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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Luci forced back the urge to punch Tomo in the face again. "That thing's going to eat us for dinner..." Luci muttered under breath, her stomach suddenly rumbling. She glanced at the Wendigo, a calculating stare-crouching down and offering her hand. Not to eat- but appease. "Hey, relax. We're not going to hurt you." Her voice was uncharacteristically calm, almost soothing. Well, I might. If you attack. She was half-tempted to pet the thing, but retracted her hand as she awaited a response of some sort.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm quadrupling your ramen because not only are you being wayyyy cooler than I thought, but this side of you is somewhat cute." Tomo looks at the two, and slowly comes over. "Hey man. I hope letting you out was a good idea. Pleaseeee don't be mad at me. You looked like you wanted out." Tomo also holds out it's hand, but not close enough that the wendigo would bite it's hand off.
He was beginning to change back into his human form - thankfully. The Beast was something he never wished to use around so many people, and yet, it happened. A few growls left the monster, sharp teeth showing between the parted lips. His claws dug deep into the ground, earth crumbling into his nails. A few minutes pass, and so, he comes back to the form he so wished to be into.

His head pounded, body ached, vision blurred. All was painful, but hey. It's totally worth it when you turn into some hot dude again.

"Whoah. This guy is hot." Tomo looks at the recent beast on the ground. "Luci, help me carry him. We need to get him some medical aid." Tomo picks up the man, piggybacking him, and dashes off to the nearby cabin hideout for the task force.

Upon reaching the hideout, Tomo kicks down the door and places the man on it's bed. I'm no medic, but I can see that you're in dire need of food and bandages. Luci, go get the bandages."
Luci cracked her knuckles. Cute. The word was unbeknownst to her. The last time she was called cute was probably when she was a baby. It definitely wouldn't be the time she murdered a man at a young age. She witnessed the beast turn into a...guy? Luci blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what was before her very eyes. Nevertheless, Luci followed Tomo's orders- reluctantly so. Casually, she kicked him in the shin for his earlier comment, pretending like nothing happened as she looked over the damaged man. "Does he... speak english?" She asked, handing Tomo the bandages.
Tomo snickers at Luci for kicking him. Although Tomo had just called Luci cute, it didn't expect anything to come from it. "I don't know if he speaks English, but we'll see. In the meantime, while you patch him up, I'm gonna cook everyone some food. I'll make all the ramen you want, and I'm sure this guy will be hungry when he wakes up." Tomo goes to the kitchen, grabbing out the largest pot, and begins with the noodles, taking them out of their plastic bag. "Luci, chicken or beef broth?"
Sighing, Luci looks at the bandages presented before her. He expects her to patch the guy up? Sure, she knew how to tear things to pieces, but fixing things wasn't exactly in her skills set. Combat was. And ramen.

Visibly irritated, Luci began bandaging the guys forehead for no particular reason. Maybe it would help. "Surprise me." Luci muttered in question to the food choice.
"Unless you'd rather make the ramen. But we know your cooking skills aren't really all that amazing. Want some fish?" Tomo begins cutting up various bits of meat, fish, and vegetables to put with the ramen, boiling the ramen in beef broth.
Micah glided down from the tree wheres he had watched all the people be slaughtered. She followed silently behind the cat person, girl and wendigo. 'What a magnificent creature he is. I must follow and see where he is going." She follows them to the hideout and perches on top of it, listening to the people inside.
Tomo, completely completely focused on cooking to hear anything coming from outside, stood there with only the ramen on his mind, cutting up meat and putting it with the noodles in the broth and sliding vegetables in. "Guys, this is gonna be delicious. And the dude will love it!" Tomo finishes up the ramen bowl for the injured man, and sets it beside him so that when he wakes up, he can eat. "Luci, yours is gonna take a bit. I am giving you quadruple the size of his, so it's gonna take a bit longer." The only time there seems to be a smile on Tomo's face is when it's either killing a ghoul or cooking, because it knows how good it is at it. Tomo hums a little tune, dicing up the meat into smaller pieces, and throws in some fish before Luci could respond. "Luc, you're getting fish anyway." Tomo smirks and chuckles a little.
Dracula's father walked over to the guy that had just been a beast. "How are you?" he asked, calm as always. "Let me take a look at your wounds... I'm a doctor."
Toma joined his grandfather. Most people lived in fear of that stranger, but Toma... he could feel something else... he could feel how the man was suffering. "Have they been mean to you?" he asked, pitying.
Amikii, throughout everything, was awake, yet; however, was unable to be responsive. That was until, he realized that he was somewhere where there were so many people. It was odd, being out of the cage, and yet all these people trusted themselves to be around him. Amikii immediately sat up, head darted left and right to take in all that was around him. Short, but deep breaths were taken in as he observed. He growled, clinching his fists. He knew then, that they've made a mistake. "Where am I? Who the fuck are you all?" His deep voice flowed like velvet - smooth, yet there was a sense of hostility.
Father: "We're here to help you. My friend Tomo saw you in a cage, suffering, and decided to free you." "Have they been mean to you?" little Toma repeated his question.
"Your friend made a mistake. Wwhen the beast comes back, the beast leaves at his own leisure. And innocent people could very well be hurt," Amikii growled through his teeth and looked at the smaller counterpart. "Humans will always be mean to those like me. They're the monsters who -- Yes. They've been mean. Abused me. Put me for show. They treated me like a pet - no.. an accessory for their show."
Tomo walks to the side of the bed, carrying Luci's extra ramen in with it. "Hey man. I know that you're unfamiliar in this setting. But I couldn't see you suffer like that. Like you, I have beast blood in me, and I know what it's like to feel trapped in a cage. Therefore, I freed you and let you do your thing. It seemed to me like that's what you wanted, but if you really want to come at me, then come at me. Leave the others out of this, because I'm responsible for freeing you from your prison." Tomo stands his ground, being defensive toward the man. "However, I would like to know your name. Mine is Tomo. Let's try to be friendly here, you know? I cooked up some ramen for you, just in case you want it. If there's anything else you'd like, let me know."

Tomo brought utensils for the man to eat with, along with setting portions of the ramen for the other boys. "You guys can have some too, but I doubt it'd do anything to quench any thirst you might have. Can't help ya there buds."
Amikii looked down at the ramen and smaller person. Amikii sniffed human, however, it wasn't the one carrying the food. He glared for a moment, holding the gaze before him. "Obviously, you've no knowledge on the diet of a Wendigo. Whatever this Ramen is, it doesn't sound very appetizing." He growled again, the Human stench was far too much. His eyes fell on the girl before him, Hhuman reeking all over. Although he wouldn't hurt an innocent human, that did not mean that he didn't have a strong dislike towards them.


That's what the girl looked like. A familiar face. Anoa`i. Someone he knew a few hundred years ago. Or at least, it seemed to be.
She found one by the back of the room. She peeked inside. She crouched and bounced on her heels watching through the window. She lifted her nose to the wind, sniffing and smelling fish and noodles. Her sword clattered to the ground and she winced, leaving it and flying up to a tree nearby, watching to see what their reaction would be.
"Hm. Well, I can try to appeal to your diet, if you wish to share what it is that you eat. I'll see if I have some." Tomo takes away the ramen, dumping it into Luci's single pot. "I just want you to feel welcome, rather than intimidated, or threatened. I do not wish to make an enemy out of you." Tomo starts heading back to the bed, but hears a loud clatter from the outside. "Did anyone hear that?" Tomo begins to tense up, looking around and focusing his hearing to anything that may be outside. "I'll be right back, I need to check this out."

Tomo, being the cautious assassin it is, turns on it's invisibility bracer to go check out the situation. Upon coming outside, Tomo notices a sword laying on the ground. What the hell? Is someone trying to ambush us? They're not particularly sneaky, since they are clumsy enough to drop their swords... Tomo sniffs around, trying to get a hint of any smell. Nothing. I'll need to check around a little more. Tomo hops up into a tree, scanning for any sign of life or heat, but notices nothing. Maybe they retreated... Better go inside. It's creepy out here in the forest. Tomo slowly hops down from the tree, leaving the invisibility on, and goes back inside before taking it off.
Waya was in werewolf form hunting in the woods her pitch black pelt blendid in perfectly and when the moon shined on it, the black light up and looked silver. She was chasing a deer and then she pounced landing on it and swiftly button it's neck killing it she took a deep breath in and howled a werewolf howl as loud as she could for as long as she could then began to eat her muzzle and front paws got deer blood on them
I swear to everything neko that I'm hearing more and more shit. Tomo rolled it's eyes, ignoring all the sounds and going back inside. Is it just a figment of my imagination?

Guys, tell me if you hear the wolf howling again. Or if random swords just appear. This way, I know I'm not going completely insane." Tomo looked around at the others, searching for any hint of any clue as to why there are random swords or wolves howling. "That is of course, I need to go around and search. But, that's my job anyway, right?" Tomo sighs in exasperation. "Well, better go check that out too, I guess." Tomo disappears into the night.

"Wolfy wolfy wolfyyyyy." Tomo calls out. "I need to talk to youuuu. Why are you out heeeere?" Tomo sludges around, tired of the eventful day, not wanting to discover anything deadly.
Waya had just finished her fresh kill and blood dripped from her snout and paws then she heard Tomo and growled then silently walked in his direction till she saw him in a small clearing her storm grey eyes illuminated in the darkness she growled hidden in the shadows

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She dropped down from the tree and picked up her sword then flew in the direction of the wolf howl. Her black hair and wings blended perfectly with the dark trees.
Amikii rose a brow, hearing what was going on outside due to his heightened senses. Surely, he had no interest in it, and surely, he didn't wish to intervene. All he wanted was to leave - but Tomo gave the vibe of persistence.

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