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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Cedric smiled and took the box, "No I've been eating alone for to long I'm happy to wait for the both of you." The life of a slave it seemed consisted of going from one hell to another. Cedric didn't want that cycle to continue, especially with him. Things needed to change, he just wasn't sure how to go about it.

He watched and waited patiently for the them. He didn't mind he liked the company, and he wanted to make his new companions lives a little less hellish.

"As you wish Mr. Adair," Carina said. It took Carina a while to ease the swelling of her wrist and she knew she'd need to repeat the process for at least a few more days but a doctor might be able to say how long. She had Andalib wrap her arm in the newspapers tightly and then wrap the bandages tightly around it before picking up the cold compress and putting it into the mini fridge in the hotel room. "I'm sorry. My wrist has been like this for a week," Carina apologized to Cedric. Andalib grabbed her spaghetti and orange juice and sat on the floor. @Flack
"Well I sorry you had to go so long without it getting properly taken care of." He looked at Andalib and smiled he was glad she would never have to endure living with a master like Cain again. "I hope you get to enjoy the soup. Andalib thank you for everything." He began to eat his hamburger.

Carina nodded and blew on the soup to cool it down as she nibbled at the bread. The last time she had eaten quickly from being starved, she had gotten sick. Andalib blinked at her master thanking her and nodded before twirling a piece of spaghetti around her fork, continuing to watch the television. @Flack
Cedric finished his burger quickly. He stretched and let out a yawn. " Excuse me, I think I'm going to lay down for a bit. But if either of you need anything please wake me up." Cedric got up and walked over to the gap between the wall and bed closest to the door. He laid down in that spot and closed his eyes. He wasn't going to make them share a bed or have one of then sleep on the floor. He actually found the floor to be quite comfortable.

"Was he like that yesterday when he purchased you Andalib?" Carina asked her daughter after watching Cedric go to sleep on the floor.

Andalib turned her gaze to her mother and nodded. "Well that is different," Carina said to herself. The baby seemed to tolerate the soup for which Carina was grateful though she was a little disturbed that her daughter had nearly died yesterday and Carina would never have known that her daughter was still alive. The thirty-year-old woman had no doubt that had Cain known that Andalib was alive, then he wouldn't have brought Carina to the mall today and would have tried to take her daughter back into his custody regardless of the fact that he hadn't bothered to look for her when she had run away. Carina shook her head to get rid of those disturbing thoughts but that didn't stop her from praying that this child she was carrying was male. Carina got up from the desk and turned the volume on the television down before putting it back in the table drawer. "Well don't wake the master up Andalib," Carina advised her daughter before going back to her soup. @Flack
Cedric fell asleep rather quickly, but it wasn't a deep sleep. He didn't feel entirely safe here, and he wouldn't feel completely safe until he killed Cain either, but that was his problem. He knew he would feel better and more secure in his cabin. He hope that they would too. He got sat up after a couple of hours deciding he might as well forgo sleep for the night since he wasn't really going to get much anyway.

He stood up and stretched. He quietly made his way to the bathroom and turned on the sink. He splashed cold water on his face. He sighed perhaps he should invest in indoor plumbing. He let his face drip dry before he exited the bathroom and sat down on the floor doing his best to focus on the positives.

Andalib couldn't sleep and was awake when Cedric came out of the bathroom. She looked to her mother who was passed out on the other bed though Carina had woken in the middle of the night from bad dream and then thrown up thanks to the baby's giving her morning sickness. She always had it with all the children she'd been pregnant with. She got up and walked over to Cedric before sitting down in front of him. @Flack
Cedric wasn't necessarily suprised to see Andalib awake he whispered, "Are you doing alright after the day we had?" It had been quite the day, he was happy to see Carina sleeping, he had heard her get up but gave her, her space as it seemed to be the baby disagreeing with her.

Andalib shook her head and pulled out her paper to write on. I'm still in shock Mr. Adair from mama being alive and pregnant with Master Cain's baby. But I am happy that she is alive and back with me even if the circumstances were not ideal for either of us. I feel sorry for my little brother or sister, that they will never be accepted by anybody except you master, mama and me. But at least you now have a future slave to protect you even if I die. @Flack
Cedric nodded, "Well it's alot to take in, and who knows maybe someday soon your sibling will get to live in a world where he is accepted. I don't really want to think about you leaving me just yet." He patted her on her head and smiled, "It's funny how attached to you I've become in such a short amount of time."

Andalib closed her eyes as Cedric patted her. It wasn't rough or harsh like Cain had been and that was one of the reasons she allowed his petting in addition to her training. Master is very lucky, she wrote. It was only a pity there was no way to make herself have the lifespan of a demon. But even then he had said he wanted someone closer in age to him and even if extended life were possible she would never be near his age. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "I'm not lucky, you are. A long life is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. You know what, I think I'm starting to like the idea of family." He chuckled softly not wanted to wake Carina. "You are a large part of my coming around to the idea, thank you for opening up my world." He leaned forward and hugged her, she had given him a purpose again and he was truly greatful.

Andalib blinked at the hug before leaning into Cedric's touch, dropping the paper and pen in the process. She hadn't thought that she would end up helping Cedric into wanting a family. Perhaps the broken slave and the broken master were finally learning to heal from their own wounds and learning to heal each other as well. Carina continued to slumber as Cedric and Andalib talked. Picking up the paper and pen again she wrote: I didn't think I would be able to help you so much. Perhaps master is healing faster than I am. But I am happy to have helped you master open up your world and liking the idea of a family. @Flack
Cedric let her go, "Sorry, it's just been so long since I've been this happy, and I'll never be able to thank you properly for it." He tried to regain some composure but it was the best feeling when she leaned into the hug, perhaps he wasn't ment to be alone, and maybe he could help her find happiness as well.

Andalib nodded though she was a bit nervous about going back to the forest and looked at him worriedly before writing. Master what if the other wolf comes back and tries to kill mama and my sibling? I don't want them or master to die because mama had no way to stop Master Cain.

Tears fell from her eyes onto the paper at the thought. @Flack
Cedric pulled her close, "It will be alright, I won't let that happen, and neither will you. I know you're more than capable of defending yourself, and if that wolf does show up it will be two against one. Also I'll kill it if I ever see it again. But odds are she won't be to keen on fighting with me again, so she'll most likely leave us alone. I protect what's mine, that's you your mother and the child she is carrying, try to remember that." He smiled reassuringly at her, it didn't want to see her cry or afraid, it broke his heart seeing his young companion distraught.

Andalib looked at Cedric for several long minutes before nodding. I feel a bit safer with my weapons and master proved the day before yesterday that he is strong and a capable defender of his property and life. It's more than mama's masters ever did for from what I remember. I don't know that I could be as strong as master to live the centuries alone. I'd probably go insane after a while. @Flack
He smiled, "Call me Cedric, and your mother's masters were filth. Why do you think I got you, I was going insane. Why don't you try and go back to sleep, I'll be up guarding the room." He suggested, seeing as they were going to have a somewhat busy day ahead of them tomorrow getting things for Carina, and the groceries, not to mention the trek back to the cabin if it didn't get to late.

Andalib yawned. She was a bit tired and put her paper and pen back into her pocket. Yawning she used Cedric's shoulders to help her stand up and staggered over to her bed before falling asleep once more, resolving that even though she was having a bit of trouble walking, she would carry most of the bags so her mother wouldn't need to carry anything. @Flack
Cedric smiled and watched her fall asleep. He laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling listening to the noises of the city and hotel. He was a bit on edge ready to attack anything that came into the room unwelcomed. It was nice though having someone to protect other than himself. He waited laid there waiting for the sun to rise, he was currently how different it would look in the city compared to the forest.

The next morning Andalib had woken up and showered before changing into a light pink t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Her sword was at her waist and her other weapons were hidden on her body. Her mother was still asleep and Andalib gathered up the trash from yesterday before putting it all into the two trashcans. She gathered up the belongings of all the stuff she had bought and hoped her mother was right about Cain no longer being in the city. @Flack
Cedric stretched he discovered he prefers to watch the sunrise in the forest. Otherwise after Andalib had gone to sleep it had been a relatively quiet night. He walked over to Andalib, " Let's let you mother rest for a little while longer it's going to be a busy day and I don't want to push her to hard. If you're hungry we can order food."

Andalib looked over at her mother as Cedric mentioned letting her rest before nodding. Do they have a breakfast menu Cedric? Andalib wrote pointing to the menu that they had ordered from last night. After seeing Cain, she wasn't sure that she wanted to leave her mother and unborn sibling alone while she and Cedric went down to breakfast in the hotel lobby or wherever guests ate breakfast. @Flack
"Yes I think they do," he picked up the menu and flipped through it. He handed it to Andalib, "Yes it's these pages here, I don't plan on letting either of you leave my sight today, and probably won't until we've been at the cabin for a few days just to be safe." He informed her, he didn't like the idea of Cain sticking aound to take back either of his former slaves, well to be honest he didn't like the idea of Cain breathing. Once they were in the cabin if Cain did decide to try something he would have to get through the forest in all directions and contend with the other demons thst lived there as well so Cedric would know if he was coming before he got too close.


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