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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)

(@Quiet Is Violent HEY!! You stole my shit xD )

Yoljud gets a tad annoyed at the elf, due to her hardly acknowledging her. Zu'u los het, ahk, hi mal fahliil... She set off after the two. At least Vashti appeared interested in the view, so she was seemingly enjoying her flight.
Vuljun doesn't even feel Vashti grapple tightly on his scales. He was too distracted by his daydreaming.

After a few minutes, Vuljun landed gracefully in front of the massive cave. He walked inside and sat, waiting for his elven comrade to perform the spell. I wonder how this will feel....
Yoljud landed next to her mate in the cave, and began to wonder why she came along, but the thought was quickly expelled when she reminded herself how much she cared about him.
Vashti hopped off of the Dragon, and landed quietly on the ground. She took a step back, and got used to the earth again. She looked around, finally aware of her new surroundings.

"Now, we may discuss the spell." She said, turning back to Vuljun. Vashti sat down on a rock that was protruding from the ground. It was cold and musty, along with the rest of the cave. She breathed slowly. "I must first add that I need ingredients before I cast this spell. It's quite complicated, unfortunately." Vashti swallowed, turning to Yoljud. "Are you both sure that you want me to do this? It cannot be reversed."
Yoljud nodded. "If Vuljun's in, I am." She didn't feel the need to await her mate's reply, she knew his answer already. "So, what ingredients might you need? Perhaps we could help collect them?"
Vuljun grinned. "You do not understand the riches of the Dragons. It seems I'm the only one who isn't greedy as all hell. I am confident I long to do this. I have been a dragon for too long, it bores me. We have your ingredients, I do not dare question that."
"Dragon's blood, the eye of eel, hen's beak, pure human hair, human blood, wolf's milk, apple stem, burdock root, and lizard tongue are all what I need. You'd be surprised, some spells require twenty ingredients." Vashti looked at them both with a straight, unamused face. If these two really wanted to become human, all of these things would need to be mixed into a vile. She'd need a cauldron to do this with, but she didn't know where she'd get one.
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"WOAH WOAH BACK IT UP THERE... Hen's tooth?" The dragon looked back at her puzzled. "How in Asmus would we get that?"
Vuljun recognized some of these names. "The dragon's blood wouldn't be too difficult. The wolf's milk, burdock root, and eel eye are things out royal alchemist has. She also has a cauldron for usage in mixing these. We'll retrieve the rest."

(no birds have teeth, GM xD )
GreenIV said:
Vuljun recognized some of these names. "The dragon's blood wouldn't be too difficult. The wolf's milk, burdock root, and eel eye are things out royal alchemist has. She also has a cauldron for usage in mixing these. We'll retrieve the rest."
(no birds have teeth, GM xD )
(It's from a book! xD )
Vashti nodded. "Very well then. This potion may take some time to brew so we must have patience. There may be other ingredients to make the potion more effective, so I'll see to that." She chuckled slightly. "Wouldn't want to wing stubs in your back now, would we?"
Vuljun let his wing down again. He knew the remaining ingredients' locations rather well. "I'll be flying faster now because of that." He formed a grin that would kill in the Dragon Court.
Vashti climbed up onto his back, quicker this time. She did not mind his eagerness to find these ingredients, it was interesting to know that there was someone out in the world who didn't risk procrastination. Vashti gripped his scaled shoulders, signalling that she was ready for flight.
Vuljun walked outside of the cave, taking flight quicker. He returned to the town in less than a minute this time. He didn't land until he was above a farm. When he landed, and handed Vashti 100 golden pieces. "Buy a hen from him. If he says that's too cheap, call me."
Vashti folded her hand over the coins, nodding to Vuljun. She turned, waving to him, and headed towards the nearest farm that owned chickens.

Soon, she was on a hunt for hen's beak.
Xani was oblivious to all of the treasure hunting. Instead, she went to the tavern and ordered a whiskey shot. Underage drinking was not discouraged here apparently. That or no one gave a shit. She takes the shot and then pays for it. She sees a goblin nearby and waves, too tipsy to give a shit about not talking to dangerous or hostile races.
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Vuljun was off asking humans for their hair and blood. He never got a volunteer. Wonder why. He desperately asked every single one, never getting a response. He sighed in disappointment.
"Too cheap! Too cheap!" The man wailed, throwing his hat back and fourth while pacing around the barn. "You're a scammer, I just know it! Off with you!" He was bouncing around like a rolling tomato. Vashti crossed her arms and scoffed. He was quite plump, round like a sack of wheat. Vashti hissed a few fowl names under her breath. She glared at the filthy peasant, who was only desperate for more money.

"Do you know my name, you piece of filth?" She retorted, gripping her dagger. The man's face was boiling with rage, she was wondering why he wasn't already passed out on the floor.

"Why would I care? You're just out to cook my hens for some soup! Or maybe even sell them to gypsies!" He howled, throwing his hands in the air with anger.

"My name is Vashti, you idiot. Now take my money before you regret this." She said mildly, conciliating him a bit. She handed him the gold in an annoyed manner. The man looked rather dumbfounded at her statement.

He cooled down a bit, realizing who he was trading with. His bounciness had subsided, and soon he accepted her offer. He was reluctant to do so, but he decided that it was better than anything else she planned for him. Who knows, he might find himself tied to a tree in the morning. Vashti gladly accepted, and took one of the finest hens she could find. The man growled as she left, repositioning his leather suspenders.
The Dragon eventually found a man who was getting his hair cut. Politely asking if he could have a bit of the hair, the cutter gladly gave him a clump.

Vuljun returned to where he left Vashti, disappointed that he couldn't acquire blood. He at least got copper hair. He awaited his elven partner's return patiently, optimistic she received the hen. Curious how she'd come up with a way to acquire the blood.
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Vashti saw Vuljun waiting for her, and she jogged the rest of the way. The hen was squirming for its life, almost as if it knew its fate. Vashti kept her grip on the claws, careful not to hurt the poor bird.

"What a dunce that man was," she said, looking at the hen. "Called me names."
"He's a little rowdy, but a good guy once you can get to know him." Vuljun shuffled his feet, slightly embarrassed. "I was only able to retrieve human hair, but not blood. Sorry for my incapability." In the Dragon Court, if someone failed to do anything, even a menial task, he was expected to apologize and do something even greater for that dragon. This was most likely a bigger deal for Vuljun than it was for Vashti. "Dii krosis, my sorrow for my failure."
"It's no problem, I didn't expect you to even get the hair." She replied, a little bit nonplussed. "If we want to get human blood, then we may have to do it by force." Vashti said, trying to get the hen under control. It was flapping its wings and thrashing its head around aimlessly. She grumbled, tossing her head away from the bird.

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