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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

"Here let me do that for you." Cedric said seeing her drag the basin. "Even with one arm I am still stronger than you." He chuckled. He got up opened the door and went to where the basin was. He grabbed it and pulled it outside with ease. He went out into the darkness and flung the water out across the forest floor. He made his way back to the cabin. "Thanks for the tea, it was very good." Cedric said as he came back into the cabin and shut the door. He sat back down in the chair; and sniffed the air much better he thought, and regular bathing would help keep her smelling nice. "Do you feel better now that you've bathed?" Cedric was looking at her hair it was pretty much more now that it was cleaned . He smiled.

She let go of the basin as Cedric grabbed it and waited for him to come back. She nodded when asked if she felt better with having bathed and faint smile graced her face even if her back was slightly throbbing from the heat but the soreness would go away when she slept. She went to pick up the cup and put that it in the sink, grimacing as she looked at the wall as she realized Cedric might likely find out about her bruises and other injuries tomorrow at the doctor. Yawning, she turned and looked at him before pointing to the hall with the bedrooms and rubbed tiredly at her eyes, trying to get permission to go back to sleep. @Flack
"Yes, please feel free to retire for the night, we have to get up early tomorrow; I am going to be going to sleep soon myself." He answered. Cedric got up and went into his room. "Good night." He said as he passed Andalib. He crawled into bed and again laid on his stomach to keep off his shoulder. He tried to sleep knowing dawn would come all to soon. But, he was a bit anxious they were going into town again this was the most he had been out of the forest in ages; it was odd this change. He tried not to think of all the dealings with various people he was going to have tomorrow and some into the next morning as well. Cedric forced his eyes closed and sleep finally came to him.

Andalib went to her room and shut the door, yawning as she walked over to the bed. Glancing between it and the floor, she bit her lip before collapsing on the bed and rather quickly passed out, for the first time in her life having a safe and full night of sleep. The next morning she was up early and though she was not looking forward at all to a visit to the doctor and her injuries being revealed, she was looking forward to getting her weapon, made her bed and swept the rest of the cabin except for Cedric's room, trying to be quiet so he wasn't woken. The food list and her own list had been folded and put into her pocket along with a pen and some black paper was stacked and ready to take with her for communicating. At the moment she was brewing more Willow Bark Tea for Cedric in case he was in any pain from his wound along with the same herbs and fresh bandages and gauze lying on the table. @Flack
Cedric Yawned and stretched, wincing slightly when he moved his injured shoulder. He was not looking forward to their trip, but it was necessary. He got up and went out into the hallway half expecting Andalib to still be sleeping; but she wasn't she was cleaning, 'an early riser' Cedric thought. "Good morning Andalib," he said when he saw her. "Lets eat something and get ready to head into town." He suggested. Cedric assumed that this would be an all day trip and planed on staying in a hotel that night, so they would eat lunch and dinner there. He sat down at the table in the kitchen, "Do you want some fruit, there are strawberries, and apple tree, blue berries, and black berries for sure that are ready to be eaten?"

Yawning, Andalib grabbed the mug of tea once she saw it was ready and set it on the table before Cedric before grabbing a basket she'd found when she'd been sweeping and went outside to the garden to get some fruit. Filling the basket halfway, she came back into the kitchen and set the basket on the counter, searched in the cabinets and pulled out a couple bowls before dividing the berries up. Grabbing a knife out of one of the drawers, she cut the apples carefully into slices before putting them too in the bowls and carried them to the table before setting one in front of Cedric. She popped a blueberry in her mouth before writing I swept the rest of the cabin except your room and washed the pot and dishes that were used last night.

"Thank you," He replied, "I don't expect you to take care of all the cleaning, I am not crippled yet." He chuckled. He began to eat and drink the tea. "Please feel free to eat with me." He added. Cedric finished his fruit and tea quickly. "I have somethings to get for our trip to town, we will most likely be staying in an inn tonight, so we can more than likely avoid any trouble on our return trip.' He sighed, I really don't want another fight. "I just have to grab a couple of things before we go, when you are finished eating will you be ready as well?"

Andalib shook her head in frustration and biting into a strawberry wrote: As of this moment I only have this kimono to wear. So I will be done and ready when you have gathered what is needed to go into town. The lists are in my pocket. I was raised and trained to serve my potential master in whatever way he wanted be it physical, emotional... she bit her lip before writing the next words hastily... or sexual. Not just for protection or companionship. Cleaning is just part of my duties and obligation as a slave towards their master. Shrugging ruefully she set the pen down, a bit surprised that Cedric didn't know all this already and went back to eating. @Flack
Cedric read the note and stopped at the sexual part and visibly cringed. "Oh I see," he cleared his throat. "I didn't know slaves did so much, I knew about the protecting , and the obeying. I won't need you for anything sexual your a child and well I'd rather not think about such horrors. Sorry if I made you feel unneeded, I'm just used to doing everything myself.If cleaning and preparing meals makes you happy you can do that, just don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." He stated. "I'll be back momentarily." Cedric got up and went to his bedroom gathered his money and papers showing his ownership of Andalib, just to be safe and two backpacks. He then went back to the kitchen and waited patiently for her to finish her breakfast.

Andalib watched Cedric cringe, not sure what he was worried about until he explained himself. She shrugged. Her mother had said humans did it when they enslaved their own people. Perhaps it was just a shock for him but at least he knew now so he wouldn't be shocked if someone asked him how he was treating his pet. Putting the pen back in her pocket, she finished her meal within a few minutes and stood, putting the bowls in the sink and grabbed the paper in her hands. Walking out of the cabin, she was relieved that she didn't need to worry about being subjected to anything sexually for a few years at least. It was more than she expected compared to if she had been bought by somebody else. Maybe that was the reason that fate or destiny or whatever it was called had forced her to wait four years to be purchased? She wasn't sure and doubted she'd ever have an answer to that question but counted herself lucky. @Flack
Cedric smiled when he saw her. He was a monster he knew that but there were some lines even he would cross and felt those who would willingly harm a child should be slowly tortured until the end of their days. Children were innocent and should be kept that way for as long a possible, he had always had a soft spot for children on the occasions when he would play with the human children he found them to be so full of love and acceptance; and drool but they were also curious about everything; they were a treasure and should be protected.. "Ready to go shopping?" he asked. Cedric made a mental note that they should also purchase, some luggage to help bring all her things back; depending on how much fit in the backpacks.

Andalib nodded when she saw him, looking around the forest with interest but not willing to go any further from the cabin due to the near fatal encounter from yesterday still fresh in her mind. She stepped closer to Cedric, keeping a tight hold on the pile of paper in her hands, knowing she was vulnerable at the moment but with luck that would only last until tomorrow morning. Not sure where to go as she'd been asleep when arriving here, she looked questioningly at Cedric for which direction they were supposed to go. @Flack
"Glad to hear it," Cedric replied, "We will be heading south, and keep closed it's less likely we will be attacked but it's still a possibility." He said and pointed South. Off he went at a casual pace, doing his best to maintain a speed that was comfortable for Andalib. The forest seemed liked a cheery place in the morning; most demons were sleeping or returning to their homes making it the safest time to travel. Cedric hoped that this trip and the return trip would go smoothly. He wasn't looking forward to being in the crowded shopping centers and dealing with the salesmen; but he was curious to see what a piano was. Also he was happy that getting these things would help Andalib get more comfortable in the cabin as well.

Andalib cringed at the thought of more demons trying to kill her just because she was easy and weak prey but hurried along after Cedric, glad for a direction. So if she was ever in the forest by herself all she'd need would be to head north then. She kept her eyes on Cedric's back, not daring to look around her in case she ended up losing sight of him. The air was nice and cool this early in the morning and birds were chirping in the trees around her. @Flack
This trip was going well the birds singing , no danger in sight thus far. He hoped that their good fortune would continue for the whole trip; maybe catch a rabbit, no humans couldn't eat raw animals, at least not that he'd seen anyway they always cooked their meats. Another question to ask her he mused. He looked at all the scenery, the trees and plants, some animals running around, and wildflowers left untouched by the hand of development, just nature in all it's glory. On day's like this Cedric liked to find a spot in the forest and have a picnic, or go hunting; which ever he was more in the mood for. He would look back at Andalib to make sure she wasn't falling behind or had gotten lost.

Andalib kept walking after Cedric, resisting the temptation to go off and explore. She was just happy to be outside in a place that hadn't been sullied by modern developments. Maybe the world was taking itself back now that humans had been slaves for several years. She wasn't sure but was glad to not be living in a city. One couldn't see the stars or experience the wildlife and beauty of nature if they were trapped in steel and wooden buildings all their lives. @Flack

Maybe she should get a diary as well when they were in the city. It'd certainly be easier than carrying around a stack of paper in her hands and would probably make it easier on Cedric to communicate with her without worrying about papers being dropped or blown out of her hands. Thankfully there wasn't much of a wind out yet at this hour of the morning and she looked up at the sky, stopping in her tracks to do so. The sky was a mix of purples and pinks with the sun beginning to rise. It was a pretty sight, the rising sun amidst the colored sky. Perhaps this was why her master had sought the solitude of the forests compared to cities and towns to live in. Humans, she wasn't sure about demons, were so busy with their lives, rushing hither and thither every which way which was something that hadn't changed when they'd been enslaved by the more powerful race. @Flack


Seth sighed when Jin didn't seem keen on writing either. Well he wasn't too good at this himself. It'd be weird having a pet again after three decades on his own. Hearing voices, he looked up to see Ruin's daughter walking by with another demon and shook his head. Another human loving demon, that one was. Hopefully she wouldn't end up stopping by his table and asking all sorts of questions about his pet. @The Unamed Character
Cedric loved it out here, and days like today were some of the best days to be out and exploring. No time for that today though; had to get that shopping done; the sooner the better. Things were still going smoothly, that made him quite pleased, but he remained on alert watching for movement or a sent that wasn't quite right. So far all was right with the world, a great way to start off their trip. He turned and walked backwards; "Are you doing alright?" Cedric asked with a smile. Continuing to walk backwards.


(Sorry for some reason this didn't post last night.)
(It's alright)

Andalib was staring up at the sky still but hearing her master speak, she smiled and pointed up at the sky and the pretty colorful display of the dawn sky, hoping he would understand what she was trying to say. She might have to figure out how to talk to make it easier for her master to communicate with her. Holding the papers close to her chest with one arm, she pointed at the sky again and then waved a hand at the forest, attempting to include the forest...nature...as being also pretty. @Flack
Seth rolled his eyes. "She's a demon who likes humans and can't resist talking about them whenever she sees one. She's also Ruin's daughter so if she ends up looking over here and sees us, she'll probably come over and start asking all sorts of questions towards you and me. Bit of a chatterbox she is. From what I've heard when I went into town last, she was looking for a pet but hadn't found one." @The Unamed Character
Cedric looked up and all around. "Yes it is beautiful today, I live for days like this. It's one of the best things about the forest it offers you something you can't find anywhere else." He smiled and resumed walking forward, she seemed to be doing well and appreciated the beauty that they were surrounded by. Unfortunately, they would miss the sunset, provided the weather remained in this state it was sure to be a glorious sight, but then again maybe they could watch the sunset tomorrow. In a way the city had some charms but that boiled down to convenience; and Cedric wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

Andalib hurried along the path once she saw Cedric walking again and it was indeed a nice walk through the forest even if all they were doing was going into the city. Trying not to let her nervousness show on her face at the thought of all the demons in the city, she concentrated instead on her weapons that she would be getting. Maybe then she could stand a chance against that mad demon from last night, if she managed to recover strength in her legs but so far she had been doing well. At least she had only fallen once and that was only because she'd tripped. These thoughts went through her head as they continued along the path until they reached the edge of the forest and a road. @Flack


(I guess.)

Sipping his soda, Seth was glad when their food came a few moments later which would allow the silence to be filled a little. At least it seemed like Jule was preoccupied so maybe they could manage a meal without her speaking to them and worse following them everywhere. Then again he'd be lucky not to have some of the demons he knew following him around and wondering where he'd picked up Jin though it was none of their business. The waiter left after giving them their food, having set Jin's plate in front of her at the hard look Seth had given. @The Unamed Character
"Well we made it out with no problems lets hope that our luck continues." Cedric said once he saw the road; he stopped and eyed Andalib up and down; He thought for a moment before asking her, "Have you always been mute, if it's to difficult to answer I was just wondering?" He didn't know how to she would take it, it could be a very traumatic reason for her muteness or she could have simply been born that way. Being born that way probably would be to difficult to talk about he thought but if she didn't want to discuss it, then he would leave it alone for the time being. At least until they were closer.


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