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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Animkii took a long, hard look at her as she punched the wall, "I already have, though. Haven't I?" He wasn't afraid of her, the menacing act was simply mediocre, but still a bit impressive for a human. She'd distilled only a small bit of 'scare factor'. Her intimidation meant nothing, "can you just.. cook it over a fire? Wood, stick, pot? Is it not that simple?" Animkii scratched his head as he stood straight, looking towards the direction of the hall that was just shy of the door in front of it.

He tilted his head again, "what am I supposed to do in the kitchen?"

"Same, I was also tortured at a much younger age as well, My guardian who had taken me in and raised me, the lone werewolf... A man killed him in front of me with a gun. then shot me in my shoulder 3 times and stabbed my leg with a sword. I fixed myself with the werewolf wound cream and some herbs and I found a pair of tongs and I pulled out my own bullets. I had the mind of a 23 year old at age four my guardian always told me... There was an engraving on the bullets, a family crest of sorts.... I dedicated my life from that day on to find the man who killed my guardian, I trained for a long time but I never let myself encounter any other creatures unless I was killing them. The humans found out about me and kidnapped me five years later. They kept me alive for a year, they told me they would, but I had to escape. They kept me upside down a lot, but for five hours every day they whipped my back or killed creatures in front of me, that were just like me. They raped me twice in front of their friends... They had me pretty well locked down other wise I would've ripped there throats out then and there. None of them, the men, were related to the man who killed my guardian though. I looked through all of there stuff after I murdered them. Nothing... I did however steal their weaponry. I liked there guns."
Luci, trying her best to ignore his retort, took it upon herself to drag the beast out of her room, directing him to the kitchen by literally dragging him there. She pulled up a chair once in the kitchen, beckoning him to sit. "Just sit here and try to be quiet." Luci commanded, walking over to the stove. She pulled out a pot, turned on the stove, then added water. Wait. Was that the correct order...? Pretending like she knew what she was doing, Luci dumped a block of ramen into the pot, stabbing it with a fork repeatedly. Like beating eggs, right...? Luci then proceeded to add salt, seasoning, and more water until the pot was nearly full. After a while, the room began to smell like ramen. Even more than her own room. She found herself smiling like an idiot, her hands on her hips in a victory stance.

@Fallout Bandit
Animkii sat back, watching the process that had quintessentially, in the end, made the place smell like the ass of a goat he was so dissatisfied with. He crossed his arms, looking at her, then the pot of Ramen - now standing, he made his way over behind her, looking over her shoulder as she made the proud stance that stained his vision. "It looks like the inside of a horse's stomach after eating so much hay. Is it supposed to look like that?" The Wendigo sighed, looking down at the other's smiling face.

Proud of her accomplishment, Luci felt the urge to make more. Possibly some for every special unit member. Maybe even some for Toma- she could shove the ramen in his face and boast about her superb cooking skills. Listening to the beasts words right against her ear, Luci's back stiffened slightly in response, her smile turning into a childish pout. "Your analogies are honestly terrible." Luci stated blatantly, pouring a bowl of ramen for him and setting it on the table. "Eat."

@Fallout Bandit
Animkii was silent for a moment, letting his thoughts ponder as he contemplated whether or not he should actually eat it. Eventually, he concluded to do so - to eat the stench filled concoction, it wasn't like he was going to die from it anyways. The taste would just sit in his mouth for who knew how long. "A please would be nice," he sighed, a bit afraid that he would eat it wrong. Really, he just ate food with his bare hands, so whatever utensil was there, he'd just shove to the side and slurp it up. And that was exactly what he did. He put the bowl to his face and started slurping the contents, which were surprisingly friendly to his palate.

Luci stared at him, a mix of fascination and face-palm-worthy-ness. "That's not how you..." He was attempting to eat it, at least. That's what mattered. "Well, whatever works I guess." Luci muttered, taking her own bowl to the table and devouring it wholeheartedly. Which was her first mistake- because the ramen was still hot. Her tongue suffered the consequences as she decided to blow on the ramen some more until it was at a reasonable temperature. She looked up from her bowl earnestly, wondering if the beast enjoyed her cooking at all. "Well....what do you think?" She asked, looking at her reflection in the fork.

@Fallout Bandit
"It's salty.. but I don't hate it," he replied, slamming the bowl onto the table, nearly shattering due to the absence of a gentle nature. It was good, great even, but didn't like that he was going to be proven wrong. So, he kept his cool, level headed self, and threw in a bit of criticism. Then, he looked over at her, his cold, Olive eyes watching her as she held her fork.

Luci knew there was always room for improvement. Ramen was an art, after all. As she heard the beasts reply, Luci couldn't help the warm smile accompanying her features. As if saying, I told you so. Gleeful, she began twirling the ramen in her fork, looking up to meet his gaze. "As long as you don't hate it, I'm glad."

@Fallout Bandit
"What if I do hate it and don't want to hurt your feelings?" Animkii asked, taking a seat at the table. "Also.. is there spare clothing around here that could possibly fit me. I feel, and look, dirty," the Wendigo leaned against the table, chin on his hand and elbow on the tabletop. He was comfortable around the human in some way, but that didn't mean that nothing could rattle his violence if need be.

"If you do hate it, I'd be happier if you were honest. Humans prefer honesty, not being fed lies." Luci informed between slurps. She understood he was probably not the most educated beast-man out there, so she didn't feel taken aback by his words. Nearly done with her bowl, Luci savored the after taste in her mouth. Putting her bowl away in the sink, she turned on the sink water while responding to the beast man's inquiry about clothing. "Spare clothing?" Luci turned off the water, turning to him with her arms crossed. "That depends. This is the headquarters of the special task force. Do you plan on making yourself useful here?"

@Fallout Bandit
"It's the only choice I have.. No one is exactly friendly to the likes of Wendigo or anyone like Wendigo for that matter," he replied, leaning back. "Of course, if you don't want me here, I can always take my leave and go somewhere else," Animkii sighed, running his hands through his dirty hair. The ramen taste remained in his mouth, which was admittedly delightful.

Luci smiled wistfully, "Now, do you think Toma would be okay with you leaving? As long as you help us out, you're welcome here, no matter if you're a Wendigo or a hybrid cat." Luci said, thinking at the back of her mind that a Wendigo would prove to be a available asset- no, ally. "By the way," She walked over to the table, a cheerful skip in her step. "You kind of stink, so go take a shower at some point." Luci added, resting her hands on her knees and leaning in to meet him eye to eye. Another attempt at being intimidating. "If I find you doing anything suspicious, you'll be kicked out. By the way..." She moved back, giving him space. "I don't think I ever got your name...?"

@Fallout Bandit
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He ignored the suspicion part and skipped to his name. "Animkii (nihm-kee)," he rhapsodized, pushing himself up from the seat. "Don't worry. I don't intend to do anyone wrong." Animkii gritted his teeth out of habit and looked down at her. He wasn't surprised that she had distrust in him, especially since the incident that had happened prior to meeting her and Tomo. "Your name is.. Luci, correct?"

Luci nodded, the aroma of the kitchen began to fill her senses. She could get high off ramen if that was possible. "Animkii, huh?" Luci most likely butchered the pronunciation. "Ani.....Wendigo.....Wendy. Oh! Can I call you Wendy instead?" For some reason, she felt as if this wasn't the first time someone thought of the nickname. She despised her full name herself. Lucitiel. It brought back unwelcome memories of a childhood she'd rather not remember.

@Fallout Bandit
"Wendy? I hate that name," he replied, frowning. Not only did he find the name annoying, but it was far too feminine for him, not that it was bad or anything. The name just didn't stick, it didn't fit with him. Animkii wasn't even that hard to pronounce anyways, but it mainly just came down to Native tongue. "Whatever. Call me what you will," he sighed in frustration. It was still eating at him, bothering him, but he got the vibe that the Wendy name would become something persistent.

Even while being as oblivious as ever, Luci could sense that the name was something he despised hearing. Luci could relate. "Animkii it is then." Luci stated, grinning mischievously. Though "Wendy" might slip out at some point. "While you're here, you can use the room next to Tomo. It's vacant and should supply all your...beastly needs."

@Fallout Bandit
"And.. where can I bathe?" Animkii asked, raising a brow of his. His eyes showing obvious fatigue, but he didn't want to go to sleep quite yet; he wanted to have time to himself to ponder and think about life.

Luci answered his questions with ease. "Your room has a bathroom inside it." The headquarters always had common necessities. From weapons to cabinets full of ramen noodles- no one would ever go hungry. "Well, if you don't have anymore questions, I'll be going back to my room now."

@Fallout Bandit
"One more thing.. is... it possible for you to teach me how to make Ramen? For curiosity purposes, you know," Animkii muttered, looking down at the ground.

Animkii was relieved he was being treated fairly rather than a monster, back at the Freak Show, there was no leniency, no freedom. No good food, no happiness. And maybe, Animkii would be able to find that here. A place where, not only would he earn more skills, but a place where he could possibly be able to control the monster that comes out.

*nyla gave Dracula a sympathetic look knowing he was probably forced to do that several more times then her.* Only twice that I can remember. They had me drugged a couple times because I would bite them and I'd fight back....I don't know what happened during that time period. *she shrugs* I really don't want to know either...I am lucky I guess not to remember those times because who would want to remember? But yea...they also did tests on me. Like a lab rat... They would perform surgery type things on me without anesthetics and those were horrifying moments, feeling someone cut in to you and being held down, them taking pleasure out of your screaming, I refused to scream in front of them, I wouldn't give them that satisfaction..."
"I'm sorry, Dracula." *Nyla's eyes are full of sadness and pain. She reaches out and grabs Dracula's hand giving it a sympathetic squeeze then drops it. She looks at Dracula's Father who was still stitching up her side.* "Are you almost done?" She asks him.
Dracula smiled a bit at this gesture. "Yes" the father said, putting away his sewing stuff and putting on a new bandage. "You can sit up now, but be careful not to open them again..."

Dracula, having gone through some sort of flashback, only now noticed that Toma was on a ventilator. "What happened to him?" he asked.

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