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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Andalib looked up and down the road for any sign of a cab coming. Hearing and seeing no signs of cars on the road she considered the question. Well he was bound to find out anyway about the two scars on her back when she was taken to the doctor. Sitting down on the side of the road, she put the paper down and wrote on the one she'd been using, having brought it with her since there was plenty of lines left that she could write on and pulled the pen out of her pocket. Thinking back to what her mother had said, she frowned to herself and wrote: I don't know why I'm mute. Mama said when I was a baby her master tried...killing me...because I cried when he had important demon guests over. I guess from then on I never made a sound. Mama said she was trying to take care of me and serve her master when I began crying which angered her master so he hurt me for crying. @Flack
Cedric read the words, and muttered something to himself. "Right, well if that's the case is this demon still living?" He asked trying to remain calm. It may have happened years ago; but it still made Cedric's blood boil. If that damned creature was still living, and if their paths ever crossed He would personally remove it's tongue and voice box. Maybe it's eyes to for good measure. Cedric didn't know where his fondness for children came, he had just always had it well after he grew-up a bit, but definitely by the time he was sixteen he cared about them more than any other age group and human child especially held a soft spot in his heart, maybe it was because they were totally helpless. It didn't really matter all that mattered was this was who he was and odds were he wasn't going to change anytime soon. But he did need to remain clam in front of Andalib, and he did his best while waiting for her to write her answer down.

Andalib shrugged at the question but wrote down an answer. I don't know if he still lives or not Ce...Mr. Adair. I ran away when I turned six and stayed on the run until demons caught me when I was ten and put me in the warehouse. Mama's master never bothered to come looking for me when I ran away. But... she paused in her writing as she tried to dwell up unwelcome memories before a name appeared in her head, Mama's master is Cain Riven. @Flack
Seth ate his lasagna and didn't say anything. He didn't really talk unless he had something to say and for the moment he was going to enjoy the peaceful quietness of the meal and the fact that he didn't need to cook anything for the day. "You seem to be enjoying the food," he said as he sipped at his soda. "We can get dessert after if you want and can manage to eat it. Otherwise we can pick up ice cream if you like that kind of thing." He knew humans' differed in what they liked and didn't like but wasn't sure if she would even like ice cream or not. @The Unamed Character
"Ah, I don't think I know that particular vermin, but now I almost want to meet him. But thank you for being open with me Andalib, if there is anything you would like to know about me please just ask...Maybe wait until we get to the hotel though to be on the safe side." Cedric motioned for her to follow him taxis usually didn't come out this far but there was a bus stop just a little ways down the road there was a bus every thirty minutes or so during peak commuting times, and luckily for them it was so they shouldn't have to wait for the bus to long.

Andalib tilted her head but put the capt back on her pen and gathered up the paper before getting to her feet and following obediently, slipping the pen back into her pocket. @Flack

Seth shrugged, making a note to himself that Jin didn't apparently like sweets. Well at least it would save him money. @The Unamed Character
Soon they came to the empty bus stop. Cedric sat down on the bench and patted the space next to him as an invitation for her to join him on the bench. He couldn't imagine commuting from the forest to the city almost every day yet some demons did just that, it baffled him. It wouldn't be long for the bus to arrive so he took in some last looks at the forest for the day. He hadn't been away from his home for an over night trip in decades, it made him a bit uneasy. Cedric sighed,"The bus will be along soon, that will take us into the city, I thought we would stop at a doctors office first and see if we could get you in today and biased on that go from there." He told Andalib so at least then she and he would be on the same page.

Andalib sat down on the bench after looking around to make sure nobody else was around. She'd hate to get her master in trouble mere hours after he'd bought her. So she settled for clutching the papers in her arms and tapping a foot on the ground as they waited for the bus. Somewhat apprehensive about meeting a doctor she nodded at the idea of trying to see him or her today. @Flack
Cedric smiled at her, "Don't be nervous there is plenty of sunlight, and I'm still breathing." Cedric's ears twitched he heard the bus in distance. Not long now he thought. Not looking forward to the rush of the city or it's smells; and the demons he would most likely be dealing with they just seemed so pushy; not all of them be most of them were in his experience anyway. "The bus should be here momentarily." He stood up and pulled his wallet out of his pocket, went through the bills to find the proper fare. He only remembered the rates because he had only just ridden the bus the day before.

She scribbled something down on the paper in her lap as she got up and put the pen in her pocket. Holding the papers out in front of her so Cedric could see the words. Do slaves sit with their masters or are they put somewhere else on the bus Mr. Adair? @Flack
"This particular bus line like the slaves to stay with their masters so if the slave misbehaves, the owner can discipline the slave before things get out of hand; they do prefer slaves to be restrained or in our case put down a security deposit to cover any damages you might cause." He chuckled, "But I don't for see you getting into trouble so I am not concerned." Cedric answered. As the bus pulled up. The doors opened and he handed the driver the fare and signed the waiver, then motioned for Andalib to get on as well.

Andalib closed her eyes in annoyance at her fellow humans but then opened them again as she heard the bus stop in front of them. She waited for Cedric to pay and then got on the bus, following him down the aisle halfway before sitting down in an empty seat and staring out the window, trying to ignore the fact that some of the slaves were in strait jackets. How that worked she wasn't sure and some others were in chains. Either way it was a fire hazard if the bus suddenly exploded into flames. All the masters could get off and the slaves would burn to death. The thought didn't comfort her at all and she shivered uncomfortably at the depressing thought, keeping a tight grip on the papers. @Flack
Cedric sighed, it was depressing seeing the humans chained and restrained if anything it seemed to cause more problems; making harder for your slave to move or do anything really. One more reason to loathe the city. Cedric watched his home grow further away as the bus drove on. "I think today will be a good day for us." He whispered in Andalib's ear. Seeing as they made it out of the forest with no trouble dealing with the city dwellers was going to be a bother but he was confident he could handle it even if they were a bit pushy.

Andalib continued staring out the window but nodded. The mood was utterly depressing and dull. It was like being back in the warehouse she thought only they weren't in boxes. She knew the only reason she wasn't restrained is because she had common sense and had accepted her fate as a child. How many of these slaves had been born into this life, how many were captured by demons invading their lands, how many as prisoners from the rebellions? She shook her head, not sure if she wanted to know or what good it would do to know these things. Her eyes which had had a hint of life earlier that day went back to being dull. She wondered what would happen if the demons were killed while their slaves were restrained? Probably killed or sold off but how was that their fault that they couldn't protect their masters if they were restrained? Wasn't that the point of the demons enslaving humans for protection? The girl shook her head, not understanding the mindset and logic of demons. @Flack
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Cedric frowned a bit seeing that small twinkle of light fade from Andalib's eyes. He couldn't really blame her though, if their situation had been reversed he most likely wouldn't have might life in himself either. He still liked the idea of coexisting with the humans; but even if things did change Andalib would never see it. Cedric himself may never live to see that day. It was all very depressing, he hoped that once they got off the bus and began shopping she would perk up a bit. Maybe, see if there was anything she wanted to do while they were in the city; but that would have to wait until they would be able to talk in private.

Andalib didn't see Cedric frown as he saw the light leave her eyes. She wondered a little if her mother was alive still or if she had died and then she decided it didn't matter much if her mother was alive. One it was likely they would never see each other again anyway and two her life existed only for Cedric now. She'd left that life behind when she'd run away. Lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the trip to the city go by. @Flack
Cedric was a bit concerned about Andalib she appeared to be lost in thought and not happy thoughts from the looks of things. He had brought up several painful topics for her and now she was stuck on a bus witnessing how poorly some of her kind were treated. The bus finally came to a stop much different from the one on the road by the forest. There were all sorts of shops and skyscrapers not to mention street vendors and demons and their slaves where everywhere. It seemed like all the slaves were carrying bags for all sorts of stores, cars and taxis lined the street it was horrible. "Well lets get a map, and find you a doctor." Cedric said as he stood up getting ready to disembark the bus.

Andalib shook her head to clear her thoughts and blinked to get her bearings before getting up, waiting to follow Cedric off the bus. Looking over Cedric's shoulder, she jumped as glass shattered a little way ahead of them and shrank back until her back hit the window she'd been staring out of. As soon as the aisle cleared enough to get off the bus, Andalib followed quickly down the steps, shaking due to the event she'd just witnessed. Taking slow breaths, she willed her heart to stop beating so fast, scuffing a shoe along the ground as she looked at the city. Shops, demons, buildings, slaves, cars, noise. It was bad enough for her but she couldn't imagine or understand how the demons could deal with it with their heightened hearing. Why were people up so early anyway? No wonder there were maps. Anyone could get lost here. @Flack
Cedric could hardly think it would sometime before his ears adapted to the sounds of the city. He grabbed Andalib's hand, "So we don't get separated, if anyone stares ignore it. I am giving you an order to hold my hand while we are on these busy congested sidewalks." He said firmly, and guided her behind himself so he was the one pushing the way through the crowd. He maintained a firm but gentle grip on her hand, as he walked to the nearest store. He hoped that it would have maps. He did wonder what had caused the glass to shatter, probably some demon showing off; being a pain in the neck. It didn't really matter, all that mattered was getting Andalib to a doctor and purchasing the items on her lists.

Andalib obediently did as she'd been ordered and followed along to the store though it didn't help the noise level much. Sure it was a bit quieter in this store compared to outside but it was still loud from all the demons talking. She focused on keeping a hold of the papers which she was using to communicate with. @Flack
Finally finding an employee Cedric asked if they sold city maps; luckily they did. He quickly purchased one still holding on to Andalib's hand. He lead her outside, with the map in hand he looked for a place where they could sit and get their barrings. He hated not knowing where he was , he knew the forest like the back of his hand except for the area's that other demons had outright claimed but there weren't two many of those himself and maybe six seven other who actually claimed their own territory. The city seemed like a free for all everyone climbing on top of one another it was sickening. Everyone fighting to be on the top respected, who cared as long as you were happy with yourself. Finding an empty bench he stopped in front of it and turned so he could face Andalib. He let go of her hand and unfolded the map, so many streets, and buildings it looked like an organized chaos; though all Cedric saw was chaos. "Do you know how to read maps and triangulate your position?" he waited for her to write down her answer, it would be easier for her if she had a bound book he thought and mentally added it to the list of things she needed.

(Sorry I'm tired and will be going to bed after this. I'll be on tomorrow though.)

Andalib sat down on the bench and used it to write out her answer. I know how to use the sun and the North Star to find my way and a little about map reading, Andalib wrote. She went to stand beside Cedric and looked for a compass before pointing at it in the corner with an arrow pointing up. Going back to the bench she stood on it and looked for her shadow. Since it's morning, my front is facing east. Behind me is west, to my left is north and to my right is south. We came south from the cabin. She looked up and tried to see if she could spot any landmarks at all. Try to see if you can find any landmarks of this area and then draw a line diagonal and a line straight down so it forms an 'x'. That's our current location, she wrote. She handed him the pen. @Flack
(I understand I am going to bed after this post too, goodnight and I will be on in the afternoon according the to central timezone.)

Cedric smiled, "Very good, lets see if we can't find a doctors office." After some searching they found several; there were a couple close by but rather than walk Cedric felt it would be wise to take a taxi,it would save time and be less crowded than the sidewalks, money wasn't an issue he earned a lot in his youth and deposited most of it in a savings account and after a thousand years the interest helped it grow and he hardly ever spent money anyway . "Let's get a taxi it will be quicker." He said and took her hand again before placing his foot on the street and raising his free arm; it was his wounded shoulder but it wasn't bothering him much and he hardly noticed the stretching sensation. A taxi pulled over and Cedric opened the door for Andalib.


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