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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Staying in the city for the night was good. She hated being outside in the dark anyway and was looking forward to possibly getting the piano as well as the books and art supplies. Thinking it might be easier to try communicating with the pen and paper since there was plenty of paper left she wrote on a blank piece on top of the stack given to her. Leaving at dawn is okay with me. Why...why did you choose me out of all the other slaves in the warehouse? she wrote. @Flack


Seth nodded without saying anything and walked into the restaurant, holding the door open for Jin. "Seth it's been a while," said the demon who was the host and owner of the restaurant.

Seth rolled his eyes and put a hand on Jin's shoulder. "Yes well this is a day for celebration for me so I decided to visit your establishment Anubis."

"Oh you got a new slave finally did you? Thirty years and some of us were beginning to wonder when you'd get out of your depressive state. Had any trouble with it?"

"No trouble. She's been relatively tame so far considering how she was a stray I picked up today outside my lands. It's not your business when I choose or don't choose to get over the loss of one of my favorite pets. And keep Gale out of my lands or I will kill him the next time he trespasses," Seth said with a low growl.

"Sure...sure...whatever." Ruin took them to a booth in a corner and gave them a couple menus before leaving. Some other tables were crowded with demons and their slaves, some were just demons. @The Unamed Character
"Order what you want," Seth said as he sat down and looked at the menu. "As you can see I have plenty of money and just ignore everybody staring this way." It'd been a while since he'd been in the city but Anubis didn't mean to make a big deal out of him being here. Sparks crackled along his fingertips as he pursued the menu before deciding on what he wanted and closed his menu, putting it by the edge of the table. @The Unamed Character
He read the note, looked at her "Well I choose you because everyone else cried or screamed when I looked at them, you didn't; also no one wanted you, I used to not want to be with, or around anyone so I thought we would be somewhat compatible; oh and you appeared to be damaged, all those things drew me to you I guess." He thought some more, "Oh and your hair it's very pretty." He answered truthfully but it did make him wonder "Why do you want to know why I purchased you?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

Crying doesn't help in those places because you don't get any sympathy from demons. In the end you're bought or die, she wrote. Neither does trying to run away. I learned... drawing a line through those two words, she wrote something else. Curiosity made me question why you bought me. I can't blame them for trying to run though they should learn by now there is no hope for them out there in the world. All it leads to is death to try to escape. Their freedom has been taken from them and although slavery has been common in various human civilizations since humans began to walk this earth, to have the entire human race enslaved is something...incomprehensible and abhorrent to them as a whole. Humans have been the dominant species since they learned to make tools and harness fire. To be brought so low and treated like mere animals...well it will take centuries before they stop fighting and resisting and even then it may not happen. And if they do manage to free themselves and kill all the demons and I doubt that will happen, they will kill those who have accepted slavery for they are an abomination of mankind. She rolled her eyes as she read her last sentence but there was a look of sad resignation on her face at the words she had written. Thank you for the compliment about my hair though it'll be nicer once I manage to wash all the grease out of it. @Flack

(I need to get Pokemon off of my brain.)


Seth nodded and called over the waiter in their section before ordering two sodas and the meals, handing Jin's menu to the waiter as he took Seth's from where it lay on the table.
@The Unamed Character
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Rino's phone vibrated indicating he had a text. He opened his phone to see that it was Jule asking him if he wanted to get something to eat. Rino texted back 'Are you asking m o a date ;) '
Jule instantly blushed, she had had a crush on him before and completely just asked him out by accident. 'um......' she texted back 'm-maybe' she sent it and hoped he wouldnt find her weird

@Red Reaper
" I see guess I never really thought of it that way." He said quietly, "You must hate us, we got tired of hiding you know; and some of the more prominent and powerful shadow demons didn't like hiding; so they started a movement I don't know why humans were made to be slaves, you are very fascinating and similar to us really, I don't see why we couldn't coexist...I mean I know it would be a difficult task to free humans and things would be hard...but then again we are monsters something we never hid about ourselves we are fickle creatures who often hold on to feelings of anger and hatred for far too long. I do like humans though you are interesting creatures who have done remarkable well given your circumstances. I can't give you your freedom per se but, don't expect anything more from you than companionship." Cedric sighed. "Your welcome I do like your hair and if you'd like I can get you some water for a bath." He thought a bit more before getting up, "I guess what I really want from you is your friendship, I don't expect it right away and I know that it's a two way street but I hope we can put our differences aside and eventually become friends. " He smiled and waited for her response.

[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Jule instantly blushed, she had had a crush on him before and completely just asked him out by accident. 'um......' she texted back 'm-maybe' she sent it and hoped he wouldnt find her weird

' yeah I would love to go on a date with you' he texted back excited. 'does 8 sound like a good time for you?'
Andalib listened to Cedric's words before shrugging. I was born a slave so I'm used to this life and don't expect anything else from it. Co-existence wouldn't work if both sides didn't want it and humans...we're too narrow minded and prejudiced. Friendship...that may take a while. I can give unconditional loyalty and protection as well as servitude and undying obedience in the meantime and for the rest of my natural life. A bath would be nice if it isn't much trouble. She put the pen down on the table, tired of writing. @Flack
"Hey Gwen, I'm going on a d with Jule and I need you to wait for Nathan to comeback her house while we are gone."
"Yeah I suppose you're right," He replied, "And we have to start somewhere, so I guess I will be content with servitude for the time being." He chuckled "I am a bit out of touch I am something of a hermit, which has left this cabin more or less in the dark ages... I will go the river and get some water, if you would go get the large basin out from the bottom cupboard that would be great, the bathroom is down the other hallway off the living room; you should find towels, washcloths and like in the closet just across from the bathroom. So you get ready, and I will get the water and heat it in the fire for you." Cedric said as he stood and left to the closet across from the bathroom opened the door; and emerged with four large buckets. "Be back soon sorry for the inconvenience." He said as he left the cabin.



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