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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Andalib took the menu and watched Cedric as he talked, making a mental note to be on guard since had three lives to protect now. She would die in the service of her master and hopefully her sibling would take her place as his next protector though she was surprised at the flash of jealousy at her unborn sibling before shaking her head. It was stupid to be jealous of her sibling just because it would live longer than her and hopefully always have a caring master in Cedric. Instead she should be happy that the baby would never have to grow up with a fate like hers or their mother's had been.

She looked over the menu, not sure what her mother could eat from this and frowned before pointing out the problem to Cedric. Cedric I don't know if mama can eat anything from here, she wrote and showed him the paper as well as the menu before pointing at the waffles, orange juice and scrambled eggs that she picked out. @Flack
Cedric read the note, "Let's see," he looked through the menu menu looking for something that would be easy on Carina's body. Though he wasn't really sure what that would be. He finally figured that they could get her eggs and toast, and of that wouldn't work she could always get something else. "Let's get her scrambled eggs and toast for now and if that makes her ill we can always get her something else when she wakes up and can tells what she wants." Cedric suggested, and noted what Andalib wanted, he was going to get biscuits and gravy, with eggs.

Cedric called room service and placed the breakfast order. "Well now we wait." He looked at Andalib and smiled, " Is there anything you'd like to do to pass the time?"

Nodding at the choice as she couldn't remember what her mother had eaten when he had been pregnant when Andalib was four, she watched as Cedric placed the order for room service before setting the menu aside. She shook her head as she wasn't sure. She wasn't cooking, there were no animals to take care of, no fire to make, none of what she had done and been trained to do with being in a hotel. Cedric will have something to do with adding another room onto the cabin, she wrote down. I'm not sure what I want to do. Do...do you...think...I'll...talk? she wrote. Maybe...maybe the nice doctor will know? Ummm...how...how old are you? I'm fourteen and mama is...thirty-one. Then a thought came to her and she wrote it. Will the mean nurse or the doctor do anything to mama's baby? I don't...mama...don't know how what happens to half shadow demons. Mama said her other baby disappeared. @Flack
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Cedric smiled, "Yes lots to do maybe add on a couple of rooms, you can help if you'd like I'll have to draw up something called a blueprint, and you are much better than I am at drawing..." He thought a moment, "I hope you'll be able to talk I'd like to hear your voice someday...but don't pressure yourself to speak for me do it for you, maybe when you get more comfortable at the cabin you'll find your voice." He suggested, and smiled.

Andalib thought before writing. Measurements of the cabin would help I think. So the scenery around the cabin isn't too affected and everything matches with the already exist part of the cabin. She pointed to the questions about Cedric's age and if the doctor was going to do anything to her sibling. Thank you, she wrote, for the c...compliment. Is there anything you want to know about me? @Flack
"If the doctor tries to do anything but help your sibling I'll bite his throat...I'm two thousand five hundred and twenty some years old, I guess I don't look it though." He chuckled, " I like your idea for the cabin." He thought awhile, "Would you like to have a family of your own someday?"

Andalib smiled, relieved and then again wondered how much trouble she would be in if she killed that nurse or one of those self conceited secretaries. But she was thrown by the question about having her own family. You look a little older than me, she wrote. I wouldn't mind having a family though I am not sure how that would be possible. And...I'm not sure if I could have children only for them to face the same life I do but...if they stayed with you Cedric...maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She didn't write that her mother had been kind of right about her not minding a family with Cedric but it obviously never turned out okay for the children. Still...even if he died, her master would have a part of her to remember her by. And her piano and hopefully more drawings. @Flack
Cedric nodded, why would she why to bring children into a world like this when they would either be killed or forced into slavery. "Right, well perhaps you'll be able to have your own someday, maybe your children or children's children will be able to live in a better world." He did his best to sound reassuring. If she did have children he wonder if they would have her ebony hair and eyes.

The girl shrugged at Cedric's response. She might just have to teach her sibling herself so they could keep Cedric alive to see the world changed. Will you get in trouble by the doctor for having mama and her unborn baby at the doctor office? @Flack
Cedric shrugged, "I don't know but I plan on going to a different doctors office and if they mention anything I'll say that the child is mine and I want it unharmed." He smiled. "I'll deal with whatever if any problem arises it's fine if I get into some trouble but I'd rather you and your mother stay out of it."

Andalib pursed her lips in thought before nodding. Going to a different doctor might be best. Cedric...do shadow demons have powers of their parents? she asked though she didn't remember any of Cain's powers. Okay I'll let you deal with it. I can't protect you three if I'm dead or back in the warehouse. Though she wasn't too happy about it but she would stay out of it if Cedric wanted it. @Flack
"Yeah for the most part of course sometimes they get one or two that their parents don't have, like me well I can look completely human if I wanted to, and neither of my parents could do that." He tried to remember if any of his siblings could appear human, but he couldn't remember it was a lost cause.

I don't know what Ma...what his powers are. I just remember he is violent when he is angry and hits hard, Andalib wrote. Is there anything you want to know besides what you already do? @Flack
He nodded, "Well I can't think of anything right now but if I think of something I'll ask. Did you want to know anything about me?" He stretched a bit.

How come you don't have children? Have you always lived away from people? Andalib wrote. She didn't understand how someone nice like Cedric couldn't have children and a wife by now. @Flack
He chuckled softly, "I didn't really want any, after I left my parents. Then when I thought about having some several years later I wasn't able to find a suitable mate so no children of my own...I lived with my parents and ten no thirteen siblings until I left. Then I would play tricks on some human villagers who used to live in the forest, or play with some of the children, so I have had interactions with humans before and to get tools when I decided to build the cabin but I haven't really interacted with anyone for the last fifty to seventy years." He answered.

Andalib stared in shock at Cedric and shook her head. I'm glad I don't have thirteen siblings. I'd worry that I would be lost and forgotten. How do you get clothes if you're a wolf? Won't your tail get in the way? @Flack
He laughed, quickly covering his mouth. "I learned that most humans prefer to wear clothes, and don't appreciate naked people wandering around their village... and I cut a hole in my pants. Since I'm usually in this form anyway it seemed to be wise to invest in some clothing but to be honest I don't like them all that much and used to avoid wearing them, I spent a long time in my wolf form to avoid them."

Andalib thought about that before smiling as she silently laughed. That would be a funny sight and probably weird for the poor humans. Do you...do you lose your sanity like werewolves in human legends when you're a wolf? she wrote down. @Flack
He grinned, "No, I remain in control, the only time I lost track of time and my actions have been when I was beyond enraged, then I just saw red and when I came back to my senses who or whatever it was that upset me was torn to pieces. But thats only happened three times in my life and two of them were demons."

Andalib thought about that and then back to when he had fought the other wolf, possibly a distant relative and couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine at the thought. That sounds scary and horrifying, she wrote while making a mental note to never enrage her master and try to keep the baby from crying. She didn't think her mother would survive if the baby was killed and didn't want to find out what it took to make him snap. If they were bad demons then it's not a bad thing. You did the world a favor in that case, she wrote down. How many minutes has it been since you ordered food Cedric? she asked suddenly realizing that she hadn't heard any knocking outside or footsteps. @Flack
"Well from the smell it our food." He replied and got up and opened the door and got the food tray. He closed the door, "Breakfast is served. Why don't you wake your mother so she can join us." He suggested.

Andalib stood and walked over to her mother before gently shaking her awake as Cedric shut the door. Carina tensed and then slowly opened her eyes to see Andalib looking at her. "Wh...Andalib?" Carina asked as she tried to deal with the fog in her mind. Andalib nodded and pointed at the clock that said it was eight in the morning. Carina stared unseeingly at the red letters before her eyes widended in fear and she sat up, only to get dizzy at quick movement. Andalib backed away, nervously watching as her mother panicked and looked worriedly at Cedric, silently asking what she should do. @Flack
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Cedric walked over and smiled, and pulled Carina close, "It's alright, your safe everything is fine. I hope you don't mind but Andalib and I got you some breakfast." He didn't want her to fall, and assumed she didn't remember everything that had happened yesterday.

Andalib looked on as Cedric attempted to comfort her mother who appeared as if she didn't know where she was and she felt her heart grow still. Was that the type of life that had awaited her had someone other than Cedric bought her? She shivered and sank against the wall, frightened by the possibility had Cedric chosen not to buy her.

Carina flinched at the touch and at Cedric's voice so she concentrated on his heart beat instead as she attempted to figure out what had happened and as the fog gradually cleared from her mind she remembered yesterday...Andalib...her baby being alive...a demon named Cedric purchasing her...the same demon not using her and promising not to hurt her or her daughter...allowing her to keep the child she was carrying..."I'm...sorry...M'...Cedric," she said against his chest. Then his words came back to her about food and Andalib. Sheepishly she carefully removed herself from Cedric's arms and dropped her head in embarrassment. "Food w..." Carina got off the bed, stumbling as she ran to the bathroom and threw up, partly due to the baby and partly due to nearly calling Cedric by her former master's name. Andalib looked after her mother and got to her feet, her eyes worried as she listened to her mother before the middle-aged woman came out of the bathroom. "I'll try to keep the food down Cedric and...I'm sorry for my actions just now," she said to him. @Flack

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