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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

By the time Tomo left, Luci was scarfing down numerous bowls of ramen. Goddamn cat. Should've made more! The aroma itself eased her senses; and she needed that right now. With the countless sounds going on in and outside the cabin, it was safe to say Luci would probably be gone within five minutes, depending on how hungry she still was. Her body wasn't exactly petite, she needed to feel full. After a few minutes, she walked over to the window, wondering what kind of trouble Tomo was getting itself into.

"Oh, curiosity always kills the cat..." Luci shrugs with a small grin, glancing over at the beast that was now a man. It would probably be dangerous to stick around for so long, but its intentions were still unclear to her. Dracula was here, too. She didn't particularly wish to stick around and wait until he got thirsty, though, he wouldn't dare touch her. Even if she was human. She didn't join the Special Task Force to be kicked around, but rather joined to do the kicking around.

With a long yawn, Luci grabbed her sword, slinging it over her shoulder. It was adventure time.
The beast, Amikii, watched as the other had gotten ready to take her leave - of course, it was probably due to Tomo's curiosity and, for some reason, ability to attract themselves to things that were, quite likely, dangerous. Not a surprise, the bunch seemed like troublemakers and vast adventurers who yearned for the taste of exploration. Evidently, this cause Amikii to become curious as well. He wanted to know what the big deal was, but it wasn't his place be make such an effort.

Amikii gripped his forearms as he looked down at the ground. The air from outside rustled in the glorious smell of grass, but brought in cold air that he thought he'd gotten used to.

The Wendigo looked back up, blinking a few times - this was possibly an opportunity for good eats. Ramen didn't seem very good, and all he craved at the moment was the appendages of dead animals, humans, and meat. Raw meat. Appendages because that was all he was really fed at the circus and all he had left in his mouth - and raw meat because that was all he longed for after his capture. "This.. Ramen. It smells like the ass of a goat."
Luci felt very content, both inside and out. Before departing, however, she dug into a cabinet and found a rotten apple. How convenient. Swiftly, she threw the apple square in the beast-dude's fast. She didn't appreciate his earlier comment, and there was no way she'd ignore it. "Mr. Ramen Insulter, stop complaining. Tomo makes the best ramen! You could at least be a little bit grateful," She bit out in a fury of words. Rule #1- Never insult ramen. Thinking she made her point across, Luci departed in a seemingly 'angry walk' and frown plastered on her face. Tomo better be alive to make her more ramen...

Even if she joked around constantly about his inevitable death, she couldn't bear his actual demise. Who else would cook food for her?
"You humans are not only cruel, but as time has past, become more odd," he replied, picking the apple up from where it had dropped. He didn't appreciate the response and definitely could've thrown it back. The thing was, was that Amikii wasn't one to make a big deal of throwing such petty things, and saw that it was something that was not worth retaliation. "I never said I wasn't grateful," he stammered, watching her walk away, with such mediocre responses. From earlier, when he'd heard Tomo call her Cute, Amikii, for some reason, could agree.
Upon leaving, Luci looked back at the cabin, wondering if leaving the stranger was the morale thing to do. Granted, it was a man-beast, it could probably take care of itself, even if it was injured. Still, if things got out of hand, she wouldn't refuse help. Even from a ramen insulter.

Eventually, she found Tomo sludging around like a lazy sloth, Luci found it necessary to roundhouse kick him in the back of the head. Since she decided to use half of her actual strength, the kick would merely leave a bump...a big one. Since she was wearing armor. "Wake up, kitty! I see you aren't dead yet." Luci proclaimed with a wide grin, immediately turning serious. "Wolf, huh?" Luci spoke to the darkness, hearing the growl. "Well, if it's friendly, leave it be. If it tries to bite your hand off, kill it." Luci stated with utmost simplicity. Her presence alone could possibly alert even the dead.
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Waya snarled upon hearing the girls comment she hated being insulted and would not tolerate it she jumped out of the shadows her fur litghing up by the moon and she stood at her full height roaring over them 20 feet away she still had blood from the deer dripping from her muzzle and paws with her teeth bared, ears laid back, tail swishing angrily behind her and all with the effect of blood was highly intimidating

@TomoyaKoga @kokochii
More and more of his thoughts materialized slowly, each idea pushing at each other. Madness breeds madness, and sadly, he was given the ability of the beast by the very Deities who meant to help him, not harm him. The gluttonous souls floating in excrement -- granting him something he'd never wished for. In Ojibwe Lore, Wendigo were never seen as heroes. In fact, they were the very monsters that caused grief and despair with every fabric of their being. They were the ones who hurt people, and Amikii was basically the only one in existence that didn't want to hurt anyone that was seen as innocent.

He shook his head. Thoughts scrambling to leave. And now, he wanted to follow, but he found that it would be weird if he did. There was no real reason to, and his curiosity wasn't much of a drive. The beast -- monster -- was taken aback by everything that had happened in such a short amount of time, but it beat being in a cage all day where you'd be abused and humiliated.

"Uck," he huffed, looking over to the vampires. He'd never really been around, nor associated with them, so he'd no idea what to expect from them at all.
"Fuck! Did you really have to KICK me?!" Tomo yelled at Luci before throwing a few kunai at the beast to injure it a little, slowing it down. "You could have fucking KILLED me!" Tomo began running back more, glaring at Luci with it's lit up purple eyes. Tomo then turned around to face the beast.
Waya was quick and dodge the kunai he threw at her then she growled and licked her snout before charging him for making the first move of hostile she almost never attacked unless someone attacked first if she had no reason to
"Hm. The wolf is seemingly aggressive, but maybe I shouldn't have thrown those. Even IF she was charging at us." As the wolf had charged over Tomo, Tomo fell to the side, dodging the ram of the beast. "You know, I really need to find some way to calm you down. Interested in some ramen?" Tomo chuckled slightly at his really badly timed joke. "Or do you just hate me right now because of the fact that I'm a cat?"

Tomo watched the beast run past it, turning back to glare. "Hey now. This could all be avoided if you hadn't leaped at my side-kick here."
Waya growled low and deep you could tell she wasn't really trying to hurt them, you could see it in her eyes, but her expression said otherwise she snapped her jaws near his face deer blood splattered on him
"Oh, you'll be fine." Luci waved her hand nonchalantly, dismissing his temper. As she watched the wolf and Tomo, Luci yawned- also quite badly timed in such a situation. In a non-sneaky maneuver, Luci climbed the nearest tree, sitting on a high perch. "I'm getting kind of tired." She proclaimed with another yawn. "Try and keep it down while you're playing."

Luci believed Tomo could handle the wolf by itself, hopefully that hope wasn't in vain.
"Ugh. Luci, I can't believe I called you cute!" Tomo yells up at Luci. No response. Wow. Okay. I guess this is my time to shine. "Look. I'm a beast. You're a beast. Heyyyy we can be beasty friends. Yeah? Just... Can you do me a favor and sit down? Hell, I'll go hunting with you." Tomo sat down in it's spot, using blind hope to see if the beast will comply. If not, Tomo had a smoke bomb ready for a quick retreat.
Hearing him tell her sit sit triggered something in her brain and she skidded to a complete stop and sat down utterly calm Waya blinked to him as if awaiting the next command
Tomo cocked his head in a slight confusion. Is it like a pet dog? "U-uh.. Follow?" Tomo issued a hesitant command.
Click! Waya got up on her four paws and licked the blood off her muzzle she didn't look like she wanted to kill anyone at all she watched him


[[ Just wanna be a part of somethin' ]]

Amikii heard the commotion from outside, it seemed as if they were having quite the tough time keeping whatever was out there at bay. A short, quick huff left his parted lips as he hopped off the bed he was laying on prior. "Fools," he muttered to himself. It's not toying with food as some people think, it's running off of its adrenaline. He knew that. In fact, he could smell it. Amikii thought to himself that waiting was what he had to do, but instead, there come a point where waiting was no longer possible. Amikii could hear the other beast's heart beating in its own head. It felt attacked, in danger.

Soon after, that danger was erased. That feeling of discontent left the premises.

Amikii made his way out of hiding, eyes darting towards the scene that looked, in a sense, serene. It was impressive how this one, cat-creature-thing was able to keep the beast at the point of no hostility.

"Impressive," the Wendigo spoke out of the blue.

@Wild Born @kokochii
Tomo's ears perked at the sound of the Wendigo's voice. "How is it impressive? I just said some words." Tomo looked over at the wolf, sitting there like an obedient pup. He looked back at the Wendigo. "At what point did you come out? Were you actually worried that something would happen to us?"

To test out it's earlier theory of the beast being an obedient pup, Tomo asked in a nice tone, "Hey, come here so I can pet you?" Tomo wondered if this would work, and would be bewildered if it did.
Waya blinked and snorted when he asked to pet her I'm not a puppy she thought and reluctantly laid down where she was hearing the Wendigo speak made her growl naturally and defensively
Closing her eyes, Luci began muttering incoherent things. About ramen. A tree wasn't necessarily the best spot to take a nap, but screw logic when you're tired. Still- she wasn't completely asleep. Her subconscious was always awake, gnawing, bits and pieces of her past life settling into a not so colorful picture. Regret- really a mundane human concept. Tilting her head to the side, Luci only opened her eyes half way, staring at her limp hand.

The air had never felt so chilly.
"Sorry, wolfy. Had a feeling that wouldn't work. But I get peaceful vibes from this man. You need not to worry." Tomo smiles at the wolf. Then, he looks up to Luci's spot. "Hey Luci! Get your cute lazy ass down here! No time for moping!"
Luci didn't move or react, pretending to truly be asleep. After all, she was kind of tired from all the running. It wouldn't be so bad to actually fall asleep outdoors, underneath the night sky. It had been a while since it was safe to do so. Lately nowhere was safe.

Playing it off some more, Luci uttered a convincing snore, surprised by her own talents.
Tomo, slightly annoyed, hopped up to the branch where Luci was located, sitting by her head. "Now, I know you're not sleeping. I can sense it in your pulse. Now, either you get up, or you're gonna get a sloppy kitty kiss. And I know just how much you hate me." Tomo knew that scratching her wouldn't work, because she'd just laugh it off. So to do something completely disgusting and weird for her would definitely make her perky and running around.
Noticing Tomo's presence, Luci abruptly stopped snoring. She glared at Tomo through half-lidded eyes, her voice soft with genuine tiredness. "I don't hate you, Tomo." Well, that was half the truth. She didn't hate him all the time. Shifting around carefully, Luci decided to sit up more, the bark of the tree was not pleasant against her back. Neither was Tomo's threat. "But if you decide to do something stupid I swear I'll-" A bug crawled over the flesh of her leg, Luci was not a fan. In result, she let herself fall off the branch, free falling gracefully. And by gracefully, she landed on her toes, as agile as a cat. Tomo would be proud.

"Ta-da!" Luci shouted, not nearly as much energy in her voice as before. Sleep was beckoning to her.
Tomo blinked. Hey. I'm supposed to be the cat. It hopped down from the branch in a similar graceful motion as Luci, landing on it's toes. "Two can play at that game." Tomo said with a smirk. "And I'm pretty sure the only reason you don't hate me is because I cook awesome ramen for you. Although Wendy over here thinks it smells like ess of goat." Yup. Tomo nailed the Russian accent. Tomo muttered to himself,"Although, that analogy kinda stings..." Tomo couldn't have it's ramen insulted. Ramen is love. Ramen is life. And it was Tomo's life to make ramen.


Tomo walked over to the wolf, sitting down next to it. "You'll like my ramen, wolfy..."

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