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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Luci stood up and stared outside her window in contemplation. All seemed calm- there didn't seem to be any warnings about a monster coming into the world of the living or anything like that. If there was an emergency, Tomo would be sure to alert her with news, in the most obnoxious way possible. Casting her attention away from the window, Luci glanced at the door, where a knock sounded. Speak of the devil...er, cat. She shuffled over to the door, resting her hand on the doorknob. Wait. Tomo never knocks... Opening the door, Luci's eyes fell on the beast-man, sniffing around the door frame in the most casual way possible, "You..." She gawked at him, unsure of what to think. "Wait, when did you even get here...?"

@Fallout Bandit
"I coughed it up." Nyla replies casually. She sees the rust on the needle and then looks a Waya. "I've had worse things used medically on me, I'm not complaining. "

Nyla then looks at Dracula, "The stuff in the container does actually work. I was raised by a werewolf until I was four and a half, I remember him using it on me." She looks at the container," Its kinda like magic."
Father: "I'm just kidding." He then pulled out a sterile medical needle. Father: "But let's take a look at your lungs first..." He got out his stethoscope.

Father: "Maybe we can use it in addition to the stitches."
"I do tend to have issues with my lungs, but I used to have lung cancer as a babe but that's gone now after what my father did to me, but I have asthma like symptoms mostly and its rare."
Waya put away her other things and kept the container out and rewrapped her wrist ignoring her own pain
Animkii looked down at the much shorter person, however kept sniffing around the frame. "You reek of goat ass," the Wendigo replied nonchalantly, entering the room, sniffing around even more. "Why do you enjoy this?" He asked her with the curiosity of a child, "I don't smell or see the appeal. Enlighten me, human," Animkii spoke a bit more, trying to ignore the stinging of his wounds.

"Sounds like a chronic-obstructive bronchitis. That's a form of COPD." Then, the father gave her some pills. "Those should help. - Now, your wounds... leave your shirt like this and lay down on your side..."
"huh, the more ya know..." *She pops the pills* "Alright." *Nyla lays down on her side on the bed and looks back at her bloody wound.* "Nasty looking thing."
The friendly comment didn't go unnoticed as Luci was ready to shut the door in his face. Before she could do so, he'd decided it would be a good idea to walk into her room and completely ignore her question. Even Tomo wasn't that brave.

"Don't just walk into my room like that-!" Luci growled, rubbing her temple. "How do I put this..." After a moment, she placed a finger to her chin, thinking of plausible concepts even a man beast could understand. "You can't just smell appeal, or see appeal. Especially when it comes to food. You have to actually taste the ramen. Get it?" Luci inquired, completely oblivious to the wounds he'd sustained.

@Fallout Bandit
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"I got a extremely high pain tolerance. After being caught and tortured at age ten and then having to find my way out and kill the creatures that were keeping me..." she pauses "Pain doesn't bother me that much."
Ioan: "Torture, eh? I can sing you a song of this..." He rolled up his pant leg.

"Why would I want to taste the ass of a goat?" Animkii retorted, leaning against a wall of the room. "You must consume a lot of it since you reek of this.. Ramen," he snorted, trying to see if her annoyance would further blossom. He didn't seek to taste what the putrid stench had to offer, but it had piqued an interest. Many people seemed to have enjoyed it, so why wouldn't he? "Give me some."

Father: "Where are the others, actually?" Mihnea: "I don't know, but they must be deaf. I don't want to know what kind of noise we've just made..."
*She looks at him and says " let me guess...Humans? There not a fan of vampires, or cat looking dog acting hybyrid people for that matter..." She then pulls her shirt down to show her shoulder there's a thick scar there that looks like it goes down her back. "I have more all over my back and one on the other side of my hip."
Dracula was standing in the doorway. Dracula: "I've got those all over my body." Dracula sat down on a chair. "Despite my face, not a single part of my body is free of scars, one of my kidneys is destroyed, I can't move my right big toe, my left pinky toe is missing and my left middle toe is only halfway there, half of my back is numb and I've got problems tensioning my back muscles. For how long have you been held captive?"
"I was there for a year...They kidnapped me from a street I was on near the forest, they tortured me more by killing my kind in front of me then they did by whipping me, cutting me, shooting at me, they killed several cat folk and werewolves in front of me... I never encountered other humans before then and I was naïve to think..." she sighed closing her eyes at the painful memory, "It doesn't matter now, I got away. They paid the price."
Luci looked at him, deadpan. She had never encountered someone so ignorant when it came to the wonders of ramen. Impatience seemed to be wearing thin as Luci walked over to him with a deadly look on her face and punched the wall next to his head. "Listen, you, don't come into my room and insult my ramen ever again." She said in a low, almost menacing voice. Sometimes it was hard for Luci to be intimating.

"The ramen is in the kitchen down the hall," Luci said suddenly, a lighter tone coating her voice. "Get out of my room, and then maybe I could prove you wrong."

Luci hadn't cooked ramen in a while. Toma had been her servant for that...

@Fallout Bandit
Dracula: "A year? You're lucky. I had to go through this for five years... I was tortured every two days... raped and tortured... this was from age 10-15... and my brother, who was imprisoned with me, was only five... besides us, there were hundreds of other boys, and most of them didn't make it..." In Vladi's case, it has led to a psychological disability... together with many other factors" the father said, and Dracula sighed. "Yeah... pain, fears and problems... that's all my life has ever consisted of..."

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