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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

"Don't mention it. It's my job to make sure you're cared for and unlike others of my kind I won't wait until your starving to feed you," Seth said. @The Unamed Character


Andalib traced where they were to the weapons store and then the music store which thankfully both stores were not at the end of the hall. It seemed the weapons store was closest and the music store in the middle. Andalib went to the railing and looked down, trying to note where they were before nodding to herself and set off for the weapons store. She immediately went looking for the weapons she had been trained in by the nice Shadow Demon, testing out the balance of the sword in her hand as well as flicking open the twin war fans to make sure they worked before carrying them to the counter and waited for Cedric to pay for them. @Flack
Cedric paid for the weapons, he had been informed she was well trained and he had not been lied to. Now Andalib had her weapons, she wasn't completely helpless which gave Cedric a sense of relief. "Feel better now that you can fend for yourself?" He mused, looking at her with a smile. Now the music store, then some food to help them keep their energy up.

Andalib nodded, relief evident on her face. At least she would have a chance of protecting herself against that stupid wolf that had tried hurting her after Cedric had bought her. She moved out of the way and put the bags she was carrying on the floor before slipping the sword into the sash around her kimono she was wearing before picking up the bags again and started walking to the music store. She could put her other weapons on before they went back home tomorrow. @Flack
He smiled, she clearly was feeling better. He gather the bags he was caring he wasn't going to make her carry all of them that was just pointless and would tire her out. Cedric walked along side her as they headed to the music store. He was wondering if he could find some rabbit or something to that effect for lunch. He hadn't eaten in the city for along time but there were all sorts of restaurants and hotels had that room service thing; so who knows he probably wasn't the only one who liked to eat those things.

Andalib found the music store and skipped inside, which was a little odd by the bags she was carrying and her eyes went straight to a piano that she walked over towards a black Yamaha 4'11" Baby Grand piano with matching bench. Thinking she couldn't play it without it being bought, she walked around it instead. @Flack

Cedric looked at the large object, this must be the piano she was talking about he thought. "Is this the one you want?" He asked, it would be difficult to get to the cabin but surely the store would deliver it if he paid extra, there were other paths to get to his cabin though he rarely took them as they were made for wagons and other larger vehicles, they would get them a decent ways into the forest.

He tilted his head, and smiled, "Right well let's go find someone and arrange for it to be delivered." He said looking around for an employee. Finding one he the employee and a manager worked out a fee for the sale and delivery of the piano. He kept his eye on Andalib while negotiating the fee. Once that was done Cedric paid and signed a contract getting a copy for himself he returned to her. "Well it looks like it will arrive at the end of the week, let's get something to eat, and then we can get back to the shopping."

Andalib grinned and hugged him, completely oblivious to if such an action was allowed or not, but she was happy to have something of her own for once in her life aside from her weapons. Food sounded like a good idea so she nodded her head at the option of food and followed Cedric. @Flack
Cedric was suprised by the hug, but returned it. It was nice to make her happy it made him happy, this was what he'd been missing for so long. Cedric stopped by the nearest directory surely there had to be a restaurant in this mall, had everything else. It appeared that there were several restaurants in a place called the food court. So he headed towards it. Hopefully they would both find something they would enjoy there.

Cedric looked at all the options Chinese, Mexican, Italian, and several others. There were lots of tables and chairs along with a crowd of demons accompanied by their slaves. "Well, where would you like to eat?" He asked they all smelled about the same to him so he didn't really have a preference.

Andalib looked at all the options before pointing to the Mexican option before staring at the crowd gathered in the food court and rubbed at her ears. It was certainly a lot louder here than in the warehouse she'd been kept in and the forest and she was glad that they wouldn't be here for much longer. @Flack
As they waited in line Cedric did his best to tune out all the noise. He was looking forward to going to the hotel and dropping off the bags and resting for a bit. Mexican food smelled good, somewhat spicy, and there was beef so he felt he would enjoy it. "Do you know what you're going to get?" He asked her, waiting for the familiar sound of the pen on paper.

Andalib looked up at the menu stationed above the counter before writing down her answer. Famoso Big Big Burrito with beef and rice & beans combo side with ice tea, she wrote. Thank you Mr. Adair for the piano and the other things and I'm sorry if I was out of line by hugging you after the piano was purhased.

He read her note, "Your welcome, and no you weren't out of line, I enjoyed it." He smiled. He placed their order, got the food and began looking for a place to sit. Finally spying one, he lead the way there and motioned for her to sit in the chair next to him. He wanted to keep her close what with the human attack and he was finding her company to be very enjoyable.

Andalib seemed relieved to hear that and followed to an empty table before setting the bags down in an empty chair and sat down next to Cedric. She pulled out her paper and list before looking over the list and drew out piano, weapons and art supplies. Seeing that everything was crossed out,she pointed this out to Cedric and then wrote another note. Groceries left Mr. Adair and then we're done, she wrote. I don't want to imagine what a community of children dying is going to be like for the slaves. If they are like humans, they may very well retaliate which will just bring more bloodshed to both sides. At least that is what mama used to say about humans in the past. @Flack
He read the note and sighed, "Your mother is a wise woman, and things will most likely get worse for the slaves. But I will make sure you stay safe. Honestly I hate war the air smells like blood and you can't escape the scent, and listening to the screams. I mean if it's them or me I'm the one who's going to go home. But yes the groceries and then we can go to the hotel and rest." He began to eat his meal, looking forward to getting some sleep and hoping that this wouldn't lead to a war, war left nothing untouched even his cabin in the middle of the forest would be affected if a war broke out.

Andalib shook her head sadly and ate her meal. She hoped war would break out though maybe it would kill the other wolf and some of the self righteous shadow demons who were in power. She didn't write anymore but ate her meal, trying to ignore the noise from the crowd around her as people talked and ordered food. Picking up her pen she scratched something down. Why don't the shadow demons in power just kill off the leaders of the rebellious factions instead of trying to enslave them? Or put in slaves who are loyal to their masters and use them as spies to get information to the shadow demons to prevent attacks from happening in the first place? she wrote curiously. There had to be a better way to go about this then a constant battle back and forth but Andalib wasn't sure how to go about it. @Flack
Cedric sighed, "Because most shadow demons like war an all that comes with it. They also don't like to admit that humans could be useful in this situation, it makes them feel weak and all shadow demons hate to feel that way. Also we demons are stubborn and get set in our ways, and don't like to change things. Basically we are just very powerful children who won't ask for help so we start fights." It was true, odd were there were other politics in play too but he didn't knwo what those would be.

Andalib shook her head. They all sound like children, both demons and humans to me Mr. Adair. Even a compromise between the two would be preferable. Maybe take all the human criminals as the slaves which would rid the humans of the bad people among them in exchange for some land set aside for the humans governed underneath a shadow demon and human team. But I'm just a child and a slave so I'm not sure what to do and it won't matter as I don't think peace will come in my time. @Flack
He smiled, "You sound wise as well. We probably won't see peace in my time either not until both sides get new leaders who want to have peace any way." Cedric sighed the odds of that happening were slim to none. "That's one of the reasons I like the forest it usually stays quite."

Andalib thought. Mama said that when humans didn't like new leaders in the past they staged a coup against the government or assassinated the leaders and put new ones into power, she wrote. But a coup took years and many died. Sometimes it just put worse people into power. She put her pen down and went back to her meal. Her master would have to get powerful willing slaves to ensure he stayed alive long enough to see peace happen if a war broke out and she died. @Flack
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Cedric smiled, demons just kill one another the one who killed the leader became the new leader. "Well maybe enough on both sides will band together form an alliance for peace, and we can have a war with three sides humans, shadow demons, and the alliance." He grinned. That too would be highly unlikely, but one could hope.

Maybe Mr. Adair could become the leader of the alliance if he had enough bodyguards and slaves to protect him as well as loyalty of both humans and demons, Andalib wrote. It's a pity humans can't live as long as humans or I would do my best to protect master, she wrote. @Flack

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