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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Cedric watched her run to the bathroom, relieved she appeared to be more or less alright when she returned. "No need to apologize you did nothing wrong. There are some eggs and toast for you if would want something else let me know." He smiled at her, "We can eat then get you to a doctor, from there we can get you what you'll need to like e in the cabin. Um then grocery shopping and depending on the time we get done with all that we can either go to the cabin or come back here."

Carina looked at Cedric and nodded before looking towards the tray of food. She picked up her plate and carefully sat down on the floor before entering her room and cautiously nibbling at the toast. This seemed to be one of her harder pregnancies compared to the others but it would likely be her last unless Cain stole her back or killed Cedric. Her thoughts turned to her unborn child and she wondered what type of life it would lead as one Cedric's slaves. Maybe if it was lucky, it would live to see humans free again. But she and Andalib would never see such a wish come to pass. She supposed it would also depend on how stubborn humans and demons were and if they were even able to work together. Cedric...he seemed to be the only exception to the rule.

Andalib got her own food and sat down before cutting up her waffles as she looked out the window at the city. The sun was nice that she could see but it was too noisy and crowded here. She wanted to be in the forest and oddly the cabin that was her new home. Not that the hotel was bad, it was just...busy. @Flack


Seth fed each of the horses carrots and patted them on their noses. He hoped that Jin would live a long time and stay by his side until she died either of old age or defending him. He didn't look forward to the visit in two weeks by the person from the slave registration office but he would deal with that as it came and hope for the best. Hopefully he and Jin would be somewhat closer together and everything would go alright in two weeks. @The Unamed Character
Cedric watched and they seemed to be doing alright, so he got his food and began to eat. He hoped they would be able to make it to the cabin today. Cedric didn't like to be away from his home for to long, and the city sent his senses into overdrive. "I'd like the both of you to stay close to me today, I don't want to lose either of you." He finally said and smiled.

"We will. No need to worry Mr. Adair," Carina said. "I'll be happy and more at ease when he's dead," she said to herself which could be picked up by Cedric thanks to his superior hearing.

Andalib nodded at her mother's words but all the same her hand went to her fire wheel that she had hidden on her body. She wouldn't let her mother and the baby end up back in that demon's hands, even if it killed her or she had to trade her safety with Cedric to keep her mother and the baby away from Cain. Aside from those spoken words, it was relatively quiet as the mother and daughter ate their food. Thankfully for Carina it seemed the baby was going to allow her to eat what Cedric had chosen for her without getting sick about it. Carina looked to Cedric. "Mr. Adair could we get me some weapons by any chance? I can use guns and bow and arrows but I may not be much help in protecting you as I also have to think about the baby's life," she said. @Flack
Cedric smiled he shared Carina's feelings. He wanted Cain's head on a wooden pike. But that would have to wait until a later date. He didn't mind eating in silence it was just nice to have someone else there and soon Hm there would be three someones.

Cedric looked at Carina and smiled, "Yes of course we can, I'd like you to be able to defend yourself and the baby, there's not much need for you to worry about me." He replied he wasn't a fan of guns, but they were effective. He couldn't argue with the results he'd seen.

"Thank you Mr. Adair," Carina said bowing her head to show her gratitude to Cedric. "Andalib should the baby survive you have to keep your weapons in your room so your sibling doesn't get to them. Otherwise it can hurt or kill itself."

Andalib picked up her paper and wrote two words. Yes mama.

Carina read the note and nodded as the mother and daughter finished their meal. Carina picked up the trash and put it in the trashcan before going into the bathroom to wash her hands as Andalib pulled out the sketch that she had kept in her kimono and handed it to Cedric to keep since it was his. Then she put her kimono into one of the bags of clothing and gathered up the bags so her mother wouldn't have to carry anything except her weapons. Carina shook her head as she came back out and tsked at her daughter but Andalib shook her head when her mother made to carry some of the bags. Carina turned her gaze to Cedric instead to see what he wanted her to do. @Flack
Cedric took the sketch and returned it to his pocket. He watched the two of them intently, they were interesting and lovely. When he saw them got for the bags he sighed, "You both know that I am more than capable of carrying most of the bags with ease don't you. Also Carina you're hurt and pregnant and I believe that means you should be taking it easy, so please leave the bags to myself and Andalib." He said with a smile.

Carina sighed but nodded. "Alright. I just don't like not being helpful after you saved my daughter and then myself," she said. Andalib relaxed once her mother backed down but as Cedric spoke nodded. They waited for Cedric to leave the hotel room before following him down to the lobby so he could check out. @Flack
"You are being helpful, just by being here. You are helping to put my mind at ease." He replied with a smiled as he grabbed several of the bags. He went down to the front desk and checked out. Making sure to keep Andalib and Carina in eyesight.

Once he was checked out he left the hotel. "Let's get a cab and get you to the doctor." Cedric said to Carina.

Carina didn't say anything but smiled as Cedric spoke of her putting his mind at ease. Though she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of Andalib. Still she looked around the hotel as Cedric checked out and then the mother and daughter followed their master outside onto the busy streets of the city. "Stupid noise," Carina said. She always seemed to be more sensitive to things when she was pregnant. "A cab would be good, especially with you and Andalib carrying the bags," Carina agreed. "Do we need to find a doctor before getting a cab?" @Flack


Seth was annoyed and angry. His slave had wandered off and he hadn't found her. It appeared she hadn't liked the little freedom he had given her. Even the cat he had bought for her was gone along with her clothes. Scowling to himself he put all the horses back into the barn and fed and watered them. Once he had shut the barn doors after all his horses were secure in their stalls, he went to his car and drove to town to get another slave. He wasn't even going to bother filing a report with the Slave Registration office. He had tried to rescue her and she had repaid him by running away. Walking into the warehouse Seth looked around at the slaves in the cages before picking out two slaves. He took them to the registration office and got them registered before taking them home with him. Studying them he looked at the two children. "What are your names and ages?"

"Kyo Lark," said the boy. "I'm twelve."

"Lily Kuran. I'm five," said Lily. Seth nodded and showed them around his home before giving them rooms. He left Jin's room as it was. Perhaps she would come back but he doubted it. These two slaves would need to be watched carefully though especially with all the tension over the demon community being killed.
Cedric smiled, "You'll probably like the forest it's usually quite...and yeah you have a good point." Cedric carefully dug around in his pocket and pulled out the map, he handed it to Carina. "You can be in charge of keeping the map, we won't go the doctors office on Main Street any others will be fine."

Carina took the map and unfolded it. She took in the circles and lines and looked at Andalib who shrugged. Shaking her head, Carina put a finger on the map and then looked for a doctor office. Finding one she pointed at it and moved to stand beside Cedric so she could show him the location. "It's over here on E. Chestnut St. Mr. Adair," she said. Tracing the route she looked. "It looks like it is only three blocks from the hotel we're at right now." @Flack
"Wonderful, thank you ." He said as he looked at the map. Cedric smiled and did his best to awkwardly hail a cab. Finally he got one and he put the bags in the truck and joined the girls in the back. He gave the driver the address and hired that cabbie for the day, it would make things easier and then they wouldn't have to carry the bags everywhere. "Hopefully, today will go smoothly."

Carina nodded and got into the cab once Cedric had hailed it, followed by Andalib after she put the bags she was carrying in the trunk and joined her mother. She fell asleep against her mother's shoulder, the way she used to when she was a child. Carina smiled sadly at her daughter and listened as Cedric hired the cabbie for the day. "Hopefully it does Mr. Adair," Carina said. "How long have you lived in the forest Mr. Adair? Do...does anybody ever come over?" Cain had often had his friends over at his home which meant Carina was expected to be by Cain's side at all times unless she was getting food for the guests with the other slaves who tended to the household duties. She hadn't liked it as the other demons had stared at her which made her uncomfortable. "I know how to serve large groups of people and Andalib knows a bit about hosting for parties and the like," she said. "She knows to be obedient and...how did he put it...look pretty as well as carrying small things of refreshments. I didn't get to teach her a lot about it until...she left so if you must punish someone for incompetence please take out your displeasure towards her on me. She'll learn fast what is and isn't to be expected Mr. Adair." She also knew the consequences of failing...at least Cain's consequences. This was something she would have to be careful about until she learned Cedric's consequences for disobedience and failure which is why she was asking. @Flack
Cedric looked at Andalib, and smiled she seemed almost at peace it was nice to see her so relaxed. Cedric looked at Carina as she spoke to him, "I've lived in the forest my whole life...I haven't invited anyone to my cabin in years until I got Andalib and now you so you'll be my first house guests." The idea of having lots of people in his cabin that weren't family made him sick to his stomach. What was the point of looking pretty while serving guests anyway he wondered. "Carina, I like you and Andalib very much, I'm not going to punish you. To be honest I wouldn't know how to punish you either, nor to I care to learn how to go about that. Your weaker than me and I don't hit things that are wounded or with child or are children." Cedric took a breath and gently took Carina's hand, "I know it will take you sometime to get used to me but know this I will never treat you the way he did, and I'll kill him the next I see him for the way he treated you, your daughter, and his own child. I promise I'll keep you and your children safe until the end of my days."

Carina listened to Cedric speak of a promise to kill Cain and of him never hurting her, Andalib or her unborn child. "I guess all of us have something to learn about each other," Carina said sheepishly. "Both of my masters have been cruel men. I never thought a shadow demon could be nice and not abusive to his property or that he would sincerely care about them as people, their safety, health and welfare." Carina looked down at Andalib who remained asleep against her. "I've never seen her this peaceful before. She was usually crying when she slept. It was worse when the horse she liked was killed by Cain. He was a bay horse and she'd named him Brass. That bastard told her it was her fault that the horse had died. After that she stayed away from the horses that Cain owned and shortly after that incident she left. The horses... drawing and painting... trying to play the piano during our lessons...those were the only times she was ever happy so for her to trust you enough in the span of a couple of days...it is more than I ever hoped for her. I...I want her to be happy and if she wants, if you allow it or even if they are your children, to be able to experience being a mother. Her happiness is all I've ever wanted for her and all I want for this child as well. I don't know if I can give them happiness or how much longer I will live in this world...but if they are happy with you...then I will be able to pass on without worry for them." She fell silent then and wiped her eyes, not even realizing she had been crying as she had spoken about her children and turned her head from Cedric so he couldn't see her sadness. @Flack
Cedric listen intently to her speak and gave her hand a small squeeze, she was right they did have a lot to learn about eachother. "You make them happy just by being you, and being around them. I can't make them happy only they can do that, but I'll do my best to help them find happiness. If Andalib or your other child want to have a family of their own they are more than welcome to do so and live either with me or near the cabin so I can keep them safe." He sighed, "Let's both do our best to enjoy today, and focus on the good things, for instance I will have some companions to keep me company and who knows I have hopes that those companions will become my friends someday." Cedric said with a smile.

Carina looked back at Cedric and nodded at his words. "That would be nice for them to have a friend in you and hopefully for my children to be your friends as well one day," Carina said. She looked up as the cabbie came to a stop at the doctor's office and shook Andalib awake, the girl blinking sleepily and yawning. Andalib looked around and saw they were stopped in front of another doctor office. @Flack
Cedric got out and waited for the girls to exit the cab. He hoped that there wouldn't be to many questions, and thst things would go smoothly. He did wonder if all clinics where supposed to be huge, but then again that's how most things where in the city. He closed the door when they got out. "Let's get you feeling better Carina." He said with a smiled. As he walked into this new clinic.

Carina and Andalib got out of the cab and looked up at the building. What had happened to doctor offices being in small quiet buildings like Carina's great grandmother had said existed in the past? Andalib stayed by her mother's side, waiting for her mother to go into the building after Cedric before entering last. "Getting better would be welcome Mr. Adair," Carina said before going silent as she and Andalib followed Cedric to the front desk. @Flack


Seth got up the next morning and was pleased to see his slaves had remained in their rooms and not gone out of the house. He would give Jin a week to come back where she belonged and if not then he was done with her. "Kyo what weapons can you use?" Seth asked the boy.

"I can use a gun, sword and twin knives master," said Kyo as he held the weapons up that Seth had purchased.

"Hmm so you can use two weapons like Jin could." He looked down at Lily wordlessly. It would take time for him to see what she could use. Thinking, he took them with him to a warehouse and came back with a teenage girl to add to his collection of humans.

"Name, age, weapons," Seth stated to the girl.

"My name is Kagome Sohma Master. I'm fifteen and can use a bow with arrows, a sword, fire and wind wheels, twin war fans and kusarigama."

"Hmm. Ninja weapons then. Well that's interesting," said Seth. "Alright Kagome go cook us something to eat. Lily start taking care of the bedrooms and Kyo go let the horses out of the barn and take them to the pasture."

"Yes Master," said the three slaves and they went off to do what Seth said while he went to the living room to watch the morning news.
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Cedric went in to the front desk, and fill out the paperwork work for Carina. It didn't take him as long since he had filled out the same form yesterday. Once the paperwork was processed, they just had to sit and wait for the doctor to become available. "Well it looks like they have paintings here too." He said to the girls as he looked around the waiting room.

Andalib bolted from her mother and Cedric to go look at the new paintings, causing Carina to roll her eyes. "She loves art. Always did," Carina said. "Probably gets that from me." Carina sat down by Cedric's feet and watched her daughter run from painting to painting like a child in a candy store. Andalib made sure to stay in sight of Cedric. "Mr. Adair you should be glad slaves aren't given money. Otherwise you would have a lot of paintings in your home from Andalib wanting to buy them all," Carina said laughing before it turned into a cough. @Flack
Cedric smiled, and watched Andalib. He wouldn't mind having some art on his walls, but he got concerned when he heard Carina cough. "Are you alright?" He asked but felt very dumb for asking it, obviously she wasn't alright. At least they were going to see a doctor soon, so hopefully they would be able to help her get healthy again.

After a few minutes Carina's coughing subsided. "I'm fine," Carina said though she looked anything but okay. Her skin was pale and a bit clammy. "I swear each subsequent pregnancy takes a little life out of me," she said. "I usually have a persistent cough for the first three months of pregnancy," she said. "It's probably nothing but you can ask for it to be checked I think." @Flack
Cedric looked concerned, "I think that would be for the best. I'd like for you to be healthy...Or as healthy as you can be during the pregnancy." He would have the doctor look into the cough. After all apparently she didn't get medical treatment, so it was possible she was sick and had been for some time. He didn't want to risk leaving anything unchecked given that he lived so far away from the modern medicine.


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