but remained obediently by Cedric's side. Carina looked at the table and then lay down on it as instructed, allowing the doctor to put the lead vest on her. She had extended her right arm out while the doctor was gone to get the vest, looking at the doctor briefly before allowing her gaze to return once more to the ceiling and the bright fluorescent lights. She hoped her daughter wouldn't do anything stupid and that her baby wouldn't be harmed by the doctor. @Flack
The doctor walked over to Carina and laid the vest on top of her, it coves her whole torso. "I know it feels strange, and heavy but it will block any stray radiation and keep the fetus safe." He explained, "We'll take one with you arm like this then you'll need to turn it so you thumb is pointing upward. I'll tell you when to turn your arm." The doctor looked at Cedric and Andalib, "Now you two and I will go into the other room and you can watch from the window." He said and went back into the room Cedric followed the doctor and kept a close eye on Andalib.

Analib glanced back at her mother before following into the other room as Carina nodded to show she'd heard the doctor's instructions, not liking the weight of the vest on her torso. Sighing, Carina waited for the x-ray to take place, holding her arm still. @Flack
Once Cedric and Andalib were in the room, the doctor closed the door. There was another demon standing at the control panel. When he saw the door was shut he spoke into the microphone, "I'm going to start taking the xray now hold still." He pushed a button and there was a flash, the doctor went over to the microphone. "Alright now turn your arm so your thumb is upright."

Cedric watched it seemed to be harmless thus far, Carina appeared to be fine. So he relaxed a little.

Carina turned her arm until her thumb was pointing up when the doctor told her to do so, blinking at the flash from the x-ray. She wasn't sure if x-rays were supposed to flash or not, having never been to anything than an abortion clinic run by one of Cain's friends, the bastard. Andalib watched the entire procedure though it was likely the girl wouldn't relax until they were out of the building. @Flack
"Last time." The other demon said and pushed the same button. "Alright let's go her and we'll all look at the xrays." The doctor said and went over to Carina and removed the lead vest. "All done, and the pictures should be developed, so let's go see if you have a break or a really bad sprain." Just then the other demon came in and turned on the light box on the wall and hung up, the two xrays. "All yours doc." He said and went back into the other room.

The doctor went over to the xrays and began to examine them. It was then Cedric realize xrays were apparently pictures of bones. He had never seen an xray before, he was curious about it. But he decided to hold his questions. "Well luckily it's not broken but it is badly sprained, I'll get you a brace for it. You'll have to wear it for two weeks at least, and do your best to not use that arm much for the next week or so, and ice it every hour for a couple of days. Then you should be right as rain." The doctor finally said after his examination.

Andalib followed the doctor and Cedric into the other room and she watched as the lead vest was removed from her mother. Carina got off the table and walked over to the x-rays to look at her wrist, nodding as the doctor gave her instructions. "Can my master get these instructions typed up for him as well as the results of the testing?" Carina asked, seeing Cedric seemed a bit confused by the entire procedure. @Flack
"Sure that's not a problem." The doctor replied. "Well if you all just want to go to the waiting room I'll get the brace and instructions." He stepped out of the room and pointed them to the waiting room before heading off to get the brace.

"Well I'm glad it's not broken, and thank you for asking for the instructions." Cedric said to Carina. Luckily things had gone smoothly for the most part. Then they could finish their shopping and get home. Where Carina could rest, and Andalib could be safe, and he would be busy adding on to the cabin. Those thoughts made him smile.

Carina hummed in agreement. "Yes I got lucky. Usually I'm locked up and sore for a couple weeks with a few broken bones depending on Cain's temper. A forest sounds nice," she said as they reached the waiting room after walking a long way. "I've never been in one but I saw a picture from my grandmother as a child. It looked nice and peaceful." Andalib sat down on the floor as they waited for the doctor. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "It's usually peaceful, at least once we get to the cabin." He replied, "I'm looking forward to going back, but I should warn you it lacks alot of modern amenities." He took a seat. The doctor came back a short time later and gave Cedric the brace and a piece of paper with the care instructions, as well as the bill. Cedric thanked him. The doctor left after the exchange.

"Do you want any help putting one the brace?" Cedric asked Carina as he handed her the brace.

Carina waited for the doctor to leave before replying. "Any place away from Cain is fine by me and I don't see the lack of amenities being an issue until the baby is born," she said. She held her arm out as she took the brace and undid all the fasteners before sliding her hand into the brace. Taking the instruction on the brace she read them over. "Okay Mr. Adair we'll need to fasten the middle strap first," she said as she continued holding her arm out. Luckily her hand fit comfortably in the brace or else they'd have to get another one that would have fit. She tightened the straps around her her hand and the bottom of her arm before fastening the middle strap. Reading over the instructions again she nodded to herself and handed the paper back to Cedric. "Well I guess we go shopping for groceries now," she said

Andalib stood when her mother was done and carefully helped her mother up, looking expectantly at Cedric and waiting for orders. @Flack

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