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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Tilting her head at Cedric she nodded at his request to call or write to him in her case by his first name and watched as he went off to gather herbs, putting the rock down on the ground beside her. She kept one eye on the forest around her before hearing Cedric come back and put the herbs down in front of her. Picking up the herbs she tore the frayed strips of Cedric's shirt off to get at the wound before picking up the herb and popping them into her mouth. Chewing them to make a temporary poultice, she removed the chewed herbs and pressed it onto his wound before picking up the strip of cloth she'd taken from her kimono sleeve and wrapping it around his shoulder before tying the ends of the cloth together in front of her. Using her hand, she wiped at the note on the ground to get rid of the words and got to her feet, bending to pick up the rock. @Flack

(Might be going out to the store so if I don't reply then I'm on my way to town to get groceries and in that case will reply when I get back.)
He winced as the strip was tied. Well hopefully things will go smoothly . "Thank you." Cedric said, "When we get to the cabin you will have to make a list of things you need." He said as he got up. He sniffed the air, all seemed to be back to normal no demons close by anyway. "Please follow me." He asked as he turned off the trail, going at a slower pace so Andalib could keep up, also so he didn't exert anymore strength than he needed to. He took care to move branches, and flatten the taller grasses and weeds so she could follow him easier. He didn't want to have won a fight just to have her get lost in the forest.


(Sounds good have a safe and prosperous trip.)
Nodding, she followed off the path and deeper into the forest. Her erratic breathing had slowed down once the other demon had left, keeping her eyes on Cedric to assist if needed. He was wounded after all and she knew from experience that wounds made all the difference in a fight. It had been why she'd been captured when she was a child. She'd gotten wounded by one of the demons when she'd tried to run and the blood trail had made it easy for them to follow and find her though she'd tried outrunning them. Shaking her head, she followed along, knowing she would need clothes and maybe another pair or two of shoes as well as weapons. Cedric was a strange demon, seeming to care about her safety and well-being. It didn't make a lot of sense to her. @Flack
Good, things were going well,now any way. They continued on deeper and deeper into the forest. After some time of traveling, Cedric turned back to see how Andalib was doing. "Do you need to rest?" he asked, "You'll have to forgive my ignorance, I have never had a slave before; so this is a learning experience for me." He was hoping not to royally screw things up by driving the girl to exhaustion on her first day; this was the first time he wished he didn't live so far away. Naturally he choose the center of the forest because it was away from everything which is what he wanted at the time, truth be told the cabin was very out dated no electricity, heat save for the fireplace, running water; somethings might have to change now that it's not just me he thought. Cedric did hope that the changes wouldn't have to happen to quickly he didn't really like change; but if it meant making a better impression and things easier for her he would do his best to grin and bear it.

xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Luna hugged Violet. "That sounds perfect!" Luna then sighed. "But we'd need to save up some money before we could do that."
"Well I don't think so, lets just sell the house and leave it all behind and go north!"
Nathan woke up noticing Benji was gone he no where in the house so he put a note on the door saying he left to find Benji and is going to the forest.
Andalib was tired but shook her head. No way was she going to rest out here in the wilderness with some human eating demon running all over. Such a thought was paramount to suicide. The girl let out a soundless sigh at the thought that she wouldn't be able to go outside either with that thing waiting in the shadows either. @Flack


"You can pick whatever clothes and other stuff you want so long as it's not sleazy looking, nothing tight or see-through, no shorts with words on them like some stupid girls wear today. Get yourself a jacket though, some gloves or mittens, scarf, boots, rain boots if you can, and a heavy winter jacket. Maybe a rain coat as well," Seth said as he got out of the car. He was pleased the girl didn't seem to be objecting to her new life and not making a fuss like some slaves he'd had in the past. Once Jin was out of the car, Seth led the way to the restaurant. "There may be other slaves here with their masters. Try not to talk to them. Most demons don't like their slaves having lives outside of serving their masters and it'll just cause the slaves problems when they get home." @The Unamed Character
"If you're sure," Cedric replied, "I could carry you if you'd like the you can save your strength, and we would get to the cabin faster." he suggested. Wanted to get home as soon as possible. He could get his wound treated properly and Andalib could get a bath in, granted that meant getting water from the river, then heating water in the fire place, and then filling the tub. But it would be worth it. Then they could rest and tomorrow they could go into town with her list of supplies, and he may have to look into ways of getting power to the cabin; but he would wait until tomorrow to deal with that.

Andalib nodded at the suggestion of being carried and walked over to Cedric, not sure if he was going to change into the wolf again or if he was just going to carry her in his regular form. @Flack
Cedric picked her up with his good arm, and quickened his pace. Happy that she didn't reject his offer, it was more than likely that she was already tired due to her time in captivity. At this rate they should make it to the cabin, before nightfall. The forest wasn't the most friendly place during the day, but it was worse at night. Cedric hoped to avoid the other demons; the ones who liked to go bump in the night. "I hope you like deer, I have some; and was thinking we could have that for dinner, I also have a garden and there's different fruits and vegetables." He hoped she would like something, he knew humans ate meat and vegetables but he didn't know what Andalib liked and hope that they would have similar tastes; if not he would learn what she liked to eat and acquire some of those for her tomorrow as well.

((Wolf Form))

Kate was still grumbling about her failure to kill when she heard a slight rustling in the woods. Turning around, she allowed her nose and ears to lead her to the source of the sound. Hopefully another human... Kate thought hungrily, licking her maw.

Andalib nodded to say she was okay with venison. She hadn't gotten to eat it much when she'd been on her own, mostly rabbit, berries, fish, and squirrel when she could catch it. Sometimes crow or pheasant if she was lucky enough to hit one. She wrapped her arms around Cedric's neck to keep from falling on the ground and watched the forest go by, trying to memorize the twists and turns of the forest but got lost after a few miles. Exhausted the girl ended up dozing off. @Flack
Cedric glanced down at the girl he was carrying she had fallen asleep, he wasn't sure if it was because of the events earlier or if she trusted him a little; maybe both. He smiled, who knew a small thing to bring you joy, just by doing what they were made to do. Cedric took care to walk as smoothly as possible so as not to disturb her. After and hour or so they had finally made it to his cabin. He raised his wounded arm and winced, but turned the doorknob and went inside. He went to the spare bedroom; and gently laid Andalib down on the small bed. "Rest well." he whispered, as he left. He then headed to the kitchen to cook dinner for himself and his companion.

Andalib didn't hear Cedric's whisper or him leaving the room she'd been set in which proved how tired she was. She burrowed herself into the bed though it would be strange for her to wake up in a bed as she had been sleeping on the floor or the ground all her life as her mother's master hadn't wanted her in any of the beds in his home. Her breathing evened out as she slept, oblivious to the world around her. @Flack
Cedric finished making the stew, and eat some of it; he saved some of it for Andalib. He checked on her just by peering into the door still asleep. It had been a stressful day for both of them, and sleep sounded like a good idea. So he headed into his room just across the small hallway. Cedric crawled into his bed and layed on his stomach. He was quickly asleep, praying that when he woke up she was still there.
Andalib slept for several hours before finally waking due to hunger. When she woke she didn't move for a few minutes, blinking the sleep from her eyes and staring at the door before sitting up. Feeling something soft underneath her, she looked and saw she was sitting on a bed. Winching she closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble for not being on the floor, not knowing how Cedric would take his slave being on this bed. Her kimono made a soft swishing sound as she stood and she looked around the room she was in before walking out of the room and looking around the hallway. Spotting another door across from the room she'd been put in, she went towards the smell of food. In the kitchen she saw a pot on the stove and walked slowly towards it while looking around for something to remove the cover with. Spotting a towel on the table, she picked it up and walked over to the pot, picking up the cover and looking in at the food before setting it aside.

Rummaging through the cupboards, Andalib found a bowl and spoon before setting the spoon at the table. Walking to the fire, she pulled ladled some stew into the bowl and then put the cover back on, walking quietly as she could back to the table before setting the bowl on the table. Seeing the fire was low, she abandoned her hunger for the time being, walked back to the fire and crouched down before blowing on the coals to get the fire started again. At least she knew how to keep a fire going and fed the fire some small sticks she saw lying in a wood box to her right. @Flack
Cedric's ears twitched he heard something, someone was in his house but who he wondered. He got up quietly and peered out his door no one in the hallway; but there was a rather foul smell coming from the living room; "Oh, that's right I got a slave.' he thought. He went out to check on Andalib, it was going to take some getting used to having her around. There she was tending to the fire. "Looks like I need to get some more logs and tinder." He said,. "Why don't you eat and I will take care of the fire." "I hope the bed was comfortable." He added; There was simple furniture in the living room a love seat and two chairs. In the kitchen there was was a small table and two chairs made of wood, the stove and sink were there as well.

Andalib looked up as Cedric entered and mentioned him dealing with the fire while she ate followed by a statement about the bed. The relief that she didn't seem to be in trouble for sleeping in the bed would be obvious on her face but she got up and made her way to the table before pulling out the chair and sitting down. Blowing on the stew, she nodded and smiled to show that the bed was indeed comfortable though she was surprised she'd slept so long and wondered to herself if part of the reason was never having slept on such comfort before. Maybe that was what sleeping on a cloud was like. Spooning up some of the stew she took a bite and her eyes lit up at the taste. @Flack
Cedric smiled, and tended to the fire. 'I guess must of had to sleep in the cage.' he thought. Once the fire was going properly again. He left went into his bedroom and grabbed some paper and pens; he went over to Andalib and set them down next to her. "I'm glad you like it." He smiled and sat across from from her. "When your done you can write a list of things you'll need and of thing you like to eat. We can go get them in the morning." he said. Cedric watched her eat for awhile, humans where so similar to shadow demons in some aspects it was fascinating to him. He didn't know why it was but it just was.

Andalib looked at the paper and pens as they were set down beside her and then up at Cedric, nodding once to show she understood and continued to eat her meal, making sure to keep her food away from the writing supplies. Due to this being her first meal for a week, not to mention significantly better than the food slaves who were waiting for masters were given, the food was soon gone and she pushed the bowl aside after placing the spoon in it before grabbing the paper and a pen. Tapping the pen on the table after pulling the cap off, Andalib thought before writing down a list. Not sure what to call the list, she just put Andalib's List. Clothing: Kimono x 12, boots, socks, nightgown x 7, pajamas x 7, jeans x 7, t-shirts x 7, long sleeve shirts x 7, winter coat, gloves, scarf...After some thought she put down dress, undergarments, sneakers, high heels. Weapons: Bow and Arrows/Quiver, sword and sheath, feng huo lun, twin war fans. Other: Piano (if not expensive purchase), sketchpad/pencils, some books. Underlining the weapons and kimonos, she moved that list to the side and began writing on another piece of paper out food she liked. Chicken, Steak, Rice, Pasta, Soup, Bread, Water, Tea, she didn't put down vegetables and fruit since Cedric had said he had a garden full of vegetables and fruits, and added staples to make food with that were common with humans such as flour, baking soda, sugar, butter, oil, etc. Putting the pen down she put the food list on top of the list of things she needed before looking at Cedric to see if he needed her to write anything else. @Flack
Cedric smiled, well it looks like we'll be in town for awhile tomorrow he sighed. "Is there anything else you need? I don't go into towns or cities that often and for the time being would like to keep it that way." He noted how quickly she had eaten, and decided to make a big breakfast in the morning. She seemed to be thoughtful and resourceful she was a keeper. Cedric was kind of fascinated at all the things humans needed like all the clothes, who knew they made so many kinds. She was also very skilled with many weapons so she was a very sound investment. It would probably be best if they left early in the morning and stayed in an Inn or whatever the modern term was for them, so they could avoid traveling in the evening hours; and travel in the morning when it was safer. "I hope you don't mind us leaving at dawn tomorrow, it will be safer for us to travel then." He stated.

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