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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

"Toma!" Nyla's ears turned into cat ears and her eyes turned into slits. She got out of the bed ignoring the pain in her sides. She went over to him her ears now helistening to his heartbeat
*Nyla ran and got a difibulator, this being the only piece of the equipment she knew how to use that he recently got, she quickly put him on the floor yelled "Clear!" and shocked him with it. * Come on Toma...
Nyla gets off of the floor and looks at her side its bleeding badly again but she doesn't care. she runs out of the room to find Mihnea's grandfather. She finds him and grabs his arm... " Help! Toma's not breathing!"
"He just said that he felt dizzy and he passed out. He has no pulse!" Nyla was crying now, she always had a liking for children and Toma really got to her.
The father got the ECG and told Mihnea to get away. Then, he attached Toma to the machine and checked his vital functions. Flatline. "Dammit..." the father cursed and told Mihnea to continue with the CPR while he prepared an adrenaline injection.
Luci was dreaming. A series of random events, playing out like a broken record.

The small child sat between her parents, kicking her feet up in the air. She was a rocket-ship, and she wanted to fly. Far away to a place where being happy was a good thing. Everyone was wearing black. Everyone had tears streaming down their face. The woman sitting beside Luci, had makeup smeared around her eyes. She was sobbing, a handful of tissues in her hands.

She noticed Luci didn't seem affected by the atmosphere at all. "Wipe that stupid smile off your face. This is a funeral, act like a normal child and be sad!" Death was a common pattern within the family, a funeral was always around the corner. That's why Luci never cried, not since she was a newborn. Death was an enemy, but also a friend. What's gone could always be replaced, Luci thought, that's probably why she wasn't allowed to adopt any more cats. They would die and Luci would shrug it off. Was that really a problem...?

The scene suddenly faded to white, and Luci was sitting in a white room with colorful pictures. "What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?" The white board read. Students began to scrawl their answers, and Luci stared at the white paper presented in front of her. She drew a grim reaper, and picking up a red crayon, drew an 'X' over it.

"I want to be-"

Suddenly jolting awake, Luci rolled out of bed, meeting the floor upon impact. She couldn't recall when she had gotten back to HQ- or if she was simply hallucinating being gone at all. She was in her room, that was for certain. Her sword, like always, had been underneath her pillow. Luci smiled cheekily, shrugging off the sombering fact that the dreams have continued again.
*Nyla looked at her side and it was bleeding really bad but she couldn't feel it. She was too worried about Toma. She unwrapped her bandages and got new ones out of her backpack to wrap around her sides.* She heard Waya say she could help and Nyla looked at her. " How can you help him?"

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