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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)

She glanced over at the Goblin who whistled not taking her attention off the fight, but Gregory turned his head. With a silent smile she twisted and her foot into his groin, if he got the element of surprise she got to fight dirty. He winced and randomly swung as she dropped to the ground and kicked him away from her, remembering the Goblin ha a crossbow.
Kaznik didn't miss the chance given to him. He fired the crossbow into the mans center mass sending him back into the fountain, afterwards he folded the crossbow up and slid down the roof next to the girl after a little roll. "I guess your not so like me, fight a bit worse..." Kaznik would say moving past her he'd check in the fountain making sure the man was dead. "Now I wasn't finished talking to you..." Kaznik said turning back to the girl. "First off I'm Kaznik Moneypocket, no relation to the Moneypocket banking offically. I'll get to the point I want to kill those dragons for their pelt and I need help." Kaznik said very bluntly to the girl obviously making it seem like no wasn't an answer to his request.

"Well I'm not a dragon slayer. Thank you very much." she said daring to go against what his tone implied.

"And sorry to say two years of fighting doesn't do me to much." the Fae said, turning and shifting before he had the chance to say anything else, then she flew away.

This time she was slightly pissed off and flew fast and high, going into the clouds so she was impossible to tail. She bolted forward circling the tavern once she got there and dropping, shifting as she did so, the bright light probably blinding a few in the tavern. With an annoyed look she walked inside and sat down at an empty table, kicking her legs up.
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Aerith was about to reply when a flash of bright light made her eyes go wide.

"What on Earth?" She asks nobody as she balls her hands into fists and uses them to rub her eyesockets. She glanced over to where the bright light came from and saw a girl with her feet on the table Hmph. Rude. She ignored this however and turned back to Vashti.

"Wise words." She says, a smile coming back to her face and she sighed. "My uneasiness comes only to those who glare at me. If looks could kill, I've a feeling I'd be dust." She says, chortling slightly before shrugging again and placing her hands on her hips. She turned to Vuljun and cleared her throat. "So, as I've heard you're good at that shout thing dragons do. The Breath? That seems interesting. I heard that it starts out just as words, but a Dragon's magic turns it into something so much more powerful."
When the tree had finished burning, Xani goes to the ashes and pockets a handful. "I'm going to start collecting ashes. Then I can make something out o the different colors of ashes. I already have Silk Tree ash and now I have a regular tree ash. Next I'm going to burn a mushroom. I heard that the flames turn green sometimes on mushrooms." Xani explains to Yoljud as she goes to climb up onto her back. "Where is Vuljun? He just disappeared!"

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"It's Dovahzul rotte, Dragon Tongue words. This combined with the mighty su'um lu, breath magic, makes the effect that shouts do. I'm the best, actually. I don't pride myself too much on it. I used Clear Skies this morning to prevent the incoming storm." Vuljun really never found himself being too proud on being the best at the Breath. He tapped his claws, attempting to make a beat.
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(Im just starting out on a limb who ever meets me meets me. xD )

Kira was on top of his guardian smiling because his guardian rarely let him do this, so after riding for a bit they started talking as Kira said "hey L why did you become my guardian?" He asked questionably so L replied saying "I will tell you when you mature"mso Kira got a little mad because of this and kept on riding his guardian with a big this with every step.
Yoljud stared at the tree in awe. Burn, tree, burn!! "It's really a pretty scene." the dragon announced to her human companion. She looked over as Kira and his guardian approached the two watching the blazing tree. "Why, hello there." Her scaled face attempted to look as friendly as possible.
Kira looked at the dragon and L let him down disappearing into his shadow as he said to her "hi there"mass he looked at the burning tree thinking "does she have a temper or something against nature" as he tried to look calm as if the tree wasn't burning.

Aerith listened with interest to Vuljun, and nodded with what he says.

"That's quite wonderful." She says, before giving a small smile. "I'm going for a run through the forest." She says, before hopping out of the window, she had already paid for the food she received, and soon she was waving goodbye to Vuljun and disappearing into her favorite place. She was happy, and perfectly content until she smelled smoke, and tears sprung to her eyes as she ran in the direction of the fire.
(BTW The tree is secluded so it can't exactly spread and burn down a forest)

Yoljud looked back at him and cocked her head to the side. "Does the tree not look nice burning? Sure it's destruction, but it's only one tree, and the colours look quite nice as they dance among each other in the flames, do they not?"
"it is a pretty scene. Fire could endlessly entertain me." Xani doesn't even notice the boy and his guardian approaching until he spoke. Then Xani tries to hide herself. She hates company other than dragons and spiders.
Vuljun watched as Aerith galloped off happily towards the forest. Wait..is that smoke? He soared the small distance Aertih moved, and watched the tree which was set ablaze. "Why cry, tis only a tree which cannot infect other trees with yol?" The dragon was thoroughly confused at the half-elf's tears.
When Aerith had reached the burning tree she collapsed onto her knees and looked at it as tears flowing from her eyes.

"This poor soul." She whispers. To her trees had always been company, and it saddened her when they were harmed.

She then notices the dragon and it's company, but she didn't walk over, instead she sat with her legs crossed on the grass near the burning tree and cried silently. She was quite emotional, especially when it came to nature. There's no telling how many animals made their home in that tree.
Xani sees the crying girl and climbs down, avoiding Kira. She walks over and sits down. "Are you alright?" Xani asks, concerned for the girl.
Vuljun was truly puzzled. Is this how anthropoids act to trees? He never thought much of trees, nor forests. There was a high chance Yoljud burned that tree. He would've questioned why she was crying, but he just lied his head next to her. "Dii krosis, my sorrow for your loss."
(Ok, Quiet, I love your siggie)

Yoljud turned back as she heard her mate speak and attempted to smile at her until she noticed that the girl was crying. "What is wrong, young one?" Her darkly coloured eyes glittered with confusion as they looked into those of Aerith. "Is it not beautiful watching the flames dance among the leaves and dying branches of this tree?" Yoljud had personally always despised trees as they often got in the way of her flight.
Vuljun looked at his mate with a slightly sick expression. "Can't you see she clearly liked that tree? It's apparent she doesn't like flames." His apologetic eyes shifted to Aerith. "Ice Form would only freeze the plant, if that'd help."
Aerith dried her eyes and smiled at everyone who had spoken to her.

"Everything is fine. It is only that I feel sorry for the tree, and the animals that had made their homes in its branches. I'm very fond of nature, and it seems to hurt me whenever nature is harmed." She states quietly and turns to Vuljun. "Do not worry, everything happens for a reason. Perhaps it was this trees destiny to bring us all together." She laughs, before her eyes widened at the other half-elf. "I have never met one like me before. Are you? Are you half-elf?" She asks him, standing up and looking at him curiously.
Yoljud felt taken aback as her mate replied. Her head moved back and she looked the side at the ground as her ears folded to the back of her head. "I didn't mean to upset the girl, I was just hoping that another would like to enjoy the beautiful colours. The tree was already dead. When we arrived it had apparently dried up and looked almost shriveled and destroyed. If it would please you, youngling, after the tree has burnt down and the fire has died, we can plant a new tree in it's place." She hated trees but she hates seeing others sad even more.
Xani feels out of place. She honestly could care less about the tree. So instead of apologizing, she merely takes out the ashes she collected and wraps it in a gold pouch. "Here." Xani offers it to the half-elf. "To remember it by. Maybe you could use it to grow another tree. I heard that organic material helps grow plants."
Or Yoljud just decided to unravel her hatred for trees and love of fire. Do humans and elves believe in divinity like this? Interesting. I want to become human."Aerith, was it? Is there some kind of magic to change species but retain the power and knowledge of to species prior to the change?" Vuljun bravely asked this in front of Yoljud.
"Magic? Ooh magic. If there's any way to transform, I would like to as well." Yoljud's eyes lit up at the idea, yet inside she just didn't want to say goodbye to Vuljun. You would not dare leave me...
Aerith smiles brightly at Xani who had handed her a pouch of the tree's ashes. "That is a wonderful idea! We could plant another tree, and it could pass down it's spirit with these ashes. Thank you." Aerith was a very superstitious person, so she always took things that involved new life seriously.

Aerith turned towards the dragon with furrowed eyebrows. She thinks for a few moments, her mind flittering through the things she had read.

"I believe I've read of something like that, but I think it would be best to ask someone who is skilled in magic. Someone who has more than just book knowledge." She says, with an apologetic smile. She wished she could be more help. "I heard that the elf girl is a very skilled sorceress, the one who we had met in the tavern. Perhaps she will know more about it."
(*starts singing black magic woman*)

Yoljud perks up and is glad to see Aerith happy. "No problem. What is the name of this elven sorceress you speak of?"

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