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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Waya snorted and turned her head away when the moon got blocked by some clouds she winced and shook off and stood up having shifted back now she flicpoed her golden hair and she still had black wolf ears and a black tail
Now that the "crisis" was averted, Luci looked around the now calm area. Wolf seemed appeased, whatever Tomo did worked. At its earlier comment, Luci picked up a random stick with her foot, balancing it and somehow managing to muster enough leg power to kick it at Tomo without ever using her hand. Skill. Pure skill.

Crossing her arms, Luci looked up at the sky and back at the two strangers. "It's getting late. I say we keep the wolf for now, see what it can do in real combat. As for you beast-man," Luci remembered his earlier comment, nearly clenching her teeth. "I don't assume you have a place to stay, unless you want to go back in that cage." She shrugged. "Maybe we'll let you stay with us if you decide to...to..." Luci couldn't think of the proper words. At least, words that made sense. "Eat ramen with us!"

Yes, that seemed like quite the deal. That should be their new requirement tagline.
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Dracula had heard what Amikii had been saying. Dracula: "I know... it's similar with me. Whoever calls me nice hasn't seen me during a flashback... I don't literally change into a monster, but those flashbacks make me unable to control my feelings." "Humans can be more than mean" Ioan added. He looked at his thumbs, which must have been broken several times, and his scarred skin. "We can all sing a song of this. But you should know that not all of them are like this... Toma, for example, isn't." Ioan smiled. Ioan: "He's a very nice and smart little boy."
"You just do not hesitate to throw something at me, huh?" Tomo snarled at Luci. "However, you're right. Let's keep Wolfy, and then we'll do something about Wendy, too. He can sleep in my bed. I'll just sleep in a bundle of leaves or something. But yeah. If he eats the ramen, I'll let him ultimately stay. But, I will prepare it in a way that he likes it." Tomo added, kinda wanting the wendigo to stay. He seems like a cool guy, despite the hate for humans and passive aggressiveness toward Tomo. "Also, we can't forget that Drac is also right. Not all humans are that horrible. I've seen pretty bad ones. They've murdered my parents. Murdered my clan. Throughout my life, nothing but death and carnage has followed me. But, some humans are pretty good." It looked down, the perky black tail drifting slowly down with the sudden pang of sadness.

Tomo shrugged it off. Need to keep my training. Never show too much emotion. "Well guys, I suppose we head back. Wendy, you're potty trained, right?" Tomo snickered at this comment.
Waya snarled and snapped at him in Cherokee Indian " Dagwado Watton Waya! Liga! " she snorted and flipped her hair turning away then adding in English " Excuse my native tongue...I shall repeat myself to your understanding, My name is Watton Waya understand...now use it....and it means Black wolf "
"Excuse me, Waya. I'm sorry. But I think Wolfy sounds better for you." Tomo laughs a little, looking at the werewolf. "However, if you really insist I call you Waya, then I will. Waya not?" Tomo bursts out laughing, it's pun really getting to it. After a little, it's laughter died down. "Hahaha... I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."
Waya snarled and said facing him now " Its pronounce wey-a not why-a! " her ears where laid back and her tail fur bristled angrily
Waya growled she turned back towards the forest and flipped her hair beggining to walk off into the shadows of the night
Once the Wendigo heard the Cherokee tongue, he was.. taken aback. Not, in transcendental terror, but mystified by the fact that there were still those with their Native American tongue. He rose a brow at Weya. She seemed a bit psychosomatic, however he disregarded it; anyone would've really reacted that way if someone mispronounced their name in such a foolish manner. Of course, it was expected -- Tomo wasn't that of Native tongue. At all. The Wendigo crossed his arms, watching the scene -- eyes set on the extraordinary sight.

That was all taken away, though. The wolf began to walk away into the abysses of darkness, equivalent to the lucrative times when you'd simply want to be alone.

He huffed, deep voice brewing in the air, "Tomo." A sigh of frustration due to secondhand embarrassment set in afterwards.
Tomo looked up at Wendy. "Hey man. Sorry. I guess I was being a bit disrespectful." Tomo looked down. "Hey, should I go grab her?" Without waiting for an answer, it chases after the werewolf.

"Hey! Waya! Come back! I'm sorry for my rudeness. I'll treat you to something for forgiveness?" Tomo calls after the wolf, finally catching up to her. "Hey. Phew, you run fast." Tomo is only slightly out of breath, his stamina diminished from the eventful day. "Look, I know I was rude, and I was being a little pussy, but I'm sorry." It raises it's hands in a kind of prayer-looking form, slightly bowing as it runs in apology.

"Also, I won't treat you like a puppy anymore. I can see just well that you are," Tomo half checks the wolf out, "Very much not a little dog."
"A literal pussy. Play on words, and Tomo probably didn't even realize that," Amikii shook his head as he listened to the words that were not too far away from him. "And she surely is a puppy. No werewolf would be that emotional over a petty name." The Wendigo spoke quietly to himself, arms still crossed as he squinted to get better vision of the two.
Tomo could hear Wendy all the way from there. "Look Wendy! I know it was a play on words! And she most definitely does NOT look like a pup to me." Tomo laughed, still having his eyes on the wolf. "I mean, look at the size of her... I mean, her chest is practically the size of two pups!"
Waya listened to Tomo she heard Amikki's comment and her ear flicked at him in annoyance then she heard Tomo's remark of her chest and she blinked a little taken back he had actually been looking there she folded her arms across her chest you could see every muscle in her body just about and was very tall like any other werewolf only she was larger in every way
"W-Wendy?!" He growled, brows furrowed. "It's Animkii! Nimh-kee!" The Wendigo understood the shorter version of the name, but despised the Western birth of it. "She's a puppy! Acts like one, looks like one."
Snarled and yelled at Amikki now facing him " Dispensi! Perdoni! " (excuse! me!) She snarled and glared at the Wendigo her muscles quivered ready to shift
She had been hovering over them the entire time and had changed into a crow to continue to follow them. She alighted on a tree nearby them and cawed loudly.
Tomo cackled with laughter. "Haha, Okay. Kim-chee~" Tomo added with a bit of sarcasm. Tomo's eyes lit up the night, a purple glow in the vast, dead forest. Tomo then sees Waya turn on Animkii. "Whoah hey! Okay. Okay. Guys. We gotta cool down. I'm all about dumb jokes, but actual serious fighting among should-be allies? Not cool." Tomo hops in the way of the wolf, standing with it's arms up in front of her. "Let's all just get along here!"
"Listen, you Cherokee Mongrel," Animkii growled, holding out his claws. "I'm not afraid with channeling the Wendigo beast. You don't scare me," he spoke in his Ojibwe tongue and snarled, teeth showing. His attention shifted to Tomo. "Kimchee?!" Animkii didn't want to be called a tasty snack.

Then, the sudden caw caught his attention. It was like everything was coming all at once.
" Mongrel!!! My people lived in peace till the humans came and destroyed it!!! " She yelled then rambled on with curses to fast to hear in Cherokee then she sshouldered past Tomo she had snapped and shifted into her werewolf form attacking Animkii
The violent incident caused him to have to change into his Wendigo form. He was larger, quite scarier than Weya. She shouldn't have attacked. He roared, tossing the werewolf away. Three scratches already shown on his arms.
Shit. What should I do? Tomo stood there, in awe that the girl attacked. Do I interrupt the fight? Will Nim change back if I do? Tomo couldn't bear the thought that it would be useless in this situation, not knowing at all what to do. The only thing it could do was grab the still-dozing Luci, along with little Toma, and take them into the nearest tree, away from the danger.
Waya snarled and twisted to her feet before landing she gripped the earth and circled the Wendigo she didn't care if he was bigger...he had more room to be ugly, she was actually sexy in werewolf form and was proud of it
The Wendigo growled even louder, enough to rumble the whole forest. Over the years, he's become stronger, more powerful. Animkii, luckily, didn't go through the painful process of transition, but now he had to deal with turning back to a human. His hands and feet gripped the earth, legs shoveling dirt away. If she were to fight, then so be it -- he would put one up.
Waya quickly sprung at him flinging the dirt she had gripped behind her biting at his shoulder and clawing near his neck and chest

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