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Fantasy Shadow Slaves


Andalib stepped off the bench and watched as a taxi was hailed. When the door was opened she got in and slid along the seat so she was at the other door, nervously tapping the fingers of one hand on the paper she was holding and took the pen back, putting it once more in her pocket. She looked out at the city through the window as cars and taxis drove by and stared at a skyscraper that loomed off in the distance. Maybe an office building of some sort or maybe apartments in the skyscraper though the thought of living in one of those past the third floor made her queasy just thinking about it. @Flack
Cedric enjoyed the ride it gave him sometime away from the crowds. "We should see if we can find you a journal of sorts, so it's easier for you to carry." Cedric said watching her hold the pieces of paper and put them in her pocket. He hoped that the doctor could see Andalib today or first thing tomorrow, he didn't want to have to come back anytime soon. The city always seemed to put him on edge, hearing all sorts of sounds, and lots of different smells made it hard to concentrate. There seemed to always be something happening everywhere, like no one here ever just took the time to slow down and enjoy the weather or the sights that the city offered. The taxi made it to their first destination of the day. Cedric paid the driver, got out and held the door for Andalib and gestured for her to join him. He glanced at the office the big clinic sign, sliding doors, and the over all size of the building were almost overwhelming to him.

Blinking in surprise at Cedric having the same idea she'd been considering, Andalib nodded. A journal would be easier. She looked around as the taxi dropped them off and looked at the building as she slid out of the seat. Biting her lip, she grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the sliding doors, stepping inside and looking around at all the people. Finally it was quiet. Her body sagged in relief at getting away from all the loud noises of outside. @Flack
Cedric smiled when she grabbed his hand a pulled him inside. It's was nice inside the clinic, almost calm and peaceful. He looked around it was bright and there were plenty of signs directing you where to go. He decided the information desk was the place to head to first; seeing as he wasn't sure how exactly these sorts of things went. "Let's go get some information." He said to Andalib. He walked slowly following the signs to the Information desk, he made sure that Andalib was close. They came up to the desk that had a big sign that said Information above it, there was a Female Shadow demon sitting at the desk smiling. She saw the two and waved to get their attention, "Is there anything I can help you with sir?" She asked Cedric she had a bubbly voice. He approached the desk, "Yes I just purchased my first slave, wanted to get her into see a doctor; but I 'm not sure how to go about doing that. " He answered. "Oh, that's no problem, you just head over to the registration desk and the lady there will have you fill out some forms, and then you will set up and appointment." She smiled and pointed to the registration desk which was in view from where they were standing.

Andalib followed, looking around at the white walls and the thought on her mind was that this had to be a boring place to work but she saw there were some paintings on the walls and would have gone over to them if she hadn't been scared of what her master would find out when she had her examination. Instead of looking at the female shadow demon, not sure if she'd be in trouble, she stared at a painting of a beach behind her with the sun setting and casting an orange reflection in the water as the surf gently lapped at the white sands. It looked peaceful there, maybe like the forest in which she now lived. @Flack
Cedric smiled and thanked her, "I just hope it's not going from place to place." He said under his breath as he turned to the registration desk, things were different here in the forest you took care of yourself or you died; there where no forms no desks. He went up the the registration desk, to the new female Shadow demon, she wore lots of pink, and was friendly as well smiling at everyone; must just be part of the job, all the smiling Cedric thought. "Hello sir, how can I assist you today?" She asked. "I just purchased my first slave, wanted to get her into see a doctor, and I need to fill out some forms." "Yes sir, that's correct." She reached down and handed Cedric a clipboard with the forms. "You can sit over there and fill them, when you're done just give them back to me and we should be able to get your pet in within twenty to forty minutes once the paperwork is processed which takes around ten minutes." She answered. Cedric thanked her and went and sat in the area she had pointed to; he wouldn't mind waiting in this place it didn't smell to bad and it was much quieter than the city around them. He kept an eye on Andalib, she seemed to be enjoying the art work.

Andalib moved from the painting behind the desk to another one, this one of a small village and she wondered if it was maybe of a time before the shadow demons had emerged and begun enslaving humans. She walked closer and looked at it. There weren't any people in the village but there was on the house roofs and the background. She looked at for a good five minutes, trying to imagine, but unable to about the lives the people might have led before demons and the life of the painter. Moving to a painting next to it, she saw a fruit bowl with apples, a banana, oranges, peaches and grapes. Why would anyone paint a picture of fruit? @Flack
Cedric worked on the forms, from time to time would look up and see that Andalib had moved to a different painting; perhaps she would like to go to a museum he pondered. He went back to the forms and finished them after about fifteen minutes. He gave them back to the the shadow demon. "Thank you sir please feel free to wait here until your slave can be seen." She said and took the paper work and began processing it. Cedric went back to his seat and watched Andalib enjoy the art work there were lots of different themes; he like the ones with nature except the bowl of fruit that was just odd. All that was left to do was wait, but at least it was quiet.

Getting bored with the fruit bowl, Andalib looked around for more paintings to look out before spotting one of a forest clearing and a horse in it. Her eyes lit up as she darted over to it and stared at the horse longingly though she hadn't ridden a horse since she'd run away. She'd sneak out to the barn in the middle of the night and ride the horses around outside. She wondered if Flack liked horses or if he just ate them and grimaced at the thought. @Flack
Cedric watched Andalib, hurry over to the painting of the forest with a horse in the clearing it was a nice painting the the horse was interesting it had been awhile since he had been around horses what with cars and humans not venturing that far in the forest intentionally. He had eaten one once but he preferred deer, and horses were useful so he usually just left them alone. Maybe she like horses or had never seen one before, it really didn't matter at least she seemed to be enjoying herself while they waited.

Andalib stares at this painting for the longest time before she grows tired and walks over to Cedric. Not sure if she's allowed on the bench, she instead sits on the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them as she watches the people coming and going. Sitting on the floor seems to make one of the women her master talked to, the one at the front desk smirk and look in her direction with a superior look in her eyes. Andalib stares at the demon before dropping her gaze and looking instead at the floor. @Flack
Cedric sighed, "You know I could snap her in half." he murmured when he saw the superior look. It seemed like no one here knew about respect and Andalib shouldn't be looked down on for showing some; demons could be to cocky for their own good but he was confident he could snap he in half rather quickly. He just hoped the wait would be over soon. "Do you like horses?" Cedric asked her, hoping to take her mind to a more pleasant place.

Andalib lifted her head as Cedric spoke but kept her eyes on the floor. She nodded at the conversation starter and pulled out the piece of paper she'd been writing on. Turning so she could write on the bench and Cedric wouldn't have to look over her shoulder, she wrote: Yes! which was underlined three times. I used to sneak out of the house when I lived with mama's master and ride his horses in the middle of the night before I ran away. I had to use the fence to get on them and even then it was hard but I taught myself how to ride a horse. Mostly I rode a dark liver chestnut horse with a white star on his head. She didn't write down that he'd been shot after Master Cain's son had caught her leading him back to the barn and was oblivious to any trouble she might be in for touching the demon's property without permission. Brass, the other horses and watching them outside had been the only comfort she'd had during her time at Cain Riven's home or that she'd decided, before she knew what her life would be like, that she would own a horse farm and raise horses, teaching other kids to ride no matter if they were demons or humans. @Flack
Cedric read the note, and smiled. "I have never ridden a horse, I can only assume it would be exciting and they are intelligent too animals." Seeing as she liked them he felt it best to leave the eating one part out of the conversation. Finally a nurse came out and called, "Cedric Adair, the Doctor is ready for you." Cedric looked at Andalib, "We'll have to finish this conversation later." He said. He got up and waited for her to put her paper and pen away, before heading over to the nurse.

Andalib stood and folded the paper in half before slipping it and the pen in her pocket as she walked over to Cedric and looked down the hallway. There were no pictures here, just white walls and tile on the floor. Bright lights and doors leading to rooms. She stuck close to Cedric as the nurse began walking. She wasn't sure why being in the doctor's office made her uncomfortable. @Flack
The nurse took them to an exam room with a table in the middle of the floor with tissue paper on it, two chairs against the wall and a small desk with a chair with wheels on it . The nurse shut the door after they entered; "I understand this is your first time with us is that correct?" She directed the question to Cedric, "Yes." "Alright, were you looking for a standard check up or something more specific?" "Standard should be fine." "Very good." she jotted somethings down as she talked with Cedric acting as though Andalib was nothing more than a chair during the first part of the questions. She then turned to Andalib, "Sit on the table."

Andalib listened to the question and answer session between the nurse and her master, wringing her hands together in her lap nervously. She looked up when the nurse spoke to her and then looked at the table before walking over to it and hopping up on it. @Flack
"Right," the nurse explained to Cedric what she was doing as she did it to Andalib; taking pulse, temperature, blood pressure, there was a scale on the table so getting her weight was easy, checking ears,and nose, and lastly listening to her heart and lungs. She wrote down the results. Stood up and said, "I'm done the doctor will be in shortly," to Cedric and to Andalib, "You stay there." She left and closed the door behind her. Cedric sighed, "I'm sorry she treated you like an animal, I wasn't expecting that." He looked at the floor. It was hard to believe that she treated her like that, Cedric hoped the doctor would be better.

(Sorry I have to go for the night I will be back tomorrow afternoon.)

(Okay. Night.)

Andalib sat through having her vitals checked and ducked her head when the nurse told her to stay there but stayed put on the table, childishly sticking her tongue out once the door had closed. She looked to Cedric and smiled sadly before shrugging. It didn't do good to dwell on what life may have been like had the demons not existed or if humans were still on top of the food chain. Although she sometimes wondered about those things. @Flack


Seth continued eating, listening to the conversation Jule was having with...apparently a date. Well she was distracted and that was good enough for him. He finished his meal a few minutes before deciding to ask a question that pertained to their shopping. "You like animals?" he questioned Jin. @The Unamed Character
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Seth considers the question. Well they're certainly better than a man eating monster roaming the grounds and maybe it'd be a good mouser and ratter, he thinks to himself "Cat's fine," he said. "Assuming you'll take care of it. I can pay for vet care and medicine but you'll be the one cleaning its litter box unless you want it to live outside, feeding it and watering it." @The Unamed Character
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