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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)

Vuljun sighed. "Vashti, lokaal." He looked back at the tavern where he met this elf. I really hope she knows how to do something like this. His breaths were lighter than prior and he handed Aerith a small emerald, about the size of her palm. "This gemstone often is used by Dragons to symbolize nature. Keep it." He soared the small distance once more and looked in the window where he last saw Vashti.
"Oh, my! Thank you." Aevith says, her face lighting up. The emerald in her palm was beautiful, she gently tucked the emerald into her pocket and bit her lip slightly. "I could go and get her if you'd like." She says, imagining what the elf-girl would do if she waltzed into the tavern asking if she could turn her friends into human/dragon things. She chuckled slightly at the thought.
Kira just stands there watching the two talk and realizes the tree and rushes to put it out before the tree dies and sighs thinking "thank goodness I put it out before the tree was destroyed" as he smiled and castes a spell healing the tree as he smiled,
Vashti waited patiently for a waiter to come, and eventually they did. A woman dressed in plain brown and white approached her willingly. She politely asked her what she'd like to drink, and Vashti replied with just tea. The waiter nodded and returned to the kitchen, where there were sounds of cups clinking together and silverware being rustled around in the drawers. The Tavern was more of a home than anything else to Vashti. She knew their customs by heart, and noticed when something changed, whether it be a picture frame out of place, or a new item on the menu.
Vuljun picked Vashti out of the crowd. "Drem yol lok, Vashti. Do you know of a way to change something's species into a human?" He watched as the waiters and waitresses rushed around the floors, granting the wishes of the patrons. Draaf, I'm a king and I don't get that treatment. I just get dovahhe kissing up to me.
(The tree was already dead... )

Yoljud looked at Vuljun suspiciously. Why are you giving her an emerald? The hell kinda dragon are you? She erased the thought from her mind and the look from her face and followed her mate to the tavern.
Aerith smiles widely at Kira and claps her hands.

"Hello!" She says, her voice cheery as she had never met another half-elf before. "I am Aerith."

She looked at the tree, and tapped her foot a bit before gently touching the charred bark.

Vashti glanced up at Vuljun, her eyes bleeding excitement. She couldn't help but nod, it had been a while since she had used magic on someone. Vashti cleared her throat and looked around the Tavern before saying anything. "What exactly do you want, Vuljun? Why would you need that sort of necromancy?" Vashti's temper seemed to have faded a bit, despite the fact that she was still famished. She was not only excited to use one of her few skills. She had been bored with nothing to enchant, so this seemed to be a scarce moment for her.
"I want to be changed into a human. But I want to retain my mind and mastery of the Breath." Vuljun said this without reluctance, confident he wanted to do this. He started imaging what he'd do. The travels he'd go on. The people he'd help. The elves he'd help. The lack of worthless politics. If she could actually do this..
Kira looked over to the voice saying "uh I-i never met one either" he said looking at her rubbing his ears under the hat he had on, and saw her walking over to the tree and touched the charred part he was fixing and then looked at her again.

@Unique Username
Yoljud leaned in closer to the two and listened with great interest. So this was the elven mage they had spoken of. The dovah jud had never seen an elf before. I mean, she'd heard of them but never spoken to one in the flesh. Didn't Vuljun hate elves? Why was he voluntarily speaking with one? "I would like the same to be done to me, please."
"I see." She replied, looking him up and down. He was quite large, so it may take quite a bit of witchcraft for it to work. Especially for two dragons. She needed supplies, that was for certain. "The Tavern is not the place to speak of this, but it can be done." She announced, standing up from her seat. Her water could wait. "Where would you like to discuss this?" She inquired respectfully, motioning her hand from them to her.
(I think the tree was already dead, even before it was set on fire)

"Interesting." Aerith says, before her eyes twinkled. "You love the forest as I do?" She asks, before humming slightly and pulling her sketchbook from her knapsack. She flipped through a couple of pages before finding the unfinished picture of the bird she had seen earlier, she racked her brain to remember what the rest of it looked like, and began to draw with the bird in her mind.
Vuljun had decided it wasn't necessary for others to see this. He knew of a cave neglected by all. "There is a cave southwest of here, Fahliil. Secluded to prevent any wandering eyes." Vuljun lowered his wing outside, waiting for Vashti to walk outside and climb on. "I will fly you there in the blink of an eye."
@Unique Username (It was, I said that...)

Yoljud watched as the two spoke. Does she realize that I'm here, too? She didn't seem to react to my wish, as well... She looked back from Vuljun to Vashti and followed them outside. I can't let this elf get in the way of all that i've worked for...
(Lol he doesn't care)

After the girl asked him Kira said "yes I love the forest I lived in it most of my life with L at my side...ago it's like my home" he said as he sat down taking his hat off reaveling ears that are to short for elves but to long for humans and rubbed them saying "I gotta stop wearing this hat" .
A sudden wave of uneasiness washed over Vashti. She had never flown on a Dragon before, and she was hesitant. Her eyes picked him apart, and finally she exited the Tavern. "..I've never flown." She told him, walking up to him slowly. She glanced at Yoljud, and then back to Vuljun.
Vuljun grinned. "I'll fly slower then. Tell me when you want me to go faster. I actually recommend looking down, it's beautiful." He looked at the wing he let down for the elf. His happiness that this was happening was surprisingly powerful.
"Vuljun's a ruthless flier, and I wouldn't say he'd be the safest to ride along. Don't think sitting on those spikes would be too comfortable anyways..." His joy in the situation at hand was unnerving her. What are you trying to do?
She nodded wordlessly, and jumped onto his scaly back, her feet barely touching his wing in the process. She didn't like the idea of flying, but she was curious. She never knew how Asmus looked from the skies. Vashti glanced at Yoljud, seeing that she was a bit intrigued as well. "It won't be too long of a ride, I presume." She said aloud, trying to ease her own thoughts.
"That is true! You have very nice ears." She compliments him, finishing off her picture and then stretching out her legs. So far she'd had the best day of her life, other than losing a tree. "I cant believe I've met dragons! They're amazing creatures don't you think?" She asks, looking around for Xani who she had hoped would join their conversation.

(@Quiet Is Violent I don't want you to be left out.)
Vuljun took off steadily. He extended his wings and soared steadily in the clouds. He was making sure to have more dexterity than normal, as she was new to flying. Vuljun was also flying at about half-speed he usually would, which was still rather fast. The roar he made was nice and deep, his curiosity of anthropoid life has been peaked.
Xani had left. She felt awkward and out of place. She hated most things in life. Nature. Elves. Half-elves. All sorts of things. She could get along with dragons and that's rarely. The only ones who really understand her at the spiders. So she returns home, harvesting silk to made a blanket from.
Vashti hung on for her life. Her eyes were sealed shut, and soon they began to throb in pain. She didn't mind it, though. She was riding on a Dragon, she didn't know what to expect. Her heart pounded. There was no saddle or anything for her to be fastened to. She could easily fall if she pleased, or so she imagined. As Vashti gripped Vuljun's back, she very slowly and dubiously opened her eyes. The world looked so much different. There were hints of familiarity, but it had all changed. She could see the roof-tops and just about everyone on the streets. It frightened her, so she dare not lean an inch. She had decided that she was much more comfortable with hanging on as tightly as she could, while still not choking the Dragon she was mounted on.



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