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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Tomo kept note of the changing, pondering on ways to make it any less painful. "You know, if it hurts, it's okay to scream." He looked over at the changing man. "There are times where it's completely necessary to show how much pain there is. If you want, when you're done changing, we can go hunting for more deer. I see that you are pretty hungry. I bet those circus idiots don't feed you much." Tomo stood up, patting off any dirt and brambles on it. It's purple eyes glinted with a slight smile. "Kinda like bonding time, new friend." It's teeth showed with the slight smile, and it's ears perked up.
Waya rolled her eyes she probably should not have just left like that and her conscience screwed with her brain she finally decided to go back to the and she sighed turning around she headed toward Tomo and Animkii
Luci didn't hesitate to shove the angel against a tree, holding her down with one hand. "Tell me, have I been a good girl?" She asked, feigning innocence. "Will I go to hell if I, say, punch an angel in the face?"
Luci stepped back, releasing her. Maybe she wasn't bad at all...but Luci couldn't shrug off the feeling of hostility. "Well, it's been nice talking to you and all, but I gotta go. Bye-bye!" She then began to walk away briskly, wondering if the angel would follow. Oh the irony.
Animkii refused to scream, he refused to show weakness despite his changing state; despite the pain that had succumbed. He winced in pain as he pushed himself up. Despite the malnutrition, he remained in the muscular form he was prior to being turned into a Wendigo many years ago. "I just need to rest," he replied sternly, voice a bit broken. "I appreciate - nn - your offer, but - nn - I need rest.. and medical attention." Animkii held onto his fresh wounds given by Weya.

Waya walked out of the forest into the clearing with Tomo and Animkii she faced Animkii and mumbled to herself than said " Look I'm sorry about my outburst this dam moon messes with my mind the bigger it gets...so, I'm sorry " she bli led when she finished and glanced to the wounds she pulled out some herbs and said " I can fix those by the way "
"Oh shit! Okay. I'll help you back to the cabin." Tomo quickly grabs Nim, making it's way back to the cabin. "And don't you dare tell me to put you down. I'm not letting you get in any worse conditiong, you hear?" Tomo said in all seriousness. "I'll patch up your wound, and then I'll lay you in the bed. Is there anything that's special to wendigo folk that can treat their pain? Or put the to sleep?"

"Wait, I think I just heard Waya say that she had something that'll help." Tomo stops in it's tracks, going back down. "Please make this quick. We can't afford for him to lose any more blood."
"It's been a while since I've been able to rest peacefully. Simply patch me up with any method, and I will put myself to sleep - if able to," between the words came deep breaths. His eyes landing on Waya. "I don't need your herbs. Wendigo aren't easily healed with any herb given," he struggled to speak and tried to hold himself up.
Waya rolled her eyes she was already grinding herbs " it will make the bleeding and pain stop " she had a bowl and a container of water she mixed the herbs in with water and sap to make a paste then she put her things away and got up with the past she walked over to Animkii and before he could say anything she pulled his shirt out of the way and professionally yet gently applied the paste making the bleeding atop and the mint would make it go numb so the pain would go away
Animkii still rejected the herbs, brushed them off of himself and moving before she could do anything further. "I don't need your help. Now go," he grunted between his teeth and went to enter the cabin, hands gripping himself.
Luci flinched when the butterfly landed on her shoulder. Flying creatures creeped her out. She was starting to believe the angel stalking was her punishment for something. "You land on me again, little butterfly, or touch me in any form, I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?" She held the butterfly by the wings, pressing harder.
Waya rolled her eyes she put the paste in a different container and handed it to him then turned and walked to the edge of the clearing mumbling " At least I tried to help "
Animkii, after being handed the container, threw it aside. He needn't any help, especially from the one who had inflicted his wounds. Anti koi spit to the side, scrambling onto the door frame.
Waya glanced back when he tossed it aside and snorted she turned and sat down Indian style facing them silently she leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and her head on her hands she closed her eyes just sitting there
I'm running through the forest and I jump over a log. I roll on the floor and keep running. I hide behind a tree and look behind me. There's nothing there now and I sigh and fall to the forest floor. My side is bleeding badly and I put my hand over it. I rip a piece off of the sleeve of my shirt and I wrap it around my side. I grit my teeth and close my eyes. When they open again there glowing yellow. I have sharp teeth as well just for a moment, then they go back to normal. I turn my head and look at my surroundings. I think I hear something, like something dropping and I yell "who's there!?" In a faint but strong voice. I pull out one of my guns and I rest it on my leg. Looking around my vision fading from loss of blood. I think to myself "It doesn't matter if my visions blurry I always hit my target no matter what." I sigh and try to blink away my blurry eyes.
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Luci took the butterflies unresponsiveness as defeat. At least, that's what she believed. Leaving it alone, she sprinted off toward a familiar direction. The cabin- in hopes of meeting with the others again. A few more noises met Luci's ears, and she glanced around carefully. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched; which wouldn't surprise her, she was quite loud when provoked. Slowing down to a steady pace, Luci made it to the clearing, noticing Tomo and Wendy were present...and they seemed a bit out of sorts. The wolf didn't seem to be near, maybe they had an argument? As she walked passed them, Luci left the door open, part of her wanted to ask what in the world happened to them, but a part of her just wanted to eat ramen and sleep. All in that order.

Doing so; she stepped into the room, setting her sword aside and sitting in a corner of the room. Peace, finally.
Nyla sees a creature come out of the woods and it's the one that was previously chasing her. "You came back for more huh!???" She yells at him. He just gives her this creepy grin and lunges for her. She shoots him out of the air with five shots in 5 seconds flat. He's dead. The sound of her gun fire makes a huge echo noise throughout the forest reaching probably everyone or everything in the forest or surrounding it's ears.Nyla thinks to herself "If I don't die of blood loss, I'll die of the creatures finding me." So she grits her teeth and forces her self to get up and she makes it to a clearing where she sees a little house of some sort before she passes out on the cool grass.*

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