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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

eclipsehowls said:
(I'm glad to hear it.)
Andalib remained still as the doctor did his exam and then sat up when he was done. When he mentioned doing a skin check on her, Andalib paled as she didn't know what such a procedure would entail for her. But when the doctor and the nurse from before came back in, the nurse holding a gown and explaining about the skin check, Andalib took the gown and got off the table before changing from her kimono into the dressing gown and hopped back up on the table. Thankfully the pocket on her kimono was deep enough to keep the pen and papers from falling out on the floor for which she was grateful. @Flack


Seth finished loading the trunk with all the groceries and locked it, unlocking the car as he passed to put the cart in the cart rack which was in the next parking row. Coming back to the car he got in and looked at Jin. "I'm afraid I completely forgot of something else I need to do. I have to register you with the demons which means we'll have to go to the courthouse before we can get you a pet," he said. Starting his car he drove to the courthouse, grumbling under his breath about stupid laws and pompous windbags who were better off dead. @The Unamed Character
Jin nodded. "I understand sir..."
Trying to ignore her nervousness at her back being looked at and the uncertain feeling that her master would be questioning her about this as soon as they were alone, Andalib turned around for the doctor to look at her back. At least the doctor seemed somewhat nicer than the nurse and the people in the front of the building though who knew if that was just because Cedric was there or not? @Flack


Seth stopped at the courthouse and motioned for Jin to follow him up the steps and inside. When they got there Seth went to the front desk. "Hello. Can I help you today?" the man asked.

"Yes I just got a new slave and I was wondering what floor I register her on," Seth asked.

"Level 3 and its the fifth door on your left. You can take the stairs or the elevator," the man said.

Seth nodded and led the way to the elevator. Once he saw Jin was inside he pressed the number 3 button and the elevator began rising. Seth didn't on the short ride up two floors and when they opened with a 'ding' sound, he went to his left and down five doors before looking at the sign by the door. "Slave Registration," was written on a bronze plaque next to the door. Opening it, Seth walked in. The place was crowded and Seth resisted to the urge to hit something. The place was rather disorganized. Slaves were sitting on the floor while their masters sat in chairs filling out paperwork. Seth tapped Jin on the shoulder and pointed to a corner before getting into line. @The Unamed Character
" Well it looks like you're been though quite alot." The doctor said as he examined Andalib's back. Once the skin check was done the doctor and the nurse reviewed what had been written down. The nurse left and closed the door behind her. "Well, she seems pretty healthy all things considered, needs to eat a bit more. And well sir, I suggest that she you go easy on her for the next few days, so her back can heal." Cedric nodded, "That shouldn't be to difficult. " "Good, if you'd like I can give her, the vaccinations she needs, just two shots and she good. Until you bring her back for her yearly check up." The doctor smiled. "Alright, sounds acceptable. " Cedric replied. The doctor unlocked the drawer on the desk and got out two syringes. He cleaned an area on both her sholders " This is going to hurt a little. " the doctor said before injecting her, when he was done on the one side he moved to the other, "Last one." And with that the doctor handed Cedric a summary of the appointment. "Just take that to the payment desk, it's just a little ways down the hall, and you can make your next appointment there as well, feel free to get dressed now. He said to Andalib, and headed out. Cedric waited for her to get changed looking over the summary.

Andalib waited until the doctor left before changing back into her kimono and dropped the hospital gown in the trashcan. The needle had felt like a pinprick and she wasn't sure why some humans were scared of needles. Once she was sure her paper and pen were still in her pocket, she followed Cedric out to the payment desk, glad to not have to come here again for a while hopefully. She hoped if she ever had to go a hospital, which she didn't look forward too, that it wouldn't be as bad as the doctor office. Standing behind Cedric at the payment desk, she absently rubbed her left shoulder, remembering her mother saying some humans got allergic reactions to vaccinations but it was rare. Still the fact that some humans did caused her to worry a bit. @Flack
Cedric paid and set up, an appointment for next year around this time. He turned to Andalib, "Now that we are done here let's go, get the shopping taken care of. " He was happy that they would be able to start checking things off the lists. But he wasn't looking forward to going out into the city.

It was a necessary evil in his mind. He stopped by the entry way and stood in the corner out of the way and pulled out the map. "Well let's see if we van find a shopping center, that's near a hotel." Cedric suggested, know that he was going to be tired one their shopping was done . He assumed that Andalib would be tired as well.

Andalib looked over Cedric's shoulder before pulling out her pen and drawing a circle around their current location, then drawing a line from it to where they had entered. Finding a spot on the map that said 'mall' she pointed at it. @Flack


Seth reached one of the open counters. "I understand this is where I can register my slave?" Seth asked.

"Yes it is. When did you get your slave?"

"Today," Seth said.


"Outside my lands. She was a stray I picked up and to my knowledge has never been a slave before."

The woman gathered some papers and put them on a clipboard with a pen. "Fill these out and then it should take fifteen to twenty minutes to process after receiving them."

Seth nodded and took the clipboard before leaving the counter and going to where Jin was. He sat down in the chair and filled out the information he knew which wasn't a lot. @The Unamed Character
Seth wrote down the information, signing every form when he was done with a page, before putting the papers back in order and taking them to the counter "Thank you. Your registration should be processed in fifteen to twenty minutes. Someone will be out within the next couple of weeks to see how things are working out and if necessary we can get you a new slave."

"I'm sure there won't be any problems," Seth said.

"Well you can't tell with strays. They tend to be wild and need a firm hand."

"Indeed," Seth said dryly. He was tempted to electrocute the woman but knew it wouldn't do Jin any favors so just smiled and went back to his seat to wait. @The Unamed Character
"It should be fine though we're going to have a shadow demon coming in two weeks to check on how things are between us and reminded me that if I can't handle you then I can always get a replacement. But we shouldn't have any issues so there's nothing to worry about," Seth said. @The Unamed Character
"Right well let's go shopping." He smiled she was good with maps maybe he would show her some of the maps he made, of the forest when they got back to the cabin. He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. He hoped that this mall would be somewhat organized. That and Cedric hadn't been to a mall for close to a five hundred years or so.

He took Andalib's hand as they exited the clinic and emerged on the busy, crowded and noisy side walk. He groaned, "I don't know about you but I am never going to get used to all this noise." He called another taxi, and opened the door for her. Once she was seated he sat next to her, and gave the driver the adress.

Andalib pulled out the papers and removed the bottom paper before pulling out her pen and writing her name on it and the date that she had seen on a calendar in the clinic before handing the sketch to Cedric. It was a startling likeness of him sitting in the chair while they waited for the doctor to come into the exam room after the mean nurse left and it was obvious from the drawing that the girl had talent in that artistic pursuit. Writing on the first paper, she wrote: The drawing is for you Mr. Adair. It's my first time making an ink sketch. @Flack
Cedric looked in awe at the sketch. "Thank you, it quite good and looks like we should get you some art supplies while we're here." He smiled, it would be nice to have some pictures on the walls seeing as they were mostly bare. This must have been what she was working on before the doctor came, he thought. She was full of surprises, but then again they hadn't known eachother very long yet so it was to be expected that she would suprise him for a little while.

Andalib smiled and nodded eagerly at the thought before going back to watch the city go by as they went to the mall. They passed a hotel a couple blocks from the mall which mean they shouldn't have to walk far. When the cab dropped them off near an entrance to the mall, Andalib followed Cedric out and stared at the huge building in front of her. It was huge and probably crowded. @Flack
Cedric stared at the large building in front of them. "Well, do your best to stay close, but if we do get separated let's agree to meet by the first shop we pass once we're inside." This was going to be interesting. He wondered if they would be able to find most of the items here or if they would have to go else where.

He hoped to get most of the items check off while they were there. Some of the things like flour he wasn't sure about; but then again he hadn't been shopping for decades so he wouldn't be suprised. He took a deep breath, made sure Andalib was with him and entered the mall.
Andalib drew her gaze from the building to nod and studied the door before pulling on the handle, causing it to open. There was another set of glass doors only a few steps ahead and she could see a bit of the mall in front of her with lots of demons and slaves walking around, the slaves naturally carrying all the bags. She saw something off to the side that looked like it had a directory of the mall's shops and walked over to it once she entered the mall, cringing at all the loud voices of demons giving orders and talking to each other. @Flack
Cedric's ears twitched picking up all the voices; eventually that would a just to the noise. There were lots of shoppers today. Cedric did find it odd to have the humans carry everything, they were weaker than Shadow demons. He could understand both of them carrying the bags, but this just seemed like the city demons didn't think.

He joined Andalib at the directory. "This place is huge, I think it would be best if we mapped out the stores we are going to, and hopefully do one big loop and end up close to this spot. What do you think, you've probably got more experience with this than I do." He suggested, it looked like the stores where placed together by type but being out of his element he wasn't above asking for help.

Andalib pulled out her list of things to buy and looked at it before looking for clothing stores first as that seemed the easiest. Pointing out a JC Pennys on the far side of the mall, Andalib put her finger to the map and began tracing out a path, passing the food court and the movie theater, a book store which she was delighted with, and a shoe store. She made sure to check her list and then point these places out to Cedric as she traced a path out though it looked like they would need to go up to the second story for some other shops. Why they had put the music store on the second floor, she wasn't sure. @Flack
Cedric nodded memorizing the path they would need to take. It was a simple route the only thing that would make things difficult was the crowd. Otherwise this trip should go smoothly. "Alright, let's get going," Cedric replied, "Oh and stay close, I'd hate for either of us to get lost in this stifling place."

Andalib nodded and put her list back into her pocket before following Cedric closely through the crowd of shoppers, the first store they managed to get too was the book store. The girl smiled and walked inside as she went to go explore the bookshelves. @Flack
Cedric watched look at the books, staying close, he liked books maybe if he found one on poetry he like he would get it otherwise he wasn't planning on getting any for himself. He didn't need need anything now; that and he had her, she was already showing him new things. Though to be honest he was hoping they wouldn't have to come back to the city for awhile. It was a nice store and relatively quiet, so he didn't mind looking around. He hoped that some of the others stores would have a similar atmosphere. He went and grabbed a basket, "You can put the books you want in here."

Andalib wandered the bookshelves, looking at all the books. She picked up a few fantasy, a couple of mystery, and some sci-fi books such as 2312 and Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson. A couple of poetry books by Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman and a couple books on art; one being on art history itself and one on romanticism art as well as a book on architecture. Putting all the books into the basket, she searched the book shelves and plucked down a book called Old Yeller and a few children picture books as she liked the illustrations in them. She even picked up a journal and found a sketchbook that she put in there as well before pulling out her list and drawing a line through the books. @Flack
Seth got up when his name was called and went back to the counter. "Okay sir your registration is all set," said a different female Shadow Demon. "Now you'll have someone come out in two weeks to check on you and make sure your slave is obeying you and everything is working out. Someone will give you a call when they are coming out in two weeks and your pet needs to be there as well or else you can get in trouble for wayward slaves."

"Of course. That should not be a problem," Seth said. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yes make sure you have your registration papers on you in case you ever need to take one of the buses or come into town. Just in case your slave gets it into her head to wander off away from you and is picked up."

"I'll make sure to remember that," Seth said and took his registration papers for Jin before walking over to her. "We're done here Jin," Seth said to her before walking out of the registration office. @The Unamed Character
"So I'm not sure if you heard with all the talking and complaining in there but some demon is going to be coming by in two weeks to check on us or rather you," Seth said. "But I don't foresee us having any problems. Needless to say you'll be expected to be in attendance at the meeting and I was told to make sure to bring my registration papers for the first month whenever we go into town or end up having to take one of the buses." Leaving the building, they walked across the parking lot and Seth glared back at the courthouse. "Anyway let's go get your cat," he said. "And no trying to sneak a gator home either," he said in amusement before getting into the car and starting the engine. @The Unamed Character

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