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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Carina blinked in surprise and looked at her daughter. "I thought she had died when she ran away M'Lord. I'm grateful that you bought her from wherever she was and myself as well. Th...thank you sir," the woman stammered in surprise. Unsure what else to say and having been conditioned as a child to not speak in Cain's presence, she went silent. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "Your quite welcome, you don't need to be afraid to speak to me I am finding I like conversation, and please call me Mr. Adair. We do have somethings we will have to discuss, but let's do that tomorrow, today you and Andalib should focus on uh bonding or whatever it is humans call it." The cab stopped at the hotel and Cedric paid the driver and got out holding the door for his new companions, feeling quite pleased with himself.

He led them into the hotel and booked a room with two beds. He got the key and motioned for them to follow him. He opened the door and waited for them to go inside before following them in and closing the door behind him.

"As you wish M...Mr. Adair," Carina replied. When the cab stopped mother and daughter got the bags they had been carrying and followed Cedric up to the hotel room, walking inside and set the bags against one wall. Carina wasn't exactly sure what needed to be discussed and watched as Cedric shut the door. Andalib went to sit on one of the beds, pulling out her paper and pen before writing something down on it and then getting up to show Cedric the note.

Thank you Mr. Adair for purchasing my mother, she had written. Carina's face fell as she saw her daughter writing something, the woman having blamed herself for her daughter's being rendered mute. If she had just kept Andalib quiet then maybe her daughter would be able to speak and the woman's shoulders sagged at the thought. @Flack
Cedric smiled when he read the note, and noticed Carina's face fall when she saw the paper and pen. "I was happy to do it." He patted Andalib on the head, and turned to Carina, "You know one of the main reasons I bought her was the fact that she's like me, broken. I hoped we could help fix one another. Perhaps you'd like to helps us fix ourselves." Cedric suggested as kindly as he could. "Oh and her hair it beautiful, I see she get that from you." He smiled.

Andalib briefly tensed before relaxing as Cedric patted her head, still staring at her mother. It would take the girl a while to get used to having her mother back in her life and around.

Carina shook her head and swallowed the lump in her throat. "I am not sure what help I could be for my daughter Mr. Adair when I'm the reason she is mute in the first place," Carina said sadly. The woman sighed but smiled as Cedric complimented her daughter's hair. "Uh...thank you. Her eyes are her father's though. I can try to help you both heal." @Flack
Cedric looked at her, "No Cain's the reason for it, if your going to blame anyone blame him." Cedric smiled and walked towards the door. I'll give you two some time alone now, but I don't want to leave the two of you alone for to long after the incident; so I'll return in an hour or so." He smiled and waved at he left the room and closed the door.

Carina nodded and watched as the door shut before going to her daughter and hugging her which startled the girl. Carina rubbed the back of her neck where her former master had grabbed it, winching as her fingers brushed over what was undoubtedly going to be a huge bruise. "So you still are unable to talk Andalib," Carina said sadly as she watched her daughter nod. "But you can write and read though so at least you have some way to communicate with the young master." The woman sat down on the bed next to her daughter and looked at Andalib. She watched as her daughter wrote something down and read it.

Mama what happened to daddy?

"Well I told you before that your father was part of a rebellion of humans against enslavement by the shadow demons. Do you remember that?" Carina asked and watched as her daughter nodded. "Your father saw me putting some of Cain's horses into the stable one winter when I slipped on some ice and twisted my ankle. Your father took a risk and came by to help me, knowing if he got caught he could killed or sold into slavery himself. He decided to hang around to always keep an eye on me, saying that he was enraptured by my beauty," she said laughing at the memory of meeting Orion. "Well this went on for a while but Cain...well he is a shadow demon. I eventually became pregnant with you and Orion was delighted but worried for me and the child. Orion was planning on sneaking me out of the house and to a rebel base where he lived but was caught by Cain's son. The teen had been spying on me and alerted his father to the fact that I was planning on leaving and pregnant. Cain captured your father and had him killed while he took me into the house and proceeded to punish me for my actions but saw he could use the child against me so he didn't have the pregnancy terminated. You have his eyes you know," Carina said sadly. "Andalib...what happened after you ran away? Has Mr. Adair...are you bearing a child yet?"

Andalib shook her head and scribbled on the paper. I lived in the forest for four years mama but I didn't think you were still alive. I thought Master Cain would have killed you for me running away.

"No but he was very displeased by you leaving,"
Carina said with a shudder as she remembered Cain's temper when he'd found out her daughter had gone missing.

Shadow demons found me one day and injured my leg so I couldn't run very fast though I tried mama! I tried to get away from them! But they caught me and hit me until I passed out. The girl was crying silently now, tears falling down her face at the memory, driving a wrench through her mother's heart at the pain she had caused her daughter. Then I sat in a boxed cage for four years but nobody wanted me because I was mute so the shadow demons who ran the city's warehouse hurt me. I began losing hope that anyone would buy me and I'd waste my life away there or the shadow demons might kill me for being a useless product. She hadn't yet told Cedric such a thing, worried about what her master might say or think she was stupid. Then another demon tried to kill me after master bought me but master fought the demon off. Master can turn into a giant wolf mama. Bigger than those...mama what did you say the ancient wolves were?

"Dire wolves and the ancestors of the gray wolf," Carina said. "They died during the human ice age many many years ago."

Master took me home and let me sleep in my own room and even allowed me to sit at the table with him, Andalib wrote. It had been something Cain hadn't allowed along with a lot of shadow demon masters. Master's never had slaves before buying me and is out of his element. I think I may have scared him, the girl's eyes shining in laughter at her latest sentence causing her mother to smile. I tried explaining to master what my purpose was because he knew about the protection and the companionship but not much else. Master seemed angry when I wrote that I had been taught to serve him physically, emotionally and sexually. He said he would never do such a thing to me...at least while I'm still a child.

The girl seemed relieved at that and so did her mother. Carina would have to thank Cedric for not bothering her daughter in that manner yet. "Well...that is good news that you don't have to yet fear bearing children for your master or serving him in that way for a few more years," Carina said. The middle aged woman had not been so lucky though she had never told her daughter about her own experiences as a slave, having been bought by Cain when she was sixteen. Andalib seemed nervous yet happy about having Cedric as a master and Carina wasn't sure what place there was for her in her daughter's life. @Flack
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Cedric wandered around the hotel, it seemed nice and peaceful. He was thinking he'd have to add on to the cabin make it bigger with the addition of Carina, and child she was carrying. Well that would keep him busy, he never planned on having a family in that cabin but it seemed he had gotten one of sorts.

He decided they could finish their shopping tomorrow morning and see if Carina would need anything before heading back to the cabin. Cedric kept his eye on the clocks throughout the hotel, and went back to their room.

He knocked on the door, before entering. "I'm back." he called through the door and opened it. "Well I hope that you were both able to catch up a little bit." He smiled. "Given the events at the mall I was thinking we might have to extend our trip to ensure that Carina has everything she'll need. I'm afraid I am a bit of a, oh wait do you call them a a hermit yes that's it is. Anyway I live in the forest, rather far into it, and I don't like coming to the city and would rather not make another trip, so soon if at all possible." Cedric explained.

Andalib swiped at the tears still glistening in her eyes as Cedric came in and looked at the paper to make sure it wasn't wet before setting it aside, nodding as Cedric spoke about staying in the city so her mother could get some things. She knew her mother would likely need clothes and some shoes at least.

Carina thought before nodding. "Cain will be leaving sometime tonight I think so w...you shouldn't have any issues tomorrow Mr. Adair," Carina said. The woman hoped she would be able to keep this child if it survived the pregnancy. Maybe Andalib would do well with a sibling and it would give her daughter practice for when she had her own children one day if her daughter was lucky. The woman listened quietly as her new master spoke of where he lived and such things. She looked at her daughter and shook her head in bemusement at Andalib's expression. Looks like they've grown attached to each other, she thought to herself. @Flack
Cedric smiled, "Well that's good to know. I wanted to discuss your , uh, condition Carina, I don't have any real experience with it, and want to be fully prepared for the things that will come from it." Cedric said trying to remain composed, babies where wonderful he thought they were fascinating, but he had only ever seen them and touched one's hand once. He had no idea what was instore for him to eventually live with one for however long humans were babies. He was somewhat excited to see another baby it had been several hundred years since he had the opportunity to get close to one. Watch it move, and their babbling was a pleasant sound if he remembered correctly.

Carina blinked in surprise at hearing Cedric wanting to know about human babies. "Okay. I'll do my best to answer whatever questions you have Mr. Adair," Carina said. She bit her lip in thought. "Human babies take nine months to develop in their mother and once they are born are dependent for most of their life. Though I am not sure if there is a difference between human babies and babies of shadow demons."

Andalib stared at her mother as Cedric asked about her mother being pregnant and looked worriedly at Cedric. @Flack
Cedric nodded, "Humans usually only have one child not six I believe. I think shadow demons babies are similar to human babies, with some exceptions. Humans don't kill their young if they are weak do they?" That was how things were in Cedric's family he remembered his parents had killed some of his siblings for being smaller, or deformed. He wasn't sure if everyone did that or not if they didn't that was fine it wasn't like he be able to tell if the child was to small.

"Some humans will kill their children if they are deformed but usually the children are kept alive even if they are weak. Yes most humans only have one child at a time though it is rare for them to have twins. I remember reading once from my great grandmother's journal that women in her time were putting off children until their thirties so they could focus on their jobs and then had trouble getting pregnant because they waited too long to have children. In ancient times I think it was common to kill off girls when they were born and that sadly continued in some countries even into what the humans referred to as the twenty-first century in some less civilized places in the world. If women had trouble getting pregnant there were fertility drugs they could take to get pregnant but that was not always successful and if it resulted in anything more than twins, the human doctors would recommend aborting some of the children so a few had the chance to survive. A human female's body isn't made to carry a lot of children or get pregnant every nine months Mr. Adair," Carina said before frowning to herself. @Flack
"Ah well, I don't plan on interfering in your parenting choices the child is yours and you can do with it as you'd like. I was the fifth of six pups in my litter, my mother had several of them, I don't recall how often. But thats not important, if you need any assistance with the pregnancy or when the child is born please let me know. They are interesting things." Cedric smiled. "Oh and I don't know how much either of you know about carpentry but, I think I will have to add on to the cabin and seeing as there are less than nine months, I am going to get started on that right away. So we will all be busy for the next for see able months." He smiled. It was going to be nice building again.

"I'm sorry Mr. Adair but we know nothing about carpentry," Carina replied, a bit surprised that Cedric wasn't attempting to kill the unborn child or taking her to get an abortion. No wonder her daughter seemed to like the young lord. He was behaving differently then her former masters had. "Thank you Mr. Adair for allowing me to keep the child though I am not sure if it will survive the pregnancy or not," she said. "You're fr...all..." she paused as she tried to think of a word that would allow Cedric to ask questions without her being out of line. "As master you have the right to ask questions of me," she said. "I'll answer whatever you ask or want to know." @Flack

Seth sipped his ice tea as he watched the news. "Hmm seems other than a community of shadow demons being killed nothing else seems to be happening that is of importance," Seth mused to himself. "If you want when you're done we can go horseback riding so you know where the borders are so you don't inadvertently cross them," Seth said to Jin as he ate his meal. @The Unamed Character
Seth hummed to himself. "Suit yourself. Whatever makes you feel safer and comfortable is fine with me. If we're lucky there won't be a war at all," Seth said. "When you're done you can look around the kitchen if you like, see where everything is. Whatever you don't eat just put back in the fridge and feel free to get yourself more ice tea or food if you're hungry later," Seth said as he got up and went towards the kitchen. "I'll be outside if you need me," he said and put his empty plate and glass in the sink opening the fridge and grabbing a bag of carrots before heading outside to go feed the horses. @The Unamed Character
"No that's fine, I just thought I'd see if you did. Oh and of course you can keep your child it's yours, I learned a long time ago to never get between a mother and her child unless you have a death wish. Now are either of you hungry we did rush out during our meal." Cedric asked, "When we get back to the cabin please call me Cedric, it makes me feel more comfortable." Cedric smiled, things were going to be work out for the three or rather four of them.

"I'm a little hungry Mr. Adair. I haven't eaten for a couple days anyway," Carina said, her tone belying that this was a usual occurrence for her.

Andalib nodded at the mention of food though she wasn't too keen on going back to the mall and wrote on her paper. Mr. Adair can we order room service or some type of takeout that can be delivered to the hotel? I'd rather not run into my former master if possible.

Carina watched her daughter write something down and went into the bathroom to wash her hands, slowly undoing the hurried bandage around her inflamed wrist. The skin and muscle was swollen and red but there wasn't anything the woman could do about it, other than try to hide the injury and hoped she didn't further damage her wrist. Unwrapping a small soap bar, she lathered her hands, being careful not to get the bandage wet and washed her hands.

Does mama having a new baby mean its your third slave master? Andalib wrote. @Flack
"Yes that sounds like a good idea if I ran into him again I'd probably end up in jail." Cedric replied to Andalib. He sat down next to her, " I'm happy your mother is still alive. I'll make sure he suffers for what he did to her and you." He looked at her, "Do you have any experience with babies?" He'd wait to see what Carina and Andalib wanted to eat before placing an order to room service.

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Mama says babies cry a lot and when they aren't crying they sleep. She says they're kind of like cats but they don't sleep through the night until they're older, Andalib wrote down. I'm glad that mama is alive and in safe hands or paws? Well I'm glad she is safe with you master. I know how to change a baby and bathe it but mama never let me hold a baby unless she was there. She said babies were fragile and could get hurt easily if they were dropped. Master...are you going to sell my brother or sister when they get old enough? It was probably not her right to question what would happen but she didn't want to lose her sibling.

Carina used a towel to dry her hands and wrapped the bandage back around her wrist, tying it tightly to stay on before pulling the sleeve of her shirt back over her arm and rested her forehead against the mirror, trying to steady herself from the changing events of an hour. The woman didn't doubt if her former master had known Andalib was alive that he would have brought her to the mall. @Flack
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Cedric nodded, "No I won't your brother or sister will stay with us. I don't need your mother trying to kill me in my sleep." He chuckled, "I look forward to getting to know your mother, you, and the baby in the upcoming years." Cedric was a bit anxious to get back to the cabin and begin adding to it. Though he most likely wouldn't start doing any real work for a week, he'd have to plan it out before adding on.

Anadlib smiled, relieved that she wouldn't lose her brother or sister. Her mother walked out of the bathroom and sat down on one of the beds. "There should be some type of menu available in here if you want room service Mr. Adair," Carina said. "I may not be able to eat because of the baby. Sometimes the baby doesn't like what the mother eats and causes her to get what humans term morning sickness by throwing the food up. In rare cases it can lead to dehydration." @Flack
Cedric looked at Carina, "I see well we will have to do our best to keep the two of you healthy, and hydrated." He smiled, and looked around for a menu, finding it he handed it to Andalib, " Why don't the two of you look things over and decide what you'd like first." He glanced at Carina, "You know you are incredible." He said and laid down on the floor stretching.

Andalib took the menu and began looking it over, tapping her mother on the shoulder and pointing at something. Carina looked and then laughed. "Don't worry you don't have to eat that," she said. "You never did like fish even though I tried getting you to eat some. From what I remember of your father he didn't like fish either." Carina turned her gaze to Cedric, surprised at his comment towards her and a bit suspicious. "Why do you think I'm incredible Mr. Adair?" she asked as Andalib continued pursuing the menu, Carina having decided on what she wanted when she'd glanced at the menu a minute ago. @Flack

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