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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

He looked up at her question, "You're growing a person inside you, your making life that's extraordinary. It's something I could never do, and most shadow demons are better at destroying life than making it. You and your daughter are also both incredibly strong, even I can appreciate strength, and new life." He answered casually, and put his head back down and continued to stretch.

Carina listened quietly and flushed at her suspicion towards Cedric's question. And I was thinking he was asking for another reason but then it'll take me some time to not see him like Master Cain, Carina thought to herself. "I suppose it is extraordinary but it is hard to deal with pregnancy and childbirth on top of being a slave. Though every human female get used to being in that position after the first few pregnancies," Carina said. Andalib walked over with the menu and pointed at the spaghetti after sitting down beside Cedric, silently indicating that is what she wanted to eat. @Flack
Cedric sat up and looked at the menu, "Ah well that looks good," he commented on Andalib's choice. "Carina do you know what you'd like?" He added, "I want to make all that easier for you, so please ask for anything you need or tell me what I can to to make it easier for you."

"I think I'll just have the vegetable soup and water," Carina said. "I'm not sure if I can eat anything any heavier than soup at the moment though I might be okay with some bread as well." Andalib pointed at the orange juice and nodded in agreement about the spaghetti, not noticing her mother looking at her and Cedric. Andalib was lucky to have such a kind master after what she had went through and if the child she was carrying lived, he or she would be lucky as well. @Flack
"Alright, and an orange juice." Cedric got up and called room service, he was just happy the phone told him how to do it. He placed their order getting a some bread with the soup and a hamburger for himself. He smiled, "There are some things I will never understand, why would it a hamburger when it made with beef?" He said to himself, and looked at the girls, "The food should be ready in twenty minutes, I hope the baby let's you enjoy your soup." He smiled at Carina. He couldn't wrap his mind around the appeal of forcing himself on a slave then more than likely kill the half-breed, and repeat the process. If you wanted to mate find a mate, not a slave who had no choice in the matter.

"I hope it does too," said Carina. "I'm not sure why it is called a hamburger when it's made with beef. I don't think most humans know the answer to that question and those that may are likely long dead by now and can't tell the answer to that question. Is there anything you wish to know about me or Andalib Mr. Adair?" Carina asked. Andalib was looking at the television now and her mother sighed before looking for a remote and turning the television. Andalib hugged her mother in thanks before sitting there on the floor and watching the program that had come on. The child hadn't had the chance to examine such technology when with her mother but knew a television showed different programs and such as her mother had let her watch a cartoon once when she had been four though she didn't remember a lot about it. @Flack
Cedric's ears twitched when the TV came on, he looked at Carina, "I don't really know," he smiled, "All of this is new to me, is there anything you think I should know about you both? I really only wanted a companion and now it seems I have three." He smiled at her, "When do humans become concidered to be grown-ups? I know you aren't concidered one anymore but you are still very young well compared to me anyway." He asked.
"It varied throughout human's history," Carina said. "In ancient times humans were adults when they went through puberty but as the world became more modernized, well at least the United States of America and western Europe, humans became adults when they turned eighteen. But in eastern countries they stood by the belief that you became an adult when you hit puberty. You might go through a rite of passage to become an adult but once you did you could get married and have children of your own. Sorry for the noise of the television Mr. Adair. The only time Andalib has seen a program on television is when she was four and it was a cartoon of some sort. Andalib doesn't like fish or other seafood but her father was the same way. She can play the piano thanks to lessons I gave her, the flute and the violin. She didn't really take well to the harp when I tried to teach her that. She likes horses, drawing and painting as well as reading. She doesn't like heights or flying, summer, winter or extreme heat and cold. Like Andalib, her future children if you decide to have any with her, my grandmother and great grandmother, I was born into this life. My great grandmother lived through the war of the shadow demons and humans and saw the humans become slaves. For her it wasn't much of a change as my great grandmother didn't have a nice life when she was free and so was one of the few humans to adapt quickly to the change in status. I grew up being the pet of my mother's master's daughter until the child grew bored of me and her mother sold me to a warehouse when I was sixteen. I was there for one week until Cain bought me and have been with him until today. I had Andalib when I was seventeen. Cain didn't train me in anything, I was mostly there...well for his needs and purposes. But Andalib's father taught me how to use a gun and how to use a bow and arrows." @Flack
"Well I was right about you." Cedric smiled, " You are very wise, and don't worry about the TV I just have fairly decent hearing. I don't plan on having children with you or your daughter...not that there's anything wrong with either of you its just I'd prefer my mate to be closer to me in age." Cedric looked off, "Oh we will getting a piano delivered to the cabin, so I look forward to hearing you play." Cedric pulled out the sketch Andalib did of him in the doctor's office and showed it to Carina. "She's quite the talented artist. I'm lucky I found her, and you."

"Well that is a relief to hear," Carina said. "I was wondering if I needed to do anything to divert your attention from my daughter but it seems my fears are unfounded. Well I know she doesn't get her artistic talent from me but she has always been a talented artist. I'm glad to see her love of the piano and drawing has not been forgotten. They were only two of the things that gave her joy as a child. I can try to play, I haven't played anything in five years so I may be rusty with the piano." Andalib frowned to herself as she watched the television though she was partly listening to the conversation as well. Carina put the remote back in the table drawer where it had been and sat on one of the beds. "I tried to raise Andalib as well as I could before she ran away from Cain Riven though most of what I taught her was what she needed to be to her master in case she was ever sold by Cain. It was him and his son that...well I suppose that doesn't matter anymore. I taught her to read and write after Cain tried killing her, math and how to find her way if she was ever lost. I would guess you figured it out by now from what Master Cain said but this child I'm carrying is his. All my other children were either miscarriages or killed. Had Andalib not run away when she did it's possible I would be dead and she would have taken my place." Carina sighed and looked at her lap. "You may think I am a horrible person M'Lord for not taking Andalib and leaving but Master Cain...he has friends in high circles who would have tracked us down and brought us back along with any slave catchers among your people. The thought of being killed in front of Andalib and damaging her further...I suppose I'm selfish but if I had died...there wouldn't have been anyone from keeping Andalib safe." She looked over at her daughter and chuckled. "Somehow Mr. Adair...I don't think she would object to having your child. Andalib seems comfortable in your presence." @Flack
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Cedric blushed slightly at her last observation. "I don't think you are or were horrible, staying where you were probably kept you both alive. I am sorry you lost your other children, it's not an easy thing to go through. But you don't have to worry about Cain or anything to do with him anymore. I hate anyone who would harm a child and those who willing associate with such filth." He sighed, "It's none of my business who the father is it won't affect how I treat the child it had no control over who it's father is." He sat down, "You have been very helpful I appreciate it, is there anything you'd like to know about me please feel free to ask, though my past in no where near as eventful as yours."

"Are all your family wolves?" Carina asked. "Andalib said you transformed into a wolf to protect her from another shadow demon who could also change into a wolf. Is the other wolf related to you? If Andalib is your first slave then you prove that shadow demons can survive without having slaves to protect them." @Flack
"As far as I know they all are, but I ran away from my home when I was ten, so there's no knowing what my parents did after that. " He thought for a moment, "Yes she was most likely very distantly related to me, it seemed though the only thing we had in common was the ability to turn into a wolf. Oh and we shadow demons were surviving long before the humans were enslaved. I think most of the demons in the forest prefer to fend for themselves, I know I do, not that I mind having help in a fight. It's just I like to know I care take care of myself. Granted I had better know how to do that what with living on my own for more centuries than I'd like to admit."

"Family problems perhaps then," Carina said to herself. She didn't comment on Cedric running away as it wasn't her business and hoped Andalib had enough sense not to ask. "I don't know what powers this child will have or how it will be treated though I don't have high hopes for it having a good life outside of your cabin. I only ask that you keep it and Andalib together if I die and teach it how to be like you Mr. Adair. Ummm...are there any other half shadow-demons?" Though she doubted there were, they were probably all killed like her other children had been. @Flack
Cedric laughed, "No more like I got tired of being surrounded by my siblings and went to explore the forest and just didn't go back." Cedric thought for awhile and looked at her sadly, "There aren't any half-breeds that I am aware of, but I'm very secluded. I do know that they are shunned by both demons and humans and are usually killed at birth." He looked her in the eye and took her hand and vowed. "I will keep your children safe until the end of my days. Though you don't want them to be like me." He let her hand go and smiled.

Carina seemed sad to hear that her child would be shunned. Yes it would be natural for humans. Orion had told her even the rebels still didn't really get along which she thought was stupid. She looked at Cedric as he swore to protect both her children and nodded when he let go of her hand. "It seems stupid that humans would still fight each other over religious or ethnic issues when they're fighting for our freedom and that demons like Cain would have children only to kill them when they're born. Perhaps they should just give up the fight because it won't change anything." She winched as she felt pain her wrist and hissed to herself. @Flack
Cedric looked at her, "Andalib and I were discussing forming an alliance of demons and humans who wanted to end slavery and to live in peace. Talking with you makes me want that even more." He looked at her, "What's wrong with your hand?" He asked hoping he hadn't hurt her.

"That sounds nice. If you could find like minded demons and humans you might be able to form something there. My wrist?" She pulled her sleeve up to her elbow as a look of fear crossed her face and slowly unwrapped the bandage. "This is the product of angering Cain in the presence of some of his friends and a couple of powerful demons," she said as she showed him her inflamed and red wrist. "The muscle is sprained and inflamed and I'm probably going to get a bruise on the back of my neck as well from when Cain grabbed me earlier today before you bought me but ice should work to keep my neck from bruising and help bring down the swelling. I just wasn't allowed any healing for my wrist." @Flack
Cedric bit his lower lip, "I see, " he looked at her wrist. "Andalib, will you help your mother with that, I'll go get some ice." Cedric stood up and left the room. He was livid, the wretch hurt the woman carrying his child. He was going to have to kill something when they got back to the forest perhaps that other wolf, or a bear. He had forgotten the ice bucket, but one of the maids saw him and gave him one to use. He went back to the room to find that room service was also almost to the door. "Thank you, I'll take it from here." Cedric said and paid the boy, " who took the money and muttered,"whatever." And walked away.

Cedric knocked and entered the room with the food cart. "Well let's get you better taken care of and then we shall eat." Cedric smiled, trying to mask the anger that he was still feeling.

Andalib nodded and shook her head before she unwrapped the rest of the hastily secured bandage. "I'm fine Andalib. It hurts a little but it's tame compared to what Cain usually doe-did. I'm just glad you're alright and safe," Carina said. "Go see if there are any bandages available," Carina said to her daughter who nodded and went into the bathroom to go look before coming back with a small roll of bandages. "Okay we need to make a splint for my wrist so it will be immobilized," Carina said. "It'd be better if we had some newspaper to tie secure my wrist," she said as Cedric came back inside. "Mr. Adair could you perhaps get a newspaper? I'll need something to immobilize my wrist until I can get a proper splint from a doctor," Andalib said. "I'm sorry sir, it slipped my mind about needing newspapers until just now to make a splint but I'll have to keep my wrist immobilized for a while until it is healed." @Flack
Cedric nodded, and left the room. He went to the front desk and purchased a couple of news papers, he'd rather be safe than sorry. He quickly ruturned to the room. He knocked and entered. "I have the news paper, what would you like me to do now?" He asked.

Carina held her wrist straight. "We need to wrap the newspapers around my wrist from a quarter of my lower arm to around my hand and then use the bandages Andalib found to wrap the newspaper tightly and tie it off with a belt or shoe string. But the splint can't be too tight or it could restrict blood flow to my wrist and cause potentially more pain than I already have," Carina explained. "Andalib get a washcloth from the bathroom and bring it here please," she said to her daughter. Andalib nodded and came back a few moments later with the washcloth. "Just put some ice in the washcloth and then tie the ends together to make a cold compress," Andalib said to Cedric. @Flack
Cedric nodded. He put the ice in the washcloth and tied together. "We can get you to a doctor tomorrow." Cedric said and went over to Carina and set the compress next to her. He sighed and sat down on the other bed planing on breaking every bone in Cain's body before killing him and burning him to ashes.

Carina picked up the makeshift cold compress and put it on her wrist. "Mr. Adair you can eat. I'll eat once I've managed to get the swelling down and my wrist in the makeshift splint. There's no reason to wait for me or Andalib," she said as her daughter opened up the food and handed Cedric the boxed hamburger with little condiment packs. Andalib then went and pulled out her mother's soup before looking at Carina. "Put it on the desk Andalib with the bread and water. It'll be easier to eat there," she said. The girl nodded and carefully took her mother's bowl of soup over to the desk and set it down before getting the bread and water to put on the desk as well. @Flack

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