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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

He smiled, "Yes maybe, but as the rules state demons are only allowed one slave, for that very reason and I don't have the people skills to be a leader. I do wish you could live as long as I could, I think I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you by my side." He knew that wasn't possible and he knew once she died it would take him a long time to recover. Even after two days he had grown so attached to Andalib it almost scared him.

Andalib frowned. But then how do the powerful demons survive if they don't have slaves or only have one slave? Maybe they make that a rule for everybody else but go around the rule? But then she smiled at hearing he wished she would stay by his side forever. Master will have to keep my piano then and make sure it is in tune so he can play. @Flack
"I don't know exactly but I would assume they get other demons on their side which means their slaves as well. As for the piano you'll have to teach me how to play." He answered, and he would keep the piano maybe some of her notes, and he would always keep the sketch did of him in the doctor's office.

Andalib frowned. That was hardly fair in the girl's opinion but even her mother had said human politicians never carried out their promises and lied to get elected and votes. The girl didn't bother writing anything down but nodded at teaching Cedric to play the piano. There was sadly nothing she could do about it so it probably wasn't worth the trouble and certainly nobody would listen to a human slave anyway. So she wrote nothing and continued with her meal only to freeze as she looked around the crowded food court. @Flack
Andalib shook her head and quickly scribbled something in near ineligible writing on the paper she'd been writing notes on. Mr. Adair, mama's master is over by the Italian food line, she wrote down hurriedly, shrinking low in the chair in an attempt to disappear. One of the scars on my back is from when he tried to kill me before she looked worriedly at Cedric and scribbled something else down, trying to keep from having a panic attack. He can't take me back can he? She saw her mother there too which was a shock for the child as she hadn't thought her mother would still be alive. Mama's behind him and he's one of the demons who broke law about slave count, she said and pointed a finger in Cain Riven's direction. @Flack
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Cedric read her notes and looked at Cain Riven. He could tell which one woman was Andalib's mother they looked alike and smelled similar. He growled quietly this was the monster who tried to kill a baby. "No you won't ever go back to him, and I am going to try and not rip his throat out when I go and see what it's going to take to get your mother back to you." His teeth where cleanched.

He slowly approached Cain Riven and put on his warmest smile. "Excuse me sir, is this woman yours?" He asked pointing to Andalib's mother. He could kill him here to many witnesses and if he was arrested then Andalib would be back in fear for her life, something he would never do to the girl.
Flack said:
Cedric read her notes and looked at Cain Riven. He could tell which one woman was Andalib's mother they looked alike and smelled similar. He growled quietly this was the monster who tried to kill a baby. "No you won't ever go back to him, and I am going to try and not rip his throat out when I go and see what it's going to take to get your mother back to you." His teeth where cleanched.
He slowly approached Cain Riven and put on his warmest smile. "Excuse me sir, is this woman yours?" He asked pointing to Andalib's mother. He could kill him here to many witnesses and if he was arrested then Andalib would be back in fear for her life, something he would never do to the girl.
Andalib nervously watched Cedric approach her mother's master, winching as she remembered how angry the other demon could get and hoped nothing happened to her mother or master. Cain turned towards Cedric as he heard someone question him and looked towards the woman behind him. "Yes this woman belongs to me," he said. "Why do you ask?" The woman stepped out of Cedric's way when she heard him and stood slightly behind Cain with her head down so that her raven colored hair hid her hazel eyes. She appeared to be in her early thirties. @Flack
"I was wondering if you'd be willing to part with her, for a fee of course." Cedric replied making sure to stay in Cain's eye line he didn't want him to see Andalib.


(Sorry I had to run some errands)
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(It's alright.)

Cain frowned and looked at the woman. The only reason he kept her was in case that kid came back. "Why do you want this one?" he questioned snapping his fingers as one of his other slaves stepped up beside him, the young teen dressed in what appeared to be armor of an old samurai. Andalib's mother kept her head down as the two demons talked with each other, not sure why the other demon was interested in her. As the woman had her head down, she didn't notice her daughter watching her nervously. @Flack
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"She's my type." Cedric replied, "Obviously I won't try to take her by force, but I do believe everyone has a price and I'm willing to pay for her." He replied calmly he didn't need a fight breaking out. And if he was calm odds were everyone else would remain calm as well.

"Well she isn't the only one you would be buying," Cain said, still debating whether to sell her and the child she was carrying. But he motioned for his male slave to step back before grabbing the woman and dragging her to his side, a yelp of pain escaping the woman's mouth as Cain gripped the back of her neck tightly to keep her in place. Andalib flinched as her mother was grabbed roughly, rubbing one of her arms as she had experienced such treatment before as a child. Her mother's master was known among his circle of friends for being harsh to his slaves. @Flack
Cedric stood there and watched the harsh way she was handled, he was going to kill the bastard not now but someday slowly. He didn't flinch just watched, he had seen how slaves were treated and developed a mask to hide his loathing of their horrid ways "Oh is that so, then I suppose I would be willing to pay you twice what she's worth."

Cain watched Cedric, tapping a finger on the woman's neck. "You'd pay twice the amount for her would you? Even though the pet is carrying a half-human?" he questioned quietly so that only he and Cedric could hear though since it was so noisy, Cain doubted anyone was listening anyway to their conversation. @Flack
"A half-human," Cedric said and thought for a moment, "Well that is something easily delt with, and it's her I am after regardless of what's growing inside her." He eyed Cain and smiled coldly, "Are you interested in selling her or not?" He asked and folded his arms.
Cain smirked and released the woman, causing her to drop to her knees as she stumbled and drop the bags she was carrying on the floor. "Sure if you can offer up three thousand for her and the unborn half-human you can have them both," Cain said. @Flack
Cedric smiled, pulled out three thousand, and handed it to Cain. "Nice doing business with you." He said and grabbed Andalib's mother's arm pulled her to her feet and close to himself he lead her away and whispered to her, "Don't make a sound when we get to my table I think you'll be happy when you see who's there. Just grab a couple of bags and we'll head for the exit calmly and slowly. "

He made sure to block Andalib from Cain's eye line as they walked away who knew what that bastard would do if he knew why he'd really bought her. They got to the table he'd left Andalib, he wispered to Andalib "Don't make a scene just grab some of the bags and calmly walk to the exit." Cedric grabbed most of the bags and kept both Andalib and her mother close. The two could have a reunion once they got to the hotel.

Confusion was evident on the woman's face but she followed after her new master, not entirely sure what had just happened, and stared in surprise as they got to a table for her daughter to be there. Andalib looked worriedly at her mother but as Cedric whispered to her, she grabbed a couple of bags and walked close to Cedric, her mother grabbing two other bags and belatedly hurrying after her master and daughter.

Cain counted the money, watching Cedric leave before snapping at one of his other slaves to pick up the bags that the woman had dropped and ordered food for himself while his slaves gathered up the bags, pocketing the money he'd been given. @Flack
Making their way outside Cedric sighed in relief, "Sorry for being ruff with you, it won't happen again," he said to Andalib's mother, "I'm Cedric. Andalib saw you and Cain and she told me about him so I thought it was only right to try to reunite mother and daughter." He quickly explained. " I'll get us a cab and we can head to the hotel for the day." Cedric said to both of them. He got a cab and held the door open for the both of them wanting to get them both to a more private place seeing as this was probably going to be an emotional time for the both of them.

Andalib's mother was too stunned to speak and looked worriedly at Cedric as he opened the door before looking at her daughter who nodded reassuringly. The woman's face fell. It seemed her daughter still wasn't able to speak but she got into the cab followed by her daughter. Her daughter had her father's eyes and the woman nervously waited for Cedric to enter the cab, not sure what fate awaited her with her new master but her daughter seemed in good health if a little skinny. @Flack
Cedric sat down and told the drive the name of the hotel, "What's your name?" He asked her as kindly as possible. She was no doubt confused by the recent events . Cedric whispered, "I will make you the same promise I made to Andalib, I will keep you safe, and I will kill Cain for what he put the two of you through."

The woman went still as Cedric whispered to her and kept her eyes on her lap as she answered. "Carina Hitomi m'lord," replied the woman. "M'Lord...how...how long have you...had my daughter?" she asked, hoping she wouldn't be punished for asking a question. It had been what Master Cain had done to his slaves when they spoke. "Master Cain...he will not be easy to kill M'Lord. You...will..kill...his..slaves...bodyguards." Andalib stared at her mother as if the woman were a ghost, tears falling from the girl's eyes. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "It's nice to meet you Carina, and I got your daughter yesterday." He answered. "No, I don't plan on killing his slaves or bodyguards unless they interfere. Once we get to the hotel I'll leave you and Andalib alone for awhile so you can get reacquainted." He smiled at the both of them.


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