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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

*her eyes fluttered open and she started freaking out a little* "Who are you people!! Where am I?!" *She started breathing a little heavy as she panicked the last thing she consciously remembers is shooting the creature dead.*
"Don't be afraid..." the father said, calm as always. "We're your friends. My son has found you and brought you here to help you." "Friends?!" Dracula cried out. "You should have died from that creature! Idiots who come to this world although they can't fight endanger all of us!" Then he just burst out in tears.
Nyla looks at them, "Friends? I don't even know your names." She looks at Dracula "And You, I've been fighting since I was four years old! This is not my first rodeo! I've been in this world for as long as I can remember! I'm a good fighter and I can kill you in two seconds flat! I was ambushed by those things. I didn't have enough amo for all of them."
Dracula: "A good fighter knows how to fight them off for some time. A really good fighter also knows this, but he isn't ashamed to admit that he can't fight them off alone and calls for help..." Dracula cried. "Damn, this is all getting too much for me! We're trapped in this goddamn world, my bloodlust is killing me, we're running out of blood bags, now one more person needs them and my child is dying because he can't get the medical treatment he needs!"

"I'd say you're about 16" the father added. "And I don't doubt that you're a good fighter. You just need to get more experience."
"I am 15 and a half. My name is Nyla. What's yours?" She says to Dracula's father. "And you" she looks at Dracula "I am sorry about your son. And honestly I have no one to call for help when I fight. I'm alone. Always have been, most likely always will be. I have no one. Don't care too much for others either but that's just because people don't usually like my kind." Her eyes glow yellow and have slits like a cats.
Father: "Nice to meet you, Nyla. I'm Vladislaus." "Listen" Dracula told her. "You might not have friends or a family, but you should learn to call for help. Usually, people are around who are willing to help you. Best is to call for help via telepathy, so that you can reach a lot of people with your call." Father: "You should listen to him. He's really experienced. He was in his first battle at the age of five and was trained by multiple great fighters. Now, he's 583."
"Oh wow you don't look a day past 30. " Nyla smiles a little. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." I was never told about people who could help me. I was adopted by a werewolf who died when I was four. I can't use telepathy and I don't prefer magic, I like to use strategy and battle skills. But thanks anyways.
"Anyone can learn to use telepathy" Dracula said. "I'm Count Dracula, by the way." Toma came in. "Who are you?" he asked Nyla.

Dracula: "Physically, I'm 45, by the way. And could you believe that my father is the oldest known person alive?"
She changed back into a angel and flew through the woods quietly. All of a sudden she heard gunfire and she flew towards it. As she entered the area a few bullets bounced off a tree and hit her in the wing and stomach. She fell back and screamed an ear splintering scream. She hit the ground and laid there bleeding out as her wings wrapped around her. The blood from her wing smeared over her face making the pale skin turn a ghastly red. "Oh great, I'm injured and now everything in these woods knows where I am."
Nyla looks at Dracula, "You say that as if it is as easy as riding a bike. Well guess what? I can't do that either." She looks at Toma "hello. I'm Ny."
*Nyla sighed* I suppose I could try it. *She looks at Toma and bows her head a little.* Nice to meet you your highness * she says it kind of playfully*
Ny looks at Ioan* You can call me Ny * Ny looks around at Dracula and all of them* Are you all Vampires? And if so...Why would you want to help me? You gave me blood that you could have drank, Your letting a stranger in your house, at least I think it's a house? Your all being, like, really nice to me give or take a little *she looks at Dracula a tad jokingly then looks back at all of them,* When I have done nothing for you. I'm simply someone who was dying in the woods because of my idiocy about being a loner (apparently) named Ny to you. You called me your friend. Why?
Dracula: "We aren't all vampires. Only Ioan, Mihnea, my father and me. And Ioan also is a sorcerer. - If we want to survive, we should stick together. That's better than fighting alone."
Animkii plowed his way into the cabin, hurling his body against a wall in exhaustion and pain due to his wounds. Maybe he shouldn't have rejected the help, but it was a bit too late to go back - he wasn't going to prove himself wrong. That was only something a fool would do. So, Animkii stayed quiet as he was against the wall, chest moving up and down with every deep breath taken.
Waya had casually followed him and was a little ways away she flipped her golden hair and then shoved her hands in her black hoodie pockets her Strom grey eyes illuminated in the shadows
"Where are you, actually?" the father asked Amikii via telepathy. "It's not good to leave the quarter in the condition that you've been in."
Animkii heard the voice in his head prod around with a question, but didn't reply. Instead, he sat there in silence, thinking for a moment - then, he retorted after a few short minutes, "cabin. HQ. find me." Animkii let his head fall onto his knees hands up for support. It was rare for anyone to pass through the thoughts of his, and the occurrence piqued a newfound annoyance with the ability, but not the person wielding it.
"Didn't notice a wounded monster? Don't blame you. I wouldn't want to either," Animkii huffed, running a hand through his hair. His voice muffled. "I think I am okay. I - I just need rest is all."
"Don't worry. Most people here aren't human. Vladi, Mihnea, Ioan and me, for example, are vampires, and Ioan is a sorcerer in addition. We won't blame you if you should lose control. We know it's not your fault. Shall I take a look at your wounds?" the father asked. Right in this moment, Ioan came in. "Speaking of losing control," he began. "I think I've got a solution for the case that this should happen to you."
"Alright... And um, I also promise to return your blood when I can." *she looks directly at Dracula. You can tell that she means it and will keep her word. Her eyes seem to be a little brighter yellow not glowing with her creature side but her ferocity. After a few moments of silence she looks away.* "um, Did you happen to take my backpack in? I don't go anywhere with out it."

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