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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Carina nodded before closing her eyes and leaning against Cedric's legs as she dozed off. Not a very comfortable position to try to sleep but it would have to do until they either got back to the hotel after all the shopping or managed to get to the cabin that she and her children would be/were living in. Andalib continued looking at the paintings, this time finding a painting of an apple sitting in the middle of a table. Just an apple. The girl rolled her eyes and went over to another painting of a stag silhouetted in a shaft of moonlight in a forest. She turned as someone in green scrubs came into the waiting room and went over to Cedric's side. @Flack
Cedric looked at the person in the green scrubs. "Can I help you with something?" He asked placing a hand on Carina's back. He was just hoping it was their turn, but he had a feeling trouble was just around the corner. He was more or less ready for it, and was determined to keep Andalib and Carina safe.
The person turned to look at Cedric and then at Carina who was sleeping against him and then at Andalib. "Pets are not allowed to run around like animals in the doctor's office. Keep it with you or it will need to be locked up in a holding cage until the appointment is finished."

Andalib froze and obediently sat down at Cedric's feet, shaking at the thought of being locked up again in another box like she had been for the past four years. @Flack
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"Ah I see I'm sorry for the trouble, I assure you they will stay by me." He replied coldly. He couldn't believe it, she was looking at the art on the wall. Not causing any problems. It made him sick to think of putting either of them in a cage and he wouldn't let that happen. When Andalib joined him he put his other hand on her back as well. Hopefully this was all the trouble they would run into.

The person nodded and went back down the hall. Andalib pulled out her writing paper and pen. I'm sorry for giving you trouble Mr. Adair, Andalib wrote after glancing at her mother who had slept through the conversation. There's a painting of a stag in the woods under a pool of moonlight and strangely a picture of an apple on a table. @Flack
Cedric read the note, "It's not your fault, now we both know this particular doctors office is more strict than the other. Just stay close, I won't let them put you in a cage." He thought for a bit. "I don't know how fruit passes as art, but we might be able to see a stag in the moonlight sometime after we get back to the forest. "

Andalib smiled at the thought of seeing the painting she had been looking at before getting her master in trouble coming true in real life before a thought occurred to her. Mr. Adair wouldn't the stag be able to smell that you're a wolf and run away? But maybe if you had a camera that could take night shots then you could get a good picture, she wrote. Mama always slept a lot when she was pregnant with my sibling that disappeared. She said it's normal to sleep because baby is taking all her energy. Andalib didn't know that her mother had been taken for an abortion for the baby when Cain had found out her mother was pregnant. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "As long as I keep my distance the stag won't run. I'm familiar with what a camera is but I've never owned one...I see she was telling me pregnancy were hard on her. Once we get to the cabin she can rest all she needs, so hopefully she and your sibling will both be healthy...your mother is an amazing woman isn't she?" He smiled at Andalib.

Andalib nodded and wrote something. For everything mama has been forced to go through in her life, I'm sometimes surprised that mama chooses to continue living. I don't know if I could have the strength to deal with what mama has gone through. Oh well that would be a good drawing. Maybe even one of Mr. Adair in a patch of sunlight or moonlight. Or even at sunset though I'm not sure if I could get the colors right in a sketch. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "Well she won't have to go through those things ever again...You can draw whatever you'd like. Your very talented so I'm confident you'd do the drawing justice. Though I don't know if I'd be a good subject for art work." He smiled, anything she drew or painted was going to go up on the walls of the cabin, that much he was certain of.

Andalib thought about that before smiling. Mr. Adair made a good subject when we were in the mean doctor office, she wrote. I think all you would need to do is stand, sit or lay on the ground and take no notice of me. @Flack
Cedric chuckled,"Well thank you for the complement." A short while later Cedric's name was called. He gently shook Carina's shoulder, "Carina it our turn." He looked at Andalib, "Ready to go?"

Carina yawned as she opened her eyes and got to her feet carefully. Andalib nodded and put her paper and pen away before standing and moved to her mother's side to help Carina walk in case she needed it. @Flack
Cedric kept an eye on them to make sure they were both steady. Before heading towards the nurse, who directed them to an exam room. She closed the door once they were all in the room. "Now which one of you has the hurt arm?" She asked unenthusiastically.

Carina held out her right wrist once they were in the exam room. Andalib remained beside her mother as she listened to the nurse ask a question. "I do," Carina said. @Flack
The nurse took her arm, "Tell me if it hurts." She said and began to undo the wrap and move her hand in different directions. "You also the one who's pregnant?" She asked. One could never be sure these days.

Cedric watched and wait for the nurse to finish her exam, it did make him wonder if they did two exams to get more than one opinion. Well it didn't really matter all that mattered was getting Carina healthy.

Carina hissed and closed her eyes as pain shot up her arm when the nurse moved her lower arm and wrist to the side. "Yes I am, probably two months though I'm not sure," Carina said. "I've had my inflamed wrist for about one or two weeks now."

Andalib watched from where she was by Cedric's side, gripping his shirt tightly in an attempt to keep from killing the nurse. @Flack
Cedric put his arm around, Andalib. He didn't need her doing something she'd regret. He didn't like seeing Carina in pain, but it seemed like the nurse had a reason for doing it.

The nurse watched her reactions and let go of her arm, "Two months and two weeks." She muttered as she wrote it down on her chart. "I'll have the doctor come in soon, please sit on the exam table." She hurried out of the room and closed the door.

Andalib relaxed once the nurse was out of the room and looked worriedly at her mother. "I'm fine Andalib, Mr.Adair," Carina said as she carefully got up on the table and sat down. "My balance may be thrown off as my pregnancy gets further along," Carina explained for Cedric's benefit. "Once the third month passes the baby should be okay. The first three months are tricky since that is when most miscarriages happen." @Flack
Cedric nodded, "Well that's good to know. Feel free to use me for support if you need." He replied, "And hopefully you'll be able to get past the three month mark." He smiled and waited for the doctor. Fortunately they didn't have to wait to long. There was a knock on the door and in came the doctor wearing his white coat. "Well, Carina I'd like to how far along you are, for sure then get an xray of your wrist." The doctor said looking from Carina to Cedric and Andalib.

Carina covered her mouth as she yawned before replying. "Well I might have a better chance now," she said before the doctor came in. Carina nodded and gave her daughter a look to stay put by Cedric's side before lying back on the table. Andalib bit her lip and pressed herself into Cedric's side as she kept her eyes on the doctor. She had been given an order and would follow it, however that didn't mean she wouldn't watch every move the doctor made around her mother. @Flack
Cedric smiled and put his hand on Andalib's shoulder. "And the xray is painless?" Cedric asked hoping it would be, for everyone's sake.

"Oh yes the xray and the ultrasound are both painless." The doctor replied as he set up the ultra sound. "Now I'm need to be able too put some gel on Carina's stomach, it's cold but it won't hurt. So if you'd just expose your stomach we'll begin." He requested.

The doctor put some of the gel on her stomach, and ran the wand along her stomach looking at the monitor. He continued to move it until the found the right spot, and got the image he was searching for. "Well, there we are. Everything looks fine." He moved the want slightly. " I'm going to say you're about eight to nine weeks along. So there's still plenty of time to terminate the pregnancy with minimal risk." He said.

Cedric tightend his grip on Andalib's shoulder, and cleared his throat, "No, we won't be terminating anything." He replied coldly. The doctor looked confused but shrugged. "Alright if that's what you want." The doctor replied, he handed Carina a tissue to wipe off the gel. "Next the xray, we will have to go to radiology. Then I'll either give you a cast or brace depending on what the xray shows."

Andalib frowned as the doctor spoke of terminating her mother's pregnancy but Cedric tightened his grip on her shoulder to keep her in place. So she just watched as Cedric said they wouldn't be terminating the pregnancy. Carina frowned momentarily at the doctor's words before wiping the gel off her stomach and putting her shirt back down. "Isn't the radiation dangerous?" Carina asked the doctor. @Flack

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