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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Seth pressed play on the radio and Chopin began playing. "Hope you like Classical because this and Romanticism is pretty much all I listen too. I can't stand any of this new music humans got coming out. I've been around for a long time, watching civilizations rise and fall, kings fight their way into power only to have their governments topple beneath them, new lands be found and countries torn asunder through civil wars and trying to gain independence. It gets boring after a while watching the world go by without any companions to watch it with you,even though man's life is far shorter than my own. I got my first slave when I was five hundred years old. It lasted six years before she died in a robbery. I was out dealing with business elsewhere but they paid in the end for taking my property from me," and his tone became darker and colder as he spoke. "They rued that day when I killed their families, sold them to the warehouses and took the leader's only daughter as my property. That was...interesting to experience. That child was perhaps the most difficult out of all the slaves I've had and it hasn't been many. Usually I'm nice. Until my property is harmed and then people learn why they shouldn't cross me." While Seth was reminiscing about his past they had drive nearly three and a half miles from their home. "So where do you want to eat? We have fast food, Indian, Chinese, a few cafes, a Greek restaurant, Italian, a Middle Eastern restaurant, couple buffet places, Italian, and a pizza place." @The Unamed Character


Andalib stopped as the wolf appeared in front of her and Cedric and stared at it, her eyes going to its teeth which looked very sharp, not having noticed Cedric move in front of her. The thought of being mauled to death didn't exactly appeal to her and her eyes widened in fear. Though she was grateful to have been purchased after waiting for so long and finally out of the warehouse, able to experience a few hours of fresh air and freedom, well as much freedom as a slave could have. She hoped Cedric would realize that and not become depressed or whatever demons felt when their property died. @GoldenWolf @Flack
Kate barked in laughter, but it was a cold, heartless humor. "Trouble is unavoidable, wherever you go. Being a demon, you should know as much." She sniffed. "I can smell your pet's fear scent. She doesn't have much faith in you then, does she? If she's this scared." She grinned, sinking her claws in and out of the ground and baring her teeth, her sharp white fangs glinting.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
"Let's keep my pet out of this, she is new and has no fight with you." Cyril repiled. "So if you would, be so kind as to let us pass, I would greatly appreciate it; I would rather not have to tear you open in front of her; she might just run away and then that's two people I will have to kill." He growled and bared his fangs at her if she wanted a wolf fight she would get one even though he would rather avoid a fight all together.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Kate let a low growl bubble up her throat. "Tear me open?" Kate dug her claws into the ground, ready to pounce forward. "I'd like to see you try." She snarled and lashed her now bushed up tail. Kate's hackles rose and she flattened her ears back to her head.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
"Italian it is then," Seth said. "You're awfully quiet for just becoming a slave you know that?" he questioned as he hummed to the CD. "This Chopin in case you're unfamiliar. Young people today don't appreciate the composers." He turned his head to look at her. "Hmm we should probably get you clothing too while we're out today. You probably don't have any besides what you're wearing." @The Unamed Character


Some unknown emotion flashed through Andalib's eyes as the other demon and her master began arguing with each other, the girl watching the confrontation play out in front of her. She really wished she had weapons on her though wasn't sure what it would do against a wolf. As the wolf crouched down and looked ready to spring at her, she took a step backward, feeling her breathing beginning to become erratic and tried to calm her heart down by attempting to take slow deep breaths, taking another step back before tripping and falling over a root. Landing on her back, she felt the wind get knocked out of her and lay there stunned, staring up at the treetops above her as she tried to get air into her lungs and not end up having a panic attack. @Flack @GoldenWolf
Cedric sighed,"And here I had hoped that this could be handled peacefully." He glanced behind and saw Andalib fall. Cedric glared at the wolf, "If she is damaged I will hold you responsible, and won't to hunting you until you coat is a rug in my house." He growled and shifted into his wolf form ears back, with his fur standing upright along his spine. He was ready to pounce on this other wolf, at any second.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Kate barked at the human when she fell. At this point, Kate's senses where heightened and even the slight movements set her on edge. Kate barked again and snarled fiercely at the human as Kate's eyes shifted from the demon to the girl. Kate's wolf instincts were feeding off the human's fear, and Kate knew while the human was scared and venerable it was the perfect chance to spring. Wiggling her haunches, Kate prepared to launch herself at the human.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
Cedric knew what the other wolf was thinking and jumped in front of Andalib. " You will not touch a hair on her head." He ordered, "If you try, I will kill you; then you won't be able to find and torment other beings who wander into the forest; so for the last time let us through." He growled, and snapped at the demon.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Still winded from the fall, Andalib heard something stop in front of her and tried to calm her heart enough she could sit up. She heard Cedric's voice speaking to the other demon and slowly turned her head to look and see if there was something she could use to protect herself with, hands sweeping the ground until her right hand closed around a sharp rock. Gripping it tightly she rolled onto her side and pushed herself to her knees, swaying a little as she forced herself to stand up, the rock still clenched tightly in her fist and turned back to face Cedric and the other wolf, only to see a wolf in place of where her master had been before she had fallen. @Flack @GoldenWolf
Kate barked. "Fine! I won't touch your precious pet, but I'll tear apart that pretty white coat of yours and stain it red!" At that Kate leapt forward on top of his shoulders and dug her claws in his back, spirts of blood seeping around her claws.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
Cedric heard Andalib moving, a good sign he thought. As he was attacked and his shoulder bled. He growled and and thrashed to get her off, then he bit the nape of her neck, drawing blood. Wound for wound he thought I will beat you.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Kate yelped and jumped away, but as quick as she had retreated she darted back over, barreling into him and knocking him over. She snarled and wacked him upside the head with a paw.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
Andalib watched nervously from where she stood, winching in sympathy as Cedric was knocked off his paws and trying to think how she could help. Running might trigger the other wolf's predator instinct to chase her but Cedric had said he'd kill her if she ran away. She tried to think of weak points on an animal from when she had been on her own. Stomach, throat, eye...wait there was one! If she could take away one of the demon's senses then it would be at a disadvantage but how was she supposed to do much damage with a jagged piece of rock? @GoldenWolf @Flack
He winced, and wiggled and squirmed, and pushed her off. He lept on top of her, "We can end this now, and finish it at a later date." He growled. Perhaps she might listen to reason, but he remembered the old saying "hope for the best prepare for the worst" . He did he best to keep that in his mind at all times. He also wanted to keep the fight away from Andalib.
Kate trying to shove him off, but her efforts were in vain. Stupid dog, get off me! She thought, but Kate couldn't manage to shove him off. "Get off you mangy dog!" She snarled, snapping her jaws around, trying to get a grip on some of his fur.
Cedric sighed, "Not until you give me your word you will let us pass safely by you, then if you feel like finishing this in the future you can come to my cabin, in the middle of the forest and challenge me again." Grumbled doing his best to avoid her teeth. Hoping that maybe now the wench would see reason; at least for the moment Andalib was safe, which brought him some comfort.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Idiot. You rat-brained idiot! She thought. This other wolf was stupider than she expected. "Sure, sure. Fine, just let me up." She growled, her eyes glinting. Kate started flicking and ear in irritation.

@Flack @eclipsehowls
"Just remember, He said, as he moved his paw to her throat and pressed down lightly, "if you don't keep your word I will hunt you down and turn you coat into a rug." He removed his paw and got off. He wasn't going to let his guard down he knew that demons kept grudges and often couldn't be trusted. He himself was still holding on to things he should have long since let go, but he just couldn't for some reason; and now he was adding another demon to his "I hate you and might just kill you list". Cedric made sure to stay in between Andalib and the demo; keeping his eyes on the wolf.

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Shit, he's blocking the girl... Kate glared at him. She shook out her thick fur before padding off into the dark forest, seeming to almost melt into the shadow. One day... Trust me.. One day... Kate rarely lost a fight with other demons, and always killed her human prey. Once she set her eyes on her prize, she would hunt it down till the end. One day... Kate promised herself again, walking deeper and deeper into the woods.
Seth reached the city and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove for a few blocks until they reached the Italian restaurant. Pulling into a parking place he turned the car off and undid his seat belt before turning to look at Jin. "Food first, then clothes, then groceries and last pet store before heading home," he said to her and waited for a response. @The Unamed Character


Andalib watched the fighting continue in front of her, teeth and claws clawing and snapping at the other. As Cedric was bit she winched again but remained standing there, her eyes following the movements of the two wolves. She didn't trust the other demon to keep its word and made sure she had a tight grip on the rock in her hand which allowed a very slim form of protection although she'd feel safer once she had the weapons the kind Shadow Demon had trained her in. Vyt then the other demon surprisingly backed off and disappeared into the forest. Once it had disappeared into the trees and she couldn't hear its paws anymore, Andalib walked towards the wolf that was Cedric, her eyes going towards the wounds. The only thing she had to bandage the wounds was her kimono. Aligning the rock with her left sleeve, she began to saw through the cloth so she could use it to try to patch up his wounds until they go to his home, hoping he wouldn't faint since she wasn't sure she could drag a wolf through the forest. @GoldenWolf @Flack
Cedric watched her walk away, he sighed that could have been much worse, although he was sure he had a new rival, who either had her eyes set on him or Andalib or both; but he had won this fight so he should do his best to savor the victory for a little while and take a new path to the cabin. He turned to Andalib, "What are you doing to your kimono?" he asked. He shifted back to his original form. She had picked up a rock, well she was resourceful, that was a good thing you needed to be in the forest. She had proven to be a better investment than he had originally thought. But now he was wounded, it was going to make things more difficult, but he had kept his word so far he had kept her safe, and that was all that mattered at this moment.

@eclipsehowls @GoldenWolf
Pausing at the question she moved back and crouched down before writing in the dirty with a finger. Master wounded. Trying to help stop the bleeding and this is all I have to patch up wounds, she wrote. She paused, unsure of what to continue writing before deciding to thank him so wrote Thank you for buying and protecting me Master. Writing done, she raised the rock to her sleeve and continued to saw through the cloth, managing to get a strip off before working on taking off another strip. @Flack
Cedric leaned over, and read her note in the dirt; he felt something he hadn't felt in centuries he didn't know exactly what the emotion was but it pulled at his heart. "Thank you, but you don't need to cut your kimono anymore there are some herbs around here that i will have to have you put on my shoulder, then you can use that strip to hold them in place until we get home." he said, "Oh and your welcome, but please just call me Cedric ." He started looking around for the herbs and found them quickly gathered a bunch, not going to far from Andalib, and put them down in front of her. "After this is taken care of we will go to the cabin, and hopefully get some rest." he said. Hoping that there would be no more trouble on their trek to their home.


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